Asked By: Herbert Martinez Date: created: Dec 16 2023

Do neck strains cause difficulties in swallowing

Answered By: Alejandro Baker Date: created: Dec 16 2023

Neck and Throat Problems from DISH Not as Rare as Once Thought Dysphagia (difficulty swallowing) and airway obstruction can be caused by a problem known as Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis or DISH. Until now, it was believed that DISH was a rare cause of compression of the esophagus and trachea.

  1. But thanks to the efforts of researchers in the Netherlands, we have found out that this condition is on the rise around the world.Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis (DISH) causes ligaments along the front and back of the vertebrae (spine) to turn into bone.
  2. It is also known as Forestier’s disease, after the name of the physician who recognized it.

DISH more commonly affects older males.It is usually associated with stiffness and back pain, but often it causes no signs or symptoms. When the cervical spine (neck) is affected, other symptoms may occur such as stiff neck with loss of motion, difficulty swallowing, painful swallowing, choking, and snoring.The condition is most often confirmed by X-ray when there are at least four vertebral segments in a row ossified (hardened into bone).

Other imaging tests used in the differential diagnosis include barium swallow radiography, CT scan, laryngoscopy, and MRI.By performing a literature review called a systematic review, the authors of this article found 95 individual patient case reports and another 23 case series. A total of 204 people have been reported with this condition of difficulty swallowing, talking, and/or breathing because of the effects of DISH in the cervical spine (neck) and throat area.The most significant finding of this systematic review is the fact that between 1980 and 2009, the number of cases reported has continued to rise.

What’s behind this increase in neck and throat problems from DISH? Scientists aren’t sure yet but they do have some ideas.First, it has been observed that adults who develop DISH are more likely to also have type 2 diabetes and be obese. Both of those conditions are abnormalities in metabolism.

Since the formation of bone depends on growth factors such as insulin-like Growth Factor, it’s possible there is an underlying metabolic component to the disease. With more and more people who are obese and developing diabetes, it’s expected that the number of individuals affected by DISH will also increase in the coming years.Second, with improved imaging technology, it’s possible that physicians are able to detect the condition more readily than in the past.

This suggests that perhaps the incidence isn’t rising as much as the diagnosis is being accurately made more often. And the fact that many people have DISH and don’t know it (they have no symptoms) has kept some people from being diagnosed early on or at all.Third, an association between heart disease and DISH may be a new discovery made by this study.

By looking at these 204 cases and examining reported comorbidities (other medical problems people with DISH have), they found a higher rate of high blood pressure and coronary artery disease than previously appreciated.The authors concluded from their study that dysphagia and airway obstruction as a result of DISH are not as rare as was once thought.

The problem is not confined to one group of people or country either. Although Japanese people develop ossification of the posterior ligament of the spine more often than other groups, the case series came from around the world.It is believed that there is a “gross underestimation” (author’s words) of the real number of cases of this problem.

They further stated that the DISH condition of the cervical spine is not a “radiologic oddity” as some radiologists claim, but rather something that causes real problems. The changes observed on X-rays just are’t recognized for what they really are.And finally, once radiologists are trained to recognize DISH when they see it, the authors believe the number of reported cases will increase even more.

Physicians should get ready to see a steady increase in the number of cases of DISH. Likewise, the number of individuals with DISH affecting the neck will also increase as people live longer and develop more heart conditions, and metabolic problems such as insulin resistance, obesity, and diabetes.

Asked By: Miguel Bailey Date: created: Feb 20 2024

Can neck tension affect throat

Answered By: Peter Bailey Date: created: Feb 21 2024

Any pain in or around the neck can give rise to extremely tense laryngeal (throat) muscles. This is often experienced as a ‘lump’ sensation, tightness or constriction.

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Why does my neck feel tight and my throat hurts?

Tumors – A persistent sore throat is a common symptom of head and neck cancers. Other possible symptoms include:

pain when swallowinga lump or sore that is slow to heala chronic sinus infectionfrequent headachesswelling near the jaw pain or numbness in the facial muscles

Most people with a sore throat or neck do not have cancer. According to the National Cancer Institute, doctors diagnosed about 53,000 new cases of head and neck cancers in 2019. The CDC estimate that 38–54 million people had the flu between October 2019 and early March 2020.

drinking plenty of fluids to stay hydratedgargling warm water with saltdrinking warm tea with honey eating soft foods, such as soupsusing over-the-counter (OTC) anti-inflammatory or pain relieving medicationsapplying a warm compress to the affected area to ease muscle painusing a cold compress or an ice pack to reduce swellingstretching the neck and shoulders to relieve muscle tension

Although cold or flu symptoms usually clear up without medical treatment, home remedies may have minimal effects on the symptoms of a bacterial infection, such as strep throat. In this case, a doctor will likely prescribe a round of antibiotics, People may notice that their symptoms improve within a few days of starting antibiotics.

  • However, it is essential to complete the entire course to prevent reinfection and the development of antibiotic resistance,
  • People should see their doctor if they experience a severe or persistent sore throat that does not respond to at-home treatment.
  • They should also seek medical care if they experience severe neck pain that does not go away or spreads to other parts of the body.
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People must inform their doctor if they have:

difficulty swallowing or breathinga high fevera palpable lump in the necksudden, severe headachesnumbness in the limbs, face, or mouth

A doctor will perform a physical examination to check for swollen lymph nodes and signs of tenderness, redness, and swelling in the neck. They will also review a person’s medical history to determine whether an allergy, chronic condition, injury, or exposure to a particular substance could explain their symptoms.

  • If a doctor suspects that a person may have a bacterial or viral infection, they may order blood tests to confirm a diagnosis.
  • They might request a blood test that detects specific antibodies or one that measures the number of white blood cells present in the blood.
  • If a bacterial infection is more likely, the doctor may collect samples from a person’s throat or mouth and send them to a laboratory for further analysis.

A doctor may also follow this procedure if a person has an abnormal lump on their neck. Lab technicians will analyze samples of the tissue for signs of infections or cancer. A sore throat and neck pain can both occur as a result of mild illnesses, such as a cold, the flu, or strep throat.

  • In most cases, a person with this combination of symptoms does not need to seek immediate treatment.
  • The symptoms should resolve within a few days to a week.
  • Staying hydrated, getting enough sleep, and drinking warm liquids can help relieve a sore throat.
  • People can treat neck pain with OTC pain relievers, warm or cold compresses, and neck stretches.

Anyone who experiences severe or persistent symptoms may wish to speak with their doctor. A doctor can diagnose the underlying cause of the symptoms and recommend effective treatment options.

Asked By: Gerld James Date: created: Dec 05 2024

Does lymphoma make it hurt to swallow

Answered By: Alan Thomas Date: created: Dec 06 2024

Signs and symptoms of lymphoma – If the lymphoma is in the chest area, symptoms may include a cough, difficulty swallowing or shortness of breath. If the lymphoma is in the stomach or bowel, it may cause indigestion, tummy pain or weight loss. Indigestion is also called heartburn or acid reflux. Symptoms include a burning feeling in the chest, burping or feeling full and bloated. Sometimes pressure from swollen lymph nodes may cause pain. For example, it can cause pain in an area such as the tummy (abdomen). This is not common. Rarely, and only in Destination:|_|eventCategory|-|Internal links clicks|_|eventLabel|-|Source:|” data-gtm-added=”true”>Hodgkin lymphoma, a symptom is aching or painful swollen lymph nodes soon after drinking alcohol. Lymphoma can also cause symptoms that affect the whole body, including:

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heavy, drenching sweats, especially at night high temperatures or fevers over 38˚C (100.4˚F) that come and go without any obvious cause unexplained weight loss tiredness itching all over the body that does not go away.

Some types of lymphoma may cause other symptoms:

Destination:|_|eventCategory|-|Internal links clicks|_|eventLabel|-|Source:|” data-gtm-added=”true”>Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma (AITL) Destination:|_|eventCategory|-|Internal links clicks|_|eventLabel|-|Source:|” data-gtm-added=”true”>Burkitt Lymphoma Destination:|_|eventCategory|-|Internal links clicks|_|eventLabel|-|Source:|” data-gtm-added=”true”> Destination:|_|eventCategory|-|Internal links clicks|_|eventLabel|-|Source:|” data-gtm-added=”true”>Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) Destination:|_|eventCategory|-|Internal links clicks|_|eventLabel|-|Source:|” data-gtm-added=”true”> Destination:|_|eventCategory|-|Internal links clicks|_|eventLabel|-|Source:|” data-gtm-added=”true”>Lymphoblastic lymphoma (LL) Destination:|_|eventCategory|-|Internal links clicks|_|eventLabel|-|Source:|” data-gtm-added=”true”> Destination:|_|eventCategory|-|Internal links clicks|_|eventLabel|-|Source:|” data-gtm-added=”true”>MALT lymphoma Destination:|_|eventCategory|-|Internal links clicks|_|eventLabel|-|Source:|” data-gtm-added=”true”> Destination:|_|eventCategory|-|Internal links clicks|_|eventLabel|-|Source:|” data-gtm-added=”true”>Mantle cell lymphoma Destination:|_|eventCategory|-|Internal links clicks|_|eventLabel|-|Source:|” data-gtm-added=”true”>Primary CNS lymphoma Destination:|_|eventCategory|-|Internal links clicks|_|eventLabel|-|Source:|” data-gtm-added=”true”> Destination:|_|eventCategory|-|Internal links clicks|_|eventLabel|-|Source:|” data-gtm-added=”true”>Primary mediastinal large B-cell lymphoma (PMBCL) Destination:|_|eventCategory|-|Internal links clicks|_|eventLabel|-|Source:|” data-gtm-added=”true”> Destination:|_|eventCategory|-|Internal links clicks|_|eventLabel|-|Source:|” data-gtm-added=”true”>Splenic marginal zone lymphoma (SMZL) Destination:|_|eventCategory|-|Internal links clicks|_|eventLabel|-|Source:|” data-gtm-added=”true”> Destination:|_|eventCategory|-|Internal links clicks|_|eventLabel|-|Source:|” data-gtm-added=”true”>Waldenström’s macroglobulinaemia

Where in the neck is lymphoma?

What Is Head and Neck Lymphoma? – Lymphoma within the head and neck is cancer that develops in the lymphocytes. Lymphocytes are white blood cells that are commonly found within the main part of the body’s “drainage” system called lymph nodes, as well as in other kinds of body tissue.

  1. There are 600 lymph nodes in the body.
  2. Approximately 300 nodes are in the head and neck.
  3. Lymphoma is the second most common malignancy occurring in the head and neck area.
  4. Lymphoma is classified as Hodgkin lymphoma and non-Hodgkin lymphoma,
  5. While lymphoma primarily affects lymph nodes, it can also occur in non-lymph node tissue, this is known as extranodal lymphoma.

Extranodal Hodgkin lymphoma is rare. A larger number — about 25 percent — of non-Hodgkin lymphomas are extranodal. Approximately 33 percent of non-Hodgkin lymphomas are found within the head and neck. Extranodal lymphoma can be found in various tissues such as tonsils, parotid gland, thyroid gland, tongue, paranasal sinuses, and nasal cavity.