Why does trapped gas cause back pain
Red Flags for Swollen Stomach and Back Pain Bloating causes a distended stomach when the abdomen fills up with gas or air. This discomforting sensation can also cause pain that may be felt in the back. Together, a swollen stomach and back pain can make you feel not only distressed but perhaps a bit self-conscious as well.
- The two symptoms are tied together because the back provides support and stabilizes the body.
- However, abdominal bloating causes pressure and pain in the area which can spread to the back.
- The pain may vary in severity and type from sensations of dull throbbing to sharp and pinching pain.
- When the two symptoms are experienced separately they are fairly common and not usually a cause for concern.
But in instances where a bloating stomach pain is also accompanied by back pain, they could be indicative of a more serious condition. These should not be taken lightly as they can include the following:
Can gastritis cause upper back pain?
Symptoms – Assessing the severity of gastritis is sometimes complicated because the more severe cases may present with only mild symptoms and vice versa. This can mean that the condition goes unidentified and untreated until a more severe complication develops such as a peptic ulcer. Some of the symptoms of gastritis include:
Upper abdominal pain is the primary symptom of gastritis. The pain may be felt just underneath the breast bone, in the left upper portion of the abdomen and in the back. The pain may also radiate from the front of the abdomen towards the back. Usually, the pain is sharp and sudden. Belching may relieve the pain momentarily. Gastritis may lead to abdominal bloating and a feeling of fullness, especially after a meal. Nausea and vomiting are common symptoms of gastritis. The vomitus may be clear, green or yellow and may contain blood, depending on the degree of damage and inflammation. Green or yellow vomit indicates biliary reflux. In cases of gastritis caused by pernicious anaemia, other anemia symptoms may be present such as pale appearance, breathing difficulty and fatigue.
Why does trapped gas hurt my shoulder
Post-Surgical Shoulder Pain — The Center for Endometriosis Care However, this gas can also irritate the nerves and affect the physiology of the surrounding peritoneal tissue. It was once believed the resultant shoulder pain was simply due to reaction of the gas combining with water, or that it was merely ‘trapped CO2.’ However, the actual cause of the irritation is the result of ‘cellular death’ (not as formidable as it sounds – this is simply a direct response to tissue injury, considered part of the wound-healing process itself) caused by the combination of a temperature change from the gas at 70°F and the drying effect of the gas at,0002%.3 Much of this irritation is centered on the diaphragmatic region.
- Experiments with gases other than CO2 i.e., helium, nitrous oxide and argon have all produced the same or similar effect.
- Simply stated: when the CO2 gas irritates the diaphragmatic nerves, that pain is referred upwards through nerve connections, eventually landing in – and aggravating – the shoulder,
To be more specific: the diaphragm and shoulder share some of the same nerves; predominantly, the Phrenic nerve. The Phrenic nerve arises on each side of the neck, from the 3rd, 4th and 5th cervical spine roots. It passes downward between the lungs and the heart to reach the diaphragm (you can read more and see a medical sketch of this region ).
Impulses through this nerve from the brain bring about the regular contractions of the diaphragm during breathing. In particular, carbon dioxide-induced Phrenic nerve irritation causes referred pain to cervical nerve 4 (C4). Carbon dioxide trapped between the liver and the diaphragm can also cause the familiar upper abdominal/shoulder pain.4 Removing or ‘washing out’ the residual gas does help reduce the incidence and severity of this pain in both the shoulder and upper abdomen.
Some clinical trial studies determined that Pulmonary Recruitment Maneuvers and Intraperitoneal Normal Saline Infusions (INSI) reduced shoulder pain; with INSI proving a superior method.5 Preemptive analgesia is also helpful. Studies continue to further improve techniques towards ‘gasless laparoscopy’ as well, which is currently limited due to increased difficulty, impaired visualization, longer operative times and increased costs.6 In our Center, our surgeons are acutely aware of and take extreme concern with the comfort levels of our patients.
We have demonstrated that this pain can be reduced through the effective techniques we practice, including not only removal of the C02 before the end of the procedure but, importantly, heating and humidifying the gas, which prevents cellular death and quite simply, results in less shoulder pain.7 We always utilize the latest technology and surgical practices to minimize pain and recovery time for all of our patients, including (but not limited to) use of Insu flow ® technology.
Insu flow ® confers improved pain control and reduces the need for opioids and antiemetics in the postoperative period by humidifying and warming the CO2 to 95°F and 95% relative humidity. This practice has been proven in numerous to provide patients with the following benefits:
Less patient pain means less need for long-term narcotic medication; Less narcotic pain medication leads to less nausea or bowel symptoms; Less shivering and hypothermia; Less tissue damage leading to decreased inflammatory response; and Shorter recovery time lowering overall hospital stay, therefore saving the patient money.
Still; even in the best of hands with use of the most meticulous techniques, some shoulder pain may persist – though it should begin declining markedly around the 48 hour mark.8 Anecdotal tips for coping include applying a heating pad to the affected shoulder, alternating between lying flat or on your side and ambulating (walking around), judicious use of post-operative analgesia, use of over the counter medications like GasX and consumption of hot liquids such as tea.
Cellular Death – a normal, regular process by the body to deliberately get rid of unwanted cells C02 – a colorless, odorless gas comprised of one carbon and two oxygen atoms abdominal cavity Laparoscopy – a minimally invasive surgical procedure used to diagnose and treat endometriosis (among many other disorders) Peritoneal tissue – the membrane that forms the lining of the abdominal cavity Phrenic Nerve – innervates the diaphragm and is responsible for, among other functions, breathing Pneumoperitoneum – surgical creation of a distended abdomen to lift and separate organs (non-surgical pneumoperitoneum = free air in the peritoneal cavity; this is a secondary health concern not addressed or in any way referred to within this article)
References 1., 4., 5. Tsai H, Chen Y, Ho C, et al. Maneuvers to Decrease Laparoscopy-Induced Shoulder and Upper Abdominal Pain: A Randomized Controlled Study. Arch Surg.2011;146(12):1360-1366 2., 8. Hohlrieder M, Brimacombe J, Eschertzhuber S, Ulmer H, Keller C.
A study of airway management using the ProSeal LMA laryngeal mask airway compared with the tracheal tube on postoperative analgesia requirements following gynaecological Laparoscopic surgery. Anaesthesia.2007 Sep; 62(9):913-8 3., 7. Demco, L. Painless Laparoscopy? Journal of the International Society for Gynecologic Endoscopy.
February 2001 Volume 7 Issue 1 6. Goldberg J, Falcone T. “Gasless Gynecologic Laparoscopy.” Retrieved from : Post-Surgical Shoulder Pain — The Center for Endometriosis Care
What is Meganblase syndrome?
What are the symptoms of gas? – Each person’s symptoms may vary. The most common symptoms of gas are:
Belching. Belching during or after meals is normal. But belching too often can be a problem. You may be swallowing too much air. And you may be letting the air out before it enters your stomach. Chronic belching may also mean that you have an upper GI (gastrointestinal) disorder such as peptic ulcer disease, GERD, or gastritis.
Passing gas, or flatulence. Passing gas through the rectum is called flatulence. It’s normal to pass gas 14 to 23 times a day.
Abdominal pain. Gas in your intestine may be painful. When it collects on the left side of your colon, the pain may seem like heart disease. When it collects on the right side of your colon, the pain may feel like gallstones or appendicitis.
Abdominal bloating (distention). In most cases, this happens when the muscles of your intestine don’t move or contract in the normal way. This type of problem is called an intestinal motility disorder, which can make you feel and look bloated from your belly being swollen with gas.
Other health issues that may cause abdominal bloating include:
Crohn’s disease, colon cancer, or any disease that causes a blockage in your intestine, as well as internal hernias or scar tissue (adhesions) from surgery Fatty foods can delay stomach emptying and cause bloating and discomfort, but they may not cause too much gas Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth
There are a few rare, chronic gas diseases that cause belching. One of these is:
Meganblase syndrome. This causes chronic belching. It happens after eating big, heavy meals. You will swallow a large amount of air. You will also have a big bubble of gas in your stomach. This will make you feel very full and have trouble breathing. These symptoms feel like a heart attack.
The symptoms of gas may look like other health problems. Always see your healthcare provider to be sure.