Asked By: Sean Perez Date: created: Dec 31 2023

Why does the back of my ankle hurt when I flex my foot

Answered By: Jesse Campbell Date: created: Jan 03 2024

What causes foot and ankle pain? – A number of different things can cause foot and ankle pain. Around 1 in 5 middle-aged or older people suffer from it, and women are particularly affected. The most common causes involve the soft tissues of the foot and ankle:

Plantar fasciitis : this usually causes pain in your heel and along the arch of the foot. Plantar fasciitis occurs when the soft tissue on the underside of the foot (the plantar fascia) becomes inflamed. The pain is often worse after being inactive or first thing in the morning Achilles tendonitis : this causes pain at the back of the ankle when the Achilles tendon, which connects the calf muscles to the heel bone, becomes irritated. It can be caused by overuse, often when you start a new type of exercise or if the amount you exercise is increased Ankle sprains : these occur when the ligaments (the soft tissues connecting the bones of the foot) are damaged due to an injury. There will often be pain around the ankle and bruising or swelling, as well as reduced movement

How do I know if my ankle pain is serious?

Seek immediate medical attention if you: –

  • Have severe pain or swelling
  • Have an open wound or severe deformity
  • Have signs of infection, such as redness, warmth and tenderness in the affected area or a fever greater than 100 F (37.8 C)
  • Cannot put weight on your foot

What does an ankle impingement feel like?

Symptoms – Typically, people with anterior ankle impingement have pain over the front of the ankle joint, especially when the foot is pushed upwards towards the shin (dorsiflexion). This area is often tender, and occasionally the bone spur can be felt over the front of the ankle.

Asked By: Isaiah Wright Date: created: Sep 01 2023

What are the symptoms of ankle tendonitis

Answered By: Jesse Baker Date: created: Sep 01 2023

Symptoms of tendonitis of the ankle or foot – The most common symptoms of foot or ankle tendonitis are localized pain, swelling, and stiffness. Pain is the first sign of foot or ankle tendonitis. The pain typically lessens over time but then resurfaces the longer you spend on the foot or ankle.

Why does my Achilles tendon hurt when I flex my foot up?

Causes – Achilles tendinitis is caused by repetitive or intense strain on the Achilles tendon, the band of tissue that connects your calf muscles to your heel bone. This tendon is used when you walk, run, jump or push up on your toes. The structure of the Achilles tendon weakens with age, which can make it more susceptible to injury — particularly in people who may participate in sports only on the weekends or who have suddenly increased the intensity of their running programs.

Why do I have pain when I flex my foot?

Extensor tendinitis – Tendinitis can occur in many different areas of the feet and legs. The extensor tendons, located in the top of the foot, are needed for flexing or pulling the foot upward. If they become inflamed due to overuse or wearing shoes without proper support, they may get torn or inflamed.

rest, with or without splinting non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofensteroid injectionsphysical therapy or exercises

Once the tendon feels better, it is best to ease back into activity slowly to avoid inflaming or injuring the tendon again.

Why does my ankle hurt if I didn’t sprain it?

You’re strolling along when suddenly a pain shoots through your ankle for no obvious reason. Or perhaps you wake up one morning and your ankle is aching. Without an obvious injury, you might be wondering where the pain came from. Ankle pain can be — but doesn’t have to be — the result of an injury.

When should I xray my ankle?

Screening – Ankle x-rays are required only if there is pain in the malleolar zone (refer to Figure 1 ) as well as any one of:

  • Bone tenderness at A; or
  • Bone tenderness at B; or
  • Inability to bear weight both immediately and in the clinical setting (unable to take four steps independently, even if limping).

Foot x-rays are required only if there is pain in the mid-foot zone (refer to Figure 1 ) as well as any one of:

  • Bone tenderness at C; or
  • Bone tenderness at D; or
  • Inability to bear weight both immediately and in the clinical setting (unable to take four steps independently, even if limping).

Whether or not an x-ray is ordered, it is recommended that the patient seek follow-up care if their pain or ability to bear weight has not improved in five to seven days. Figure 1: Zones of the Ankle and Mid-Foot According to the Ottawa Ankle Rules 4

Why is my ankle hurting without injury?

How will my provider determine the cause of ankle pain? – Your provider will examine your ankle and foot. Providers check for swelling, pain and bruising. Testing depends on the location of the pain and whether you’ve recently had an injury. Your provider may order an imaging test such as an X-ray, or scan.

These tests create images of bones and soft tissues so your provider can check for damage. If your provider thinks you have an infection, you may need a, Your provider removes a sample of tissue and sends it to a lab to check for bacteria. Most ankle pain gets better with rest, ice and over-the-counter pain medication.

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Follow your provider’s instructions for at-home treatments for ankle pain. Your provider may recommend the RICE method (rest, ice, compression and elevation). If pain is severe or your ankle still hurts after a few days of at-home care, see your provider.

Rest: If you’ve had an injury such as a sprain, you should stay off your feet for a while. Talk to your provider about how long you should rest. Crutches or a walking boot can help you get around without putting weight on your ankle. Ice: To reduce swelling, apply ice or a cold compress to the area for 15 to 20 minutes every few hours. Compression: Ask your provider about wrapping an elastic bandage around your ankle to reduce inflammation. Be careful not to wrap it too tight. Elevation: Resting with your ankle elevated above your heart reduces swelling. You can also try to sleep with your foot elevated at night. Over-the-counter pain medication: can relieve pain and reduce swelling. Talk to your provider before taking any medication. Supportive footwear: Make sure your shoes provide adequate support for your feet and ankles. Avoid flip-flops, sandals and shoes that are too loose. It’s especially important to wear proper footwear when playing sports. Activities such as basketball and volleyball can lead to ankle injuries, especially without the right footwear.

What is synovitis of ankle?

Synovitis ankle is a condition in which the soft tissue lining of the ankle joint, called the synovial tissue, becomes inflamed. An inflamed ankle causes pain and swelling. It can be the result of injury or overuse. Inflammatory arthritis (rheumatoid arthritis) and osteoarthritis can also cause synovitis.

Asked By: Ethan Johnson Date: created: Sep 02 2023

What is gutter syndrome

Answered By: Clifford Brown Date: created: Sep 02 2023

Abstract – Anterolateral impingement syndrome of the ankle is caused by entrapment of the hypertrophic soft tissue in the lateral gutter. The impingement process begins when an inversion sprain tears the anterior talofibular, and/or the calcaneofibular ligament.

The ligamentous injury is not severe enough to cause chronic instability; however, inadequate immobilization and rehabilitation may lead to chronic inflammation in the ligament, resulting in formation of scar tissue. This tissue then becomes trapped between the talus and the lateral malleolus, causing irritation, pain, and further synovitis.

The end result is chronic lateral ankle pain. Initial treatment involves physical therapy modalities and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications. Those patients refractory to conservative treatment require arthroscopic debridement. A recent study has shown that arthroscopic debridement is successful in relieving pain and disability in high percentages of patients.

Asked By: Donald Price Date: created: Oct 25 2023

How do you fix a impinged ankle

Answered By: Charles Price Date: created: Oct 25 2023

Anterior ankle impingement can be due to scar tissue and inflammation or bone spurs that form in the anterior (front) of the ankle joint and limit range of motion and can cause pain. The classic form of impingement is referred to as “footballer’s ankle.” Despite the name, this can happen in many different types of sports including soccer, football, basketball, and in dancers.

This process is felt to develop as a result of repeated strain on the anterior capsule (front of the joint) with repeated plantar flexion that leads to calcific deposits, or from repetitive dorsiflexion that leads to subchondral injury (damage to the bone) to the talus (ankle bone) which leads to bone spur formation.

This can also be found in the chronically unstable ankles. The end result is a decrease in motion (primarily dorsiflexion) due to these changes. The presenting symptoms are typically a decrease in overall ankle range of motion, mostly affecting dorsiflexion.

This can also be associated with pain and inflammation. The diagnosis is made from a careful physical examination and xrays of the ankle. Occasionally an MRI is also utilized to evaluate other structures of the ankle. The treatment for anterior impingement in the ankle can include physical therapy to help improve the range of motion and break down scar tissue, anti-inflammatory medications to relieve pain and swelling, and ultimately surgery to remove the tissue or bone that is causing the blockage.

This can be done with ankle arthroscopy (see section on ankle arthroscopy ). This typically has a very rapid return to sports and activity after surgery.

Can stretching make tendonitis worse?

Stop Stretching Your Insertional Tendinopathy! Lack of stretching can cause injury, and often people think the cure for that injury is to stretch it out. Well, I am here to tell you that not all injuries benefit from stretching. In fact, some are actually made a lot worse by stretching.

  • Insertional tendinopathy is one example of an injury that is worse off with stretching.
  • What is Insertional Tendinopathy? Tendinopathy is an umbrella term for the various types of injury that can affect a, including inflammation and degeneration, and is characterised by pain.
  • A typical presentation of tendinopathy is pain felt in the initiation of loading, such as when you start to run or squat.

Tendon load does not solely come from tension, but there is also an important concept of compression that is often not fully explained. A good example of a tendon that is compressed is the, As the Achilles attaches to the heel bone it curves around the edge of the heel (imagine a rope on a pulley curving around a wheel).

Let’s look at the following analogy to help explain. I once towed an old farm car with a tractor, and the rope I used came at a high angle from the back of the tractor down to the front of the car, curved under the bumper and onto the axle where I tied it on. After pulling the car for about 10m the rope snapped, not in the middle of the rope, but where the rope curved under the bumper.

Stiff, Painful Ankle 5 Step Routine to STOP Pain, Loosen, & Avoid Surgery

The rope had worn itself by rubbing on the bumper. The compressive load in this scenario is the rope pressing on the bumper of the car. Putting pressure on a rope as it is pulled by the tractor, pulls on the resistance of the car. This is a similar example to how tendons like the achilles, hamstrings and gluteals can compress on bones which they wrap around as they come into their attachment point.

  • Usually the tendon is at a slightly differing angle to their line of force at its attachment as it is compressed around a bone.
  • Insertional tendinopathy is irritation of the tendon where it attaches onto the bone, which is where the compression occurs.
  • It is characteristically different to the other form of tendinopathy in that the pain source is not in the middle of the tendon, but where the tendon attaches to the bone (at its insertion).
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For years, we have been managing insertional tendinopathy through stretches and exercises, often with varied results. The more severe the tendinopathy, the less likely stretching would help. In fact, stretching results in further compression of the tendon at the irritation point, which actually worsens the pain.

Asked By: Oscar Brown Date: created: Dec 10 2023

Is it OK to walk with Achilles tendonitis

Answered By: Devin Rivera Date: created: Dec 10 2023

Answer: – Achilles tendonitis is a tough condition to treat since many aerobic activities can aggravate the condition and one of the treatment strategies is to avoid these activities. Aerobic conditioning is incredibly valuable for cardiovascular health and wellbeing.

  1. Other activities that can help you break a sweat (increase your heart-rate for extended periods of time) would be biking (especially spin), swimming and yoga.
  2. Even fast walking would likely be ok – but if too painful, try using an insert in the heel (available at most drug stores).
  3. This shortens the length of the Achilles tendon and relieves some of the stress.

The key to a good aerobic work out is to shoot for a target heart rate of 220 minus your age and then multiply by 0.8 ( x 80%). If you have trouble with the math – just work out hard enough so that you are not too out of breath and can speak at least five-word sentences comfortably.

What does a strained Achilles tendon feel like?

Rupture – The tears in your tendon fibers can cause a complete or partial break (or tear) in your tendon. You might hear a “pop” that seems to come from the back of your heel or calf. This may be a tendon rupture, which needs immediate medical attention. Dr. Nigel Hsu answers common questions about diagnosis and treatment of Achilles tendinosis.

Your Achilles tendon can develop tendonitis. This is when it becomes inflamed, swollen, and irritated. The Achilles tendon can also tear or rupture, which might sound like a “pop” that seems to come from the back of your heel or calf. This needs immediate medical attention. Anyone can develop an Achilles tendon injury and it’s often linked to repetitive stress on the tendon. Achilles tendon injuries often cause pain, stiffness, and swelling in the back of your leg near your heel. Achilles tendon injuries can be treated with rest and medicines to help with the inflammation. Exercises often help too. If needed, surgery can be done to repair the tendon. You can help prevent these injuries by doing things like increasing activity slowly, wearing the correct shoes for your activities, and not exercising on uneven surfaces.

Learn more about common sports injuries and treatments to consider from our sports medicine expert Alex Johnson, M.D., and our foot and ankle expert John Thompson, M.D., in this webinar-based video. Anyone can develop an Achilles tendon injury. They’re often linked to repetitive stress. The most common risk factors are:

Increased amount or intensity of an activity or sport Starting a new sport Tight calf muscles when starting an exercise or sport, this can place more stress on your tendon Bone spurs on your heel, which can rub against the tendon Wearing the wrong shoes when you exercise Exercising on an uneven surface Treatment with fluoroquinolone, an antibiotic

What does Achilles tear pain feel like?

Overview – Achilles (uh-KILL-eez) tendon rupture is an injury that affects the back of your lower leg. It mainly occurs in people playing recreational sports, but it can happen to anyone. The Achilles tendon is a strong fibrous cord that connects the muscles in the back of your calf to your heel bone.

  • If you overstretch your Achilles tendon, it can tear (rupture) completely or just partially.
  • If your Achilles tendon ruptures, you might hear a pop, followed by an immediate sharp pain in the back of your ankle and lower leg that is likely to affect your ability to walk properly.
  • Surgery is often performed to repair the rupture.

For many people, however, nonsurgical treatment works just as well.

Asked By: Christopher Green Date: created: Mar 11 2024

Why does it hurt when I stretch my foot up

Answered By: Henry Smith Date: created: Mar 13 2024

How Can I Prevent Plantar Fasciitis? – There are many approaches you can take to prevent plantar fasciitis in the future. If you are an avid exerciser or athlete, it wouldn’t be ideal to stop training and working out. The most common change would be to change your footwear.

  • Consider what kind of shoes you currently use and consider reinforcing them or replacing them.
  • If your plantar fasciitis occurred while wearing shoes that are still in good condition, then we suggest adding foot inserts for added comfort and support for your heels and arches.
  • If your shoes are older, it’s easy to assume they no longer absorb shock like they used to, so buy a new pair of shoes with shock absorbing soles in them.

If you run or hike for a living, it’s recommended that you buy the appropriate shoes for this exercise. Plantar fasciitis can limit your mobility and feel painful when trying to stretch your foot, but most people shouldn’t worry. Plantar fasciitis is a common foot condition that might feel serious, but the path to recovery should be a short and simple one.

What does a foot ligament tear feel like?

What Are the Symptoms of a Torn Ligament in an Ankle? – You can feel sudden pain, and a tearing, snapping or popping sensation – which might be so bad you can’t put weight on your foot – and swelling around your ankle joint. In some cases, there may bruising that extends down your foot and up your calf.

What does it mean when the back part of your ankle hurts?

Medically Reviewed by Sabrina Felson, MD on January 23, 2022 Ankle Pain When Flexing Foot Up It’s a tear in the tissues (called ligaments) that hold your ankle bones together. It often happens when your foot rolls sideways. Your ankle may bruise and swell. You might not be able to put weight on it. RICE is the best way to treat it:

R est I ce for 20 minutes at a time C ompress with an elastic bandage E levate your ankle – lift it above your heart

A light sprain will get better in a few days. If yours is worse, the doctor may suggest a short cast or walking boot, followed by physical therapy. Ankle Pain When Flexing Foot Up Your immune system normally fights off germs. Sometimes it attacks your joints by mistake. Doctors call this rheumatoid arthritis, It usually affects the same joint on both sides of your body. If you have it, both ankles are likely to hurt. Pain, swelling, and stiffness often start in the toes and front of your foot and move slowly back to the ankle. Ankle Pain When Flexing Foot Up This autoimmune disease causes your body to attack healthy tissue. People with lupus often have joint pain, including ankle pain. This is from lupus-associated arthritis and tendinopathy. Also, lupus can cause kidney problems that lead to fluid buildup in your joints. Ankle Pain When Flexing Foot Up A joint is where two bones meet. Cartilage covers the end of each bone to provide a cushion. Over time, it wears off. When it’s gone, the bones rub directly against each other. This can lead to pain, stiffness, and loss of motion. Your doctor may suggest anti-inflammatory drugs and steroid shots to reduce swelling, braces to help your ankle move less, and physical therapy to teach you strengthening exercises. Ankle Pain When Flexing Foot Up Your big toe is the most common spot for a gout attack, but it can affect your ankle, too. It happens when a waste product called uric acid turns into needle-shaped crystals that collect in your joints. This causes intense pain and swelling. Your doctor can prescribe medications to treat an attack. Ankle Pain When Flexing Foot Up Your arch is the space between your heel and the ball of your foot. It’s supposed to create a hollow area when you stand. If yours stays flat, it could be the result of injury or wear and tear. You could also inherit it. Flat feet also result from pregnancy secondary to hormonal changes and perhaps weight gain. Ankle Pain When Flexing Foot Up Three bones make up your ankle – the tibia (shinbone), fibula, and talus. If one (or more) cracks or breaks, you could notice pain, bruising, and swelling. You might be able to walk with a broken ankle, but it won’t be easy. If it’s severe, you could see exposed bone. Ankle Pain When Flexing Foot Up A heavy or sudden strain can cause tiny tears in the Achilles tendon, which connects your calf muscles to your heel. The back of your ankle may swell or feel tender and warm just above your heel. You might notice it most in the morning or after exercise. Ankle Pain When Flexing Foot Up This problem results from tissue breakdown due to overuse. It usually starts slowly and gets worse over time. You could have pain or a bump where the tendon at the back of your leg meets your heel. Sometimes it affects the middle of the tendon – you might notice a bump there, too. Ankle Pain When Flexing Foot Up There are many possible causes for ongoing pain on the outside of your ankle. It’s most likely because a ligament didn’t heal properly after a sprain and remains weak. This makes the entire joint less stable and leads to more injury and pain. Treatment depends on the cause. It will likely involve rest and special exercises to strengthen weak tissues. Ankle Pain When Flexing Foot Up Your ankle has two fluid-filled sacs, or bursa, that cushion the space between the tendons and bones. They can get inflamed from arthritis, overuse, high-heeled shoes, recent footwear changes, or starting workouts again after time off. Your ankle may feel stiff, tender, warm, and swollen. Ankle Pain When Flexing Foot Up A sudden injury like a sprain can damage cartilage on your talus (heel bone) or cause fractures, blisters or sores in the bone underneath. You might notice a catch in your ankle, or it could lock up or still hurt months after a treated injury, which could be an OLT. Ankle Pain When Flexing Foot Up This type usually follows an infection in your GI or urinary tract. Ankles and knees are among the first places you may feel it. Your doctor will treat the infection with antibiotics. There’s no cure for the arthritis, but anti-inflammatory drugs can help with pain and swelling. Exercise will keep your joints flexible. The arthritis should go away in a few months. Ankle Pain When Flexing Foot Up This group of conditions causes your skin and connective tissues to thicken. When it affects the tissues around a joint, you might feel pain and stiffness. It can also weaken your muscles and cause digestive, heart, and kidney problems. Treatment depends on your symptoms, which can vary. Ankle Pain When Flexing Foot Up If you’re also sick, irritable, and feverish along with your ankle pain, you might have an infection. The joint may be swollen, red, and warm. Your doctor may use a needle to remove fluid from your ankle to drain it or test for a cause. You’ll get antibiotics to kill the bacteria. It’s rare, but viruses or fungi can infect your joints, too.

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What causes pain at the back of your ankle?

Common causes of ankle pain include: Achilles tendinitis. Achilles tendon rupture. Avulsion fracture.

What does pain in the back of the ankle mean?

Pain in the back of your ankle, similar to pain in any part of your ankle, could be caused by a break, fracture, sprain, or strain.

Asked By: Raymond Jackson Date: created: Nov 30 2023

Why does the tendon behind my ankle hurt

Answered By: Eric Hernandez Date: created: Nov 30 2023

What are the risks of peroneal tendonitis surgery? – Like all surgeries, for peroneal tendonitis does carry some risks such as:

Bleeding., Infection. Nerve damage. Recurring tendonitis or ankle pain. tissue formation.

Tips for preventing peroneal tendon pain include:

Gradually work up to intense physical activity. Maintain a, Never push through foot or ankle pain., Allow for rest between workouts, games or other physical activity. Stretch to warm up your feet and ankles before physical activity. Use ankle braces, supportive shoes or other appropriate protective equipment. Wear orthotics if you have high arches, but only if recommended by your healthcare provider.

Most people recover fully from this condition in about a month. Talk to your healthcare provider before getting back to full activities or your sport. Your recovery time from peroneal tendonitis will be longer if you have surgery. After surgery, you’ll wear a cast on your lower leg for four to six weeks.

Are unable to walk or put any weight on your foot or ankle. Can’t rotate your ankle in any direction. Experience a snapping or popping sensation in your foot or ankle. Have severe, sudden pain in your foot or ankle. Notice swelling or discoloration in your foot or ankle.

A note from Cleveland Clinic Peroneal tendonitis is irritation or inflammation in the tendons that run along the outside of your ankle and foot. It’s usually due to overexertion and typically heals with a few weeks of conservative treatments. But untreated tendonitis can get worse, leading to a tendon tear.