Asked By: Curtis Morgan Date: created: Aug 16 2024

How do you fix knee pain when sitting

Answered By: Tyler Gonzales Date: created: Aug 16 2024

How can you stop knee pain from sitting all day? – Exercise can seem like a hard thing to do when experiencing knee pain. However, exercises at home that stretch and strengthen can help most types of knee pain. Prevention of pain from sitting all day can occur by walking and stretching every half hour to an hour.

The right mixture of stretching and strengthening exercises can help the pain by improving joint movement and functioning. Weak hip muscle from sitting can cause straining and pain of the knee. Tight muscles around the knee also cause pain. If your muscles are not flexible, the joints will not function correctly.

To relieve knee pain from sitting, you need to stretch and strengthen different muscles, starting from the hip abductors and moving to the quads and hamstrings. You should consider exercises like the following:

Side Leg Raises: while lying on your back with your leg straight, slowly lift one leg via thigh muscles. Lift into the air, pause, then slowly lower it back to the floor. Repeat with the other leg. This is a strengthening and stretching exercise, Hamstring Stretch: lie on your back. Grip your leg with both hands behind the thigh. Lift your foot towards the ceiling with a flexed foot. Keep the leg straight without locking the knee to feel a stretch. Hold, and then return to starting position and repeat with the other leg. Quad Stretch: stand with your feet shoulder length apart, bend your knee and bring the heel back toward your buttocks. Reach back with the same side hand and hold your foot. Hold the stretch, lower the foot to the ground, and repeat with the other leg. Don’t lose your balance!

In the long term, reducing sedentary lifestyle habits will help with knee pain from sitting. Other treatments for knee pain include medications, injections, and surgery if arthritis is bad enough. Talk to your medical professional if you are experiencing knee pain.

Can sitting on toilet cause pain?

The porcelain throne. For adults, it’s a no-brainer. But for kids, it’s a strange, new world. Potty training is an important milestone for kids, but it can take some time for them to feel comfortable enough to do their business. “Potty training is an exciting and confusing time for parents,” said Geisinger pediatrician Maria Alexies Samonte, MD.

  1. No two kids are the same, so parents are often wondering how their child is doing, and if they’re training their child properly.
  2. One thing that’s important is monitoring how long children spend on the toilet.
  3. If they spend too much time, it can lead to health issues.” What happens when you sit too long? Spending too much time on the toilet causes pressure on your rectum and anus.

Because the seat is cut out, your rectum is lower than the rest of your backside. Gravity takes over, and blood starts to pool and clot in those veins. Add in any straining or pushing, and you may have a recipe for hemorrhoids. “Hemorrhoids, or piles, are essentially varicose veins in your rectum or anus,” said Dr.

Samonte. “They form because of excess pressure on the veins. As a result, the veins can bulge and fill with blood clots. This can lead to pain, itching and other unpleasant effects. While hemorrhoids are less common in children, they still can happen. Plus, habits can last a lifetime—meaning they may get used to spending too much time in the bathroom, putting them at risk for hemorrhoids later in life.” How long is too long? Potty training is a balancing act.

Making your child comfortable with sitting on the toilet takes time and practice. Most professionals recommend spending no more time on the toilet than it takes to pass a stool. Studies have shown that the average bowel movement takes 12 seconds. Sometimes it does take longer, however, so at maximum, you should not spend more than 10 minutes on the toilet.

  1. If your child doesn’t go within the first few minutes, you’re better off to try again later,” said Dr. Samonte.
  2. Bowel movements occur because of the movement of your intestines.
  3. If you don’t go to the bathroom immediately, the waste can travel back up into the colon.
  4. When this happens, you’re better off to wait until you feel the urge again rather than trying to push it out.” Tips to avoid sitting too long A good way to help regulate the amount of time kids spend on the toilet is by reading to them.
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Have at least three short books that are designated “potty books.” Reading stories can help children relax while they’re on the toilet, making it easier to have a bowel movement. If they don’t go by the time you’re finished with the book, have them come back and try later.

The best time to bring kids to the bathroom is 15 to 30 minutes after eating,” said Dr. Samonte. “The body has a natural reflex after eating that should make having a bowel movement easier. If your child is struggling to have a bowel movement within 10 minutes, you should look at their diet. Are they getting enough fiber? Are they drinking enough water? If that’s still not enough, talk to you doctor.” Maria Alexies Samonte, MD, is a pediatrician at Geisinger Mountain Top.

To schedule an appointment, please call 800-275-6401 or visit

How do I know if I have arthritis in my knee?

What are the signs and symptoms of arthritis of the knee? – There are many signs and symptoms of arthritis of the knee:

Creaking, clicking, grinding or snapping noises (crepitus). Difficulty walking. Joint pain that changes (gets better or worse) depending on the weather. Joint stiffness. Knee buckling. Knee joint pain that progresses slowly or pain that happens suddenly. Skin redness. Swelling. Your knee locks or sticks when it’s trying to move. Warm skin.

Pain and swelling are the most common symptoms of arthritis of the knee. Some treatments might reduce the severity of your symptoms or even stall the progression. See your healthcare provider if you have symptoms of knee arthritis.

What is the best position for knee pain?

Ways of Treating Night Time Knee Pain – If knee pain causes a lot of discomfort to you and makes it difficult to enjoy a good night’s sleep, then take a steam bath or hot water bath for a minimum of 15-20 minutes. It will relax your muscles, soothe joints, and relieve your pain. The relaxation experienced while taking a bath will help you fall asleep fast.

There is no denying that people worldwide have been using hot and cold therapy to relieve pain and reduce discomfort stemming from it. You can also do the same if your pain aggravates suddenly in the night. You can either massage your knee with an ice pack or place a heating pad on it for half an hour.

After finishing this exercise, you will experience a world of difference in the magnitude of your pain. You can also order a to manage your pain; they are highly effective. Perform a few stretching moves before going to bed. But make sure you don’t overdo anything; otherwise, it will have the opposite impact on your knee.

You can check out a few knee-strengthening moves on YouTube and then perform them precisely the same way. Your sleep posture is vital to your physical well-being. The improper sleep position can make knee pain worse and lead to other injuries. The best sleeping position for knee pain is on your back, ideally with your leg elevated.

Sleeping with your knees up using a can help improve blood flow, take pressure off the knee, and relieve knee pain when trying to sleep. Another method of knee pain relief is to sleep on your side and put a pillow between your knees. Specially designed can add a significant level of support. Samantha does not have a personal blog but writes on healthcare industry since a decade for now. She is excellent at conveying thoughts and tips through story telling.

Asked By: Bruce Davis Date: created: Oct 18 2024

Can an arthritic knee heal itself

Answered By: Julian Richardson Date: created: Oct 18 2024

Treating osteoarthritis – Osteoarthritis is a long-term condition and cannot be cured, but it doesn’t necessarily get any worse over time and it can sometimes gradually improve. A number of treatments are also available to reduce the symptoms. Mild symptoms can sometimes be managed with simple measures, including:

regular exerciselosing weight if you’re overweightwearing suitable footwearusing special devices to reduce the strain on your joints during your everyday activities

If your symptoms are more severe, you may need additional treatments such as painkillers and a structured exercise plan with a physiotherapist. In a small number of cases, where these treatments haven’t helped or the damage to the joints is particularly severe, surgery may be done to repair, strengthen or replace a damaged joint. Find out more about treating osteoarthritis,

How long is too long sitting on the toilet?

Just like your bed should only be used for sleep and sex, the toilet should only be used for pooping. So put down your phone while on you’re on the john. Related: The Men’s Health Big Book Of Uncommon Knowledge—thousands of DIY tips, how-to articles, and awesome skills every modern man must master Pooping shouldn’t be a drawn-out process.

You’re better off keeping your toilet time to less than 10 to 15 minutes, says Gregory Thorkelson, M.D., a psychiatrist in the department of gastroenterology, hepatology, and nutrition at the University of Pittsburgh. In fact, you should only make your way to the bathroom when the urge hits. If the urge to poop isn’t there, you might be tempted to push or strain to try to get the job done.

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And all that straining could lead to the development of hemorrhoids—bulging blood vessels around your anus that can become swollen and painful or even bleed. Related : The Best Way to Prevent Hemorrhoids What’s more, focusing more on reading the paper or scrolling through your phone could get you out of pooping mode.

  • Here’s why that happens: Something called the peristalsis wave—progressive, rhythmic contractions that move stool along your bowel—sparks your need to poop.
  • Once the stool hits your rectum, you feel the urge to go, Dr.
  • Thorkelson explains.
  • If you don’t go when that feeling hits, you may experience a process called reverse peristalsis, where the stool backs up slightly into your colon, he says.

This can make trying to poop even, well, harder. “Your colon extracts some of the fluid from your stool, which can contribute to constipation,” he adds. The harder and dryer your stool is, the more difficult it is to pass. Related : 10 Weird Reasons You Can’t Poop So if the urge goes M.I.A., get off the throne and wait until the next wave comes along—it might be a couple hours.

  1. If it regularly takes you more than 10 to 15 minutes to poop, it could be a sign that something is going on, Dr.
  2. Thorkelson says.
  3. It could be as simple as stress, which can reduce peristalsis and slow the movement of your bowels.
  4. Plus, when you’re in fight or flight mode, your body is focused on behaviors that will help you survive—pooping quickly isn’t one of them.

Of course, lots of toilet time is also a sign that you could be constipated, so make sure you’re getting plenty of fiber, Dr. Thorkelson says. Aim for 38 grams per day. You may also want to ask your doctor about taking a magnesium supplement, which relaxes the bowel so things move along more smoothly, or an over-the-counter laxative like Miralax.

  1. But need a quick fix? Coffee Can Help You Poop —it may help stimulate the muscle contractions involved in the peristalsis wave, a study in the Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology suggests.
  2. Paige Fowler is a health writer living in Chicago.
  3. Her work has appeared in Women’s Health, Men’s Health, Fitness, and Natural Health,

She lives with her husband, Robert, and blogs about her (mostly) healthy cooking adventures at,

Why does sitting on the toilet make your legs numb?

By Heather Jabornik For some of us, our time on the toilet is a sanctuary. A special place for us to be completely alone. A time for us to relax unwind and take a deep breathe (especially if you spritzed the bowl with Poo~Pourri first). It’s easy to lose track of time and suddenly realize you’ve been sitting on the pot for almost an hour getting lost on the internet.

  • You finish up your business and stand only to realize you now have the walking capabilities of a newborn deer.
  • Your tranquil toilet time has quickly turned and your legs have betrayed you.
  • So, what causes this crazy phenomenon? We spoke to a couple of doctors and got the scoop on why your legs fall asleep sometimes when you poop.

Knowing is half the battle and the first thing you should know is that this is not serious —unless of course you’re experiencing persistent numbness. Then it’s time to ring your doctor. To explain the pooping pins and needles phenomenon so many of us know so well, Dr.

Aren Bisesi, Doctor of Chiropractic at Indy Sports Chiro in Carmel, IN says: “When you bear down to poop, you raise the pressure in your spinal column, technically called the intrathecal pressure. Sometimes that rise in pressure will cause the discs in your spine to move against the nerves where they exit the spine and cause numbness, weakness, and a generally weird feeling down the legs.

Another reason not to strain too much when going #2!” Another reason indeed! Also, try saying “intrathecal pressure” three times fast! Dr. Lauren Vreeland, Doctor of Naturopathy at Newport Integrative Health in Costa Mesa, CA agrees. “Sitting in the same position long enough can cause nerves or blood vessels to be compressed, leading to the ‘falling asleep’ sensation, or numbness and tingling in the legs. Now that we know WHY your legs turn into wet noodles, here are some ways to prevent losing feeling in your lower extremities. Change position Just like you’d naturally shift positions if any other part of your body began to fall asleep, the same rule applies here.

  1. Changing positions during #2 is your numero uno line of defense.
  2. Go faster You’ve heard the expression “shit or get off the pot” about decision making? Make the decision to say no to latrine lollygagging.
  3. We’re looking at you, toilet techies.
  4. Save the scroll and spin the roll.
  5. Healthy bowel movements should happen fairly quickly and effortlessly.
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Having to sit for an extended period of time or straining are both signs your digestion is not functioning optimally. Diet and exercise can go a long way in improving regularity and stool quality. Have a feeling it’s more physical? Take Dr. Vreeland’s advice and look at your diet.

  • There are best and worst foods for digestion,
  • Fair warning: booze and chocolate are on the ‘worst’ list.
  • Accessorize Two words: poop cushion,
  • Sounds luxurious, doesn’t it? Toilet seat cushions even come in gel ! It’s like you’re pooping in the future.
  • Alexa, add poop cushion to my shopping list Next time you turn to the toilet for your me time, remember to keep it short and sweet.

Unless you like the feeling of pins and needles.

Asked By: Steven Alexander Date: created: Oct 24 2024

What is toilet seat neuropathy

Answered By: Jesse Collins Date: created: Oct 24 2024

To the Editor A 49-year-old man came to our institution with generalized weakness and confusion. He was found at home asleep sitting on a toilet for an unknown period of time. He was hypotensive, tachycardic, and afebrile but did not appear systemically toxic.

The neurologic examination was remarkable for diminished sensation over the left lower extremity distal to the knee. Although the strength of the left hip and knee flexors was normal, movement of the ankle and toes was absent. Additionally, both the left knee and ankle reflexes were hypoactive compared with the right, and the plantar response was absent.

Examination of the right lower extremity was unremarkable. The patient’s genitalia were erythematous and grossly edematous, with patchy necrosis. Multiple areas of pressure necrosis were present on both buttocks. The relevant laboratory investigations showed a leukocytosis of 19.2 × 10 9 /L and an elevated creatinine phosphokinase (9,365 U/L) and serum creatinine (235 umol/L).

The remaining investigations were unremarkable. Despite adequate fluid resuscitation for rhabdomyolysis, the patient became anuric, requiring hemodialysis for acute renal failure. He also developed gangrene of the perineum, requiring debridement, bilateral orchiectomy, and partial perinectomy. He subsequently died in hospital from uncontrollable sepsis.

This case illustrates the hazards of prolonged immobilization, specifically sitting. The following sequence of events may account for his clinical deterioration. The left sciatic nerve palsy may have resulted from either direct compression of the nerve coursing through the sciatic notch or a gluteal compartment syndrome, or both.

  • Hynes J.E.
  • Jackson A.

Atraumatic gluteal compartment syndrome.). The prolonged immobilization on the toilet seat also led to a perineal compression syndrome, developing as a consequence of ischemic necrosis from compression of the perineal and internal pudendal vessels. The ensuing rhabdomyolysis combined with sepsis resulted in acute renal failure ( 2

  • Hynes J.E.
  • Jackson A.

Atraumatic gluteal compartment syndrome.). Sciatic neuropathy has also been previously described after hip replacements ( 3

  • Stewart J.D.
  • Angus E.
  • Gedron D.

), prolonged episodes of sitting on hard surfaces ( 4

  • Tyrell P.J.
  • Feher M.D.
  • Rossor M.N.

Sciatic nerve damage due to toilet seat entrapment another Saturday night palsy.), and in two other cases involving seat entrapment ( 5

  • Deverell W.F.
  • Ferguson J.H.

An unusual case of sciatic nerve paralysis.). This case of the “toilet seat syndrome” was characterized by acute renal failure, perineal gangrene, and sciatic neuropathy as a consequence of prolonged immobilization while sitting on a toilet.

Asked By: Nathan Sanchez Date: created: Nov 28 2024

How do I know if I have arthritis in my knee

Answered By: Mason Diaz Date: created: Nov 29 2024

What are the signs and symptoms of arthritis of the knee? – There are many signs and symptoms of arthritis of the knee:

Creaking, clicking, grinding or snapping noises (crepitus). Difficulty walking. Joint pain that changes (gets better or worse) depending on the weather. Joint stiffness. Knee buckling. Knee joint pain that progresses slowly or pain that happens suddenly. Skin redness. Swelling. Your knee locks or sticks when it’s trying to move. Warm skin.

Pain and swelling are the most common symptoms of arthritis of the knee. Some treatments might reduce the severity of your symptoms or even stall the progression. See your healthcare provider if you have symptoms of knee arthritis.

Can sitting in a chair cause knee pain?

Why you have knee pain when you sit! – Pain in the front of the knee during and after long periods of sitting can be due to something called patellofemoral pain. It’s also sometimes called ‘movie-goer’s knee’ because of this exact phenomenon!

What is plica syndrome of the knee?

What is plica syndrome? – A plica is a fold in the membrane that protects your knee joint. Most people have four folds in each knee. Sometimes the plica located in the middle of your knee becomes irritated. This is called plica syndrome and it’s characterized by pain, swelling and instability.

Asked By: Joshua Harris Date: created: May 29 2024

What is the cause of weak knees

Answered By: Henry Brown Date: created: May 29 2024

Some of the most common causes are: Arthritis. Strains and sprains. Torn cartilage or ligament.