Asked By: Elijah Rogers Date: created: Jun 29 2024

What does Lovin libido do

Answered By: Miguel Turner Date: created: Jun 29 2024

Part of our collection of women’s self-care solutions, Lovin’ Libido delivers a powerful blend of botanical extracts to help boost desire, enhance arousal and even support sexual satisfaction for women. Our female libido enhancement supplement is an expert blend of Ashwagandha, Damiana and Maca.

Do libido boosters actually work?

What is a Female Libido Supplement? The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists defines libido as the desire for, or interest in, sex. It is also called sex drive. Every person has their periods when the libido is low, due to a variety of reasons.

And some people are in general not very active in terms of sexual life, which is a part of their individuality. However, a sharp drop in sex drive may be unwanted and frustrating. Libido supplements are products that are supposed or advertised as something to improve the sexual life of a woman by stimulating her fantasies, increasing her desire for sex, and so on.

They may be addressed as female in analog with Viagra which is a well-known medication intended for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. But Female Viagra, its generics, and other ED medications that belong to the phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE5) inhibitors group (Levitra, Cialis, etc.) work only on the vascular level.

They help with the blood flow to the cavernous tissue so the penis can be firm enough for intercourse but the man still has to have sexual desires. And female libido is much more complex which makes such a direct approach impossible. In short–a female libido booster that works upon taking, is safe and scientifically approved, does not exist.

The market is flooded with different supplements claiming that they have such an effect, but with supplements out of the FDA’s control, they are not being properly tested and reviewed. The outcome of buying and using such a product will vary from slightly beneficial to straight-up dangerous depending purely on your luck and individual sensitivity.

How long does it take for libido to reset?

– There are no hard numbers here. It varies widely from person to person based on a variety of factors, including overall health, libido, and diet. Average figures suggest that for females, mere seconds may pass before sexual arousal and orgasm is possible again.

Asked By: Abraham Jones Date: created: Oct 22 2024

How long does Olly take to work

Answered By: Juan Perry Date: created: Oct 24 2024

Olly reports that it takes about 30 minutes for Olly sleep gummies and aids to work, which is why it is recommended to take them 30 minutes before bedtime. Most user reviews note that the effects of the Olly sleep gummies are felt within 30 to 40 minutes after taking the vitamin.

How long do Olly vitamins take to work?

GABA – This fast working (within 30-60 minutes!) active supports a relaxed state of mind to help combat the acute effects of stress.* Go GABA!

Asked By: George Wright Date: created: Sep 10 2023

What time does libido peak

Answered By: Joshua Rivera Date: created: Sep 12 2023

Recap – Libido tends to be highest in the 20s. For females, it increases as fertility wanes, then decreases after menopause. For males, it peaks in the 20s and then gradually tapers off.

Do you take Lovin libido every day?

How to Take Olly Lovin Libido – Olly recommends taking two capsules of Lovin Libido per day. They don’t have any recommendations about whether it’s best to take with food or on an empty stomach; however, may help to prevent an upset stomach and aid in absorption.

Are libido gummies real?

What Are Libido Gummies? – Libido gummies are daily supplements that can help bring your sexual desire and drive back with continuous usage. Most pack some sort of stress-reducing ingredient (think Ashwagandha or L-theanine) and many are designed to boost hormones like testosterone to increase arousal.

Asked By: Alexander Stewart Date: created: Dec 04 2024

Do libido pills have side effects

Answered By: Norman Phillips Date: created: Dec 06 2024

What One Doctor Wants Women to Know About the Little Pink Libido Pill Interviewer: The little pink pill that helps women’s sex drive. We’re going to ask Dr. Kirtly Parker Jones to tell us more about that next on The Scope. Announcer: Covering all aspects of women’s health.

  • This is the “Seven Domains of Women’s Health” with Dr.
  • Irtly Jones, on The Scope.
  • Interviewer: Dr.
  • Jones, we’ve been reading much, as I would imagine our listeners have and seen the news coverage on the little pink pill, it’s being called “the female Viagra” which is probably not accurate and we’ll talk about that in a second as well.

How would you decide whether or not you would recommend it or not recommend it to a patient? There are benefits, there are drawbacks, the FDA didn’t approve it twice and now they’ve approved it, just a lot of questions. So first of all what is this pill and what does it do? Dr.

  • Jones: Sure, what’s the pill? Some years ago a drug company in Europe was looking for a new, better anti-anxiety and anti-depressant drug that wouldn’t have sexual side effects.
  • A lot of the drugs in the SSRI group can cause problems with libido.
  • So they have this drug called flibanserin and they rolled it out, looking at it as an anti-depressant and they found that in men it didn’t change their libido one way or the other and it didn’t work that great as an anti-depressant.

But in women it wasn’t that great as an anti-depressant, but it actually had a little boost in sexual interest. So they then went on to say, “We’ll take this drug which works on the neurotransmitters in the brain,” so this works on dopamine, it increases dopamine, the reward center.

It increases norepinephrine, another rewards center and it decreases serotonin. So they decided they’d work on it and see how it really worked in women who complained of hypoactive sexual desire disorder. Now, what is this? Is this a disease or do women, when they get to a certain part of life, is not having much of a sex drive perfectly normal and the answer is it’s so common, that yes, it’s normal.

It’s been suggested that as many of 40% of women at some time in their life have a period of time of two weeks when they’re not interested in sex. So if I ask women, “Has there been a time in the last year for longer than two weeks when you weren’t interested in sex?” Most women are going to respond, “Oh shoot yeah.

My kid was sick” or whatever. Not being interested in sex isn’t a disease. But then the question you ask is, “How much does this distress you?” and you say, “Well I don’t care, it’s fine by me. My husband is a little tweaked about it, but fine,” or, “This has really destroyed our relationship. My husband is looking forward to the kind of closeness we had early in our relationship, the intimacy, frequency, and now, it’s not there.” So although not having desire is normal for women, if it was a change in desire and if it causes distress, should we medicate that? My feeling for a patient who comes to me with this complaint, and about 10% of women have this condition, where they have a decrease in their desire and it causes them distress.

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Those are the two things you have to have. And for women for whom it causes distress, we have not had anything that works. “Take a couple of drinks and see how you feel.” Or, we tried testosterone patches and that’s a whole separate issue and that didn’t make a big difference, so we really didn’t have anything.

  1. Guys had a whole menu of things that could work on erectile dysfunction.
  2. Now, erectile dysfunction is not desire disorder.
  3. It means you’ve got desire and it doesn’t work and the purple little, blue pill, Viagra, is one of a series of drugs which increase blood flow to the penis, and when you give those kinds of drugs to women, nothing happens.

They get more blood flow down there but they’re not excited. So to call this female Viagra is way wrong. Interviewer: Because Viagra solves a mechanical problem. Dr. Jones: Exactly, and in women it’s an internal desire problem. Interviewer: It’s in the brain.

Dr. Jones: Right. So they had this drug and they did a randomized trial where women were given placebo versus this drug at different doses and lo and behold, there was a little difference. Now I want to talk about, if I were going to counsel a patient, what kind of difference was there with flibanserin? It turns out about 10% of women respond.

So if you give this drug to 100 women, and you give placebo to 100 women, 34 out of 100 of women with placebo will get better, they’ll have more interest in sex and they’ll have more sexually satisfying sexual activity. If you give flibanserin, 46% will feel better.

  1. So out of 100 people, about 10 will actually be responding because of the drug, and we don’t know when I’m sitting in the office, which 10% those are.
  2. It’s a drug that you have to take every day and it has side effects.
  3. But what can you expect if you are one of those 10%, what can you expect to see in terms of difference? Well the other reason the FDA was not excited was the fact that the average number of satisfying sexual activities was 2.8 in the study group and when they took placebo it went to 3.7 per month, 2.7 happy times in bed per month.

And then with placebo, it went to 3.7. So about one extra happy time when you just took placebo, and it went from 2.8 on flibanserin before they started, to 4.5 on flibanserin. So that was about two extra happy times a month. So that’s one over placebo, per month.

  1. So the FDA didn’t think that was very impressive.
  2. What happened was the drug company that originally started flibanserin gave up the drug, and another small start up company called Sprout Pharmaceuticals took it on and they actually started a media campaign called Even the Score.
  3. They went to the FDA and said, “Women have nothing.

Men have all these things to help them, women have nothing. We need to even the score.” So the FDA originally didn’t think that one extra happy time per month was adequate given the side effects, which I’ll talk about in a second. Then I think they got some pressure and they decided okay, we’ll just put it out, and it’s going to be available under the brand name Addyi, with a funny spelling A-D-D-Y-I, Addyi, on the middle of October.

It should be available in drug stores. You have to take it every day, you have to take it at bedtime and so different from the Viagra style drugs for men, they only take it when they think they’re going to be interested in sex. Women have to take this every day, so they’re taking a pill every day for an event that might happen three or four times a month.

What are the side effects and why do you take it at bedtime? You take it at bedtime because the side effects include low blood pressure, hypotension, fainting, dizziness, headache and sleepiness. About 10% of women are going to have that effect. So 10% of women are going to have a benefit, 10% of women are going to have a side effect.

We don’t know if it’s the same 10%. So they recommend taking it at bedtime so that you’re less likely to be dizzy or to pass out, so I think that’s the issue. I’m glad that women have something that might work for them, and like birth control methods, not all methods are right for everyone. They recommend that if a woman takes it for eight weeks and she doesn’t notice a difference, remember that half the difference that she notices is going to be placebo effect.

So if she doesn’t notice a difference then she shouldn’t take it anymore. It’s going to be moderately expensive. It’s going to be $30-$75 per month and we don’t know whether insurance companies are going to cover it. But you can bet your booties that if insurance companies cover the Viagra type drugs and they don’t cover Addyi, there’s going to be some ladies marching on your insurance company’s front door.

Interviewer: So there are a lot of pills for men, as you mentioned, this is really the only one for women. Is there a medical reason for that? Is it more difficult to create a drug, or is it what a lot of people claim that it’s a man’s world and I don’t even know the words, but that argument. Dr. Jones: Well it’s been unfortunate that we’ve considered men so simple.

All they need is something to make their switch go up instead of down and that should be very easy. Whereas women, desire is a complicated thing. What do women want? Isn’t that what Freud said? What do women want? We don’t know how flibanserin works, if it does, and why it only works for 10% and not on the others, because we don’t know where desire comes from in women.

Why do some women have a lot? Why do some women have none? Why is it common, 50% of women don’t have desire until they’re already in the middle of being stimulated, so they only have responsive desire? So we’re not very smart about where desire comes from, and there aren’t very many good animal models for desire.

Interviewer: What would you recommend to a patient asking you about this medication? Dr. Jones: I think I’m a fan of the 5 Ts, so when a woman says I’m just not that interested in sex anymore and this bothers me, remember those are the two things. They have to be not as interested, they have to have had interest at least once, so taking a 50-year-old who’s never been interested in sex and thinking a pill is going to work, it’s not going to work.

So I had interest and now I don’t.” I say the 5 Ts are, Time – we are over extended. If you think you’re going to have fast food sex the way you did when you were 20 you’re not going to. You need to go for gourmet sex which means you have to plan it, you have to think about it, you have to tell your partner what makes you get in the mood.

You need some time. I think touch is important, the kind of quick sex where you didn’t have that much time together physically, that’s not going to work as you get older, so the right kind of touch. Tenderness, try a little tenderness. There’s a song about that.

Women need emotional and physical tenderness before they’re going to get in the boat and row with you. Then trust. A lot of women say “I’m not interested but I haven’t been interested since my husband had an affair with that woman down the street,” well I can’t blame you. So is there trust? Are you angry with your partner? Do you have some inner hostilities and you just don’t want to have sex with them? So what are the reasons going on? What I often hear is “I just am not that interested anymore.” “Well tell me about your relationship with your husband.” “Well we’ve been together for 20 years and he’s my best friend.” Well you know, you just don’t have sex with your best friend.

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So having that kind of relationship evolve is great for the marriage, that they’re now best friends, but it’s not great for sex. The sex needs something a little bit different. Interviewer: So if it doesn’t bother your patient, then there’s not a problem? Dr.

  1. Jones: No.
  2. Interviewer: And before you would recommend this pill you might recommend the 5 Ts that you’ve talked about. Dr.
  3. Jones: Right, and I usually recommend taking some time out for each other.
  4. I ask them, what kind of pattern of intimacy do you have when you and your partner go on vacation? “Oh yeah, when we’re away we have great hotel sex.” Well, there are no kids around, there are no dishes, and definitely no bills, you’re in a brand new bed, it’s a new place.

So that’s a suggestion. But if women say, “I don’t want to do all that thing,” it’s like dieting and exercise, “Just give me a pill doctor so I can lose weight, just give me a pill.” What I am afraid of is that I will get calls from husbands, “I want you to fix my wife.

I want you to give her that pill.” So if this is being driven by the partner, I need to get buy-in by my patient that she’s really interested, because she may have some side effects. And if she’s really not interested in becoming interested, then this is not for her. If she’s interested in becoming interested, I think it’s worth a try for a couple of weeks.

And if she doesn’t have significant side effects and it improves her intimate life, just thinking about sex makes people have sex more often, so the placebo effect can be significant. Announcer: is University of Utah Health Sciences Radio.

Asked By: Robert Morris Date: created: Oct 29 2023

How long does it take for libido enhancers to work

Answered By: Herbert Wood Date: created: Nov 01 2023

Supplements That Work “On Demand” – Some of these types of supplements are designed to work “as needed”. These are the types of pills you’ll see at the checkout area at seedy gas stations – or being sold in the bathroom dispenser at your local bar or nightclub.

  1. These types of pills provide immediate action – typically within 15-60 minutes of taking the pill.
  2. Then there are prescription drugs that work “on demand” – such as viagra.
  3. These can take as long as 4 hours to start working – that’s a really long time! However, the actual timeframe for how fast these libido pills works varies greatly from person to person.

Factors affecting this timeline include your unique hormones, body weight, age, and the supplement in question. For some, this may be exactly what you’re looking for – but this type of supplementation has its drawbacks. The obvious issue here is that for most of us, sex is not something we put on our schedule.

It can happen at any time – and you need to be ready at a moment’s notice when things start to get hot and heavy. Even if you have your pills on standby, there is no bigger turnoff than having to interrupt your partner and tell them – just give me 30 minutes to get ready! You want to be ready for action when the time comes.

And that’s why many prefer the alternative type of libido supplement – the one that is ready when you are.

What makes my libido so high?

If your sex drive is higher than normal, it may be due to a fluctuation in hormone levels, your age, or an increase in exercise. A decrease in stress levels or stopping certain medications might also explain an increased sex drive. There is no such thing as a “normal” sex drive, but if you feel your libido is impacting your relationships or career, reach out to a sex therapist or consult with your doctor. This article was medically reviewed by Olivia P. Myrick, MD, who is a clinical assistant professor with the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at NYU Langone,

While a high libido is often considered healthy, sometimes you might wonder why your sex drive seems higher than normal or has suddenly increased. Here are six reasons why your sex drive may feel unusually high:

What time of month is libido lowest?

How Long Does Olly Lovin Getty Images/STYLECASTER I’d always assumed that fluctuations in a person’s sex drive are due to external influences—exhaustion stemming from an over-scheduled lifestyle, for example, or having a fight with your S.O. However, after a recent alcohol-fueled conversation with girlfriends, we discovered that we were all kind of on the same sex schedule, and after a big of digging I discovered why: Your period actually has a huge impact on your libido, and most women feel more or less turned on depending on where they are in their cycle.

  1. Dr. Shannon Chavez is a sex therapist, a licensed clinical psychologist, and an expert in all things libido-related.
  2. She explained to me there are “physiological, psychological, and hormonal changes” impacting why you might be feeling more—or less—turned on at any given time.
  3. Specifically, we’re more likely to want sex on the days around ovulation, which occurs around 12 or 14 days before your period starts.

“A woman’s libido is highest during what I describe as her fertility window, which can vary by a couple of days here and there. This usually starts anywhere from two to four days before ovulation and several days after, and is caused by a surge of the hormones that can lead to a stronger desire, especially testosterone,” Dr.

Chavez explained. This all comes back to basic biology, and the fact that we’re all wired and built for one (admittedly prehistoric) goal: Have sex, make babies, ensure survival of our species. “A surge in hormones during ovulation along with pheromones, which are chemical messengers that send out signals to attract a mate, will increase a woman’s drive for sex and desirability for a partner,” Dr Chavez said.

And yes, having sex while ovulating increases your changes of getting pregnant. The reverse is also true—right before and during your period (when you also happen to be less fertile), you’re less likely to want sex. “Right before menstruation and the week of is when women would most commonly feel a dip in their libido.

  1. A woman’s testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone are all at their lowest during this time, which can make you feel a dip in your sex drive,” Dr Chavez said, adding that physical changes in your body can also make women feel undesirable around this time and impact sexual desire.
  2. Bloating and cramps could be likely culprits.

There are a couple of other things that can impact your libido throughout the month, and the first one is actually avoiding sex—Dr Chavez said that by not getting busy during your period, you could experience a higher sex drive later in the month. If you’re on the pill, that could also affect the natural dip and rise in desire.

One German study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that the birth control pill is a complete sex-drive neutralizer for some women. Dr. Chavez explained that by “controlling the natural influx or hormones during the ovulation period that lead to higher sex drive,” the pill could “interfere with genital blood flow” and actually make it harder to achieve an orgasm, or even feel turned on.

So, when your hormones aren’t conducive to enjoyable sexy-times, what can you do to get in the mood? Chavez suggests exploring other forms of intimacy to try and switch-up your mood. ” Connection through touch, sensual play, and fantasy can all lead to an increase in the sexual drive.

  • It’s also important to think about sex.
  • Use your fantasy to imagine a past sexual experience that was pleasurable.
  • Think of novel and unique ways in which you want to explore your sexuality,” she said.
  • Her second recommendation: self-stimulation.
  • It is a great way to get in touch with your body and engage your sexual response and desire.

Masturbation can alleviate symptoms of PMS including cramps and moodiness and is also connected with improved body image and sexual functioning. It’s important for women to remember that arousal can precede desire.”

Asked By: Robert Griffin Date: created: Oct 18 2023

Why do men’s mood change after ejaculating

Answered By: Geoffrey Lopez Date: created: Oct 21 2023

In this blog we’ve explored neural function during different stages of the sexual cycle: arousal and orgasm, Now we’ve reached the more mysterious and less-studied part of the cycle: post-coital resolution. When we think about sex, we think about the approaching, the act, the fireworks of climax and then we usually stop there.

Makes sense, the sexual act in itself is over, right? However, many changes keep happening within us after we’ve rolled over and gone to sleep. As we saw last time, when we orgasm our brain becomes flooded with dopamine in our reward pathways of in the limbic system. This feels so intensely pleasurable that it looks just like a heroin rush to the brain, producing intense feelings of well-being (Holstege et al., 2003).

But the story doesn’t end there. Because orgasm activates reward pathways much in the same way as drugs, it can also produce similar experience of addiction and withdrawal. In fact, people that are treated for sex addictions tend to have other comorbid addictions, suggesting that they have addictive personalities, an inclination for overactivation in this part of the brain (Hartman et al., 2012). Why does dopamine drop? Well, to make sure we attend to other aspects of our life, our brains come hardwired with a neurochemical mechanism of satiety. Prolactin, another hormone, surges right after orgasm, and is considered a reliable marker of such (Kruger et al., 2003).Prolactin works as a dopamine inhibitor, curtailing our sex drives once we consummate orgasm and providing us with feelings of satiation and sexual gratification. How Long Does Olly Lovin Orgasm also reduces androgen receptor density in the Medial Preoptic Area part of the reward circuit. Androgens regulate sexual desire by activating dopamine levels in this area, so their decreased activity could be another source of the dopamine drop (Putnam et al., 2001).

While postcoital neuroendocrine changes are better documented, there is also data on postorgasm brain activation. For example, one neuroimaging study conducted immediately after orgasm in men showed activation in the amygdala, temporal lobe, and septal areas (Mallick et al., 2007). Case studies have documented hypersexuality in patients with lesions in all three of these areas, reinforcing the inhibitory evidence of what is known as the post-orgasm refractory period (Mallick et al., 2007).

This shows that the sexual cycle isn’t over when the fireworks die out. Neuroendocrine changes in our bodies orchestrate a coordinated dance to make sure that we feel content, wind down, and rest or go on with a lives for a bit. Dopamine dips from its orgasmic high and prolactin and androgen step in to produce feelings of satiety, pleasantness, and to make us want to take a break.

  • At least for a while.
  • References: Dailly, E., Chenu, F., Renard, C.E., & Bourin, M. (2004).
  • Dopamine, depression and antidepressants.
  • Fundamental & clinical pharmacology, 18 (6), 601-607.
  • Hartman, L.I., Ho, V., Arbour, S., Hambley, J.M., & Lawson, P. (2012).
  • Sexual Addiction and Substance Addiction: Comparing Sexual Addiction Treatment Outcomes Among Clients With and Without Comorbid Substance Use Disorders.
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Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity, 19 (4), 284-309. Holstege, G., Georgiadis, J.R., Paans, A.M., Meiners, L.C., van der Graaf, F.H., & Reinders, A.S. (2003). Brain activation during human male ejaculation. The Journal of Neuroscience, 23 (27), 9185-9193.

  • Ruger, T.H., Haake, P., Chereath, D., Knapp, W., Janssen, O.E., Exton, M.S., & Hartmann, U. (2003).
  • Specificity of the neuroendocrine response to orgasm during sexual arousal in men.
  • Journal of Endocrinology, 177 (1), 57-64.
  • Mallick, H.N., Tandon, S., Jagannathan, N.R., Gulia, K.K., & Kumar, V.M. (2007).

Brain areas activated after ejaculation in healthy young human subjects. Indian journal of physiology and pharmacology, 51 (1), 81. Olds, J., & Milner, P. (1954). Positive reinforcement produced by electrical stimulation of the septal area and other regions of rat brain,

Why is my libido suddenly so low?

Causes of a low sex drive – Some of the main causes of a low sex drive include:

relationship problemsstress, anxiety or depression sexual problems like erectile dysfunction or vaginal dryness pregnancy and having a baby – your hormone levels change when you’re pregnant, and looking after a baby can be stressful and tiringlower hormone levels as you get older, particularly during the menopause taking certain medicines, such as medicine for high blood pressure or antidepressants using hormonal contraception like the pill, patch or implantdrinking too much alcohol

Some long-term conditions can also affect your sex drive, such as heart disease, diabetes, an underactive thyroid or cancer,

Asked By: Seth Jones Date: created: Apr 12 2024

How do I know if my libido is normal

Answered By: Gregory Bailey Date: created: Apr 13 2024

What is a ‘normal’ libido? – There is no right or wrong level of libido, and there is no ‘normal’ when it comes to how often you have sex. Some people have sex,or feel like having sex, every day, others may have sex once a year or not at all. It all depends on what you prefer and your life circumstances.

How long does it take for libido boost to work?

When to Take Libido Pills to Ensure You’re Ready for “the Act” – As we’ve already mentioned, libido pills come in two types: those that are taken “as needed” and those that are taken as daily supplements. For libido pills that are taken “as needed,” it is recommended to take them approximately 30-60 minutes before sexual activity.

  1. The exact timing may vary depending on the specific pill and its instructions, so it is important to follow the recommended dosage and timing provided by the manufacturer.
  2. These types of pills are typically taken only when desired, rather than on a daily basis.
  3. For libido pills that are taken as daily supplements, it is usually recommended to take them at the same time each day, as directed by the manufacturer’s instructions.

These types of pills are designed to be taken daily in order to support ongoing sexual function and may take several weeks to reach their full potential. But after a while, you’ll find that your sex drive has reached new heights – all that’s left to do now is continue taking your daily supplement! This could be the key to saving your relationship – or simply restoring your confidence and helping you get back to living your life to the fullest.

How long does it take for libido enhancers to work?

Supplements That Work “On Demand” – Some of these types of supplements are designed to work “as needed”. These are the types of pills you’ll see at the checkout area at seedy gas stations – or being sold in the bathroom dispenser at your local bar or nightclub.

These types of pills provide immediate action – typically within 15-60 minutes of taking the pill. Then there are prescription drugs that work “on demand” – such as viagra. These can take as long as 4 hours to start working – that’s a really long time! However, the actual timeframe for how fast these libido pills works varies greatly from person to person.

Factors affecting this timeline include your unique hormones, body weight, age, and the supplement in question. For some, this may be exactly what you’re looking for – but this type of supplementation has its drawbacks. The obvious issue here is that for most of us, sex is not something we put on our schedule.

It can happen at any time – and you need to be ready at a moment’s notice when things start to get hot and heavy. Even if you have your pills on standby, there is no bigger turnoff than having to interrupt your partner and tell them – just give me 30 minutes to get ready! You want to be ready for action when the time comes.

And that’s why many prefer the alternative type of libido supplement – the one that is ready when you are.