Asked By: Ethan Johnson Date: created: May 02 2024

Will Benadryl make my rabbit sleepy

Answered By: Evan Wilson Date: created: May 02 2024

(For veterinary information only) WARNING The size of the tablet/medication is NOT an indication of a proper dose. Never administer any drug without your veterinarian’s input. Serious side effects or death can occur if you use drugs on your pet without your veterinarian’s advice.

Brand Name: Benadryl, Vetadryl, Banophen, Diphenhist Available in 25 mg & 50 mg capsules; 10 mg, 12.5 mg, and 30 mg chewable tablets; 50 mg tablets, oral elixir and syrup Background Histamine is an inflammatory biochemical that causes skin redness, swelling, pain, increased heart rate, and blood pressure drop when enough of it binds to enough of the many H1 receptors throughout the body.

Histamine is an important mediator of allergy in humans, hence a spectacular array of different antihistamines has proliferated. Histamine, perhaps unfortunately, is not as important a mediator of inflammation in pets, which means results of antihistamine therapy are not as reliable in pets.

  1. How this Medication is Used Diphenhydramine has several important effects and thus several uses.
  2. Most obviously, diphenhydramine is an antihistamine and it is used for acute inflammatory and allergic conditions such as: • Bee stings and insect bites • Vaccination reactions • Snake bites Diphenhydramine is frequently prescribed to treat itchy skin, though recent evidence-based guidelines for allergic skin disease have not found it to be particularly helpful except possibly in acute reactions involving hives.

It may create enough drowsiness to reduce scratching but does not seem very supportive in actually reducing itch. See more information on managing itchy skin, Diphenhydramine can be given with or without food. Diphenhydramine should be stored at room temperature, away from light.

  1. Mast cell tumors are tumors involving cells that contain granules of histamine.
  2. Patients with mast cell tumors experience chronic inflammatory symptoms due to circulating histamine.
  3. Antihistamines such as diphenhydramine may be helpful given long term.
  4. Diphenhydramine has a strong anti-nausea side effect that makes it helpful in treating motion sickness.

This affects dogs but does not apply to cats. Diphenhydramine causes drowsiness in animals just as it does in people and can be used as a mild tranquilizer. Given that there is an anti-nauseal effect in dogs as well as a tranquilizing side effect, it can be used for traveling situations where very light effects are needed.

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There are stronger anti-nauseals (such as maropitant) and stronger tranquilizers (such as acepromazine). Side Effects With so many possible uses of this medication, it is difficult to separate out a side effect from a primary effect. Drowsiness is generally regarded as an undesirable side effect, but in certain circumstances as mentioned, it might be the primary desired effect.

At doses higher than recommended, people complain of dry mouth, constipation, and difficulty with urination. Diphenhydramine can interfere with intradermal skin testing for allergy. Ask your veterinary dermatologist for instructions on withdrawal of this medication before testing.

Occasionally a cat will experience excessive excitement on diphenhydramine, necessitating confinement for everyone’s safety. This side effect is rare. Interactions with other Medications In the treatment of allergic skin disease, antihistamines are felt to synergize with omega 3 fatty acid supplements and, as a general rule for this condition, it is best to use these medications together.

Diphenhydramine should not be used with additional tranquilizing medications as the tranquilization effect can be inappropriately enhanced. In animals that experience a hyperactivity reaction while taking metoclopramide (Reglan), this effect can be reversed with a dose of diphenhydramine.

  1. The side effects of dry mouth, increased heart rate, and difficulty urinating are more likely when diphenhydramine is used in conjunction with a tricyclic antidepressant (such as clomipramine ) or with an MAO inhibitor such as selegiline,
  2. Concerns and Cautions If a dose is accidentally skipped, do not double up on the next dose.

Store at room termperature. Be careful of oral liquids containing alcohol. These formulations should not be used in pets. It is important to realize that the word Benadryl is a brand name and there are many different products sold under this name. Likewise, there are generics that include diphenhydramine that also include inappropriate ingredients.

To emphasize this point, we show such a product below. It seems like it would contain diphenhydramine; however, it contains a combination of diphenhydramine and other medications, including a dose of acetaminophen that could be lethal to a pet. Recently a veterinary product has become available. This is a scored chewable tablet that facilitates administration and proper dosing to pets and circumvents the potential for toxic additives.

Never buy over-the-counter medication for your pet without knowing exactly what you are supposed to get and never medicate your pet without your vet’s guidance. It is our policy not to give dosing information over the Internet.

Asked By: Jack Reed Date: created: Sep 14 2023

When should I euthanize my old rabbit

Answered By: Colin Simmons Date: created: Sep 15 2023

When is euthanasia necessary? – Euthanasia (often called ‘putting to sleep’ or ‘putting down’) is the term used by vets for the process of bringing about an easy and painless death to prevent the suffering of an animal which is too old or sick to have a happy and fulfilled life.

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Is suffering untreatable pain from a large tumour. Is no longer able to eat or drink normally. Has such severe disease in the lungs that it is unable to breathe properly. Can no longer empty its bowels or bladder without pain or is incontinent. Is unable to stand or move normally. Has become so blind or deaf that it cannot have a fulfilled life. Is ill and the emotional or financial demands of caring for it are more than you can manage.

Asked By: Albert Hill Date: created: Jul 23 2023

What is the most humane way to euthanize a pet

Answered By: Wallace Brown Date: created: Jul 24 2023

EUTHANASIA – When and How? Euthanasia is a sensitive topic we all prefer not to discuss. It is also the most difficult part of a pet owner’s responsibility and a veterinarian’s job. The question always arises, “when is the right time and how should it be done?” As a 3rd generation veterinarian who has been in practice for over 2 decades I can tell you there is no true and fast answer.

Every situation is different and unique. We all have to search our soul and commit to some personal ideologies. When is the right time to euthanize a pet? I personally feel that when a pet is going to undergo unmanageable pain and suffering euthanasia may be indicated. The degree of pain and suffering warranting euthanasia is a personal decision that needs to be agreed upon by the pet owner and your veterinarian.

It is a tough decision and a brave one. How should it be done? At present, Sodium Pentobarbital is administered intravenously. This is the most humane way to euthanize and should cause no pain or discomfort. The pet falls asleep into an anesthetic state never to wake up.

  • In many cases, it may make the pet more comfortable to use an initial intramuscular sedative or anesthetic before proceeding with the intravenous injection of Pentobarbital.
  • This procedure is done very sensitively and depending on the owners preference can be performed with or without the owner present.

I prefer for the owner to call in advance. This lets your veterinarian prepare a comfortable private room and allows the owner to take as much time as they want with no unnecessary waiting during this emotional time. Your veterinarian will ask you how your beloved pet’s body is to be taken care of.

The three most common choices are burial, private cremation with return of the ashes, and communal cremation. Like with the loss of any loved one it is natural for a pet owner to undergo some emotional depression. There are many services and literature that can help a pet owner cope with the loss of a loved pet.

Listed below is some additional information that can help pet owners after the loss of our pet family member. American Veterinary Medical Association Pet Loss Hotline 800-565-1526 Florida Animal Health Foundation’s Pet Grief Support Hotline 800-798-6196 Manned by veterinary student volunteers from the University of Florida and members of the FAHF board of directors and volunteers will return calls every evening between 7 – 9 p.m., 7 days a week.

Asked By: Cole Wood Date: created: Sep 13 2023

What is the most humane way to euthanize a small animal

Answered By: Henry Price Date: created: Sep 16 2023

Carbon Dioxide Euthanasia for Rats and Mice (BU ASC Guidelines) | Research Support “Euthanasia” is a term meaning “good death”. The goal of euthanasia is to provide a rapid, painless, stress-free death. Carbon dioxide (CO2) overdose causes rapid unconsciousness followed by death.

  1. The CO₂ flow rate should displace 30% to 70% of the cage volume per minute.
  2. Exposure to CO2 without removing animals from their home cage is a rapid and humane method of euthanasia, because the animals are not stressed by handling or being moved to a new environment.
  3. Exposure to CO2 can cause deep narcosis that can appear to be, but is not, death.
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In such cases, animals that superficially appear to be dead may eventually awaken; this arousal can occur after the disposal of carcasses into refrigerators or freezers. Presumed death after exposure to carbon dioxide must be confirmed based on careful assessment of the animal for unambiguous signs of death, such as cardiac arrest or fixed, dilated pupils.

  • Bilateral thoracotomy: Incision of both sides of the chest cavity to cause the lungs to collapse
  • Cervical dislocation: method that severs the spinal cord in the neck
  • Exsanguination: method of withdrawing blood from the body
  • Decapitation: method of using a guillotine or sharp pair of scissors to severe the head at the atlas/axis joint of the neck
Cage size Flow rate
A Static Rat 10″ x 19″ x 9″ 19.6 Liters/minute
B Lab Products IVC Mouse 8″ x 13″ x 5″ 6.0 Liters/minute
C Static Mouse 7″ x 11″ x 5″ 4.6 Liters/minute
D Allentown IVC Mouse 7.6″ x 5.1″ x 15″ 6.7 Liters/minute E Opti-Mice IVC Mouse 1.9cm x484 cm