Asked By: Joshua Martin Date: created: Apr 11 2024

What fruit can make my baby fair

Answered By: Hugh Rivera Date: created: Apr 14 2024

Fruits To Eat During Pregnancy For Fair Baby – 1. Orange – Orange is a rich source of vitamin C and recommended during pregnancy. Vitamin C is not only useful for the growth of the baby but also improve the baby and mother skin tone and makes them fair.

  • Everyday minimum 2 orange consumption fulfill the requirement of Vit C and makes your baby skin fair.2.
  • Almonds – Almonds is highly recommendable during pregnancy because it contains protein, Vit E, Calcium, Magnesium, and fibers.
  • The protein of the almonds is helpful for the development of baby whereas calcium and magnesium are needed for the development of bone.

Almonds contain Vit E which makes the skin glowing and fairy of baby and mother also. Pregnant women should take a minimum of 2 to 4 almonds every morning. Read Also – What is the Chance of Pregnancy If you had unsafe sex ? 3. Grapes or Grapes Juice – Grapes or Grapes juice contain Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA), which makes the baby skin fair.

  • Boost immunity
  • Treat Heart Burn
  • Treat Constipation
  • Act against dehydration

5. Fennel Seeds- Taking fennel seed or drink the soaking fennel seeds water also improve the baby color or complexion. It also provides relief from nausea.6. Ghee – According to the study, it has been found that taking ghee helps to lighten the skin complexion of the baby.

  • If pregnant women add ghee to their diet it provides relief from pain while birthing.7.
  • Saffron Milk During Pregnancy – It is our belief that saffron milk makes baby fair or improve the complexion.
  • Saffron milk is not recommended in the 1st or 2nd trimester because saffron milk gives lots of heat which can cause miscarriage.

It can be taken in the 3rd trimester.8. Eggs – White part of the egg also contribute to fairness in the babies. Apart from fairness, it also provides the protein which is good for the overall development.9. Folic Acid Rich Foods – Folic acid is responsible for the development of brain cells.

  1. Folic Acid reduces the risk of giving autistic childbirth by 40%.
  2. Means folic acid rich food improve your child IQ.
  3. Folic acid-rich foods are – Spinach, Citrus Fruits, Lentis, etc.10.
  4. Iron-Rich Foods – Iron is an essential element for pregnant women because it helps oxygen transport to the baby.
  5. Proper oxygen supply to the baby or baby brain increases the IQ of the baby.

Pregnant women should add iron-rich foods like – Green and leafy vegetables, Legumes, chicken, etc. Every woman should know what to eat – fruits to eat during pregnancy for fair baby. If women know about fruits to eat during pregnancy for fair beauty then they should also know what should not eat.
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Asked By: Raymond Anderson Date: created: Jul 15 2024

How can I improve my baby skin color

Answered By: Jesse Anderson Date: created: Jul 17 2024

A very popular saying – ‘well begun is half done’ holds true for the utterly delicate skin of your newborn! From the time your baby is born, his skin needs utmost attention and a lot of care. If you’re able to provide that kind of care since his birth, you’ll be giving him a lifelong gift of flawless skin! Fret not, for I have the ideal baby skincare home remedies for my readers! These remedies are experience-based and have all worked like a spell for my kids. I love bathing time! Let’s begin

Hot oil massage : Massage your baby’s skin with warm olive oil or almond oil every day before you bathe him! These oils are exceptional and provide just the kind of nourishment that baby skin requires. I use coconut oil too as it helps repair damaged skin and provides that sought-after glow! Natural scrubs : These are the best as babies too need to exfoliate! Since store-bought exfoliators could be harmful to newborns’ skin, I make one at home out of chickpea flour, milk cream, and water. It makes for a mild exfoliator that helps remove any dirt or excessive hair from your baby’s body. Gently scrub your baby’s skin with this solution at least thrice a week. Refrain from using soaps : Commercial soaps contain a lot of chemicals that can be harsh on your baby’s soft, delicate skin! So, avoid using them for the first few months at least, later you can move on to mild baby soap. I use natural skin cleansers like a gram flour paste that works perfectly and removes dirt effectively. Try feeding fruits : Consult your paediatrician before trying this out! Fruits contain fibre and tons of essential nutrients that cleanse your baby’s body from the inside. You will notice a visible difference in the texture of your baby’s skin after feeding him fruits. Make sure your baby is hydrated : Babies need to be hydrated just as much as adults! Keeping him hydrated will flush out all of his bodily toxins and impart a naturally glowing skin tone. Make them stay in mild sunlight : Vitamin D is excellent for babies. Let your baby bathe in the morning sunlight and absorb Vit D, which will help enhance his skin and also help fight skin infections and diseases. Make natural packs at home : I use a lot of natural, homemade face packs, so it’s only fair my kids get to reap the benefits as well. Some natural ingredients such as honey, turmeric mixed with coconut oil, potato juice, etc. work excellently on your baby’s skin! Give them a try! Use baby wipes : Babies are messy! Make sure you have stocked up on a year’s supply of baby wipes because cleansing your baby’s skin and not letting the dirt settle in is thoroughly important! Use lukewarm water for bathing : Make sure the temperature of the water is not too high or too low! It’s important to maintain a steady temperature throughout the baby’s bath.

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Too much lotion, you think? Try out these natural skin remedies, your baby will certainly be thankful in the future. Loved these baby skincare home remedies? Which ones did you try at home? Let me know in the comments below.
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Asked By: Charles Edwards Date: created: Oct 31 2023

What makes a beautiful baby

Answered By: David Watson Date: created: Nov 02 2023

Eat fresh fruits – If you want to give birth to a beautiful baby, plan your meals to include nourishing food. Fruits like mangoes, papaya, oranges, bananas, and African cherries should be in your diet. There are many other seasonal fruits, and you’ll do well to eat them if you want beautiful babies.
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Which parent does baby get skin color from?

– A person usually has 23 pairs of chromosomes. Each of a person’s chromosome pairs has one chromosome from each parent. This means that a baby receives half of their genetic makeup from each of their biological parents. Some of a baby’s physical characteristics will come from dominant genes from either biological parent.

  1. For example, if one of a baby’s parents passed on the gene for blue eyes and the other parent passed on one for brown eyes, their baby would have brown eyes.
  2. This is because the gene for brown eyes is dominant.
  3. A baby’s skin color is a polygenic trait.
  4. This means that the skin color a baby has depends on more than one gene,

When a baby inherits skin color genes from both biological parents, a mixture of different genes will determine their skin color. Since a baby inherits half its genes from each biological parent, its physical appearance will be a mix of both. A baby may look more like one parent than the other, or it may look like neither.
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Can a dark baby become fair?

Your baby’s skin colour, whether dark or fair, is determined by his genes at the time of conception, Nothing you did during pregnancy or do now will change your baby’s natural complexion. Genetics determine the amount of melanin in your baby’s skin. Melanin is the pigmentation that colours skin.

The more melanin your baby’s skin has, the darker his complexion will be. Melanin protects skin from the harmful rays of the sun, the rays that cause sunburns and skin cancer. The skin can adapt melanin production to sunlight exposure. So if your baby is exposed to sunlight regularly, his skin will get darker, and if he hardly gets any direct sunlight for long, he might appear fairer.

But he will never get fairer than his natural skin colour, which sets in soon after birth. Newborns often look fair at birth with skin that sometimes has a pinkish tone. The pink tint comes from the red blood vessels which show through your newborn’s thin skin.

  • Most parents assume that this is their baby’s actual skin colour.
  • But a newborn’s skin darkens slightly as more of the natural pigment that gives it colour – melanin – is produced.
  • So it’s normal for your baby’s complexion to change a bit on it’s own at first.
  • Newborn skin varies in appearance according to how many weeks pregnant you were when your baby was born.
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Premature babies have thin, transparent-looking skin and may be covered with lanugo, a fine, downy hair. They may also still be covered with vernix, a greasy white substance that protects skin from the amniotic fluid. Full-term and late babies will have only a few traces of vernix in the folds of their skin.

Late babies may also have a slightly wrinkly appearance and very little, if any, lanugo. Try not to put your preference of skin colour onto your baby and appreciate him for how nature made him. Mostly parents try to lighten their baby’s complexion, but the things done to get lighter skin tones are often not healthy.

Keeping your baby away from sunlight to ensure a fair complexion is not healthy in the same way that exposing him to too much sun can be harmful, If your baby was born with newborn jaundice, your doctor might ask you to expose him to the sun in the mornings for 10 to 15 minutes a day.

This is an important part of his treatment and should not be skipped out of concern for your baby’s skin colour. Any change in your baby’s skin colour due to exposure to the sun is temporary. As your baby grows, outdoor play is very important for his developing eyesight and his overall health and physical development,

Your child needs to spend time playing in the sun to produce vitamin D, which is important for healthy bones. Your baby’s skin colour will vary over time as he grows. At times when your child spends more time playing outdoors in the sun, his skin gets slightly darker.

  • In the months when outdoor play is not always possible, he might seem to get fairer.
  • But no matter the colour of his skin, your child will be just as adorable and mean as much to you and to all those who love him.
  • So try not to worry about his skin colour, fairer skin does not mean more beautiful skin.

Many mothers try to change their baby’s complexion by applying homemade pastes, ubtan or creams. These are unlikely to have an effect on your baby’s complexion and may even prove harmful for your baby. Homemade pastes or ubtan A paste of raw milk, fresh cream, gram flour ( besan ) and turmeric ( haldi ) is often made and applied to a baby during his massage,

Raw milk can carry bacteria which cause diarrhoea, or infections like TB, Fresh cream tends to make the skin greasy and may cause rashes in the summer heat or even in winter if it’s not washed off properly. Also, the coarse nature of gram flour and turmeric may cause slight scratches or rashes on a baby’s sensitive skin.

Talcum powder Some mothers apply lots of talcum powder on their babies to make them look fair. Not only will this not work, but using talcum powder on the face is not recommended as your baby can breathe in the small talc particles. Read more on how to use talcum powder safely,

Fairness creams It is not advisable to use any fairness creams on your baby. These are expensive, they are unlikely to work, and if they do work, they may not be safe or suitable for a baby’s delicate skin. They may contain steroids and other chemicals, such as mercury and hydroquinone that are unsafe.

These chemicals may not be listed in the ingredients list. Creams containing steroids should also never be used on the face. Using fairness creams on your baby can cause rashes, allergies and even skin burns on his delicate skin. Some also choose to use ayurvedic or natural skin lightening creams; however, there aren’t enough studies on the safety and effectiveness of these preparations.

  1. Some of these creams may also contain unlisted ingredients that may cause unpleasant side-effects.
  2. It is important for your baby’s self-esteem later in life that you accept your baby as he is.
  3. Once you do, you will realise how beautiful your baby is no matter what complexion he has.
  4. That said, it’s a good idea to be aware of any skin or complexion variations.
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Your baby’s skin may look red or flushed when he has a high temperature, Or he may have a slight bluish tinge on his hands and feet due to the cold. Some babies even turn red or purple when they cry a lot, All these variations in colour are normal and temporary.

  1. Some complexion changes, on the other hand, may signal a health problem and need medical attention.
  2. If the bluish tinge does not go away after a crying fit, or if your baby has a bluish tint to the skin, lips, and fingernails, it may be a sign of a breathing problem or an immature blood circulation system.

In some babies, a heart defect causes a change in skin colour (cyanosis) because the oxygen levels in their blood are lower than they should be. Light-skinned babies develop a bluish tinge. Dark-skinned babies look grey or whitish around the mouth and may have a blue-coloured, triangular shape on and around their forehead, nose and lips.

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Does eating saffron make baby fair?

– One reason people have embraced saffron is its purported effect on their baby’s skin tone. Some cultures hold that saffron will make your baby’s skin lighter. However, there doesn’t seem to be any scientific evidence that consuming saffron while pregnant will have this effect. Don’t worry: Your baby will be absolutely beautiful, regardless of whether you enjoy any saffron during your pregnancy.
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Asked By: Jackson Patterson Date: created: Dec 24 2024

What makes a light skin baby

Answered By: Hunter Perry Date: created: Dec 25 2024

Can a dark-skinned couple have a light-skinned baby? IT is not uncommon for two dark skinned persons to have a light skinned baby. Skin colour is a physical characteristic that is determined by genes inherited from one’s parents. However, the actual colour depends on which gene is more dominant. How To Get Fair Baby Naturally During Pregnancy IT is not uncommon for two dark skinned persons to have a light skinned baby. Skin colour is a physical characteristic that is determined by genes inherited from one’s parents. However, the actual colour depends on which gene is more dominant. Ask the doctor with Dr.

Gloria Ndagire Dear Doctor, Is it possible that two very dark skinned people can have a baby with fair complexion? How does this happen? Ken Dear Ken,It is not uncommon for two dark skinned persons to have a light skinned baby. Skin colour is a physical characteristic that is determined by genes inherited from one’s parents.

However, the actual colour depends on which gene is more dominant. A baby will end up being light skinned if they inherit the dominant gene from their light skinned mother and the less dominant one from their dark skinned father. However, during the process of conception and fertilization, there is mixing of genetic material to form a new unique being.

This explains why siblings from the same family may have different skin tones and appearances. Sometimes the formerly less dominant genes from ones grandparents may become dominant in the babies who may end up with a different skin colour from that of their parents. Whether a gene is physically expressed or not depends on whether it is paired with a less dominant or more dominant gene.

: Can a dark-skinned couple have a light-skinned baby?
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How to get fair baby in pregnancy in Ayurveda?

Natural Brite uses the principle of Herbal Medicine like bach flower therapy which acts as a cleansing agent for the skin and purification of the body. Thus when given in the pregnancy for a month in the 5th or 6th month brings about a flawless complexion of the developing baby.
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