Asked By: Gregory Kelly Date: created: Jul 12 2024

Is it normal to get warts while pregnant

Answered By: Christopher Smith Date: created: Jul 13 2024

How does having genital warts affect my pregnancy care? – If you have any history of HPV, you should tell your prenatal care provider. You should also tell them whether you’ve had genital warts or an abnormal Pap smear in the past. While HPV normally doesn’t affect you or your unborn child, your doctor will want to check for any abnormalities over the course of your pregnancy.

Because so many cells are growing and multiplying during pregnancy, your doctor will want to watch out for any unusual growth or other changes. Additionally, some women develop larger genital warts than usual while they’re pregnant. If you don’t know whether you have HPV, your doctor will evaluate you for the virus as part of your prenatal care.

HPV vaccine There are now HPV vaccines available for most of the strains of HPV that cause genital warts and cancer. These vaccines are most effective when administered before a person becomes sexually active and are recommended for both boys and girls.
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Asked By: Herbert Wilson Date: created: Dec 04 2024

Will warts go away after pregnancy

Answered By: Colin Walker Date: created: Dec 05 2024

Changes in the woman’s immune system and blood supply can allow warts to develop. Warts can be treated during pregnancy but it can be more difficult to get rid of them. Most women will notice that their warts go away in the weeks following the birth of their baby.
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Does pregnancy make warts worse?

Genital Warts During Pregnancy: Symptoms and Treatment – External genital warts are generally caused by certain strains of the human papillomavirus (HPV), HPV is a common sexually transmitted infection that affects up to 75% of men and women who are sexually active,

Often those who contract HPV will not know because it did not present symptoms and resolved on its own. There are many strains of HPV, and some of them will result in the development of genital warts. These warts are very contagious and are easily spread from person to person via sexual activity. These warts will show up externally around the vagina, anus, in the rectum, or on the cervix.

The warts are usually soft and skin-colored, varying in size. Aside from occasionally itching, burning or bleeding, the warts are usually painless. For many women, warts will resolve on their own and disappear within a few months. If this does not happen, treatment is effective in clearing warts up.

  1. Some strains of HPV have been known to alter cells so much that cancer can result; however, this is not generally found in the strain of HPV linked to genital warts.
  2. Nonetheless, if you are sexually active, it is recommended you get regular Pap smears to assure your overall health.
  3. If you have the strain of HPV that results in genital warts while pregnant, it is not likely to affect the health of your baby.
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Genital warts have been shown to grow faster during pregnancy due to discharge, as well as changes to in hormones and immune system. But genital warts during pregnancy are not generally considered to pose a serious risk to you or your baby. There are some rare cases where the mothers have passed on the HPV that causes warts to their unborn baby, but the baby is usually able to overcome the symptoms on his or her own or through early medical intervention by the doctor.
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Do warts grow faster during pregnancy?

HPV and pregnancy – HPV is unlikely to affect your pregnancy or your baby’s health. If you have genital warts, they may grow faster during pregnancy, possibly from the extra vaginal discharge that provides the virus with a moist growing environment, hormonal changes, or changes in your immune system.

In most cases, the warts won’t pose any problems for you or your baby. It’s possible for you to pass the virus to your baby, but this doesn’t happen very often. Even if your child does contract HPV, they are likely to overcome it on their own without any symptoms or problems. If your child gets the type of HPV that causes genital warts, they may develop warts on their vocal cords and other areas sometime in infancy or childhood.

This condition, called recurrent papillomatosis, is rare but very serious.
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Can my wart spread to my baby?

Are warts contagious? – Warts aren’t highly contagious, but you can pick up the virus from direct contact with another person or from an object a wart touched, such as a towel. Warts often spread when children pick at them. They can spread on your child’s body, especially to places where the skin is torn or cracked.
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Asked By: Mason Howard Date: created: Mar 12 2024

Can I use liquid wart remover while pregnant

Answered By: Richard Bailey Date: created: Mar 12 2024

– Over-the-counter (OTC) salicylic acid products may not be safe for use during pregnancy, Prescription salicylic acid products, especially oral medications, aren’t safe. To maintain clear, breakout-free skin without medications during pregnancy:

wash your skin gently with mild soapeat a healthy dietincrease your vitamin A intake from foods

Pimples still keeping you down? Your doctor or dermatologist can help point you to other treatments that are safe for use during pregnancy. In many cases, your skin will clear on its own once you’ve had your baby and your hormones regulate.
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Can I use salicylic acid on warts while pregnant?

They are considered safe to use in pregnancy.1 Salicylic acid can also be an ingredient in direct to skin medications which treat musculoskeletal pain and scaly skin conditions (eg. warts).
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Asked By: Reginald Ross Date: created: Aug 18 2024

Why am I getting warts on my hands while pregnant

Answered By: Robert Evans Date: created: Aug 18 2024

Growths. Pregnancy hormones stimulate many kinds of growths, notes Dr. Hanft. ‘Most commonly, we see increases in acrochordons, angiomas, nevi and warts.’ She adds, ‘As pregnancy is also a mild state of immunosuppression, warts can be more numerous or more difficult to treat.
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Can warts cause birth defects?

Women who have HPV during pregnancy may worry that the HPV virus can harm their unborn child, but in most cases, it won’t affect the developing baby, Nor does HPV infection – which can manifest itself as genital warts or abnormal Pap smears – usually change the way a woman is cared for during pregnancy.
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Asked By: Kevin Hall Date: created: Jan 13 2025

What makes warts go away

Answered By: Walter Brown Date: created: Jan 16 2025

Lifestyle and home remedies – Home treatment is often effective in removing common warts. Unless you have an impaired immune system or diabetes, try these methods:

Peeling medicine (salicylic acid). Nonprescription wart removal products such as salicylic acid are available as a patch, ointment, pad and liquid. For common warts, look for a 17 percent salicylic acid solution. These products (Compound W, Dr. Scholl’s Clear Away Wart Remover, others) are usually used daily, often for a few weeks. For best results, soak your wart in warm water for a few minutes before applying the product. File away any dead skin with a disposable emery board or a pumice stone between treatments. If your skin becomes too irritated, decrease how often you use this method to treat your wart. If you’re pregnant, talk with your doctor before using an acid solution. Freezing. Some liquid nitrogen products are available in nonprescription liquid or spray form (Compound W Freeze Off, Dr. Scholl’s Freeze Away, others). Duct tape. Cover the wart with silver duct tape for six days. Then soak it in water and gently remove dead tissue with a pumice stone or disposable emery board. Leave the wart exposed for about 12 hours, and then repeat the process until the wart is gone. Study results have been mixed on the effectiveness of duct tape in removing warts, either alone or with other therapies.

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What causes skin warts during pregnancy?

Genital warts are soft, fleshy growths in the genital area, on the cervix, or in the vagina. Warts can appear alone or in clusters, and resemble tiny pieces of cauliflower. These warts are caused by human papillomavirus (HPV). According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 42.5% of the United States population 18 and older has been exposed to HPV.

This means that many pregnant women have HPV. It is also very common to have HPV and not have any visible warts or other symptoms. In fact, many people (pregnant people included) with HPV have no idea they have it. Additionally, this highly contagious condition can be spread when no symptoms are present.

Here is what you need to know about HPV, genital warts, and pregnancy.
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Can pregnancy cause warts on hands?

Pregnancy hormones stimulate many kinds of growths, notes Dr. Hanft. ‘ Most commonly, we see increases in acrochordons, angiomas, nevi and warts.’ She adds, ‘As pregnancy is also a mild state of immunosuppression, warts can be more numerous or more difficult to treat.
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What does it mean to have HPV while pregnant?

Women who have HPV during pregnancy may worry that the HPV virus can harm their unborn child, but in most cases, it won’t affect the developing baby, Nor does HPV infection – which can manifest itself as genital warts or abnormal Pap smears – usually change the way a woman is cared for during pregnancy.
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Does pregnancy trigger HPV?

Abstract – This study examined the effects of pregnancy on the prevalence of HPV infection, comparing 69 pregnant and 54 nonpregnant age-frequency matched female patients. HPV prevalence was detected by DNA hybridization using the ViraPap/ViraType dot blot procedure.

The prevalence of HPV among pregnant women increased with gestational age from 8.0% in the first trimester, to 16.7% in the second, and 23.1% in the third trimester. This finding suggests that HPV infection may be activated by hormonal or other effects of pregnancy and may explain why number of pregnancies is known to be associated with increased risk of cervical dysplasia and cancer.

Oncogenic HPV types 16/18 and 31/33/35 were identified with almost equal frequency in the study population whereas HPV 6/11 was seen rarely. The logistic regression models indicate that there were no significant differences between HPV positive and HPV negative groups by age, income, number of sex partners, age of first intercourse, average frequency of intercourse per month, number of pregnancies, oral contraceptive duration, or pregnancy status.

There were no interaction effects. A current Pap result of cervical dysplasia (OR = 8.9; 95% confidence interval: 2.1, 38.8), oral contraceptive use (OR = 0.1; 0.03, 0.6), and education (OR = 1.4; 1.1, 1.8) were significant predictors of HPV status. PIP: Between October 1987-May 1988, researchers compared 69 pregnant patients with 54 age matched nonpregnant patients at the University of Iowa Medical School Hospital in Iowa City to examine the effects of pregnancy on the prevalence of human papilloma virus (HPV) infection.

Almost all cases and controls were White. Pregnant women had more risks for cervical dysplasia and cancer than nonpregnant women: a simultaneous diagnosis of dysplasia/squamous intraepithelial lesions, current and past smoking (p.001 and p.05), greater number of partners (p.05) and pregnancies (p(.001), an earlier age at 1st intercourse (p.001), a higher frequency of intercourse/month, less education (OR 1.4), and poorer.

  • In addition, pregnant women tended not to use condoms (p.01) which can prevent transmission of sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Oral contraceptive (OC) use had a protective effect (OR 0.1), but duration of OC use did not significantly change the ORs.
  • The 2 groups had basically the same overall frequency of HPV (15.9% pregnant and 14.8% nonpregnant), but HPV frequency increased as did gestational age.

For example, it was 8% for the 1st trimester, 16.7% for the 2nd trimester, and 23.1% for the 3rd trimester. This increase in frequency suggested that it occurs with activation of latent HPV infection or increased HPV plasmid replication during pregnancy.

The researchers hypothesized that high progesterone levels may activate transcriptional HPV replication or change an immune response. Other studies demonstrated that increasing parity is linked with cervical cancer. Thus the researchers proposed that other researchers to set up longitudinal studies to follow pregnant and postpartum women to see if condylomas, cervical dysplasia, and cancer subsequently develop.

These studies will allow researchers to determine if HPV status during the 2nd and 3rd trimesters predicts disease.
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