Asked By: Harold Wood Date: created: Sep 29 2023

What is the lack of education

Answered By: Eric Coleman Date: created: Sep 29 2023

Description of the Problem – In 1869, in his outstanding essay “The New Education,” president of Harvard University Charles Eliot outlined general areas and ways for the education system development. In this essay, Eliot presented strong arguments for the constant renewal of the curriculum and teaching methodology so that learning could keep pace with the development of society.

After one and a half hundred years, this approach is still relevant. Lack of education is the inability of people to acquire specialized skills, such as cognitive skills, socialization, memorization of facts which are necessary for personal development and the development of society and the world economy.

It can be manifested in inaccessibility to education for some parts of the population, for such reasons as the lack of schools, teachers, or money to pay for education. It also can be expressed as the education quality of citizens. Often the inefficiency of the educational process organization has bad result – after several years spent in the educational institution, people cannot find a job as their knowledge and skills are not enough.

Lack of education is a social problem, as education should promote humane and productive human life (Costache, 2018). In addition, well-educated people benefit society and continue its development. Because of the technological development, jobs and competencies change faster than people can adapt. The major part of the world’s population is behind in the most important practical skills.

In the nearest future, the major part of jobs will be connected with the IT-sphere. By anticipating changes of this magnitude, companies are urgently trying to find and gain the competencies needed to maintain competitiveness. Skills shortages are now one of the major threats to businesses.

  • On-Time Delivery! Get your customised and 100% plagiarism-free paper done in as little as 3 hours Let’s start 322 specialists online This problem is of global scale and affects all areas of the economy.
  • For example, according to Farooq et al.
  • 2018), the successful economic development of Pakistan requires cooperation with China within the framework of China – Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

However, researchers note a lack of qualified personnel, in particular women, in such areas as higher education and logistics for sufficient fruitful cooperation. The most vulnerable area in which education shortages are unacceptable is health care. However, even this sphere suffers from the problem of unskilled personnel.

Coughlin (2017), for example, notes that nurses have not been professional enough for performing their job recently. She explores the field of nursing with Down Syndrome but it can be argued that it applies to all areas of medicine. Information on the lack of education worldwide, as well as in specific countries, is confirmed by statistics from official sources of international organizations and government think tanks.

According to UNESCO Institute for Statistics (2018), for example, one in five children of school age do not attend educational institutions, and the total number of such children in 2016 was more than 260 million. The statistics show that the number of out-of-school children decreased by 114,5 million. What Are The Causes Of Lack Of Education Through statistics, significant gaps in the existing education system can be identified. For example, there is still a serious gap between the life quality in developed and developing countries, which also affects the education level. The publications of Our World in Data, whose research power is located at Oxford University, among many infographics, have also determined literacy rates in world states (Roser & Ortiz-Ospina, 2020).

The downside of the provided statistics is that researchers failed to obtain data for several countries. However, these are only a couple of countries with small populations. According to the data, 142 world states have a high level of education of 90-100%, with 8 states having a 100% rate. In just over 20 countries, the literacy rate is below 60%.

They found that most African countries had a literacy rate below 30 percent. Get a custom-written paper For only $13.00 $11/page you can get a custom-written academic paper according to your instructions Let us help you 322 specialists online What Are The Causes Of Lack Of Education
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What are the cause of education?

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child recognizes education as a legal right of every child. Yet education remains a privilege to many. UNESCO data shows that 258 million children and youth were out of school for the school year ending in 2018.

Of that total, more than 129 million were girls and 58 million were of primary school age. Among those fortunate to have access to education, on the other hand, more than 617 million children and adolescents do not have minimum proficiency levels in reading and mathematics.1. What is education? Education is the process where an individual acquires or imparts basic knowledge to another.

It is also where a person:

develops skills essential to daily living, learns social norms, develops judgment and reasoning, and learns how to discern right from wrong.

The ultimate goal of education is to help an individual navigate life and contribute to society once they become older. There are various types of education but typically, traditional schooling dictates the way one’s education success is measured. People who attended school and attained a higher level of education are considered more employable and likely to earn more.

In developing, low-income countries, for example, there is a projected 10 per cent increase in a person’s future income for every additional year of education. Education helps eradicate poverty and hunger, giving people the chance at better lives. This is one of the biggest reasons why parents strive to make their kids attend school as long as possible.

It is also why nations work toward promoting easier access to education for both children and adults. Household food insecurity is a common problem in Somalia and is identified as a reason for student absenteeism. Many families are pastoralists, moving around where the food source is, especially during periods of drought. It becomes difficult for their children to attend school regularly.

Education helps a person hone their communication skills by learning how to read, write, speak and listen. Education develops critical thinking, This is vital in teaching a person how to use logic when making decisions and interacting with people (e.g., boosting creativity, enhancing time management). Education helps an individual meet basic job qualifications and makes them more likely to secure better jobs. Education promotes gender equality and helps empower girls and women. A World Bank report found that an extra year of schooling for girls reduces teen pregnancy rates by six per cent and gave women more control over how many children they have. Education reduces child mortality. According to UNESCO, a child born to a mother who can read is 50 per cent more likely to survive past the age of five.

A student from a primary school in Rwanda tries using a tablet computer in class. Many World Vision programs introduce technology into classrooms and youth training centres. Photo: Charity Beza Uwase 3. What are the different types of education? Education is typically divided into three categories: formal education, informal education, and non-formal education.

Formal education Formal education is the type that is typically conducted in a classroom setting in an academic institution. This is where students are taught basic skills such as reading and writing, as well as more advanced academic lessons. Also known as ‘formal learning’, it usually begins in elementary school and culminates in post-secondary education.

It is provided by qualified teachers or professors and follows a curriculum. Informal education Informal education, on the other hand, is the type that is done outside the premises of an academic institution. Often, this is when a person learns skills or acquires knowledge from home, when visiting libraries, or browsing educational websites through a device.

  • Learning from the elders in one’s community can also be an important form of informal education.
  • Such education is often not planned or deliberate, nor does it follow a regimented timetable or a specific curriculum.
  • It is spontaneous and may also be described as a natural form of education.
  • Non-formal education Non-formal education has qualities similar to both formal and informal education.

It follows a timetable and is systemically implemented but not necessarily conducted within a school system. It is flexible in terms of time and curriculum and normally does not have an age limit. The most common examples of non-formal education include community-based courses, vocational training or short programs that are not facilitated by professional instructors. A female student in Lebanon learns carpentry, a skill often associated with men. Education of all kinds empower girls and women in their communities. Photo: Maria Bou Chaaya 4. What are the benefits of education? If all students in low-income countries acquired basic reading skills before leaving school, entire societies could change dramatically.

According to UNESCO, 171 million people could be lifted out of poverty. But education isn’t just about living above the poverty line. It’s about quality of life, choices at work, and many other benefits, as listed below. Developing problem-solving skills The schooling system teaches a person how to make their own decisions by developing critical and logical thinking skills.

This prepares children for adulthood when both big and small decisions become a constant part of their daily lives. For example: coming up with solutions to challenges in the community or planning how to provide for a family. Self-reliance and empowerment Knowing how to read, write and do arithmetic is empowering.

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When a person can read, they can access endless learning and information. When they can calculate expenses and make a budget, they can start a small business. Paired with the ability to form opinions, literacy makes a person become more self-reliant, and gives them confidence. Promoting equality among individuals In an ideal world, there is no room for discrimination due to race, gender, religion, social class, or level of literacy.

This is where the value of education comes to play. Through education, one can develop strong, well-considered opinions – and learn to respect the views of others. Many experts agree that education is a significant contributor to peace in societies. Stability and financial security A person’s income is often linked to his or her educational attainment.

Around the world, there are more employment opportunities for those who complete high school, earn a degree, diploma or certificate, or go on to post-graduate studies. These can also mean higher salaries. Economic growth (as a nation) An educated population is important in building a nation’s economy.

According to studies, countries with the highest literacy rates are more likely to make progress in human and economic development. National economic growth begins with individual economic growth, which is often linked back to education. In Canada, 70 per cent of jobs have a college-level reading skill requirement. Elementary students from Papua New Guinea now have toy kits for recreation time at school. Play helps children solve problems, develop creativity and work as a team. Photo: Nelson Kairi Kurukuru 5. What does World Vision do to make education more accessible for girls and boys? One of World Vision’s objectives is to make education accessible for girls and boys around the world.

We see it as an effective tool to promote sustainable growth for children, their families and the communities that we support. In 2020, donors sponsored 377,888 children across 44 countries through World Vision Canada alone, Many of these children are now benefitting from formal education. At least 12,270 children attend after-school literacy activities, while 51,585 adults were educated on child protection.

World Vision has several programs which make education of children and youth a priority. These include Child Sponsorship, the Raw Hope initiative and the World Vision Gift Catalogue, Through these projects, anyone interested in helping fund the education of vulnerable children can participate. Rosemiah, a young teacher in the Philippines, helps children improve their reading skills through a program called the Culture of Reading. Photo: Ramon Lucas Jimenez 6. How can I contribute toward making education accessible? Children in Canada have access to free education all the way through high school – but it’s not true everywhere.

Below are some of the ways you can help make education accessible for girls and boys around the world. Child Sponsorship World Vision is known for our Child Sponsorship program. It is an initiative where we pool together funds from donors, partners and the Canadian government to provide access to necessities such as nutritious food, clean water, health care and education among others.

The program benefits children across 44 countries, emphasizing access to education. Raw Hope Raw Hope is another program where we strive to make learning possible, even in the world’s most dangerous places. We do more than provide access to life-saving essentials.

  • Raw Hope also includes the creation of safe spaces where girls and boys can play and continue their learning, even when life is in chaos.
  • Gift Catalogue World Vision’s online Gift Catalogue invites donors to choose from many kinds of life-changing gifts–including several focusing on education.
  • You can help by: donating textbooks for children, distributing school essentials, donating tech for a community, and helping send girls to school,

Volunteer While monetary donations are a great way to help, it is not the only option. You can also try volunteering your time by joining groups in your city or neighbourhood. Look for associations accepting volunteer teachers and share your knowledge with children of all ages. A boy in Rwanda solves a math equation. Arithmetic can help children learn to save money, create budgets, secure better jobs when they are older and even start small businesses. Photo: Charity Beza Uwase 7. Quick facts about education in Canada and the world Different countries and regions have different approaches to education, for children and adults.

Education in Canada is generally overseen and funded by governments (provincial, territorial and federal). Kindergarten in Canada is mandatory in most provinces and optional in a few. Starting in Grade 1, education is mandatory until a child is at least 16. The only exceptions are when families adhere to certain requirements for home schooling. Canada offers a Kindergarten to Grade 12 educational system, along with some other countries, such as the United States, Australia, Germany, Japan, Singapore and the Philippines. Canada once had a highly controversial residential school system. More than 150,000 First Nations, Métis and Inuit children were forced to attend church-run, government-funded schools between the 1870s and 1997. In 2016, some 750 million adults in the world still lacked basic reading and writing skills. Two-thirds of them were women.

Central Asia, Europe and North America have the highest literacy rates for youth aged 15-24 at nearly 100 per cent. The sub-Saharan region of Africa has the lowest, at 75 per cent. The criteria for assessing literacy vary between countries.
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What are the cause and effect of lack of education?

Quick Answer: The Effects of lack of Education – Lack of education has serious effects on everyone, not only people who are under-educated. People who lack education have trouble getting ahead in life, have worse health and are poorer than the well-educated. Major effects of lack of education include: poor health, lack of a voice, shorter lifespan, unemployment, exploitation and gender inequality.
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Why is lack of education a problem essay?

Lack of education is a drastically big global issue which affects many lives. Lack of education causes multiple issues and it itself is a issue we cannot look over. The simple problem of not have education causes problems such as deficit for the community, an intolerant society, and it will create a cycle of poverty.
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What are the three issues in education?

A number of issues and controversies now face educators and communities. Among them are discipline and security; race, ethnicity, and equality; mainstreaming; and public versus private education. Expressions of violence have increased in the culture, and so has violence in the schools.

In the past, only urban or poor inner‐city schools worried about serious violence. With recent school shootings in small towns from Kentucky to Oregon, all U.S. schools and districts, however small, must now directly address the increased incidence of school violence. Teachers have found children as young as kindergarten coming to school armed.

Schools have reacted decisively. To reduce the threat from strangers or unauthorized persons, many have closed campuses. Others require all persons on campus to wear identification at all times. When the students themselves come to school armed, however, the schools have been forced to take more drastic measures.

Many have installed metal detectors or conduct random searches. Although some people question whether the searches constitute illegal search and seizure, most parents, students, administrators, and teachers feel that, given the risk involved, the infringement on civil liberties is slight. Educators recognize that metal detectors alone will not solve the problem.

Society must address the underlying issues that make children carry weapons. Many schools include anger management and conflict resolution as part of the regular curriculum. They also make counseling more available, and hold open forums to air differences and resolve conflicts.

  1. School uniforms constitute another strategy for reducing violence, and public schools across the country—large and small—are beginning to require them.
  2. Many violent outbursts relate to gangs.
  3. Gang members usually wear identifying clothing, such as a particular color, style, or garment.
  4. By requiring uniforms and banning gang colors and markers, administrators can prevent much of the violence in the schools.

Advocates point out, too, that uniforms reduce social class distinctions and cost less than buying designer wardrobes or standard school clothes. Race, ethnicity, and equality The first major examination of race, ethnicity, and equality in education came as part of the civil rights movement.

Ordered by Congress, the Commissioner of Education appointed sociologist James Coleman to assess educational opportunities for people with diverse backgrounds. His team amassed information from 4,000 schools, 60,000 teachers, and about 570,000 students. The subsequent Coleman Report produced unexpected—and controversial—results, unforeseen even by researchers.

The report concluded that the key predictors of student performance were social class, family background and education, and family attitudes toward education. The Coleman Report pointed out that children coming from poor, predominantly non‐white communities began school with serious deficits and many could not overcome them.

According to the report, school facilities, funding, and curriculum played only minimal roles. Some studies supported the Coleman Report’s findings, while others disputed them. Studies by Rist and Rosenthal‐Jacobson demonstrated that specific classroom practices, such as teacher attention, did affect student performance.

Sociologists reconcile the opposite findings by pointing out that Coleman’s large‐scale study reveals broad cultural patterns, while classroom studies are more sensitive to specific interactions. Sociologists conclude, then, that all of the factors named by the divergent studies do play a role in student success.

Even though researchers widely disputed the Coleman Report, the report did bring about two major changes: First was the development of Head Start, a federal program for providing academically focused preschool to low‐income children. This program is specifically designed to compensate for the disadvantages that low‐income students face. Head Start has proven successful, and most students who go through the program as 4‐ or 5‐year‐olds continue to perform better than students not enrolled in Head Start, at least through the sixth grade.

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The other consequence of the Coleman Report proved to be less successful and far more controversial than the Head Start program. In an effort to desegregate education, courts ordered some districts to institute busing —a program of transporting students to schools outside their neighborhoods, that they normally would not attend, in order to achieve racial balance.

This generally meant busing white students to inner‐city schools and busing minority students to suburban schools. Public opposition to busing programs remains high, and the program has achieved only modest results. Bilingual education, which means offering instruction in a language other than English, constitutes another attempt to equalize education for minority students.

Federally mandated in 1968, bilingual education has generated considerable debate. Supporters argue that students whose first language is not English deserve an equal educational opportunity unavailable to them unless they can receive instruction in their first language.

  1. Opponents counter that students not taught in English will lack the fluency needed to function in daily life.
  2. Numerous studies support conclusions on both sides of the issue, and, as funding becomes scarce, the debate will intensify.
  3. Mainstreaming is the practice of placing physically, emotionally, or mentally challenged students in a regular classroom instead of a special education classroom.

Educators continue to debate the merits and problems of mainstreaming. In general, the practice seems to work best for students who can still keep pace with their peers in the classroom, and less well for students with more severe challenges. Experts note that exceptions do occur on both accounts and recommend careful consideration on a case‐by‐case basis.

Most of the public‐versus‐private discussion centers on public education. One cannot ignore the effect of private education and home schooling on American education, however. Many parents who are dissatisfied with the quality of public education, who are afraid of rising violence in the schools, or who want specific personal or religious values integrated into the curriculum, turn to private and parochial schools.

The majority of private schools are religious, with the majority of those being Catholic. Studies have found that private schools maintain higher expectations and that students in these schools generally outperform their public school peers. These findings support the Rist and Rosenthal‐Jacobson studies.

  1. Because of the success of private schools in educating at‐risk students, more parents are seeking ways to afford these institutions, which have been largely available only to affluent white families who can pay the tuition costs.
  2. One proposed solution is a voucher system,
  3. The government would issue parents credit worth a dollar amount to take to the school of their choice, public or private.

Advocates argue that this program would make private schooling more available to poorer families and create more equal opportunities. Critics charge that such a policy would drain public schools of needed funding and further erode public schools. The vouchers would not cover the entire cost of private school, and therefore still would not put private schooling within the reach of poorer families.
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What is cause and effect in education?

‘Teaching Cause and Effect’ contains a set of instructional methods that teachers can use to help students engage in higher order reasoning, thinking about a relationship in which one thing either leads to another or results from another.
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Asked By: Justin Turner Date: created: Sep 30 2023

How does lack of education affect our lives

Answered By: William Ward Date: created: Oct 03 2023

Every child has the right to learn. – A child’s right to education entails the right to learn. Yet, for too many children across the globe, schooling does not lead to learning. Over 600 million children and adolescents worldwide are unable to attain minimum proficiency levels in reading and mathematics, even though two thirds of them are in school.

  • For out-of-school children, foundational skills in literacy and numeracy are further from grasp.
  • This learning crisis – the rift between the levels of learning children receive and those they, their communities and entire economies need – hit a global scale even before the COVID-19 pandemic brought education systems to a halt.

Around the world, children are deprived of education and learning for various reasons. Poverty remains one of the most obstinate barriers. Children living through economic fragility, political instability, conflict or natural disaster are more likely to be cut off from schooling – as are those with disabilities, or from ethnic minorities.

  • In some countries, education opportunities for girls remain severely limited.
  • Even in schools, a lack of trained teachers, inadequate education materials and poor infrastructure make learning difficult for many students.
  • Others come to class too hungry, ill or exhausted from work or household tasks to benefit from their lessons.

Compounding these inequities is a digital divide of growing concern: Some two thirds of the world’s school-aged children do not have internet connection in their homes, restricting their opportunities to further their learning and skills development.
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Asked By: Joseph Roberts Date: created: Nov 25 2023

What causes poverty lack of education

Answered By: Cody Hernandez Date: created: Nov 27 2023

The solution will stop the lack of education causes poverty. – The first thing is to ensure that every child gets proper education until they are at least 18 and then gain a college degree. In the Philippines today, there is no free education. This means that a lot of children from poor families miss out. What Are The Causes Of Lack Of Education This also means that, they miss out on lucrative jobs and end up with low-paid or menial jobs which are mostly hard labor.
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Asked By: Lewis Phillips Date: created: Aug 20 2024

What is the common problems in education in Philippines

Answered By: Robert Murphy Date: created: Aug 22 2024

1. Deteriorating quality of education – It is uncommon to hear college teachers decry the quality of students that come to them. They lament the students’ inability to construct a correct sentence, much less a paragraph. Private schools have been assailed as profit-making institutions turning out half-baked graduates who later become part of the nation’s educated unemployed.
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Is there a lack of education in the Philippines?

THE recently released report on education by the World Bank (with Unicef, FCDO, USAid, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation) could hardly show worse results for the Philippines. According to the data gathered, 90.9 percent of Filipino children aged 10 appear to be in a situation of learning poverty, while 90.4 percent are classified as suffering from learning deprivation.

Additionally, 5 percent of Filipino children at that age are still unschooled. In my opinion, the most important finding is that the worrisome state of Philippine public education is not a consequence of the exceedingly long closure of schools during the pandemic — which only made the situation worse — but proof that the learning crisis comes from at least two decades of mismanagement.

The conclusions of the report highlight that without urgent action, the countries affected face learning and human capital catastrophe and the future of those children may be at risk. The report states that “there is a narrow window to act decisively to recover and accelerate learning” and “this will require firm political commitment and implementation of evidence-based approaches for rapid impact.” The bad news for the Philippines is that the process of making decisions on national education policies is not in the hands of teachers or experts in education, but would depend on politicians.

  • Since I have been teaching in the Philippines for the past 13 years, I have a few observations to do with the matter.
  • The most important one deals with the content of teaching units.
  • A rough review of school handbooks shows that what Filipino children learn in school is substantially less (in terms of quantity) than children of the same age in Europe (I know the examples of Spain, Italy and especially, Poland).

The extension of the period of education with the implementation of K to 12 did not mean more content, but just distributing the same content for more years. The immediate consequence is that many enter the university without having basic knowledge. I remember the first day of class at a top private university — this was around 2011.

The students were enrolled in a course in “international relations.” I asked the students why they chose that career, in which they would spend the next years. Most of them seemed excited about the idea of traveling and the prestige of being an ambassador. A few claimed, like the contestants in the Miss Universe pageant like to repeat, “I want to serve the Filipino people.” I showed the class an empty map of Europe and asked where France is.

Very few could locate it. Then, I asked to mention an important French individual in history: the name Napoleon did not even come to their minds. I repeated this in the five classes I had that day, all with roughly the same results. As a consolation prize, they all knew that croissants and crêpes are French.

My conclusions were confirmed when I found a student — in the same university — whose parents were OFWs in Italy. She said that, against the will of her parents, she chose to study in the Philippines to better know her roots. She only visited the Philippines once as a child and she had good memories, she explained.

After only one month, she was already regretting: tuition was more expensive, cancellation of classes happened too often and, more importantly, she felt that what she was learning was too basic. Despite the good friends she met, she decided to return to Italy to resume her university studies there.

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For many years I have been teaching Spanish to public school teachers, so they can teach basic Spanish in their high schools. They often complained about too many teaching hours per week (some of them up to 8 hours daily), low salaries, too many students in a class — up to 60 — and no time to attend workshops to improve their skills.

They also confessed that if the students attended the classes, they would give them a pass, claiming that some of them were so poor they came hungry to class. “Failing them would add a burden to their lives,” they said. Among those teachers, I already noticed a big difference in preparation between those working in cities like Metro Manila and Cebu, and those working in small towns in the provinces.

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  • The objection of some parents against K to 2 is — as far as I know — mostly motivated by the fact that it would delay the incorporation of their children into the job market.

The underlying assumption in those parents — and many students — is that what matters most is attaining an education degree (certificates, titles) to be able to apply for jobs. The problem is that grade inflation and the easy delivery of degrees are degrading the whole educational system.

We are therefore very far from the national hero’s dictum: that the freedom and prosperity of Filipinos could be obtained through education. Needless to say, the problem does not affect the children of the political and economic elite of the Philippines, whose children study in expensive international schools and often go to study in colleges abroad.

While in developed countries, education has served to mitigate inequalities with some kind of meritocracy (awarding academically the efforts of good students), here it is doing little to help low-income children become middle-class individuals. The Department of Education has a serious task to carry out, which involves which kind of country the Philippines wants to be in the future.
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What is wrong with the Philippines education system?

The Philippine Education System in Crisis The new school year has already begun, with problems from the previous school year carried over.It is an understatement to say that the education crisis continues to be a great challenge for students, teachers, and parents alike, especially for those living in poverty.

This crisis is not news — it has been around for quite some time. But the pandemic has spotlighted the cracks in the system and the widening gap between socioeconomic classes. Education in a time like this has demanded so much from its constituents, but at what cost? The effort to meet these demands has ironically kept many families in poverty, negatively affected academic performance as well as overall well-being, and worst of all, held millions of students back.We did not need a pandemic to tell us that the learning outcomes of our education system have long been declining in terms of quality and accessibility.

It has obviously failed to evolve and innovate into one that is resilient and that can continue to place learners on the path to progress.As of July 1, 2021, 16.6 million public and private school students, or just 59 percent of the 27.7 million enrollees in 2019, have enrolled.

In 2020, the education budget was slashed. The Department of Education (DepEd) budget decreased by PHP 21.9 billion, while the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) budget decreased by PHP 13.9 billion. The effects of these budget cuts, among others, trickled down into the education system and its benefactors: none other than our students.The Decline of Philippine Education By the NumbersPhilippine Business for Education (PBEd), an education advocacy group, held a press conference, entitled Philippine Education in Crisis: State of Education Press Conference, to present data that could put the education crisis into perspective.Since 2018, public expenditure for basic education has been alternately plateauing or dipping, while public expenditure for defense and infrastructure has increased in comparison.

PBEd also reported that local government units have not been fully utilizing their education funds. In fact, the average Special Education Fund (SEF) utilization rate was only 67.8 percent in 2020.These figures dovetail with COA reports of CHED allegedly underutilizing education funds under Bayanihan 2.

Youth leaders have taken to social media to call out to CHED for an explanation in support of various groups who have been lobbying for cash subsidies for students.In terms of financial constraints, PBEd has stated five problems that result in poor learning outcomes that need to be urgently addressed: (a) implementation inefficiencies; (b) malnutrition; © lack of textbooks; (d) school connectivity; and (e) teacher quality.

These are especially tough to deal with for students from low-income families, who experience a combination of these challenges daily. They are forced to choose between food or education when both are their fundamental rights. It is unsettling that their families must decide between putting food on the table or enrolling them in school.In 2017, it was estimated that there were 3.5 million out-of-school youths.

  • In SY 2020–2021, close to four million students were unable to enroll.
  • Of that number, around 50 percent of out-of-school youths were found to belong to families who were within the bottom 30 percent of the population in terms of income.Poor quality of education has resulted in low proficiency levels among students.

The 2018 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) results show that 72 percent of Filipino students performed lower than expected at their academic level. Filipino students scored an average of 340 points in Reading against the OECD average of 487.

In Mathematics and Science, they scored an average of 353 points and 357 points, respectively, against a 489-point OECD average for both.Some studies have shown a correlation between school funding and student outcomes. Low-funded schools are not as equipped and don’t perform to their full potential since they lack resources and access to technology.

This affects how efficiently they can implement reforms and update curricula.Similar studies have shown that when governments cut their per-pupil funding rates, this subsequently lowers the number of educators in a school. For instance, in public schools in the Philippines, it has been a years-long effort to bring down the number of students per classroom to an acceptable level.

  1. As such, imbalanced teacher-to-student ratios, shortages in classrooms, and large class sizes have perennially plagued the sector.
  2. Imbalanced teacher–student ratios decrease the interactions between teachers and students and lessen learning time.
  3. The lack of face-to-face classes has worsened this, and there have been many anecdotal accounts of student disengagement.It doesn’t help that we have a long way to go in terms of the curriculum itself, as it was only in 2016 that K-12 was fully implemented nationwide.

Four years on, K-12 continues to be implemented using unclear standards for assessment, a congested curriculum, and inadequate resources, among other issues. A study from the Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS) shows this. This has also been a major concern for blended learning.

  • The instability of K-12 and the challenges of blended learning continue to place the burden of delivering quality education on schools themselves, in order to make up for inadequacies in the program.The pandemic has shown that we need to continuously innovate in education.
  • But how can we move forward when the government is only spending PHP 723 per head for the continuing education of teachers annually? How can our teachers stay motivated when they have yet to receive increases in their meager salaries?Acknowledging that the Philippine Education Crisis ExistsFollowing the World Bank’s release of its findings on the country’s education system, Vice President Leni Robredo suggested the declaration of a “crisis in education” due to overall instability in the current setup.

Although the Department of Education (DepEd) has disputed these findings, it cannot be denied that they come from a very real place on-ground.It is about time that we acknowledge that the education crisis exists.PBEd Executive Director Love Basillote says that it is critical for the education system to start putting learning at the heart of its decisions and interventions.PBEd has proposed building a new “schoolhouse of reform” that aims at participation among all sectors of society, and that calls for a multi-sector Educational Commission (EdCom) to address the learning crisis.

Increasing budgets and resources to “widen the pie” for education; Implementing reforms such as the Philippine Plan of Action for Nutrition, pre-primary education, Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE), and Teacher Education Scholarship for Achievers (TEACH Bill); Establishing an autonomous assessment agency to provide insights on improving curriculum and bridge learning gaps; Enhancing complementarity between the public and private sector for educational governance; and Providing lifelong learning outside of formal education through the Jobs Next Bill.

“There’s always some other urgent crisis, some other more important issue. Something that always shoves education off the table and sets it aside. The impacts of any major reform won’t really improve the country’s situation 30 years later. So if we don’t start today, it will always be moved further and further,” says PBEd President Dr.

Chito Salazar.In COVID-19, the policy “no student left behind” rings more like an ideal — something that has yet to be achieved. PBEd Chairman Ramon del Rosario, Jr. sums it up, “We are ignoring the depth of the problem and underinvesting in the very people who will build our path to economic recovery.” It’s about time we went beyond vision statements.

Inclusive education reform is the only option: one student left behind is one too many. : The Philippine Education System in Crisis
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