Asked By: Nathan Clark Date: created: Oct 01 2023

How can you tell if your pregnant by your pulse

Answered By: Ashton Evans Date: created: Oct 04 2023

Symptoms that should be immediately reported to a doctor if they occur during pregnancy include the following:

Persistent or unusual headaches Light-headedness Disturbances of eyesight Contractions Leakage of amniotic fluid (described as “the water breaks”) Decreased urine production Any illness or infection Tremor (shaking of the hands, feet, or both) Seizures Rapid heart rate Decreased movement of the fetus

If labor was quick in previous pregnancies, women should notify their doctor as soon as they have any indication that labor is starting. Fatigue is common, especially in the first 12 weeks and again in late pregnancy. The woman may need to get more rest than usual.

By 12 weeks of pregnancy, the enlarging uterus may cause the woman’s abdomen to protrude slightly. The uterus continues to enlarge throughout pregnancy. The enlarging uterus extends to the level of the navel by 20 weeks and to the lower edge of the rib cage by 36 weeks. The breasts tend to enlarge because hormones (mainly estrogen ) are preparing the breasts for milk production.

The glands that produce milk gradually increase in number and become able to produce milk. The breasts may feel firm and tender. Wearing a bra that fits properly and provides support may help. During the last weeks of pregnancy, the breasts may produce a thin, yellowish or milky discharge (colostrum).

  1. Colostrum is also produced during the first few days after delivery, before breast milk is produced.
  2. This fluid, which is rich in minerals and antibodies, is the breastfed baby’s first food.
  3. During pregnancy, the woman’s heart must work harder because as the fetus grows, the heart must pump more blood to the uterus.

By the end of pregnancy, the uterus is receiving one fifth of the woman’s prepregnancy blood supply. During pregnancy, the amount of blood pumped by the heart (cardiac output) increases by 30 to 50%. As cardiac output increases, the heart rate at rest speeds up from a normal prepregnancy rate of about 70 beats per minute to as high as 90 beats per minute.

During exercise, cardiac output and heart rate increase more when a woman is pregnant than when she is not. At about 30 weeks of pregnancy, cardiac output decreases slightly. Then during labor, it increases by an additional 30%. After delivery, cardiac output decreases rapidly at first, then more slowly.

It returns to the prepregnancy level about 6 weeks after delivery. Blood pressure usually decreases during the 2nd trimester but may return to a normal prepregnancy level in the 3rd trimester. The volume of blood increases by almost 50% during pregnancy.

  • The amount of fluid in the blood increases more than the number of red blood cells (which carry oxygen).
  • Thus, even though there are more red blood cells, blood tests indicate mild anemia, which is normal.
  • For reasons not clearly understood, the number of white blood cells (which fight infection) increases slightly during pregnancy and increases markedly during labor and the first few days after delivery.

The enlarging uterus interferes with the return of blood from the legs and the pelvic area to the heart. As a result, swelling Swelling During Late Pregnancy As pregnancy progresses, fluid may accumulate in tissues, usually in the feet, ankles, and legs, causing them to swell and appear puffy.

This condition is called edema. Occasionally, the face. read more (edema) is common, especially in the legs. Varicose veins Varicose Veins Varicose veins are abnormally enlarged superficial veins in the legs. Varicose veins may cause your legs to ache, itch, and feel tired. Doctors can detect varicose veins by examining the skin.

read more commonly develop in the legs and in the area around the vaginal opening (vulva). They sometimes cause discomfort. Clothing that is loose around the waist and legs is more comfortable and does not restrict blood flow. Some measures not only ease the discomfort but may also reduce leg swelling and make varicose veins more likely to disappear after delivery:

Wearing elastic support hose Resting frequently with the legs elevated Lying on the left side

Like the heart, the kidneys work harder throughout pregnancy. They filter the increasing volume of blood. The volume of blood filtered by the kidneys reaches a maximum between 16 and 24 weeks and remains at the maximum until just before the baby is due.

  1. Then, pressure from the enlarging uterus may slightly decrease the blood supply to the kidneys.
  2. Activity of the kidneys normally increases when a person lies down and decreases when a person stands.
  3. This difference is amplified during pregnancy—one reason a pregnant woman needs to urinate frequently while trying to sleep.
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Late in pregnancy, lying on the side, particularly the left side, increases kidney activity more than lying on the back. Lying on the left side relieves the pressure that the enlarged uterus puts on the main vein that carries blood from the legs. As a result, blood flow improves and kidney activity increases.

The uterus presses on the bladder, reducing its size so that it fills with urine more quickly than usual. This pressure also makes a pregnant woman need to urinate more often and more urgently. The high level of progesterone, a hormone produced continuously during pregnancy, signals the body to breath faster and deeper.

As a result, a pregnant woman exhales more carbon dioxide to keep the level of carbon dioxide low. (Carbon dioxide is a waste product given off during respiration.) The woman may breathe faster also because the enlarging uterus limits how much the lungs can expand when she breathes in.

  • The circumference of the woman’s chest enlarges slightly.
  • Virtually every pregnant woman becomes somewhat more out of breath when she exerts herself, especially toward the end of pregnancy.
  • During exercise, the breathing rate increases more when a woman is pregnant than when she is not.
  • Because more blood is being pumped, the lining of the airways receives more blood and swells somewhat, narrowing the airways.

As a result, the nose occasionally feels stuffy, and the eustachian tubes (which connect the middle ear and back of the nose) may become blocked. These effects can slightly change the tone and quality of the woman’s voice. Nausea and vomiting may be relieved by changing the diet or patterns of eating—for example, by doing the following:

Drinking and eating small portions frequently Eating before getting hungry Eating bland foods (such as bouillon, consommé, rice, and pasta) Eating plain soda crackers and sipping a carbonated drink Keeping crackers by the bed and eating one or two before getting up to relieve morning sickness

Heartburn and belching are common, possibly because food remains in the stomach longer and because the ringlike muscle (sphincter) at the lower end of the esophagus tends to relax, allowing the stomach’s contents to flow backward into the esophagus. Several measures can help relieve heartburn:

Eating smaller meals Not bending or lying flat for several hours after eating Avoiding caffeine, tobacco, alcohol, and aspirin and related drugs (salicylates) Taking liquid antacids, but not antacids that contain sodium bicarbonate because they contain so much salt (sodium)

Heartburn during the night can be relieved by the following:

Not eating for several hours before going to bed Raising the head of the bed or using pillows to raise the head and shoulders

The stomach produces less acid during pregnancy. Consequently, stomach ulcers rarely develop during pregnancy, and those that already exist often start to heal. As pregnancy progresses, pressure from the enlarging uterus on the rectum and the lower part of the intestine may cause constipation.

  • Constipation may be worsened because the high level of progesterone during pregnancy slows the automatic waves of muscular contractions in the intestine, which normally move food along.
  • Eating a high-fiber diet, drinking plenty of fluids, and exercising regularly can help prevent constipation.
  • Hemorrhoids, a common problem, may result from pressure of the enlarging uterus or from constipation.

Stool softeners, an anesthetic gel, or warm soaks can be used if hemorrhoids hurt. Pica, a craving for strange foods or nonfoods (such as starch or clay), may develop. Occasionally, pregnant women, usually those who also have morning sickness, have excess saliva.

This symptom may be distressing but is harmless. Mask of pregnancy (melasma) is a blotchy, brownish pigment that may appear on the skin of the forehead and cheeks. The skin surrounding the nipples (areolae) may also darken. A dark line (called linea nigra) commonly appears down the middle of the abdomen.

These changes may occur because the placenta produces a hormone that stimulates melanocytes, the cells that make a dark brown skin pigment (melanin). Pink stretch marks sometimes appear on the abdomen. This change probably results from rapid growth of the uterus and an increase in levels of adrenal hormones.

  1. Small blood vessels may form a red spiderlike pattern on the skin, usually above the waist.
  2. These formations are called spider angiomas.
  3. Thin-walled, dilated capillaries may become visible, especially in the lower legs.
  4. Two intensely itchy rashes occur only during pregnancy: Pregnancy affects virtually all hormones in the body, mostly because of the effects of hormones produced by the placenta.

For example, the placenta produces a hormone that stimulates the woman’s thyroid gland to become more active and produce larger amounts of thyroid hormones. When the thyroid gland becomes more active (as it does in hyperthyroidism Thyroid Disorders During Pregnancy Thyroid disorders may be present before women become pregnant, or they may develop during pregnancy.

  • Being pregnant does not change the symptoms of thyroid disorders.
  • How the fetus is affected.
  • Read more ), the heart may beat faster, causing the woman to become aware of her heartbeat (have palpitations).
  • Perspiration may increase, mood swings may occur, and the thyroid gland may enlarge.
  • However, the disorder hyperthyroidism, in which the thyroid gland malfunctions and is overactive, develops in fewer than 0.1% of pregnancies.

Levels of estrogen and progesterone increase early during pregnancy because human chorionic gonadotropin, the main hormone the placenta produces, stimulates the ovaries to continuously produce them. After 9 to 10 weeks of pregnancy, the placenta itself produces large amounts of estrogen and progesterone,

Estrogen and progesterone help maintain the pregnancy. The placenta stimulates the adrenal glands to produce more aldosterone and cortisol (which help regulate how much fluid the kidneys excrete). As a result, more fluids are retained. The joints and ligaments (fibrous cords and cartilage that connect bones) in the woman’s pelvis loosen and become more flexible.

This change helps make room for the enlarging uterus and prepare the woman for delivery of the baby. As a result, the woman’s posture changes somewhat. Backache in varying degrees is common because the spine curves more to balance the weight of the enlarging uterus.
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Asked By: Curtis Howard Date: created: Jan 22 2025

Is cervix open or closed during early pregnancy

Answered By: Clifford Anderson Date: created: Jan 24 2025

During pregnancy, your cervix is closed at the lower end. It thins and opens before childbirth. When it opens too early in a pregnancy, it’s called incompetent cervix (also known as cervical insufficiency). Complications linked to incompetent cervix can include premature birth and miscarriage.
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What type of discharge indicates pregnancy?

– While many women experience vaginal discharge, it’s not often associated with pregnancy. But most pregnant women will secrete sticky, white, or pale-yellow mucus early on in the first trimester and throughout their pregnancy. Increased hormones and vaginal blood flow cause the discharge.

smell burn itch turn greenish-yellow becomes very thick or watery

These may be signs of an infection,
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Asked By: Horace Hernandez Date: created: May 13 2024

Can you open cervix with finger

Answered By: Isaac Flores Date: created: May 14 2024

1. Mechanical cervical ripening – To say that we are mechanically ripening the cervix means that we are forcibly dilating it. A Foley catheter is typically used to drain urine from the bladder. The tip of the catheter has a balloon, which holds about 2 TBSP of water.

If we place the tip of the Foley into the cervix and inflate the balloon, the balloon will push the cervix open over time. Protocols vary, and the bulb will either be left inside the cervix for at least 12 hours or until it falls out. The cervix can also be dilated just by an examination by your provider.

The finger can gently dilate the cervix and separate the membranes from the uterine wall. This is called “membrane stripping.” It may be uncomfortable for the patient, but it can be effective.
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What causes the cervix to not open?

– While you can be born with a closed cervix, it’s more likely to be triggered by something else. Possible causes include:

uterine surgeries or procedures, including endometrial ablation cervical procedures, including cone biopsy and other precancerous treatments cervical cancer cysts or abnormal growthsradiation treatmentsscarring endometriosis

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How many days cervix will be open?

How Hormones Change Throughout Your Cycle – The position and texture of your cervix will change during your cycle. Here’s what to keep track of during each phase: During menstrual bleeding, the cervix is normally low and hard, and slightly open to allow the blood to flow out.

  1. It feels like the tip of your nose.
  2. After your period stops,  the cervix remains low and hard and the opening to the uterus (uterine is) remains closed.
  3. As you approach ovulation, the cervix rises up to the top of the vagina and becomes softer and moister.
  4. At the height of ovulation, your cervical position makes the most fertile.

The cervix feels more like your lips than your nose, and the uterine is open to allow sperm to enter. Sometimes the cervix seems to disappear, which just means it has become so soft that it blends in with the vaginal walls and rises so high that the finger cannot touch it.

This is known as SHOW: soft, high, open, and wet. This is the, Once ovulation occurs, the cervix drops lower and becomes more firm, once again feeling like the tip of your nose. The opening to the uterus will become tightly closed. This can happen immediately after ovulation, or may take several hours to several days.

When pregnancy occurs, the cervix will rise up and become soft, yet the uterine is will remain tightly closed. This occurs at different times for different people– as early as 12 days after ovulation or well after the pregnancy has been confirmed by a home pregnancy test or doctor.

Dr. Alan Copperman is a board-certified reproductive endocrinologist and infertility specialist with a long history of success in treating infertility and applying fertility preservation technologies. He serves as Medical Director of Progyny, a leading fertility benefits management company, and co-founded and serves as Medical Director of RMA of New York, one of the largest and most prestigious IVF centers in the country.

Dr. Copperman is also the Vice Chairman and Director of Infertility for the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, and Chief Medical Officer of Sema4, a health information company. Dr. Copperman has been named to New York magazine’s list of Best Doctors 17 years in a row.

  • He has been recognized by his peers and patient advocacy organizations for his commitment to patient-focused and data-driven care.
  • He has published more than 100 original manuscripts and book chapters on reproductive medicine and has co-authored over 300 scientific abstracts on infertility, in vitro fertilization, egg freezing, ovum donation, and reproductive genetics.
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: What Your Cervical Position Tells You About Your Fertility
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What does a closed cervix feel like when pregnant?

How does your cervix feel during early pregnancy? – During early pregnancy, many changes are happening in your body; most of them you can’t see. Usually, the first change you notice during early pregnancy is how your cervix feels. Your cervix is a very good pregnancy indicator.

Many women can tell they’re pregnant without the need for pregnancy tests. Around the time you are due to have your next period – your missed period – your cervix will begin to change. This timing varies, however, between women. Some women notice changes before they’ve missed a period and are thinking of buying a pregnancy test.

Others will not notice anything in the early stages of pregnancy until later in the first trimester. Due to rising levels of estrogen, more blood flows to the pelvis. This causes the cervix to feel soft and velvety – quite similar to the tip of your nose.

It will rise and remain closed. Your cervix will also thicken in width and produce more glandular cells. These cells will help form the mucous plug, which remains inside the cervix, protecting your uterus and your baby from infection. If you could see your cervix, you’d notice it was a red-blue or lilac color, thanks to the increased blood supply.

Toward the end of pregnancy, your cervix changes again. It thins and dilates so your baby can be born. The cervix also begins to soften. If you were to feel your cervix when pregnant, it would feel like puckered lips. During labor, your cervix will become so soft and thin that you won’t be able to feel it at all.
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What does cervix look like when open?

How to find (and feel) your cervix Download the app and create a free account to save on your Clue Plus subscription.

Illustration by Katrin Friedmann by — November 30, 2016

The cervix is the lowest part of the uterus. It’s a small passageway connecting the vagina to the uterine cavity, about 1–1.5 inches or 2.5—3.8cm long (1). The Latin, cervix uteri translates to “the womb’s neck.” In the vagina, the cervix looks like a smooth fleshy O, about an inch or 2.5cm in diameter, with a hole in the middle — similar to puckered lips.

Your cervix does a lot for you: it keeps unwanted bacteria and viruses out of your uterus, it opens and closes to let sperm in and menstrual blood out, it produces its own lubrication and even grows its own plug if you become pregnant (called a mucus plug ). Like the and, the cervix also contains nerve pathways involved in the sexual response (6).

The way your cervix feels to the touch will change throughout your, Its position in your abdomen may also change* (2–5). These changes happen in response to the hormonal fluctuations that facilitate the, Certain ligaments in the pelvis may become shorter around ovulation, for example, and the consistency of the changes (7, 8).

  1. Around ovulation, the cervix is soft (like your ear lobe), slightly open and may be positioned high up in your abdomen.
  2. Other times it’s firmer (like the tip of your nose), tightly closed and may be positioned lower down in your abdomen (2–5).
  3. Changes in cervical height may influence how you experience certain sex positions or a pelvic exam, at different times of the cycle.

If you’ve never felt your own cervix, you might be curious to know where it is and how it feels at different points of the cycle.
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What does a soft open cervix feel like?

Your cervix is the lower end of your uterus, sitting at the top of your vagina. It can be closed or open, high or low, and soft or firm, depending on factors such as:

where you are in your menstrual cycle if you’re pregnant natural positioning or feel

In most people, the cervix is usually closed and firm but it opens to let blood out during menstruation. During childbirth, the cervix opens to allow the passage of the baby. For this to happen, your cervix naturally gets softer during pregnancy. A soft cervix is what it sounds like — it feels soft to the touch.
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Asked By: Juan Robinson Date: created: Dec 19 2023

How does cervix feel right before period

Answered By: Nathaniel Hill Date: created: Dec 20 2023

Cervix position after ovulation – The luteal phase is the second stage of your cycle, coming after ovulation and before your period starts. During this time, your cervix will feel a little harder and your cervical mucus will start to thicken. Rather than being thin and watery, it’ll be stickier and may appear cloudy.
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