Asked By: Jack Long Date: created: Oct 20 2023

When new education policy will be implemented in all over India

Answered By: Julian Murphy Date: created: Oct 21 2023

After our education policy monotonously followed the same norms for 34 years, the Ministry of Education (formerly known as MHRD) did some serious amendments in it on 29 July 2020. This New National Education Policy was recently approved by the Indian government in 2023.
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Asked By: Jonathan Gonzalez Date: created: Sep 17 2024

When was the latest new education policy released

Answered By: Eric Davis Date: created: Sep 17 2024

New National Education Policy 2022 नई शिक्षा नीति What is NEP 5+3+3+4 Structure PDF National Educational Policy (NEP) : The union cabinet paved the way for transformative reform in the school and higher education system by launching the New National Education Policy (NEP) on 29th July 2020.

They also renamed MHRD as the Ministry of Education, After the old national education policy which was launched way back in 1986, this is the first education policy of the 21st century that has replaced 34 years old education policy. The new NEP is based on four pillars which are Access, Equity, Quality, and Accountability.

In this new policy, there will be a 5+3+3+4 structure which comprises 12 years of school and 3 years of / pre-school replacing the old 10+2 structure.
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Asked By: Logan Gray Date: created: Nov 10 2024

What is NEP in Delhi university

Answered By: Aidan Butler Date: created: Nov 12 2024

DU NEP cell has proposed giving separate internal assessment for tutorials among other recommendations. – When Will New Education Policy Be Implemented Delhi University teachers said that the new recommendations will dilute the DU degree (source: Wikimedia Commons) NEW DELHI : Delhi University’s cell for implementing the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 has proposed increasing the weightage assigned to internal assessments and splitting this segment into different components such as lectures and tutorials.

This, a DU teachers’ group has argued, will dilute the degree by reducing the weightage of semester-end examinations. Suggested : Browse the list of colleges/universities accepting CUET 2022 Score. Free Download! Don’t Miss: CUET Cut Off 2022 (UR-OBC-SC-ST). Check Now Also See: DU Admission Process. Check Now Teachers also said that the new internal assessment methods show “mindlessness” and “hurried implementation” of the new curriculum framework as it does not give clear directions on how to calculate internal marks.

Their statement also points out the assessments are being discussed with just three weeks to go for the end of the first semester. DU’s NEP Cell has made recommendations on various aspects of assessments including increasing the weightage of continuous mode of assessment, components of tutorials, and minimum attendance.

  • The Delhi University Academic Council will discuss these recommendations tomorrow, January 25.
  • Teachers, criticising the new recommendations, said that discussing the internal assessment scheme when the semester is going to conclude in three weeks shows the “cavalier attitude” of the university administration towards academic matters.

“In yet another example of the mindlessness of the scheme and its hurried implementation when most of the teaching is already complete, the university lists composition of internal assessment with 25 percent weightage whereas the proposed weightage for internal assessment in the document is 30 percent and 20 percent weightage.
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Asked By: Justin Campbell Date: created: May 07 2024

What happened to the new education policy

Answered By: Dylan Hill Date: created: May 09 2024

New system of education – The new education policy 2021 was adopted by the Modi government. The 10 + 2 structure has been fully eliminated in the new education policy. Our country’s educational curriculum has been based on 10 + 2, but it will soon be based on 5+ 3+ 3+ 4.

New Education Policy 2021 – Overview
Name of Scheme New Education Policy 2021 (NEP)
in Language नई शिक्षा नीति
Name of Ministry Union Cabinet Minister for Human Resource Development, Government of India
HRD Minister Dr. Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank
Launched by Central Government of India
Beneficiaries Students of India
Major Benefit Provide New Reforms and Infrastructure In India
New Education Policy 2021 2020 Launched Date 29 July 2020
NEP 2020 implementation date Available Soon
Scheme Objective Education System Reform
Scheme under State Government
Name of State All India
Post Category Scheme/ Yojana
Official Website

Let’s Understand everything about NEP.
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What are the advantages of NEP?

NEP 2020 Advantages: Achieving full human potential through education – The NEP 2020 has been introduced to bring monumental changes in the Indian education scenario. The following are the advantages of the new education policy 2020 :

Increased expenditure on education : The increased spending on education, from earlier 3% to 6% now, will bring the much-needed funds, focus and prioritisation in the education sector. Reduced exam stress : The changed school structure will reduce the stress of board exams and will channelize students’ focus towards practical skills and vocational learning. Flexibility to choose subjects : Students have broader options to learn now. They have the option of choosing any subject combination from Arts, Commerce and Science and exploring a multidisciplinary arena of education. Universalisation of education : NEP 2020 is making education a basic right. It will bring back many children back to the educational institutes and truly universalize education for children aged 3-18. Introduces kids to coding : Introduction of computers and coding in class 6 upgrading the learning process.

These policies are in tandem with the changing times and cater to the present and future demands of the world we thrive in.
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Asked By: Kyle Clark Date: created: Nov 02 2023

What is the latest education policy

Answered By: Curtis James Date: created: Nov 03 2023

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This article is about the recent education policy of the Government of India. For the bygone policies, see National Policy on Education, The National Education Policy of India 2020 ( NEP 2020 ), which was started by the Union Cabinet of India on 29 July 2020, outlines the vision of new education system of India.

The new policy replaces the previous National Policy on Education, 1986, The policy is a comprehensive framework for elementary education to higher education as well as vocational training in both rural and urban India. The policy aims to transform India’s education system by 2030. Shortly after the release of the policy, the government clarified that no one will be forced to study any particular language and that the medium of instruction will not be shifted from English to any regional language.

The language policy in NEP is a broad guideline and advisory in nature; and it is up to the states, institutions, and schools to decide on the implementation. Education in India is a Concurrent List subject. On the 1st August 2022, the Press Information Bureau informed that according to the “Unified District Information System for Education Plus” (UDISE+) 2020-21, 28 languages are to be used in teaching and learning in grades (1-5).

The languages are: Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Konkani, Malayalam, Meitei ( Manipuri ), Marathi, Nepali, Maithili, Odia, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Sindhi, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu, English, Bodo, Khasi, Garo, Mizo, French, Hmar, Karbi, Santhali, Bhodi, Purgi. new education policy general formula based,

New education policy is based on the student and is not dependent on government jobs for starting their own business,the major change of the student is learning one foreign language and choosing the different stream after 8th class,
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Asked By: Christian Jenkins Date: created: Dec 16 2024

Is new education policy applied

Answered By: Richard Hall Date: created: Dec 18 2024

NEP will be implemented from next academic year: Govt The national education policy (NEP) 2020 will be implemented in the state from 2023-24 academic year, primary and secondary education minister BC Nagesh said on Thursday. In the first phase, the NEP will be rolled out in 20,000 anganwadis. When Will New Education Policy Be Implemented Karnataka education minister BC Nagesh (ANI)

  • “From the next academic year (2023-24) in Karnataka, ‘National Education Policy-2020′ will be implemented and ‘pre-childhood care and education’ for children above 3 years of age will be implemented in 20,000 anganwadis and schools in the state,” Nagesh said.
  • Karnataka became the first state to accept and implement the NEP, and it has been constantly trying to iron out any issues within the new framework, he said.
  • Halappa Achar, women and child welfare minister, said it will be difficult to implement the NEP across all the 66,000 anganwadis, but can be easily done in such anganwadis having pre-university educated staff.
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In a joint statement, Nagesh and Achar stated: “Every child of the country should be given quality education. For that, the government of Karnataka is in the forefront of implementing the ambitious ‘National Education Policy-2020′ that will bring radical reform and change in the education system of the country.” The statement comes at a time when there have been controversies around the education department, including the textbook controversy and the NEP position paper that calls eggs and meat as a lifestyle hazard and that the Pythagorean theorem has its roots in India.

The NEP position paper stated: “A carefully planned meal with recommended energy, moderately low fat, and zero trans-fat food is needed to address the over-nutrition. Hence, while planning mid-day meals, cholesterol-free, additives-free, such as eggs, flavoured milk, biscuits, should be forbidden to prevent obesity and hormonal imbalance caused by excess calory (calorie) and fat.

Given the small body frame of Indians, any extra energy provided through cholesterol by regular consumption of egg and meat leads to lifestyle disorders.” “Lifestyle disorders such as diabetes, early menarche, primary infertility in India are escalating, and studies conducted across the countries suggest that animal-based foods interfere with hormonal functions in humans.

  1. The contents of the paper come to light days after another position paper on ‘Knowledge on India’ not to merely accept contents of textbooks as “infallible truth” and question “fake news” such as Pythagoras theorem, apple falling on Newton’s head and other issues are “created and propagated”, HT reported in July.
  2. The Karnataka NEP task force head, Madan Gopal, had said they decided to bring these topics into question as it was being discussed on ‘Google and Quora”, attracting sharp criticism and ridicule from education experts.

: NEP will be implemented from next academic year: Govt
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Is NEP implemented in Maharashtra?

Implementing NEP: Govt forms panel to restructure school education Maharashtra government has formed an inter-departmental committee for implementation of the National Education Policy (NEP), which will draw up the roadmap for converting the existing structure of school education from 10+2 to 5+3+3+4 under which for the first time, three years of pre-primary will be brought under the formal education system.

Representatives from different departments such as school education, women and child development, social welfare, tribal development and skill development, among others, will work together in the inter-departmental committee. The school education department issued a Government Resolution (GR) in this regard on Monday.

In the new structure, as per the GR, the first five years will include three years of pre-primary, Class I and II. While the focus will be to enable children of these classes to read and write, an innovative ‘Happiness Curriculum’ will be developed for these classes with the help of local games and languages.

Thereafter, for Class III to V, activity-based interactive curriculum will be developed for students’ intellectual growth. The three years after that, Class VI to VIII, will focus on application-based practical knowledge, including skill-oriented courses. In Class IX to XII, the final four years of school education, students will get a chance to learn subjects of their choice from a pool of 40 subjects.

While the importance of board exams will be diluted, the practice of asking students to choose a stream for Class XI and XII will be removed by offering a multidisciplinary approach. As the curriculum will be designed to focus more on holistic development than on marks, the evaluation practice too will evolve with a multidimensional approach, which will include self as well as peer assessment.

  • An overall assessment will include cognitive, functional, emotional and social development of a student along with academic evaluation.
  • Talking about the need for an inter-department committee, an official from the school education department said, “The women and child development department is currently looking after ‘Anganwadi’ and ‘Balwadi’, which are pre-school classes for government schools, currently starting from Class I.

The social justice and special assistance department and tribal development department run ‘Ashramshalas’ as well as government hostels for students. In order to implement the NEP effectively, integration is required in all these departments, which calls for the inter-departmental committee” The committee, which will be headed by the principal secretary of the school education department, will comprise commissioners from all other departments along with a few directors from the school education department.
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Asked By: Jackson Long Date: created: Jul 31 2024

How will NEP affect students

Answered By: Carlos Barnes Date: created: Jul 31 2024

This will help the students experience the global quality of education in their very own country. The policy of introducing multi-disciplinary institutes will lead to a renewed focus on every field such as arts, humanities and this form of education will help students to learn and grow holistically.
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Can we choose subjects in NEP?

Implementation of the NEP-2020 in the state will lead to better coordination among educational institutes, Singh said. – By Chandan Kumar The education system in Uttar Pradesh will be streamlined in line with the National Education Policy (NEP-2020) and focus on imparting job-oriented holistic education to students, according to Dhirendra Pal Singh, the education advisor to the state chief minister.

  • Singh, former chairman of the University Grants Commission, told PTI that implementation of the NEP-2020 in the state will lead to better coordination among educational institutes which is needed to improve quality of education.
  • Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath is concerned about the quality of education in the state.

He wishes that quality education must be accessible. The CM believes the country will develop when the focus is also on developing the character of students and instilling a sense of nationalism in them right from basic education,” he said. “The NEP-2020 focuses on holistic education which also include vocational and interest based subjects that can be selected by students.

Studying these subjects will certainly help the students to improve their employability according to the demand of the job market, ” said Singh. The NEP-2020 allows students to choose subjects of their liking beyond their stream (science, commerce, arts). For example a student studying maths with physics can also choose music or philosophy as one of the subjects.

Though this gives a broader choice of subject selection to students, it creates a challenge for the education institutes. Singh said that higher education institutes in the state need to overhaul their system to accommodate the requirements of NEP-2020.

The educational institutes at school, college and university level are compartmentalised which deters knowledge sharing and limits the preview of quality education. This can be removed by improving linkages between them with the help of NEP-2020,” he added. To improve quality of education, Singh is of the view that higher education institutes must apply for the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) and the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) done by the Education ministry “Application for NAAC accreditation and NIRF ranking provide an opportunity to institutes assess themselves and make necessary changes or improvements.

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Our aim is to ensure that all higher education institutes of the state apply for NAAC and NIRF ranking in the next three years. The institutes which have NAAC rating will help other institutes to get it,” said Singh. NIRF ranks institutes of engineering, management, pharmacy, law, medical, architecture and dental on their areas of operation.

  1. Talking about teachers, he said implementation of the NEP-2020 will require capacity building and training of teachers in the state.
  2. Under the NEP, the teachers will have to fulfil various responsibilities for which they must be trained,” he said.
  3. Singh, who has served as the vice chancellor of various universities, said the implementation of the NEP-2020 includes aspects of capacity building of teachers.

The advisor said that he aims to reach out to the department of primary education, secondary education, higher education and technical education to streamline the process of implementation of the NEP-2020. “The NEP-2020 has a number of goals. These include increasing gross enrolment ratio (GER) both in schools and at higher educational institutions.

Another goal is to establish a Multidisciplinary Education and Research University (MERU) of global standard in each district. This will diversify the availability of universities across the state,” said Singh. When asked about the state of research in the state, the advisor said that he plans to link universities with higher research institutes.

“The chief minister is of the view that higher research must include issues related to the state or the region the institute is located in. This aspect is currently missing or is overlooked. The plan is to link universities with research institutes and labs for better interaction and knowledge sharing,” he explained.

The advisor said that in the first phase universities will be linked with institutes of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) located in various parts of the state. CSIR institutions will be encouraged to do mentoring and support universities and colleges by allowing their students to benefit from their knowledge and resources.

Also Read: UGC issues guidelines for transforming HEIs into multidisciplinary institutions Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn
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Asked By: Jason Washington Date: created: Sep 26 2024

What is NEP in CBSE

Answered By: Nicholas Clark Date: created: Sep 28 2024

Summary Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is getting ready for a transition to the 5+3+3+4 pedagogical system The NEP 2020 suggested a new pedagogical framework that separates education for children into four stages According to the New Education Policy (NEP) 2020’s recommendations, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is getting ready for a transition to the 5+3+3+4 pedagogical system.

  1. The board will soon issue a directive requesting that all Indian schools associated with the CBSE board make preparations for a switch from the present 10+2 system to the suggested 5+3+3+4 one.
  2. Nidhi Chhibber, the chairperson of the CBSE, said the board will implement the change in the next academic year.

She added that CBSE will start the creation of a school registry, teacher registry, and student registry in order to track the growth of these resources throughout the various stages of schooling. The board “will be issuing directions for the adoption of the new 5+3+3+4 system of education for all the schools instead of 10+2 as envisaged in NEP” she said.

  1. The official of CBSE stated that the NEP’s distinguishing characteristic is the participation of children from three to six in formal education.
  2. She also emphasised how many CBSE schools are already involved in the teaching of younger children through their preparatory and pre-nursery programmes.
  3. The board will make an effort to officially include this in the CBSE system architecture.

The NEP 2020 suggested a new pedagogical framework that separates education for children into four stages. The first stage is the five-year foundational stage. Preparatory and middle stages will follow, each lasting three years. Four years will elapse during the secondary stage.
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Asked By: Caleb Sanchez Date: created: May 13 2024

Will there be term-wise exam in 2023

Answered By: James Hayes Date: created: May 15 2024

1 Back to Annual Board Exams, Term-wise Exams Scrapped – In the 2023 board exam, CBSE Board has gone back to its policy of an annual board examination, scrapping the Two Term, Split Exam Policy. The two-term examination policy was adopted during the Covid-19 pandemic.
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Is 2023 have board exam?

NEW DELHI : The Central Board of Secondary Education is all set to begin the Class 10, 12 board exams 2023 today, on February 15, 2023. Candidates who are going to appear in the exam can check the important exam day instructions here. As per the CBSE Board Examination schedule, the board exams for 10th and 12 will be conducted between February 15 to April 05, 2023.

  • There are about 38,83,710 lakh candidates have registered for CBSE Board Exams-2023.
  • The exams will be conducted in more than 7250 centres across the country and 26 countries in abroad.
  • The Class 10 examinations will be conducted for 16 days and will be over by March 21, 2023.
  • While, the Class XII examinations will be conducted for 36 days and accordingly these examinations will be over on April 05, 2023.

In Class X, CBSE will conduct the examinations in 76 subjects, and 115 subjects in Class XII. The total subjects for examination conducted by the CBSE would be 191. For 10th, a total of 21,86,940 candidates have registered for the exam, out of which 9,39,566 are females and 12,47,364 are male candidates.

The exams will be conducted in 24491 schools across 7240 centres. For 12th, a total of 16,96,770 candidates have registered for the Board Exam-2023, out of which 7,45,433 are females and 9,51,332 are male candidates. Visual Story: Check Pictures From CBSE Examination Centres 2023 “Candidates may note that CBSE has made elaborate arrangements for the conduct of examinations in India and in 26 countries abroad.

CBSE has fixed the timetable in such a manner that students are getting sufficient time for the purpose of preparation of the examination in all the subjects,” reads CBSE statement. CBSE Board Exams 2023: Important Exam day Instructions ↪ Reach the examination centre well in advance to avoid any last-minute hassle.

The official reporting time is 9:30 AM. ↪ No candidates will be allowed to enter the examination hall after 10:00 AM as the gates will be closed. ↪ Students must carry their duly signed CBSE Admit Card along with their school identity card or any other official ID card. ↪ CBSE Board Exam will begin at 10:30 AM and conclude at either 12:30 PM or 1:30 PM, depending upon the subject.

↪ Students with special needs will be allotted extra time. ↪ CWSN students with get computers and scribes facilities from the CBSE. ↪ The Centre will only provide answer sheet and the question paper. Student must carry their own pen and colours, if required.
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Asked By: Michael Stewart Date: created: May 09 2024

Is there no board exam in 2023

Answered By: Francis Brown Date: created: May 12 2024 2023 X Board Exam TimeTable – Around 18 lakh students have applied for the CBSE board tenth exams this year. Recently, the Central Board of Secondary Education has also released sample papers for the 10th examination, so that students can develop a good understanding of the pattern of the paper.

  1. Last year, due to the growing coronavirus epidemic across the country, the CBSE board exams were conducted in two terms.
  2. However, the CBSE 10th exams will now be held only once and along with this, now 100% of syllabus questions will be asked in CBSE exams.
  3. The CBSE Board 10th Exam 2023 date sheet is expected to be released next month.

Stay tuned to this page for all such updates related to CBSE Board Exam 2023. When Will New Education Policy Be Implemented
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Asked By: Louis Rivera Date: created: Feb 06 2024

What is 5p in education

Answered By: Noah Diaz Date: created: Feb 09 2024

Conclusions – This article summarized major findings about professional development within ELT and to presented three approaches to ELT professional development: (1) a top-down approach where a school or institution determines the professional development needs then provides training to fill those needs, (2) a bottom-up approach that is driven completely by a teacher him/herself, and (3) an interactive approach where the institution and the teachers collaborate with each other in identifying needs of both and then providing professional development opportunities to meet the identified needs.

I then provided five principles as a framework for strengthening teacher professional development within an interactive approach—the five Ps of effective professional development: purpose, personalization, priority, passion, and professional learning community. It is to the advantage of both the institution and the individual to collaborate in an interactive approach to professional development so that institutional needs are met, individual teacher needs are met, and, most importantly, classroom instruction improves so that ultimately student learning improves through greater increases in English language proficiency.

My hope is that institutions and teachers can use the ideas presented here to make the appropriate adjustments so that there is a significant improvement in English language teaching. I invite programs who use this model to contact me with success stories as well as stories of continued challenges as we all work towards improving English language teaching and learning around the world.

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References Crandall, J. & Finn Miller, S. (2014). Effective professional development for language teachers. In M. Celce-Murcia, D.M. Brinton, & M.A. Snow (Eds.). Teaching English as a second or foreign language (4 th ed., pp.630-648). Boston, MA: National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Duckworth, A. (2016).

Grit: The power of passion and perseverance, New York, NY: Scribner. Farrell, T.S.C. (2012). Novice-service language teacher development: Bridging the gap between preservice and in-service education and development. TESOL Quarterly, 46, pp.435-449. doi:10.1002/tesq.36 Fink, L.D.

  1. 2013). Creating significant learning experiences: An integrated approach to designing college courses.
  2. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
  3. Guilloteaux, M.J., & Dornyei, Z. ( 2008).
  4. Motivating language learners: A classroom-oriented investigation of the effects of motivational strategies on student motivation.

TESOL Quarterly, 42, 55-77. Leung, C. (2009). Second language teacher professionalism. In A. Burns and J.C. Richards (Eds.), The Cambridge guide to second language teacher education (pp.49-58). New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.

Ousseini, H. (2018). PD for NEST/NNEST ELT teachers in the EFL setting. In G. Park (Ed.), The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching, Teacher Training and Professional Development (1 st ed.). Edited by John I. Liontas (Project Editor: Margo DelliCarpini) Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Retrieved from,

Park, G. (2018). (Ed.). The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching, Teacher Training and Professional Development (1 st ed.). Edited by John I. Liontas (Project Editor: Margo DelliCarpini) Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Richards, J.C. (2015).
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Which is the first state in India to implement the new education policy?

Uttarakhand has become the first state in the country to initiate the process of implementing the Centre’s New Education Policy (NEP) on Tuesday, July 12, after the launch of ‘Bal Vatikas’. Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami inaugurated ‘Bal Vatikas’ at Anganwadi kendras across the state to strengthen the pre-primary education system.
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Will there be a change in education system in India?

Open Learning and Distance Education System In India – The government has emphasised on the importance of open and distance education as it is estimated to play a crucial role in increasing the Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER). The government has set measures to improve the open and distance learning infrastructure such as blended online courses, digital repositories, funding of researches, improving student services, maintaining the standards of imparting quality education, and more such measures.
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Asked By: Sebastian Rodriguez Date: created: Jan 27 2024

Is NEP implemented in Maharashtra

Answered By: Evan Wood Date: created: Jan 27 2024

Implementing NEP: Govt forms panel to restructure school education Maharashtra government has formed an inter-departmental committee for implementation of the National Education Policy (NEP), which will draw up the roadmap for converting the existing structure of school education from 10+2 to 5+3+3+4 under which for the first time, three years of pre-primary will be brought under the formal education system.

  • Representatives from different departments such as school education, women and child development, social welfare, tribal development and skill development, among others, will work together in the inter-departmental committee.
  • The school education department issued a Government Resolution (GR) in this regard on Monday.

In the new structure, as per the GR, the first five years will include three years of pre-primary, Class I and II. While the focus will be to enable children of these classes to read and write, an innovative ‘Happiness Curriculum’ will be developed for these classes with the help of local games and languages.

Thereafter, for Class III to V, activity-based interactive curriculum will be developed for students’ intellectual growth. The three years after that, Class VI to VIII, will focus on application-based practical knowledge, including skill-oriented courses. In Class IX to XII, the final four years of school education, students will get a chance to learn subjects of their choice from a pool of 40 subjects.

While the importance of board exams will be diluted, the practice of asking students to choose a stream for Class XI and XII will be removed by offering a multidisciplinary approach. As the curriculum will be designed to focus more on holistic development than on marks, the evaluation practice too will evolve with a multidimensional approach, which will include self as well as peer assessment.

An overall assessment will include cognitive, functional, emotional and social development of a student along with academic evaluation. Talking about the need for an inter-department committee, an official from the school education department said, “The women and child development department is currently looking after ‘Anganwadi’ and ‘Balwadi’, which are pre-school classes for government schools, currently starting from Class I.

The social justice and special assistance department and tribal development department run ‘Ashramshalas’ as well as government hostels for students. In order to implement the NEP effectively, integration is required in all these departments, which calls for the inter-departmental committee” The committee, which will be headed by the principal secretary of the school education department, will comprise commissioners from all other departments along with a few directors from the school education department.
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Asked By: Keith Bailey Date: created: Dec 14 2024

What is the recent education policy in India

Answered By: Thomas Thompson Date: created: Dec 16 2024

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This article is about the recent education policy of the Government of India. For the bygone policies, see National Policy on Education, The National Education Policy of India 2020 ( NEP 2020 ), which was started by the Union Cabinet of India on 29 July 2020, outlines the vision of new education system of India.

  1. The new policy replaces the previous National Policy on Education, 1986,
  2. The policy is a comprehensive framework for elementary education to higher education as well as vocational training in both rural and urban India.
  3. The policy aims to transform India’s education system by 2030.
  4. Shortly after the release of the policy, the government clarified that no one will be forced to study any particular language and that the medium of instruction will not be shifted from English to any regional language.

The language policy in NEP is a broad guideline and advisory in nature; and it is up to the states, institutions, and schools to decide on the implementation. Education in India is a Concurrent List subject. On the 1st August 2022, the Press Information Bureau informed that according to the “Unified District Information System for Education Plus” (UDISE+) 2020-21, 28 languages are to be used in teaching and learning in grades (1-5).

  • The languages are: Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Konkani, Malayalam, Meitei ( Manipuri ), Marathi, Nepali, Maithili, Odia, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Sindhi, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu, English, Bodo, Khasi, Garo, Mizo, French, Hmar, Karbi, Santhali, Bhodi, Purgi.
  • New education policy general formula based,

New education policy is based on the student and is not dependent on government jobs for starting their own business,the major change of the student is learning one foreign language and choosing the different stream after 8th class,
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