Asked By: Aaron Wilson Date: created: Dec 03 2024

How quickly can I lose 10kg

Answered By: Bryan Cooper Date: created: Dec 06 2024

Commit for a period – One of the many reasons that we are not always successful in our weight loss attempts is that we go on and off programs too quickly. It takes time for the body to deplete fuel stores and mobilise fat stores and as such ensuring you are giving yourself enough time to lose weight is important.

As a general rule of thumb, you will need at least 3-4 weeks to drop 3-5kg and up to three months to lose 10kg. This means that focusing on your diet and exercise goals for a couple of weeks without distraction and excess calories will go a long way at getting your weight loss efforts off to the right start.

READ MORE: One of the most important nutrients you may never have heard of

Asked By: Francis Taylor Date: created: Sep 18 2024

How can I lose 10kg in a month by walking

Answered By: Francis Ross Date: created: Sep 19 2024

How much should I walk to lose 10 kg? 30 minutes a day of brisk walking or power walking 5 days a week can help you reduce up to 10 kgs.

Asked By: Wallace Howard Date: created: Sep 18 2024

Can I lose 15 kg in a month

Answered By: Jake Long Date: created: Sep 20 2024

Yes, it is possible to lose 15 kg in 40 days, but it is important to approach it with caution and proper planning. Rapid weight loss can be harmful to your health, and it is recommended to lose weight gradually over a longer period of time. Losing 1-2 kg per week is a safe and sustainable rate of weight loss.

Asked By: Angel Martin Date: created: Jan 18 2025

What is the healthiest time to lose 10kg

Answered By: Jeffery Morgan Date: created: Jan 18 2025

Short and long term planning – Following these guidelines, the ideal will be to lose weekly between 0.5 and 1 kg of fatty tissue. Therefore, to lose 10 kilos of fat and improve the body composition will be necessary to spend about approximately 3 months working to achieve it.

Although this is an estimate. And there is a genetic predisposition that facilitates more fat loss through diet, with the effect being greater at the beginning of the intervention. Once we reach the goal, we should not fall into the error of relaxing and returning to our previous habits. If not, we will recover the weight quickly and our effort will have been in vain.

It is necessary to know the term weight memory, being the memory that our body has about what we weigh. Our weight will always tend to return to the range where we have maintained a given weight for the longest time. For its modification, we need to be in the new range for about 2 years,

Nacho OrtuñoGraduado en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del DeporteExperto Universitario en Entrenamieto PersonalExperto Universitario en Readaptacion Fisico Deportiva

: Lose 10 kilos in a healthy way. How much time do you need?

Can I lose 5 kg in a month?

How to Lose 5 Kg’s in 1 Month Setting a goal of losing 5 kg’s in a month is itself a great challenge. But as Audrey Hepburn has said “Nothing is Impossible”, so if you stick to your diet plans and regular exercises then you will notice significant differences in your weight, health and your looks.

In order to lose 5kg’s in a month, you’ll need to cut down on the total amount of calories you eat each day. If you can cut down between 500-700 calories each day then you can lose up to 1k.g per week. If combined with exercises you may be able to lose 1.3kg per week, however this will also depend on your metabolism. Include protein in your each meal, especially if you’re looking to lose weight quickly. Protein is an important nutrition in any diet and it also supports your metabolism. Consuming protein throughout the day can spread its satisfying effect over the entire day. Foods which are enrich in protein are: lean beef or pork, seafood, legumes, tofu, low-fat dairy, eggs, beans, lentils, seeds (like hemp and chia), and nuts. Eating fruits and vegetables regularly is also very beneficial when you’re trying to lose weight. Both fruits and vegetables are very low in calories, but high in fiber and other vital nutrients. Aim to drink at least 8 glasses of water every day as water is great for our health and may also help support your weight loss.

2 Exercise Regularly & Lifestyle Change

The best way for weight loss is balancing your diet and exercising regularly. For physical activity, cardio is the number one calorie burner. Aim for 20minutes of cardio regularly for better results. Cardio includes Burpees, Jump Rope, Jumping Jacks, Squat Jumps, Kickboxing, Dancing, Running the Stairs and Jogging. Try taking more steps during the day as moving throughout the day can also add to your total calories burned in that day. Instead of taking elevators and lifts, try taking the stairs as footsteps burns more calories. Get proper sleep even in short 1 month period. Getting enough sleep each night may have an intense effect on your weight loss. Some studies have shown that deficient sleep makes difficult for your body in losing weight. Experts advise that adults should at least take seven to nine hours of sleep regularly. Moreover, if you’re feeling tired you may be less motivated and inactive to stay on track with your exercise and healthy eating plan.

Keep yourself positive and motivated in your weight loss journey. Within your 30-day period, adversely check on your food intake, exercise and overall progress. You can also paste motivational quotes and perfect body shape images on your fridge or by your bedside for inspiration.

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How many steps a day to lose 10 kg?

If you’re trying to lose weight or lose body fat, aim for 10,000 to 12,500+ steps a day. Coupled with an appropriate nutrient-dense diet, you’ll be set for success.

Asked By: Abraham Turner Date: created: Jan 29 2024

How many kg will I lose if I walk everyday

Answered By: Herbert Brown Date: created: Jan 29 2024

How long does it take to lose 20 pounds by walking? – Walking helps in weight loss but it depends on a lot of factors such as your weight, the pace at which you walk, the distance you cover etc. If you want to know how to speed up your weight loss by walking, you need to increase the intensity of your walks.

How can I lose 5kg in 7 days?

How Many Calories Do I Need To Burn Or Cut In Order To Lose 5kg In A Week? – In order to lose 5kg in a week, you would need to create a calorie deficit of approximately 35,000 calories. This would require burning an additional 5,000 calories per day or cutting 5,000 calories from your diet each day.

Is it possible to Lose 20 kg in a month?

How Long Does It Takes To Lose 20 Kgs – If you are following a proper diet as recommended by your dietitians then you can achieve your goal in one month. But if you are following no regular diet chart then you should target at least 6 months which is a realistic one. As slow and steady weight loss is ideal so that you don’t regain the weight you have lost.

Asked By: Gerld Bennett Date: created: Jul 05 2024

Can I lose 12 kg in 1 month

Answered By: Julian Torres Date: created: Jul 06 2024

Is it Possible to Lose 12 Kgs in a Month? – Let’s make it clear- it is NOT impossible to lose 12 kgs in a month. How much weight you can lose in a month depends on how much you weigh, your height, and a couple of other factors. If you are morbidly obese, several weight loss methods can help you shed a lot of weight in just 30 days.

Asked By: Nathaniel Griffin Date: created: Jun 09 2024

Does losing 10 kg make a difference

Answered By: Stanley Simmons Date: created: Jun 11 2024

Improved Heart Health – When you lose weight, you reduce your heart’s workload in pumping blood around the body. Losing even just 10% of total body weight (12kg if you weigh 120kg), has been shown to reduce your risk of heart disease. Even in sufferers of heart disease, weight loss has been shown to greatly improve their condition with atrial fibrillation incidence falling by 50%.

How to eat to lose 10kg?

Download Article Download Article You’ve probably seen fad diets and exercise regimens floating around the internet that are all about restriction and punishment, but the truth is you don’t need to live that way to see results. We’re here to show you that you can lose weight just by eating healthy, portioned meals and doing exercises that burn calories and tone your muscles.

  1. 1 Cover half of the plate at every meal with non-starchy vegetables. Veggies should make up the bulk of your diet because they are low-calorie and contain lots of essential nutrients to keep you healthy. Many experts recommend at least 4 servings of vegetables per day, but if you want to lose weight then you’ll need to eat more than that.
    • Non-starchy vegetables include cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, zucchini, lettuces, asparagus, and lots of other delicious foods that can all be prepared in many different ways so you won’t get bored of them.
  2. 2 Include a serving of a lean protein in every meal. Lean proteins include chicken and eggs, white fish (like salmon and tuna), some cuts of beef, and legumes. Proteins are important for weight loss because eating them helps your body to build lean muscle and boosts your metabolism.
    • A good rule of thumb to remember is that a single serving of most meats is about the same size as your palm.
    • If you don’t eat meat, there are lots of plant-based meat alternatives available that are even healthier options! Look for them in the frozen section of your grocery store.


  3. 3 Replace refined carbs with whole grains and lots of fiber, Many studies show that if you want to see quicker weight loss results from a diet, you should follow a low-carb diet. Instead of eliminating all carbs, however, you can focus on cutting out refined carbs and processed sugars and eating whole grains and plenty of fiber.
    • Healthy carbs can be found in fruits, legumes (like chickpeas, lentils, and black beans), whole grains (like oats, brown rice, quinoa, or whole-wheat breads and pastas), and starchy vegetables.
    • Stick to the proper serving sizes of the different types of carbs. Make sure to look at the nutrition label on your foods and measure them properly before eating.
  4. 4 Look for low-calorie versions of your favorite condiments and dressings. Toppings for your favorite foods often are sneaky ways that calories and carbs show up in meals. One tablespoon of mayonnaise, for example, can have up to 90 calories! Restock your kitchen with low-calorie options of the dressings and condiments that you use often.
    • You can also practice seasoning foods with herbs and spices, which naturally have fewer calories and more flavor.
  5. 5 Supplement meals with a few small, nutritious snacks throughout the day. Having an occasional snack can be a part of a nutritious weight loss diet because it will keep you from getting too hungry and overeating. When you do snack, make sure that you’re choosing foods that are filling, high in nutrient content, and low in calories.
    • Examples of filling and healthy snacks include: a medium-sized fruit, like a banana or apple; a 1 ounce (28 g) serving of your favorite nuts; a small bag of carrots and celery with hummus; and beef jerky.
    • Lots of snacks are available at grocery stores in 100 calorie serving packs. Stock up on these and keep one or two on you during the day just in case you get hungry.
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  1. 1 Stop drinking sodas, fruit juices, most alcohols, and other high-calorie drinks. One of the easiest ways to lower the amount of calories you consume in a day is to start with liquids because people often forget or don’t know just how many calories their favorite drinks are. To lose weight fast, you’ll need to eliminate these drinks from your daily life.
  2. 2 Drink 2 to 3.25 kg (8 to 13 cups) of water throughout the day. Water is a great drink to help you lose weight because it fills you up, reducing feelings of hunger, but doesn’t have any hidden calories. Aim to drink approximately 8-13 glasses of water
    • Contrary to popular belief, retaining water and water bloat comes from not drinking enough water, not drinking too much.
  3. 3 Have a cup of a low-calorie drink for added flavor. If you find it’s hard to drink only water, you can have other liquids, but make sure that they’re low-calorie and have few sugars or carbs. Coffee and teas are great choices since they’re mostly water. If you don’t like those options, look for sugar-free lemonades, sports drinks, or flavored seltzers.
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  1. 1 Keep a food journal to track your food intake. Dieticians can be expensive and hard to find, but you can use an online service or smartphone app to get the same benefits for free. These apps allow you to input what you ate and how much and then will often provide the amount of calories and other nutrients you’ve consumed throughout the day.
    • As you log foods, look to see what times of day you eat the most, the types of food that you get the most calories from, and the nutrient breakdowns of the foods you eat the most. This information is crucial for rethinking your dieting plan.
    • Some great apps to check out are MyFitnessPlan, My Food Diary, and MyPlate. All of these (and more!) are available for free in the Apple App Store and on Google Play.
  2. 2 Try out intermittent fasting routines, Instead of spreading out 3 large meals throughout the entire day, try to eat all of your food in a period of 8 or 10 hours and then fasting until the next day. Pick a window of time, like 11 am to 7 or 9 pm, and allow yourself to eat during then. Outside of those hours, only drink water or other no-calorie drinks.
    • Some studies have shown that intermittent fasting boosts metabolism and increases the amount of fat lost during regular exercise, which makes this a great addition to any dieting plan.
    • An easy way to start intermittent fasting is to pick 1 or 2 days to do it in a week, then working your way up in 1- or 2-day increments to doing it full-time.
  3. 3 Eat larger meals early in the day and smaller meals towards the evening. Foods eaten after 8 p.m. have the same amount of calories as before 8 p.m., but you’re more likely to not be engaging in physical activity at night or closer to bed. Instead of having a small breakfast and finishing the day with a big dinner, have a larger breakfast and lunch and a small dinner.
    • If this doesn’t work for your schedule, you can also try eating several smaller meals throughout the day instead of the 3 main ones. The goal is to eat enough to keep you full but not overindulge because you’re hungry, which tends to happen if you start to feel hungry.
  4. 4 Allow yourself to have cheat foods in moderation to keep from burning out. It can be tough to cut out lots of different foods at once, especially if that means you don’t get to enjoy a favorite food. Once or twice a week, give yourself the chance to eat something that you cut out, like a serving of your favorite ice cream or a glass of wine.
    • There are lots of healthier versions of many junk foods (like ice cream, cookies, chips, or wine) available! Often these foods are right next to or close by the regular foods in the grocery store. If not, you can order these foods online and have them delivered to your door.
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  1. 1 Get in approximately 30 minutes of aerobic exercise a day. In addition to changing your diet, you’ll need to add cardiovascular exercise. Cardio exercises are ones that get your heart rate up, which boosts your metabolism and burns fat. Exercises like jogging or running, swimming, biking, or using a rowing machine are great ways to start if you haven’t done much cardio training before.
    • When choosing your exercises, aim to pick activities that are moderate-intensity for you. You’ll need to be out of breath, sweating and have your heart rate raised.

    Calculate your Target Heart Rate Zone (THRZ): Your THRZ is between 60% and 90% of your Maximum Heart Rate (MHR). First, calculate your MHR by subtracting your age from 220. Then, multiply that number by,6 and,9 to find the lower and upper ends of your THRZ.

  2. 2 Add in high-intensity interval training (HIIT) to your exercise routine. HIIT is a great method for maximizing the amount of fat you burn in a single workout session. When you do HIIT, you’ll want to get your heart rate as high as it can go for a short period of time, take a break, and then get your heart rate back up again.
    • Make 1-2 of your cardio sessions in a week a HIIT workout. The combination of HIIT and steady-state cardio (like jogging for 30 minutes) is great for weight loss.

    Try these basic HIIT routines: · Sprint for 1 minute and then jog for 2 minutes. Repeat 4 more times. · 45 mountain climbers, 20 pushups, 1-minute plank, 20 crunches. Rest for 1 minute, then repeat 4 more times. · 50 jumping jacks, 15 burpees, 15 lunges on each leg. Rest for 1 minute, then repeat 4 more times.

  3. 3 Move more throughout the day. In addition to participating in planned, structured exercise, try increasing how much you move throughout the day. This can also help your overall calorie burn throughout the day.
    • Take the stairs instead of the elevator whenever you can.
    • When you go to the store or run an errand, park far away from the building and get in a short walk.
    • If you have a one-on-one meeting at work, see if the other person would be okay with taking a walk as you talk.
    • Bring your lunch to work and then walk to a nearby spot to eat it.
    • Do quick exercises, like crunches, jumping jacks, or lunges, during commercial breaks as you watch TV.
  4. 4 Increase the intensity of your workouts over time. If you notice that you aren’t losing weight or have plateaued, you might need to make your workouts longer or harder. As your body begins to get used to working out, it also makes exercising more efficient, which burns fewer calories.
    • For example, if you usually spend 20 minutes running each day, try going for 5 or 10 minutes longer each time. Or you can run at a faster pace for the same amount of time.
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  1. 1 Include regular strength training in your weekly workout routine. Strength training is another type of exercise that will supplement weight loss in the short-term and help you keep the weight off in the long run. No matter what weights exercise you’re doing (like bicep/tricep curls, chest presses, pushups, or deadlifts), you should aim to do 3 sets of 12 repetitions for each one.
    • Strength or resistance training doesn’t burn all that many calories by itself. However, it helps increase your lean muscle mass and your metabolism or your body’s ability to burn calories.
  2. 2 Do simple exercises that use your body weight instead of equipment. Building muscle doesn’t require a full rack of weights; you can do lots of different exercises with just your body. The best part of this is that you can do this type of training anywhere—at the office, in your house, in a park, or anywhere you have a moment of free time!
    • Bodyweight exercises include pushups, planks, squats, lunges, mountain climbers, and burpees, among others.
    • Aim to do 15 of any bodyweight exercise or hold a position for 1 minute as one set, and then repeat it 2 more times in a routine.
  3. 3 Train all of the major muscle groups in order to lose weight over your entire body. There are 6 major muscle groups to think about when creating a strength training routine: chest, biceps, triceps, back, legs, and shoulders. You should spend at least 20 minutes working on each muscle group twice a week, with a rest day in between one day of working a group and the next.
    • For example, you might focus on chest, biceps, and your back on Mondays and Wednesdays and choose to work your triceps, legs, and shoulders on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
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Asked By: Jason Harris Date: created: Dec 13 2023

What is the maximum kg lost in a month

Answered By: Nathaniel Reed Date: created: Dec 13 2023

03 /4 ​How much weight can you lose in a month? – As per experts, losing around 0.5 kilos of weight in a week is ideal, which makes it two kilos in a month. To do so, consume a calorie deficit diet along with regular exercise and healthy eating. Losing around 1.5 to 2.5 kilos of body weight in a month is considered healthy.

Asked By: Oswald Walker Date: created: Dec 16 2024

Can I lose 20 kg in a month

Answered By: Reginald Hayes Date: created: Dec 19 2024

How Long Does It Takes To Lose 20 Kgs – If you are following a proper diet as recommended by your dietitians then you can achieve your goal in one month. But if you are following no regular diet chart then you should target at least 6 months which is a realistic one. As slow and steady weight loss is ideal so that you don’t regain the weight you have lost.

Can I lose 5 kg in one month?

How to Lose 5 Kg’s in 1 Month Setting a goal of losing 5 kg’s in a month is itself a great challenge. But as Audrey Hepburn has said “Nothing is Impossible”, so if you stick to your diet plans and regular exercises then you will notice significant differences in your weight, health and your looks.

In order to lose 5kg’s in a month, you’ll need to cut down on the total amount of calories you eat each day. If you can cut down between 500-700 calories each day then you can lose up to 1k.g per week. If combined with exercises you may be able to lose 1.3kg per week, however this will also depend on your metabolism. Include protein in your each meal, especially if you’re looking to lose weight quickly. Protein is an important nutrition in any diet and it also supports your metabolism. Consuming protein throughout the day can spread its satisfying effect over the entire day. Foods which are enrich in protein are: lean beef or pork, seafood, legumes, tofu, low-fat dairy, eggs, beans, lentils, seeds (like hemp and chia), and nuts. Eating fruits and vegetables regularly is also very beneficial when you’re trying to lose weight. Both fruits and vegetables are very low in calories, but high in fiber and other vital nutrients. Aim to drink at least 8 glasses of water every day as water is great for our health and may also help support your weight loss.

2 Exercise Regularly & Lifestyle Change

The best way for weight loss is balancing your diet and exercising regularly. For physical activity, cardio is the number one calorie burner. Aim for 20minutes of cardio regularly for better results. Cardio includes Burpees, Jump Rope, Jumping Jacks, Squat Jumps, Kickboxing, Dancing, Running the Stairs and Jogging. Try taking more steps during the day as moving throughout the day can also add to your total calories burned in that day. Instead of taking elevators and lifts, try taking the stairs as footsteps burns more calories. Get proper sleep even in short 1 month period. Getting enough sleep each night may have an intense effect on your weight loss. Some studies have shown that deficient sleep makes difficult for your body in losing weight. Experts advise that adults should at least take seven to nine hours of sleep regularly. Moreover, if you’re feeling tired you may be less motivated and inactive to stay on track with your exercise and healthy eating plan.

Keep yourself positive and motivated in your weight loss journey. Within your 30-day period, adversely check on your food intake, exercise and overall progress. You can also paste motivational quotes and perfect body shape images on your fridge or by your bedside for inspiration.

Asked By: Walter Bennett Date: created: Jul 30 2024

How many calories should I eat to lose 10 kg in a month

Answered By: Jose Hughes Date: created: Aug 01 2024

Diet Plan to Lose 10 Kg Weight In A Month – This article will introduce a highly rigorous diet plan to lose 10 kg weight in a month. This 10-kg weight loss diet plan is initially challenging. However, with the right motivation, you will get used to it and start enjoying the process.

We need at least 1,500-2,000 calories in a day. By planning 10 kg weight loss in one month, we reduce it to 1,000 calories per day. To lose 10 kgs, we must note that we should to create a calorie deficit. With a balanced diet behaviour, include 30 minutes of physical exercise in your daily routine. You can also opt for which gives fantastic results if practised at the start of the day.

Besides, Yoga is advisable if you have any existing health conditions including diabetes, obesity, and thyroid or any food allergies. Must Read: