Asked By: Oscar Bryant Date: created: Apr 06 2024

What is the full acronym for LGBTQQIP2SAA

Answered By: Walter Gray Date: created: Apr 09 2024

Acronyms, Androgynous, Asexual, gay, intersex, lesbian, LGBTQ+, LGBTQQIP2SAA, pansexual, pride, queer, questioning, Transgender, two-spirit

You may have seen the acronym LGBTQQIP2SAA (LGBTQ+ for short) when describing the queer community. It’s a long list of letters that represents various groups within the community. To better raise awareness and show support to the LGBTQ+ community, you can now educate yourself on what these letters mean.

LGBTQQIP2SAA is an acronym that stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, pansexual, two-spirit (2S), androgynous, and asexual.

A Definition of the Letters L – Lesbian A lesbian is a woman or non-binary person attracted to other women sexually, emotionally, or both. G – Gay Gay refers to men, women, non-binary, or gender-diverse people attracted to the same sex. It used to be applied specifically to cisgender men being attracted to other men, but is now more of a universal term.

  1. B – Bisexual Bisexual people have attraction to more than one gender identity.
  2. It used to be only to those who were attracted to men and women, but since there are many gender identities, the term expanded to include anyone attracted to two genders or more.
  3. T – Transgender Transgender is a term for a person whose gender identity differs from their sex assigned at birth.

Q – Queer “Queer” is an umbrella term for people do not identify as straight or cisgender. It was once a derogatory slur for members of the LGBTQ+ community but has now been reclaimed by members of the LGBTQ+ community as a term of pride. Q – Questioning Questioning refers to anyone unsure of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

I – Intersex Intersex people are born with sex traits that prevent them from fitting into the traditional gender ideas of male and female. These traits can be biological, hormonal, genetic, or anatomical. Intersex is an umbrella term for everyone who doesn’t fit the traditional gender definitions. P – Pansexual Pansexual people are sexually and/or emotionally attracted to all gender identities.

While a similar concept to bisexuality, the significant difference is that bisexual people are attracted to two or more gender identities, while pansexuals are attracted to all genders.2s – Two-Spirit “Two-Spirit” is an umbrella term for members of Indigenous cultures that fulfill a traditional third gender or other variants in a ceremonial or social role.

  • Two-Spirit identities are unique to every tribe, so the term Two-Spirit is a collective term.
  • A – Androgynous “Androgynous” is a person that possesses both masculine and feminine characteristics.
  • It may be expressed through biological sex, gender identity, or gender expression.
  • A – Asexual Asexual people lack sexual attraction to other people.

They may feel romantic affection for others, but they do not have the desire to act on it sexually. Asexual is a different concept than abstinence and celibacy, as instead of abstaining from sexual activity, there is actually no desire to have it. However, asexual is an umbrella term, and each person is unique in their experience.

What does the 2 in LGBTQ2 mean?

What does LGBTQ2+ mean? – Transcript TBS the department supports the LGBTQ2+ communities, and part of that support is raising awareness and educating people on what that means. The first thing that we need to understand is the difference between sexual orientation and gender identity.

Sexual orientation basically explains your sexual preferences. Gender identity is who you identify as and who you know yourself to be, how you choose to identify yourself. The acronym that TBS uses for these communities is LGBTQ2+. Let’s dive into what the LGBTQ2+ acronym stands for. “L” is for lesbian.

Basically, a woman who likes women. “G” stands for gay. That’s a person who is attracted to people of the same gender. Most often it is used for a man who likes other men, but it can be used by anybody. “B” is for bisexual, and that’s somebody who is attracted to people of their own gender and other genders.

It can also refer to non-binary people. “T” is for transgender. A person whose gender identity is different from the sex placed on their birth certificate. “Q” stands for Queer. Queer is an umbrella term often time used to categorize the entirety of the LGBTQ2+ community. Next, we have the “2”. It’s for Two-Spirits.

It is an indigenous identity used by some indigenous folks who, just like queer, whose gender identity, sexual orientation or spiritual identity differs from the societal norm, and it’s called Two-Spirits because a person may be believed to have both the male and the female spirits within them.

  1. And then, there’s the “+” sign, which is there to represent all of the other identities that you may have already heard of: Non-binary, pansexual, asexual and intersex.
  2. We use the plus sign because there’s so many identities out there, and the community and the language is always evolving and we want to be inclusive.

It is very important to be inclusive, understanding and patient when it comes to the diverse forms of identity that currently exist in our day to day life.

What is a 2 spirit person?

Though Two-Spirit may now be included in the umbrella of LGBTQ, The term “Two-Spirit” does not simply mean someone who is a Native American/Alaska Native and gay. Traditionally, Native American two-spirit people were male, female, and sometimes intersexed individuals who combined activities of both men and women with traits unique to their status as two-spirit people.

  • In most tribes, they were considered neither men nor women; they occupied a distinct, alternative gender status.
  • In tribes where two-spirit males and females were referred to with the same term, this status amounted to a third gender.
  • In other cases, two-spirit females were referred to with a distinct term and, therefore, constituted a fourth gender.

Although there were important variations in two-spirit roles across North America, they shared some common traits:

Specialized work roles, Male and female two-spirit people were typically described in terms of their preference for and achievements in the work of the “opposite” sex or in activities specific to their role. Two-spirit individuals were experts in traditional arts – such as pottery making, basket weaving, and the manufacture and decoration of items made from leather. Among the Navajo, two-spirit males often became weavers, usually women and men’s work, as well as healers, which was a male role. By combining these activities, they were often among the wealthier members of the tribe. Two-spirit females engaged in activities such as hunting and warfare, and became leaders in war and even chiefs. Gender variation, A variety of other traits distinguished two-spirit people from men and women, including temperament, dress, lifestyle, and social roles. Spiritual sanction, Two-spirit identity was widely believed to be the result of supernatural intervention in the form of visions or dreams and sanctioned by tribal mythology. In many tribes, two spirit people filled special religious roles as healers, shamans, and ceremonial leaders. Same-sex relations, Two-spirit people typically formed sexual and emotional relationships with non-two-spirit members of their own sex, forming both short- and long-term relationships. Among the Lakota, Mohave, Crow, Cheyenne, and others, two-spirit people were believed to be lucky in love, and able to bestow this luck on others.

Most Indigenous communities have specific terms in their own languages for the gender-variant members of their communities and the social and spiritual roles these individuals fulfill; with over 500 surviving Native American cultures, attitudes about sex and gender can be very diverse.

Even with the modern adoption of pan-Indian terms like Two-Spirit, not all cultures will perceive two-spirit people the same way, or welcome a pan-Indian term to replace the terms already in use by their cultures. The disruptions caused by conquest and disease, together with the efforts of missionaries, government agents, boarding schools, and white settlers resulted in the loss of many traditions in Native communities.

Two-spirit roles, in particular, were singled out for condemnation, interference, and many times violence. As a result, two-spirit traditions and practices went underground or disappeared in many tribes. Today, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender native people throughout North America are reviving the two-spirit role and its traditions.

What celebrity is pansexual?

Meet these celebrities you may not know are pansexual — – Celebrities who have come out as pansexual include Janelle Monáe, Demi Lovato, Miley Cyrus, Mae Whitman, Wayne Brady, Jena Malone, Tess Holliday, Bella Thorne, Tammy Slaton, and more. ‍

What was 2023 first hit movie?

1. Barbie (I) (2023)

How many genders are there in the world?

72 other genders – Besides male and female, here is a list of the 72 other gender identities that a person may belong to. Besides male and female, there are 72 other genders, which include the following:

  1. Agender: A person who does not identify themselves with or experience any gender. Agender people are also called null-gender, genderless, gendervoid, or neutral gender.
  2. Abimegender: Associated with being profound, deep, and infinite. The term abimegender may be used alone or in combination with other genders.
  3. Adamas gender: A gender that is indefinable or indomitable. People identifying with this gender refuse to be categorized in any particular gender identity.
  4. Aerogender: Also called evaisgender, this gender identity changes according to one’s surroundings.
  5. Aesthetigender: Also called aesthetgender, it is a type of gender identity derived from aesthetics.
  6. Affectugender: This is based on the person’s mood swings or fluctuations.
  7. Agenderflux: A person with this gender identity is mostly agender with brief shifts of belonging to other gender types.
  8. Alexigender: The person has a fluid gender identity between more than one type of gender although they cannot name the genders they feel fluid in.
  9. Aliusgender: This gender identity stands apart from existing social gender constructs. It means having a strong specific gender identity that is neither male nor female.
  10. Amaregender: Having a gender identity that changes depending on the person one is emotionally attached to.
  11. Ambigender: Having two specific gender identities simultaneously without any fluidity or fluctuations.
  12. Ambonec: The person identifies themselves as both man and woman and yet does not belong to either.
  13. Amicagender: A gender-fluid identity where a person changes their gender depending on the friends they have.
  14. Androgyne: A person feels a combination of feminine and masculine genders.
  15. Anesigender: The person feels close to a specific type of gender despite being more comfortable in closely identifying themselves with another gender.
  16. Angenital: The person desires to be without any primary sexual characteristics although they do not identify themselves as genderless.
  17. Anogender: The gender identity fades in and out in intensity but always comes back to the same gendered feeling.
  18. Anongender: The person has a gender identity but does not label it or would prefer to not have a label.
  19. Antegender: A protean gender that can be anything but is formless and motionless.
  20. Anxiegender: This gender identity has anxiety as its prominent characteristic.
  21. Apagender: The person has apathy or a lack of feelings toward one’s gender identity.
  22. Apconsugender: It means knowing what are not the characteristics of gender but not knowing what are its characteristics. Thus, a person hides its primary characteristics from the individual.
  23. Astergender: The person has a bright and celestial gender identity.
  24. Astral gender: Having a gender identity that feels to be related to space.
  25. Autigender: Having a gender identity that feels to be closely related to being autistic.
  26. Autogender: Having a gender experience that is deeply connected and personal to oneself.
  27. Axigender: A gender identity that is between the two extremes of agender and any other type of gender. Both the genders are experienced one at a time without any overlapping. The two genders are described as on the opposite ends of an axis.
  28. Bigender: Having two gender identities at the same or different times.
  29. Biogender: Having a gender that is closely related to nature.
  30. Blurgender: Also called gender fuss, blurgender means having more than one gender identities that blur into each other so that no particular type of gender identity is clear.
  31. Boyflux: The person identifies themselves as male, but they experience varying degrees of male identity. This may range from feeling agender to completely male.
  32. Burstgender: Frequent bursts of intense feelings quickly move to the initial calm stage.
  33. Caelgender: This gender identity shares the qualities or aesthetics of outer space.
  34. Cassgender: It is associated with the feelings of considering the gender irrelevant or unimportant.
  35. Cassflux: There is a fluctuating intensity of irrelevance toward gender.
  36. Cavusgender: The person feels close to one gender when depressed and to another when not depressed.
  37. Cendgender: The gender identity changes from one gender to its opposite.
  38. Ceterogender: It is a nonbinary gender where the person has a specific masculine, feminine or neutral feelings.
  39. Ceterofluid: Although the person is a ceterogender, their identity keeps fluctuating between different genders.
  40. Cisgender: Being closely related to the gender assigned at birth during the entire life.
  41. Cloudgender: The person’s gender cannot be comprehended or understood due to depersonalization and derealization disorder.
  42. Collgender: Various genders are present at the same time in the individual.
  43. Colorgender: In this category, colors are used to describe gender, for example, pink gender or black gender.
  44. Commogender: The person knows that they are not cisgender yet continues to identify as one for a while.
  45. Condigender: The person feels their gender only under specific circumstances.
  46. Deliciagender: Associated with the feeling of having multiple genders but preferring one over the other.
  47. Demifluid: Having multiple genders, some fluid while others are static.
  48. Demiflux: A combination of multiple genders with some genders static, whereas others fluctuating in intensity.
  49. Demigender: The individual has partial traits of one gender and the rest of the other gender.
  50. Domgender: The individual has multiple genders with one dominating over the rest.
  51. Duragender: Having more than one gender with one lasting longer than the others.
  52. Egogender: It is a personal type of gender identified by the individual alone. It is based on the person’s experience within the self.
  53. Epicene: It is associated with a strong feeling of not being able to relate to any of the two genders of the binary gender or both of the binary gender characteristics.
  54. Esspigender: The individual relates their gender identity with spirits.
  55. Exgender: The denial to identify with any gender on the gender spectrum.
  56. Existigender: The person’s gender identity exists only when they make conscious efforts to realize it.
  57. Femfluid: The person is fluid or fluctuating regarding the feminine genders.
  58. Femgender: A nonbinary gender identity that is feminine.
  59. Fluidflux: It means to be fluid between two or more genders with a fluctuation in the intensity of those genders.
  60. Gemigender: The person has two genders that are opposite yet they flux and work together.
  61. Genderblank: It is closely related to a blank space.
  62. Genderflow: The gender identity is fluid between infinite feelings.
  63. Genderfluid: The person does not consistently adhere to one fixed gender and may have many genders.
  64. Genderfuzz: More than one gender is blurred together.
  65. Genderflux: The gender fluctuates in intensity.
  66. Genderpuck: The person resists to fit in societal norms concerning genders.
  67. Genderqueer: The individual blurs the preconceived boundaries of gender in relation to the gender binary or having just one gender type.
  68. Gender witched: The person is inclined toward the notion of having one gender but does not know which.
  69. Girlflux: The individual identifies themselves as a female but with varying intensities of female identities.
  70. Healgender: A gender identity that gives the person peace, calm, and positivity.
  71. Mirrorgender: Changing one’s gender type based on the people surrounding.
  72. Omnigender: Having or experiencing all genders.
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What is the new name for LGBTQ?

LGBTQ2S+ — Toronto Pflag 2-Spirit (see entry for Two-Spirit below, and for additional information, please check out our ).2SLGBTQI+: An acronym for Two-Spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex. See LGBTQ+/LGBTQ2S+, Agender: A term that often describes someone who falls under the nonbinary umbrella and does not have a gender.

  1. Ally: A term used to describe someone who is actively supportive of LGBTQ2S+ people.
  2. It encompasses straight and cisgender allies, as well as those within the LGBTQ2S+ community who support each other (e.g., a lesbian who is an ally to the bisexual community).
  3. Asexual (Ace): Someone who does not experience sexual attraction is asexual.

Asexual people may still have romantic attraction, and may be sexually active.

  • Assigned sex at birth : The classification of a person at birth as male, female or intersex, based on biological characteristics, including chromosomes, hormones, external genitalia and reproductive organs.
  • Assigned female at birth (AFAB) : A person who is assigned female when they are born, based on genitalia.
  • Assigned male at Birth (AMAB) : A person who is assigned male when they are born, based on genitalia.

Bigender : A nonbinary gender or word to describe someone’s gender that often means someone who has two genders. These genders can be, but are not always, male and female. Biphobia : The fear and hatred of, or discomfort with, people who love and are sexually attracted to more than one gender.

  1. Bisexual : A person emotionally, romantically or sexually attracted to more than one sex, gender or gender identity – though not necessarily simultaneously, in the same way, or to the same degree.
  2. Sometimes used interchangeably with pansexual,
  3. Cisgender : Individuals who have a gender identity that matches their sex assigned at birth.

This is independent of sexual orientation. Coming out : The process in which a person first acknowledges, accepts and appreciates their sexual orientation or gender identity and begins to share that with others. Deadnaming: Deadnaming occurs when someone, intentionally or not, refers to a person who is transgender by the name they used before they transitioned.

It can be invalidating and can cause someone to feel like you don’t respect their identity, that you don’t support their transition, or that you don’t wish to put in the effort to make this necessary change. Demisexual: People who only feel sexually attracted to someone when they have an emotional bond with the person are demisexual.

Dysphoria (Gender dysphoria) : A profound, persistent state of distress or pain that can impair daily life functioning. It can occur when a person’s gender identity does not align with their sex assigned at birth. Gay : A person who is emotionally, romantically, or sexually attracted to members of the same gender.

  • Men, women, and nonbinary people may use this term to describe themselves.
  • Gender : Gender is an individual and social experience of being a man, a woman, both or neither.
  • Social norms, expectations and roles related to gender can shift over time.
  • Gender-affirming care/surgery or transition-related medical care: A broad term for health care that transgender people may pursue, including counseling, hormone replacement therapy, and surgical treatments.

Not all transgender people pursue every form of medical treatment available. Many choose not to have all medical interventions, and others never receive medical care of any kind due to cost, access, or personal choice. Gender binary : The idea that there are only two genders (female or male) and the belief that a person must be strictly gendered as either one or the other.

Gender expression: The way a person presents and communicates their gender. Gender can be expressed through clothing, speech, body language, hairstyle, voice, bodily behaviours, mannerisms, gait, etc. Gender fluid : A person who does not identify with a single fixed gender or has a fluid or changing gender identity.

Someone who is genderfluid may feel more feminine at some times, and more masculine at other times. Gender identity : An individual’s internal and individual experience of their gender. This could include an internal sense of being a woman, a man, both or neither.

  1. One’s gender identity can be the same or different from their sex assigned at birth.
  2. Gender-neutral pronouns: Gender-neutral pronouns provide an identity for a singular person who does not identify as he/him or she/her.
  3. They/them is one of the most common, although there are others.
  4. If you’re uncertain, it’s acceptable to offer your pronouns and ask the person for theirs.

Gender nonconforming : A broad term referring to people who do not behave in a way that conforms to the traditional expectations of their gender, or whose gender expression does not fit neatly into a category. While many also identify as transgender, not all gender nonconforming people do.

  1. Genderqueer : A person who does not subscribe to conventional gender distinctions, and may identify with both, neither or a combination of female and male genders.
  2. Homophobia : The fear and hatred of – or discomfort with – people who are attracted to members of the same sex.
  3. Intersex : A general term used when a person is born with sex characteristics (including genitals, gonads and chromosome patterns) that do not fit typical binary notions of male or female bodies.

LGBTQ+/LGBTQ2S+ : An acronym for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, or questioning. See also 2SLGBTQI+. Lesbian: A woman who is emotionally, romantically or sexually attracted to other women. Women and nonbinary people may use this term to describe themselves.

  • Misgender: The act of gendering someone incorrectly.
  • This often involves using gendered words that are inappropriate or the wrong pronouns.
  • Misgendering can be very painful for the person to whom it has been done, whether intentional or not.
  • Nonbinary : A term used to describe individuals who may experience a gender identity that is neither binary female nor male or is between or beyond both binary genders.

Nonbinary is an adjective describing a person who does not identify exclusively as a man or a woman. Nonbinary people may identify as being both a man and a woman, somewhere in between, or as falling completely outside these categories. While many also identify as transgender, not all nonbinary people do.

  • Nonbinary can also be used as an umbrella term encompassing identities such as agender, bigender, Omnisexual : Omnisexual individuals recognize the genders of potential partners, and can be sexually attracted to anyone – men or women, cis or trans, non-binary or binary.
  • Outing: Exposing someone’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or gender non-binary identity to others without their permission.

Outing someone can have serious repercussions on employment, economic stability, personal safety or religious or family situations. Pansexual: Pansexual individuals can be sexually attracted to anyone – men or women, cis or trans, non-binary or binary.

Panromantic is a romantic attraction to people regardless of their gender. Panromantic people can be romantically attracted to people of every gender identity. And people of any gender identity may identify as panromantic. Polyamory: Engaging in multiple romantic (and typically sexual) relationships, with the consent of all the people involved.

Queer: An umbrella term for a wide variety of people across a spectrum of sexual orientations and gender identities. The term Queer was originally used in a derogatory way, but has been reclaimed by people within the community. For some, it still carries an uncomfortable sting from the past association, while others (especially young people) embrace it enthusiastically as a way to identify that they are not cisgender heterosexuals, without using specific labels.

Sexual orientation : Emotional, romantic, spiritual, or sexual attraction to others. It is an inherent or immutable enduring emotional, romantic, or sexual attraction to other people. Note: an individual’s sexual orientation is independent of their gender identity. Orientation and identity are two different things.

Social dysphoria/euphoria: Social dysphoria is a type of gender dysphoria that refers specifically to the feeling some trans people get when others do not treat them as the correct gender. People sometimes use the term social dysphoria to distinguish between dysphoria prompted by interactions with others and dysphoria prompted by physical or internal factors, such as being uncomfortable with their bodies (gender dysphoria).

Transgender : Individuals who have a gender identity that is incongruent from their assigned sex at birth; regardless of sexual orientation. It is an umbrella term for people whose gender identity and/or expression is different from cultural expectations based on the sex they were assigned at birth. Transgender is an adjective and should not be used as a noun.

Be aware that Indigenous communities and communities of colour have other words to describe gender variance. Transition : The process of transition refers to a variety of social, medical, and/or legal changes that some transgender people may pursue to affirm their gender identity.

Transition can be different for each individual and there is no one way to transition; it is up to the trans person to decide what is right for them. Social transition can involve changing name, pronouns, gender expression, washroom use. Medical transition can involve hormones and/or surgery. Legal transition can involve legally changing identity documents.

Two-Spirit (or 2-Spirit): Two-Spirit refers to a person who identifies as having both a masculine and a feminine spirit.2-Spirit is used by some North American Indigenous people to describe their sexual, gender and/or spiritual identity. As an umbrella term it may encompass same-sex attraction and a wide variety of gender diversity including people who might be described in Western culture as gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, genderqueer, or gender fluid.

What is the full form of Lgbtqiapk?

The Growth of LGBTQ+ Identity – The abbreviation LGBTQIAPK stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, pansexual, two-spirit, asexual, and ally. In the 1940s and 1950s, the term “gay” itself came from the underground slang used to refer to both male and female homosexuals.

  1. As time went on, lesbians objected to the word “gay” because it was used almost exclusively to refer to male homosexuals.
  2. During the feminist movement of the 1960s, the term “lesbian” was adopted to differentiate female homosexuals from the popular understanding of gay being used to talk about men and to draw more attention to the issues facing women in the same-sex community.

By the 1970s, the terms “gay” and “lesbian” came to refer to all same-sex people.1 For decades, bisexual and transgender individuals fought being referred to as “gay” or “lesbian,” primarily because bisexual people were neither gay nor lesbian, and “transgender” is a definition of gender identity, not sexual orientation.

Is there a two spirit flag?

Is there a Two Spirit flag? Hi Taylor! Yes, there are a couple different versions of the Two Spirit flag. Just a little info on the term “Two Spirit”. It was adopted by native people in the early 1990s as an umbrella term and an alternative to Western labels.2SLGBTQ Native people throughout North America are reviving the two-spirit role and its traditions. Thanks for writing in! Hope this helps. Auntie Manda : Is there a Two Spirit flag?

What is the symbol for 2 men?

This table contains special characters.

Unicode name symbol Associated wording
MERCURY Intersexuality
DOUBLED FEMALE SIGN Female homosexuality
DOUBLED MALE SIGN Male homosexuality

What is the acronym pride?

History – PRIDE is an acronym for Personal Rights in Defense and Education. The organization was formed in Los Angeles, California in 1966 by Steve Ginsburg, PRIDE, from its very inception, was much more radical than the pre-1960s homosexual rights groups, which were more deferential.

  1. PRIDE’s goal was to get out on the streets and get in the faces of the opposition with noisy, loud demonstrations and political action, as opposed to the conservative approach taken by its predecessors.
  2. The then 27-year-old founder, Steve Ginsburg, made it clear from the start that the organization would not hold back on showing its youthful overt sexuality.
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Ginsburg set the example for members by wearing his leather gear to run the PRIDE management meetings. This was a new breed of radical activist whose approach gave permission to later groups like the GLF, ACT UP and the Radical Faeries. The organization’s meetings, called “PRIDE NIGHTS”, took place at Los Angeles gay bar The HUB,

Like many gay bars, The Hub served the gay community in many ways, primarily as place to socialize openly and in relative safety, but also as a place to gather politically and organize gay-related activities, both political and recreational. The bars would often lend their spaces for many non-“bar”-related activities to support the gay community.

Ginsberg often used the bar and club scene to connect with gay youth directly. PRIDE strongly defended the gay bars and the gay youth culture that attended them, while older gay groups would not. Since gay youth were mostly excluded by older conservative gay groups, they looked for other outlets, and PRIDE and Ginsberg saw the opportunity to tap into an energetic and under-represented constituency.

  • The organization’s core belief was that gays needed a variety of social environments in which to gather.
  • These venues included bars and night clubs, as well as outdoor events, such as hiking, bowling, and other sporting activities.
  • The core beliefs also encompassed the opportunity to marry and the right to access to social services.

Compared to other organizations, PRIDE had greater success at organizing large groups of disenfranchised youth to demonstrate against any group or person that denied the gay community their equal rights or dignity. The LAPD was often targeted because of its aggressive and openly violent oppression of gays.

The raid on the Black Cat Tavern in the Silverlake section of Los Angeles on New Year’s Eve 1967 was the defining moment for PRIDE Undercover police staked out the bar, waiting for the moment that male patrons kissed each other at midnight. Word went out to waiting police reinforcements and they poured into the bar, assaulting patrons, smashing the furniture and chasing several patrons down the street to another bar called New Faces, where the police knocked the manager (a woman) to the ground and subsequently beat the bartenders.

PRIDE acted quickly, organizing large vocal street demonstrations, handing out thousands of leaflets to passing drivers and pedestrians outside the Black Cat Tavern and in the Sunset Junction area. This happened a full two years prior to the gay rights riots at the Stonewall Inn in New York City.

  1. PRIDE ran fundraising efforts for the six customers arrested during the raid at the Black Cat Tavern who were convicted.
  2. The case went all the way to the United States Supreme Court,
  3. The Court refused to hear the case and the convictions were sustained.
  4. Bill Rau (aka Bill Rand), Richard Mitch (aka Dick Michaels), and Sam Winston printed issues at night in the basement print shop at ABC Television West Studios (now Prospect Studios ) in Los Feliz ” PRIDE published a newsletter under the guidance of Richard Mitch starting in 1966.

The early issues were simply printed on school-style mimeographed press. In late summer of 1967 Richard Mitch and his boyfriend Bill Rau worked to ramp up the PRIDE newsletter into a full gay newspaper. The first issue was only 500 copies. The publication got a new, more official-sounding name, The Los Angeles Advocate,

The cover story was entitled “GAY POWER.” Eventually PRIDE and its fledgling publication diverged with differing agendas and Richard Mitch, Sam Winston and Bill Rand purchased the rights to the publication for $1.00. The Advocate was now a stand-alone institution and grew to become the first national gay publication.

and is still in operation today as a national magazine. as part of the here! media conglomerate, which also includes Out magazine. In late 1968 PRIDE under tremendous pressure from all sides (gay and straight) to cease its aggressive radical approach and activities was dissolved by its founders.

What is your true gender identity?

Page content – The Code does not define the grounds of gender identity, gender expression or sex. Instead, the understanding of these and other related terms, and the implications for the Code and OHRC policies, is evolving from tribunal and court decisions, social science research as well as self identity and common everyday use.

Sex is the anatomical classification of people as male, female or intersex, usually assigned at birth. Gender identity is each person’s internal and individual experience of gender. It is a person’s sense of being a woman, a man, both, neither, or anywhere along the gender spectrum. A person’s gender identity may be the same as or different from their birth-assigned sex.

Gender expression is how a person publicly expresses or presents their gender. This can include behaviour and outward appearance such as dress, hair, make-up, body language and voice. A person’s chosen name and pronoun are also common ways of expressing gender.

  1. Others perceive a person’s gender through these attributes.
  2. A person’s gender identity is fundamentally different from and not related to their sexual orientation.
  3. Trans or transgender is an umbrella term referring to people with diverse gender identities and expressions that differ from stereotypical gender norms.

It includes but is not limited to people who identify as transgender, trans woman (male-to-female MTF), trans man (female-to-male FTM), transsexual, cross-dressers, or gender non-conforming, gender variant or gender queer. Gender non-conforming individuals do not follow gender stereotypes based on the sex they were assigned at birth and may or may not identify as trans.

“Lived” gender identity is the gender a person feels internally (“gender identity” along the gender spectrum) and expresses publicly (“gender expression”) in their daily life including at work, while shopping or accessing other services, in their housing environment or in the broader community. See section 13.3.3 of this policy: Recognizing lived gender identity.

For more information on these and other related terms see Appendix B: Glossary for understanding gender identity and expression,

What third gender means?

Third gender is a concept in which individuals are categorized, either by themselves or by society, as neither a man or woman. It is also a social category present in societies that recognize three or more genders, The term third is usually understood to mean “other”, though some anthropologists and sociologists have described fourth and fifth genders.

  • The state of personally identifying as, or being identified by society as, a man, a woman, or other is usually also defined by the individual’s gender identity and gender role in the particular culture in which they live.
  • Most cultures use a gender binary, having two genders ( boys /men and girls /women).

In cultures with a third or fourth gender, these genders may represent very different things. To Native Hawaiians and Tahitians, Māhū is an intermediate state between man and woman known as “gender liminality “. Some traditional Diné Native Americans of the Southwestern United States, acknowledge a spectrum of four genders: feminine woman, masculine woman, feminine man, and masculine man.

The term “third gender” has also been used to describe the hijras of South Asia who have gained legal identity, fa’afafine of Polynesia, and Balkan sworn virgins, A culture recognizing a third gender does not in itself mean that they were valued by that culture, and often is the result of explicit devaluation of women in that culture.

While found in a number of non-Western cultures, concepts of “third”, “fourth”, and “fifth” gender roles are still somewhat new to mainstream Western culture and conceptual thought. The concept is most likely to be embraced in the modern LGBT or queer subcultures.

Asked By: Jordan Hayes Date: created: Jul 04 2024

Is Deadpool a pansexual

Answered By: Gilbert Harris Date: created: Jul 06 2024

Deadpool’s relationships – In the comic series, Deadpool’s romantic orientation has been explained as pansexual. This means that Deadpool can be attracted to any person, no matter their gender or gender identity. However, his relationship with the same gender hasn’t been explored so far, except for a few flirtatious exchanges.

  1. In the movies, Wade Wilson has been dating his girlfriend, Vanessa, and it seems like that won’t change anytime soon.
  2. Although, the character of Vanessa is quite different from the one we saw in the movies.
  3. In the comic series, Vanessa Carlysle, also known as Copycat, is Deadpool’s long-time love interest and ex-girlfriend.

Vanessa and Wade met while they were both mercenaries and fell in love. They began dating and were in a serious relationship for some time. However, their relationship faced many challenges. One of the most significant was when Vanessa was kidnapped and tortured by Ajax, a mutant who had previously experimented on Deadpool.

This left Vanessa with severe scars and trauma, which caused her to end her relationship with Wade. Despite their breakup, Vanessa and Deadpool have had several encounters over the years. They have teamed up on missions and have even had brief romantic moments. Deadpool has also tried to win her back, but she has remained hesitant to rekindle their relationship.

Overall, Vanessa Carlysle is an important character in Deadpool’s story, and their relationship has been a significant part of Deadpool’s character development. Their complicated history has added depth and complexity to both characters and has contributed to the overall richness of the Deadpool comic series,

Another significant relationship that Deadpool had was with Siryn. Deadpool and Siryn first met when they were both working as mercenaries. At the time, Siryn was in a relationship with another character, but she and Deadpool quickly developed a strong attraction to each other. Despite this, their relationship was rocky from the start, with Deadpool’s unpredictable behavior often causing problems.

Their relationship became even more complicated when Siryn’s ex-boyfriend, Black Tom Cassidy, returned and attempted to rekindle their relationship. Deadpool and Black Tom had a longstanding feud, and their rivalry only added to the tension between Deadpool and Siryn.

What superheroes are pansexual?

M ovies don’t come any more self-satisfied than Deadpool, From the air of smugness that pervades this Marvel adventure, you would think it was the first picture to break the fourth wall or feature a profane, badly behaved hero. In another sense, though, it has earned the right to be pleased with itself: it does break a small amount of new ground in the area of its hero’s sexual identity.

  1. In the comics from which the movie is adapted, Deadpool is pansexual – he makes no distinction between genders or gender identity in his choice of partners.
  2. The term “bisexual” would be too narrow for Deadpool, who has flirted with Thor, propositioned Spider-Man and wouldn’t rule out, say, unicorns.
  3. A pendulum moves in just two directions; he is more like a sexual swingball.

In popular culture, this is an area almost without precedent, so we shouldn’t be too hard on those Deadpool fans who have demanded a more precise definition from Fabian Nicieza, one of the comic’s creators. ” I’ve been dogged with the DP sexuality questions for YEARS,” he tweeted.

” It is a bit tiring. He is NO sex and ALL sexes. He is yours and everyone else’s.” Nicieza called him “the epitome of inclusive” and insisted: “He can be gay one minute, hetero the next, etc. ALL ARE VALID. ” Much has been heard in the runup to the film’s release about its fidelity to this aspect of the character.

He would, said the director, Tim Miller, be “pansexual. I want that quoted. Pansexual Deadpool.” Ryan Reynolds, who plays Deadpool, tweeted last year that the movie would receive an R-rating (15 or higher in the UK) for scenes of ” graphic, expertly lit French unicorn sex “.

  • The truth is both less sensational and more interesting.
  • The sole instance of interspecies intimacy in the film is confined to its animated closing credits, during which Deadpool is shown rubbing a unicorn’s horn until it ejaculates rainbows.
  • Orthodox definitions of pansexuality exclude socially unacceptable manifestations of desire (necrophilia, paedophilia); the jury will have to be out for now on the question of whether cartoon sex with a mythical creature qualifies as bestiality.

In all other respects, this is a Deadpool who meets in word but not deed the requirements of pansexuality. His libido is indiscriminate; every adult is fair game. But it might help his cause if he were shown having sex with someone other than his girlfriend, Vanessa (Morena Baccarin). Reynolds with Morena Baccarin in Deadpool. Photograph: Moviestore/Rex/Shutterstock From the moment Deadpool asks us to speculate on whose balls he had to fondle to get his own movie (the answer is Wolverine’s, who has, we are informed, “a nice pair of smooth criminals down under”), his conversation is littered with homoerotic references.

He asks a male bartender for a blowjob, but that turns out to be the name of a cocktail in which cream is the predominant ingredient. He calls a male cab driver “pretty damn cute” and lands crotch-first on an adversary’s face with the unconventional warcry: “Teabagged!” He speculates on the relationship between other superheroes (“I’m pretty sure Robin loves Batman”) and says, in response to the question of whether he has an on-switch: “It’s right next to the prostate.

Or is that the on-switch?” In the arena of outwardly straight men preoccupied with other men’s bodies, Deadpool is eclipsed only by the Jackass team, But how serious is he about his predilections? Without sending him into the arms or beds of other men, the movie leaves that point moot.

In its entire 107-minute running time, it finds room for only one male-on-male kiss, and this takes the form of Deadpool giving a peck on the cheek to a man whom he has just threatened to rape. On the evidence of the film, he seems (to adapt the infamous quote by Brett Anderson of Suede) to be a pansexual who has never had a non-heterosexual experience.

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Or, like Robbie Williams, maybe he wants to evoke the sassy, risque side of gayness without going the whole hog. “I am 49% homosexual and sometimes as far as 50%,” Williams said in 2013, “However, that would imply that I enjoy having a particular sort of fun, which I don’t.” Actions speak louder than words and there is nothing in the movie to prove that Deadpool would be any more willing than Williams to put his body where his mouth is and sample that particular sort of fun.

The film’s reluctance to make good on its hero’s pansexuality should not overshadow the little moments of daring, the subtle advancements, that have survived to the screen. In a medium characterised by the male gaze, it is implicitly radical to include a lingering closeup of a man’s pert behind, especially when that shot isn’t giving straight male viewers the get-out clause of replicating a woman’s point-of-view: everyone, male or female, is simply being invited to enjoy the image on its own merits.

A similar subversion of male identification occurs later in the film, during one of Deadpool’s fourth-wall-breaking bits of narration, when he addresses those audience members who have been dragged to see this superhero movie by their boyfriends. Once again, the assumption that an audience is male and heterosexual is challenged and overturned.

(Compare a recent film such as The Big Short, where semi-naked women are used to make complicated subjects accessible to an audience who the director has assumed is largely male and straight.) When Deadpool speaks over the heads of men in the audience, it’s almost as delicious as that moment in The Opposite of Sex when Christina Ricci warns female viewers that if their boyfriends are squirming over the gay scenes in the movie, they may be protesting too much.

While it’s a pity that Deadpool, both character and film, don’t venture beyond heterosexual sex, it still has the makings of an intriguing piece of queer superhero cinema, a genre so small that its exponents don’t even make it into double figures. The X-Men movies (with which the action of Deadpool overlaps briefly) expertly deploy the idea of the mutant as a metaphor for difference and queerness. Lori Petty in Tank Girl. Photograph: Everett/Rex/Shutterstock But you would have to go all the way back to Tank Girl, the 1995 movie of Jamie Hewlett and Alan Martin’s comic book series, to find a genuine precursor to Deadpool’s pansexuality. Obvious shortcomings (animated inserts stand in for scenes that were never shot) can’t diminish the refreshing strangeness of a film that fails to recognise standard movie-hero codes of behaviour.

Tank Girl (Lori Petty) begins the picture with a boyfriend – it’s his murder that is the catalyst for her revenge mission. But, in truth, he is forgotten before too long and soon she is pretending to be lovers with Jet Girl (Naomi Watts) while falling in with the Rippers, a crowd of kangaroo-human mutants who have more than a touch of the beatnik about them.

A scene showing Tank Girl lying in bed with the sweetest Ripper, Booga (Jeff Kober), who is stroking her head with his ear, is both playful and revolutionary. No wonder the movie was a flop when it asked audiences to root for a hero who couldn’t even confine her affections to her own species.

  1. A person without defined sexual parameters is dangerous and unstable in society’s eyes because they can’t easily be monetised.
  2. Tick the box that says “gay” or “straight”, “single” or “married”, and you have placed yourself in a category as a customer.
  3. Fickle consumers may as well not be consumers at all for all the economic consistency they represent.

They like cornflakes, extreme sports and the Twilight novels this week. Next week, it could be scrambled eggs, philately and bondage. Loyalty cards are wasted on them. Heroes such as Deadpool and Tank Girl, with their roving tastes, are the fictional equivalent, which explains why there are so few of them.

  • Most cinema audiences cherish reassurances; unpredictability can be discomfiting, especially the sexual sort.
  • So, while there is an argument that the version of James Bond found in Ian Fleming’s original novels can be read as sexually ambiguous, this element has been alluded to just once in a Bond movie.

It occurs in the brief scene in Skyfall when Silva (Javier Bardem) flirts with Bond (Daniel Craig), only for the latter to allude to past sexual experiences with men. (“What makes you think it’s my first time?” he purrs.) Asked about that electrifying moment, Craig was both enigmatic and pleasingly matter-of-fact.

  1. I don’t see the world in sexual divisions,” he said.
  2. Spoken like a true pansexual.
  3. The best representations of non-heterosexual characters are usually those where no special effort has been made to accommodate sexuality.
  4. Think of the character who turns out to be gay at the end of the stop-motion animation ParaNorman : nothing is altered there but our own assumptions.

Or the private investigator played by Val Kilmer in Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. Kilmer had liked the screenplay, but believed it would be deepened if there were an extra frisson between his character and the thief-turned-actor played by Robert Downey Jr, “I said, ‘We gotta get a little colour in here. Bugs Bunny, living the pansexual dream. Photograph: Allstar/Warner Bros Only one character in movie history, however, has truly lived the pansexual dream without compromise: Bugs Bunny, No one else has followed his whims with such single-mindedness.

  1. No other movie hero has flitted back and forth across gender lines with a nonchalance that renders those divisions obsolete, and few have looked so fetching in lipstick.
  2. He dressed in female clothing more than 40 times between 1939 and 1996 (most famously in The Wabbit Who Came to Supper, in which he wore lingerie, and with blonde pigtails as Brünnhilde in What’s Opera, Doc?).

And he was never shy of planting a juicy smacker on the lips of Yosemite Sam or Elmer Fudd. Come to that, Bugs was razing the fourth wall long before Deadpool got his first box of Lego. The new movie makes quite a song-and-dance about its uninhibited hero.

Asked By: Noah Garcia Date: created: Jan 24 2024

When was the first pansexual person

Answered By: Joshua Edwards Date: created: Jan 26 2024

The Pansexual Revolution Just as it could be credibly argued that there has been a gender revolution within the current cultural ideology, people are also beginning to change how they think about orientation. There are of course a myriad of ways that people can identify, be that Homosexual, Bisexual or even Demisexual.

  • Within this context perhaps the most interesting orientation identity to emerge is Pansexual.
  • Pansexuality is said to come under the Bisexual ‘umbrella’ together with such terms as Polysexual, Homo-flexible and Les-Bi-flexible.
  • The last two specifically describe individuals who are usually attracted to genders similar to their own- but can or might occasionally be attracted to different genders to their own.

However, before we look into how Pansexuality is actually defined it would serve us well to look at the history of the term. The prefix of the word, in this case ‘Pan’, comes from the Greek and means simply ‘All’ and is related to such words as panorama, pan-cultural and the most depressing word at the moment pandemic.

Janelle Monae The term Pansexuality has in fact been around since the early 1900’s first appearing either in 1914 or 1917 in the ‘Journal of Abnormal Psychology’- in the form of ‘Pan-sexualism’, thus, it is not just a current trend as many have mistakenly assumed. It was in fact a psychoanalytic term, Pansexual and Pan-sexualism both being hybrid words, which both express the idea: ” That the sex instinct plays the primary part in all human activity, mental and physical”.

In other words Sigmund Freud, who is credited with the above quote had theorized that as sex was the motivating factor in everything-we thus arrive at ‘Pan-sexuality’. As such, in its earliest usage the term was characterised as a form of ‘sexual deviancy’ however, it eventually evolved into the more simple term ‘Pansexual’ that characterised a form of sexual orientation identity, which many are now proud to proclaim.

  • For the record I don’t agree with Freud that the unconscious sexual instinct is the motivating factor in absolutely everything we do and prefer the theories of the eminent Doctor of Psychology Carl Gustav Jung.
  • Pansexuality was unfortunately misunderstood and individuals who ‘loved across’ or outside ‘labels and boundaries’, who were scrutinized in Harlem and Chicago’s South Side were simply seen as people suffering from a mental disorder.

Furthermore, Pope Pius in 1952 in a speech stated that the “‘ Pansexual’ method of psychoanalytic therapy went against Christian values.” However, the innovative pioneer Sex Researcher Alfred Kinsey explained that sexuality operated on a continuum. However, despite this, in order to describe sexual orientation labels were introduced.

Lastly, it wasn’t until the 1970’s that the word Pansexual began to approximate today’s usage. The New York Times in 1975 used the word Pansexual to describe ‘androgynous’ British Glam Rock artist Brian Eno who was a member of the group Roxy Music-the paper described him as ” Bizarre synthesizer wizard with the Pansexual image.

” Jazz Jennings Having looked at the historical usage of the term we can now discuss what it actually means. First of all Pansexuality can be confused with Bisexuality and in fact it isn’t the only word to describe this form of orientation as some people prefer to identify as ‘Omnisexual’ rather than Pansexual.

However, Pansexual can be briefly described as ‘Anyone attracted to people of all genders and sexes or regardless of sex and gender and who identifies as ‘Pan’ or ‘Omni’.’ This form of orientation can also be confused with the identity ‘Polysexual’-who can be attracted to many genders/sexes, but not necessarily all.

Also, Polyamorous and Gender-fluid are not the same as Pansexual. Pansexuality is intrinsically a form of sexual orientation which is considered a branch of Bisexuality. Pansexuality also rejects the heteronormative notion/concept of the gender binary, and thus it is more inclusive than the term Bisexual.

Pansexuals are open to relationships with people who do not strictly identify as men or women, thus; Transgender, Genderqueer, Non-binary and Genderfluid. Lana Peswani, volunteer at Stonewall and who identifies as Pansexual, explained Pansexuality in Cosmopolitan. She said that realising that you are Pansexual can come as a revelation especially after the word has been explained to you.

This is precisely the experience that Lana had when she was just 17. Peswani explained: ” I’d always known I was attracted to a person’s presence. ” Also adding:” I feel I experience sexual attraction differently to the average person, ” In fact it has been said that Pansexuals ‘don’t see gender’ as individuals who identify in this way describe themselves as ‘gender blind’.

  1. In other words gender and sex are not the determining factors in attraction, whether that is sexual or romantic.
  2. Miley Cyrus Furthermore, there have been a growing number of Celebrities who have come out as Pansexual.
  3. In other words there is slowly beginning to be more Pansexual visibility, due to Pansexual Celebrities such as, for example, Janelle Monae and Bella Thorne, both of whom speak openly about their sexuality.

It has been argued that Miley Cyrus brought ‘unprecedented mainstream attention to the identity’ after they had proclaimed themselves to be Pansexual; coming out in Elle UK. Cyrus, also describing themselves as Genderqueer said: ” I don’t relate to what people would say defines a girl or a boy.

” The beautiful young Transwoman Jazz Jennings, Trans-advocate and star of the American reality show ‘I am Jazz’, who also identifies as Pansexual said: ” Being Pansexual basically means to me that you are attracted to anyone, no matter their sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, everything.

” A few more examples of what celebrities have said about Pansexuality should I think suffice here, thus; Agender Rapper Angel Haze said in an interview with Fusion TV: ” To identify as Pansexual, to me, means to just want love. To have a connection with anyone.

  • Lastly here, Caroline Rose Giuliani, daughter of the former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, in an Essay for Vanity Fair, said that identifying as Pansexual felt more precise than Bisexual.
  • Angel Haze Corey Flanders Phd, an associate Professor of Psychology and Education stated that the common misconception that Pansexuality doesn’t exist is ‘absolutely false’.

Another common misconception about Pansexuals is that they are attracted to everyone they encounter which simply isn’t true. Pansexuals can be attracted to people of all genders, not just Cisgender and Transgender, but also Non-binary-gender nonconforming individuals who identify outside of the heteronormative gender binary.

  • However, I think it is important to say something more about Bisexuality and Pansexuality, for although the identity Pansexual comes under the Bisexual ‘umbrella’ it is not the same thing.
  • Despite this, there are close similarities.
  • Bisexuality ‘isn’t inherently binary’ and the terms Bisexual and Pansexual can be used interchangeably.

The truth is that some Bisexual individuals also identify as Pansexual. As such, the very word Pansexual challenges how we think about gender, sexuality and desire. I wanted to finish here by stating that the term Pansexual can be used to describe individuals attracted emotionally, romantically or sexually to people of any gender, according to Human Rights Campaign.