Asked By: Evan Cox Date: created: Sep 09 2024

Who was the 16th Doctor

Answered By: Andrew Cox Date: created: Sep 11 2024

Who is the new Doctor Who? – On May 8, 2022, that Ncuti Gatwa will play the Doctor in the in 2023. This makes him the 14th actor to play the role as a regular on the series and the 16th Doctor overall. (John Hurt and Jo Martin have played other “secret” versions of the Doctor.) Like Peter Capaldi, Gatwa is Scottish but born in Rwanda.

  • Gatwa is already a pretty familiar face.
  • Since 2019, he has starred in Sex Education, one of,
  • Put this in contrast with Matt Smith, who was 26 when he was cast as the Doctor in 2010 and was a relative unknown at the time.
  • Essentially, Gatwa will bring some star power and charisma to the Doctor in ways we can’t begin to calculate.

He’s also the second Black actor to take on the role, following Jo Martin’s “Fugitive Doctor.” But he’s the first Black actor to become the Doctor in ongoing installments.

Which Doctor Who became a girl?

The Doctor

The Thirteenth Doctor
Doctor Who character
Jodie Whittaker as the Thirteenth Doctor
First regular appearance ” The Woman Who Fell to Earth ” (2018)
Last regular appearance ” The Power of the Doctor ” (2022)
Introduced by Chris Chibnall
Portrayed by Jodie Whittaker
Preceded by Peter Capaldi
Succeeded by David Tennant
Tenure 7 October 2018 – 23 October 2022
No of series 3
Appearances 24 stories (31 episodes)
  • Graham O’Brien
  • Ryan Sinclair
  • Yasmin Khan
  • Jack Harkness
  • Dan Lewis
  • Tegan Jovanka
  • Ace
  • Series 11 (2018)
  • Series 12 (2020)
  • Series 13 (2021)
  • Specials (2022)
Previous version Twelfth Doctor
Next version Fourteenth Doctor

The Thirteenth Doctor is an incarnation of the Doctor, the protagonist of the BBC science fiction television series Doctor Who, She is portrayed by English actress Jodie Whittaker, the first woman to portray the character, starring in three series as well as five specials.

  • Whittaker’s portrayal of the Thirteenth Doctor has been met with praise, although her tenure has proven divisive.
  • Within the series’ narrative, the Doctor is a millennia-old, alien Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey, with somewhat unknown origins, who travels in time and space in their TARDIS, frequently with companions,

At the end of life, the Doctor regenerates ; as a result, the physical appearance and personality of the Doctor change. Whittaker’s incarnation is a light-hearted adventurer with a passion for building things, placing a high value on friendships and striving for non-violent solutions.

This incarnation’s first companions were the trio of dyspraxic part-time warehouse worker Ryan Sinclair ( Tosin Cole ), his step-grandfather and retired bus driver Graham O’Brien ( Bradley Walsh ), and probationary police officer Yasmin Khan ( Mandip Gill ), all of whom she met shortly after her regeneration; after splitting up with the first two, she travels with Yasmin and food bank volunteer Dan Lewis ( John Bishop ).

She also had one-episode reunions with former companions Captain Jack Harkness ( John Barrowman ), Tegan Jovanka ( Janet Fielding ), and Ace ( Sophie Aldred ).

Asked By: Patrick Martinez Date: created: Dec 22 2023

Who is the 20th Doctor Who

Answered By: Louis Wilson Date: created: Dec 25 2023

Season 20 of Doctor Who ran from 3 January 1983 to 16 March 1983. It starred Peter Davison as the Fifth Doctor, Sarah Sutton as Nyssa, Janet Fielding as Tegan Jovanka and Mark Strickson as Turlough, The season opened with Arc of Infinity and concluded with The King’s Demons,

Asked By: Hugh Young Date: created: Oct 30 2023

What is Doctor Who’s Gallifreyan name

Answered By: Hugh Rogers Date: created: Oct 30 2023

The Doctor’s name is. Theta Sigma – Theta Sigma – or ΘΣ, if you’re feeling flash – was the nickname given to the Doctor at the Time Lord Academy on Gallifrey, according to Drax, a student contemporary from “the class of ’92” who the Fourth Doctor bumped into again during The Armageddon Factor.

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It appears this may have been a genuine attempt by writer Anthony Read, who created Drax, to answer the series’ enigmatic title question through the medium of some knockabout throwaway banter. Fortunately, everyone chose to ignore this and assume it must have been a jokey nickname, which the Seventh Doctor confirmed it was in The Happiness Patrol.

Could it give some clue to his actual name, though? After all, most nicknames bear some relation to the real thing (unless you’re Sting). For a clue, let’s turn to The Making of Doctor Who, the series’ very first reference guide, published in 1972. Written by then-script editor Terrance Dicks and regular scripter Malcolm Hulke (thus giving it a certain legitimacy), it breezily claimed, casual as you like, that the Doctor’s real name was δ³Σx².

Did the 11th doctor like Clara?

Clara and the Eleventh Doctor Confirmed as a Couple on ‘Doctor Who’ Clara Oswald was always the Eleventh Doctor’s “Impossible Girl,” a mystery to be solved “wrapped in an enigma, squeezed into a skirt that’s just a little bit too tight.” And according to the Eleventh Doctor himself, she was also his girlfriend.

Matt Smith, Jenna Coleman, and Alex Kingston sat on “Tales From The Tardis” reunion panel at New York Comic-Con on October 6 to answer some fan questions. And Matt Smith ended up answering way more than anyone expected. “It’s always awkward to choose between your wife and your girlfriend,” he reportedly said.

His “wife,” of course, is Kingston’s River, making his “girlfriend” Coleman’s Clara. And then Eleven/Clara shippers everywhere dropped dead. A romantic relationship between Eleven and Clara was always hinted at, especially since Eleven was nothing if not an insatiable flirt who could handle whatever teasing the women in his life doled out until it got serious.

That’s all good and fun, and there’s plenty of evidence to support claims of a romantic relationship between Clara and Eleven. But Eleven died. Eleven was replaced by Twelve, a much older version of the Doctor than we’ve seen in a long time and a Doctor with from Clara’s beloved Eleven. Michael Stewart/WireImage/Getty Images If Clara and Eleven really were in a relationship, then imagine how Clara felt when — after begging with the Time Lords on Trenzalore to save the Doctor’s life — she was confronted with Peter Capaldi’s post-regeneration trauma and manic behavior.

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She was so upset by the regeneration that she planned on leaving Twelve to his own devices because she didn’t trust who he was. We imagine that she probably felt quite a bit of disdain for him at first. The only thing that makes her stay with Twelve is a call from Eleven, asking her to look after his new regeneration.

The overtones of their call are clearly loving in nature, and when Clara hangs up with Eleven, Twelve laments, “You can’t see me, can you?” It’s all very Rose/Nine/Ten if you ask us. Remember how hard a time Rose had accepting Ten — who turned out to be the great love of her life. and Clara fell in love in any way but Doctor Who certainly has a way of using regeneration as a plot point to tear love — and our hearts — apart.

: Clara and the Eleventh Doctor Confirmed as a Couple on ‘Doctor Who’

Is Dr Who Season 12 good?

More like this – But it was the series’ fifth episode that changed everything. It seems unlikely fans expected much from Vinay Patel and Chris Chibnall’s Fugitive of the Judoon – some David Tennant-era nostalgia from rhino-faced aliens, perhaps – but what they got was downright sensational.

Once upon a time, the return of John Barrowman to Doctor Who would have made an episode in of itself, but Captain Jack Harkness’ comeback was soon eclipsed by the unveiling of a mysterious new Doctor, who up-ended series canon as we knew it with an assured performance from Jo Martin, This episode was an intriguing, tense mystery with sharp writing, great guest performances (and cameos) – I wasn’t just on the edge of my seat, I genuinely ended the episode stood up in my living room.

It was a terrific episode, and a Doctor Who viewing experience that ranks higher than anything I’ve experienced in recent years. No wonder it caused such a reaction. Following this, sixth episode Praxeus (written by Pete McTighe and Chris Chibnall) was pretty thin gruel for me, ignoring all the big revelations for another over-stuffed rush around the globe to stop a vague threat.

It wasn’t terrible, just not my favourite – though it’s only fair to note that the episode had a lot of fans, so it might be a bit of a Marmite story. I found a lot more to love in the ambitious if slightly flawed Can You Hear Me? (written by Charlene James and Chris Chibnall), which finally added a bit of depth to Mandip Gill’s companion Yaz and featured a great old-school villain in Ian Gelder’s Zellin.

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While I’m not sure the mental health analogies quite tracked in the final act, gorgeous animation and moving performances pulled it through to be one of the better present day Whittaker-era episodes. Stealth Cyberman story The Haunting of Villa Diodati (written by Maxine Alderton) came next, featuring a twist that must be one of the worst-kept secrets in Who history (spoiler alert – Frankenstein was partially inspired by a Cyberman!) but also delivering an atmospheric, entertaining story with some seriously great imagery.

  1. I didn’t know I needed a half-made Cyberman quoting Percy Shelley until I saw it onscreen, but by God I did need it.
  2. Following on from this we head into the controversial two-part finale from showrunner Chris Chibnall.
  3. On balance, I think I found more to like in Ascension of the Cybermen, a story that finally centred Doctor Who’s eternally second-best race of cyborgs and included one of the best cold opens (the eye!) and mini-mysteries (who is Brendan?) in the series’ history.

In the finale itself, I didn’t have the same issues many did with The Timeless Children’s big canon rewrite – if anything, I think it adds some more mystery to the series – but I did feel the fairly static storytelling choices made the revelations land a little softer than I had hoped they might. BBC Still, I enjoyed watching it (Cyber Masters forever) and struggle to understand the controversy it has stirred up online. But maybe the finale reaction is characteristic of this series as a whole. It may be that I’ve just been more aware of it this year, but it certainly feels like positions on Doctor Who’s quality have become more polarised during series 12, especially on social media where things sometimes got pretty heated.

But perhaps this passion is part of what makes Doctor Who so special, and helps keep it alive even as ratings have slightly declined over the years. Even the fans who seem to hate Doctor Who love it really and just want it to be slightly different, to hit different beats, and will be the first to tune in again whenever the next series arrives.

From the looks of it, it’ll be a while before that happens – a festive episode is promised for the “end of the year” and series 13 won’t come until late 2021 at the earliest – so I’m sure the debate and digestion of these new episodes is only just beginning.

  1. For now, though, I’m pretty optimistic about the future of Doctor Who.
  2. Series 12 felt like a big step up in terms of scale, characterisation and ambition, and made me feel excited about the show in a way I haven’t felt in years.
  3. No, not every episode was my favourite, but I got a lot more out of this year’s stories than series 11 and I’m genuinely intrigued to see where it all goes next.

In other words, yes, I’m still keen for a few more trips in the TARDIS. Now the wait begins Doctor Who: Revolution of the Daleks comes to BBC One in late 2020/early 2021