Asked By: Nathan Henderson Date: created: Sep 19 2023

What is the full quote of good things come to those who wait

Answered By: Angel Sanchez Date: created: Sep 20 2023

“Good things come to those who wait” is a popular saying often attributed to Abraham Lincoln. In fact, neither is this accurate, nor is it truly Lincoln’s. The full proverb is “good things come to those who wait but only the things left by those who hustle.” The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations dates it to the early 16th century, some three hundred years before Lincoln’s birth.

Fast forward two centuries. We tested the veracity of this proverb with newly-collected data on the law and practice of public procurement in 187 countries. Together with professors Edward Glaeser and Andrei Shleifer of Harvard University we study the efficiency of procurement processes, in particular in road maintenance.

If the first half of the proverb is true, the longer it takes to procure the maintenance of a road, the better its eventual quality. If the full quote is true, quality will not come with time. The answer is apparent in Figure 1: Higher quality of roads, as measured by the World Economic Forum, is associated with less time in procurement.

The horizontal axis represents the time it takes to complete all necessary procurement processes, using data collected by our team for 2019. The vertical axis shows the measure of the quality of roads, based on a global survey of business executives in the same year. It seems that those who hustle get better quality too.

Figure 1: The less time it takes to procure public works, the better the quality Let’s consider a few possible explanations. First, it can be that a lengthier procurement process erodes the ability of urban planners to budget road maintenance, especially if road works are done on an annual budget cycle. Second, it may be that delays are due to negotiating bribes and that a share of the money dedicated to public works is wasted.

Or it can be that by the time procurement is ready the condition of the road has changed so dramatically that the procured specifications no longer apply. Whatever the explanation, it’s clear that faster is better. In an earlier blog we showed that Korea wins the prize for time-efficiency in public procurement.

China comes close, as do Canada, Finland, Singapore, Sweden and Switzerland among rich countries. These are countries known for high-quality infrastructure overall, not just roads. Other advanced economies known for good infrastructure – for example, Denmark, France, the Netherlands and Germany – have time-efficient procurement processes too.

These are also countries where institutions are known for their capacity to ensure strict adherence to regulations. Venezuela has the lengthiest procurement process, and the country is not acknowledged for good road quality by business executives. Cameroon, Iran, Lesotho and Mozambique also have room to speed up their procurement process for road maintenance.

When it comes to public procurement, we can safely say that “good things come to those who hustle, while strictly following procurement regulations.” Not as catchy a quote but supported by the data.

What the Bible says about waiting?

1. Psalm 37:7 – Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; fret not yourself over the one who prospers in his way, over the man who carries out evil devices!

Asked By: Eric Gonzales Date: created: Nov 25 2023

Does the Bible say all good things come to those who wait

Answered By: Justin Barnes Date: created: Nov 28 2023

Commonly used though never quite cited, the phrase “good things come to those who wait” has been referenced within a number of Christian circles. This phrase is often used as a word of encouragement to those who find themselves in difficult circumstances.

During their trials, they hope for God’s deliverance. Not knowing when that deliverance will come is where waiting occurs. Whether we have used the phrase or not, Christians know that life is replete with suffering, and dealing with suffering for an extended period of time can be taxing. The good thing we await is in fact God’s deliverance, and finding ourselves out of the bad and in a new preferred outcome.

Though this aphorism is optimistic at face-value and definitely reflects a Scriptural depiction of patience, are these words taken from Scripture? To answer this question literally, the answer is no. The phrase “good things come to those who wait” is a quote cited as though it can be attributed to Scripture but actually did not originate with the Bible.

Asked By: Carter Simmons Date: created: May 29 2024

Why good things come to those who wait

Answered By: Donald Scott Date: created: May 29 2024

Good things come to those who wait, but better things come to those who are patient. The longer you have to wait for something, the more you will appreciate it when it finally arrives. Everything you need will come at the perfect time. It’s coming. At the right time, everything will heal.

  1. Your body heals.
  2. Your heart heals.
  3. Your soul repairs itself.
  4. Your happiness will always come back to you.
  5. Bad times don’t last.
  6. Happiness always needs to stay with you, whether it’s big or small.
  7. Problems will come and go.
  8. At the end of the day, happiness is choice, it’s not a result.
  9. Nothing will make you happy, until you choose to be happy.
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No person will make you happy, unless you decide to be happy. You’re happiness will not come to you, it can only come from you. Be patient, there’s no rush. Good things will come your way.

Asked By: Anthony Scott Date: created: Oct 15 2023

What does Skeletor say

Answered By: Aaron Gonzalez Date: created: Oct 17 2023

Skeletor : Stay where you are, He-Man! One more move and your friends will not live to see another day! I give you a choice. Return with me to Eternia as my slave and save their miserable lives, or perish with them on this primitive and tasteless planet.

Who wrote the quote all good things come to an end?

All good things must come to an end All good things must come to an end is a proverb with roots that stretch back to the 1300s. We will examine the meaning of the expression all good things must come to an end, where it came from, and some examples of its use in sentences.

  1. All good things must come to an end is a proverb that means nothing lasts forever, all things and situations are temporary, or happiness is fleeting.
  2. It may be used to express regret when something that brings you happiness ends.
  3. The expression all good things must come to an end is an admonishment to enjoy your life today, because that happiness may not exist tomorrow.

However, it is well to remember it is also true that bad things come to an end, not just good things. The idea contained in the expression all good things must come to an end originated with Geoffrey Chaucer, who wrote in his poem, Troilus and Criseyde : “But at the laste, as every thing hath ende, She took hir leve, and nedes wolde wende.” Examples “Just to see this kind of end is sad.

‘All good things must come to an end’: The Bachelorette’s Angie Kent hints at a SPLIT with Carlin Sterritt just three weeks after the finale (All good things must come to an end and that includes Christmas Parade Season in the Union County area for 2019. ()But all good things must come to an end and this past year Willi was touring around for the last time representing the Austrian Wine Marketing Board with his last stop being in New York City in October at the prestigious Le Bernardin restaurant; their long-time wine director Aldo Sohm, who just happens to be from Austria, was present. (

: All good things must come to an end

Asked By: Brian Walker Date: created: Oct 09 2024

What is the greatest good quote

Answered By: Colin Hayes Date: created: Oct 10 2024

The greatest good you can do for another is not just share your riches, but to reveal to him his own.

Asked By: Joshua Adams Date: created: Mar 30 2024

What is a short positive message

Answered By: Dominic Rodriguez Date: created: Apr 01 2024

Short motivational quotes –

“Just one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day.” — Dalai Lama “Opportunities don’t happen, you create them.” — Chris Grosser “Love your family, work super hard, live your passion.” — Gary Vaynerchuk “It is never too late to be what you might have been.” — George Eliot “Don’t let someone else’s opinion of you become your reality” — Les Brown “If you’re not positive energy, you’re negative energy.” Mark Cuban “I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.” — Stephen R. Covey “Do the best you can. No one can do more than that.” ―John Wooden “If you can dream it, you can do it.” ―Walt Disney “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” ―Theodore Roosevelt

What God tells us about waiting?

1. Psalm 37:7 – Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; fret not yourself over the one who prospers in his way, over the man who carries out evil devices!

Asked By: Ashton Adams Date: created: Aug 08 2024

Why is waiting so important

Answered By: Peter Martinez Date: created: Aug 10 2024

Waiting helps us to remember what we really want. – When God sent his Son to be born into the world, four hundred years had passed since the people had heard a word from the Lord. It’s difficult for me to wrap my mind around that much time, that much waiting.

Not only had they not heard a word, but neither had their parents, their grandparents, or their great-grandparents. I think I would stop believing—and stop waiting—if I couldn’t even find the last person who had any real evidence of good news. I imagine I’d even begin to forget what it’s like to hunger for his word.

In these four hundred years of silence, the people began to burn with a deep hunger for the sound of his voice. Sometimes God does that. He makes us wait so we can remember what we want the most.

Asked By: Francis Lopez Date: created: Apr 22 2024

Why God is making you wait

Answered By: Carlos Edwards Date: created: Apr 23 2024

God Works Through Waiting – God doesn’t make us wait out of capricious malice but in loving wisdom, and he is working through our waiting. How? To increase our trust. First and most foundationally, he uses waiting to increase our trust in him and loosen our perceived control.

Waiting reminds us we’re at the mercy (literally) of God’s timing, and we have no power to change that. As humans, we crave control, yet waiting pulls that from our grasp. Waiting pries our fingers from the ledge and confronts us with an uncomfortable question: “Will we give up on ourselves and trust God wholly?” To crucify our idols.

Second, God uses waiting to crucify our idol of efficiency. We live in an accomplishment-driven culture where value is measured and marked by productivity. How much you get done defines your worth, and we can be guilty of making that an idol. But waiting destroys that.

Asked By: Evan Hernandez Date: created: Jul 25 2024

Does God bless those who wait

Answered By: Jordan Griffin Date: created: Jul 27 2024

How We Wait – Well, if that’s why we wait, let me speak just for a moment about how we wait. What does it mean to wait? What are we doing as we wait for God to save us, and to give us answers to our questions? Earlier I connected waiting with faith. Waiting is the special quality of those who believe that God is a Savior who can and will keep his promises.

  • But waiting is also an exercise in another great theological virtue: hope.
  • The psalmist cried, I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I hope; my soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning, more than watchmen for the morning.
  • O Israel, hope in the Lord! For with the Lord there is steadfast love, and,
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plentiful redemption. ( Psalm 130:5-7 ) I once worked as a part-time night watchman, and I can personally attest to the truth of the psalmist’s metaphor here. Nobody watches harder for the first glow of daylight in the east than someone who’s been up all night on guard.

  1. That is how Christians watch and wait and hope for the Lord to appear.
  2. Waiting means watching.
  3. It means doing your job, no matter how small that is or how insignificant it seems, doing it faithfully, day in and day out, because you believe the Lord is in control, and is watching over you.
  4. It means hanging on to your faith in God’s love and power, and your confidence that he will show up at the right time.

And it means never losing hope in the promises of God, promises like these from Isaiah 30: For a people shall dwell in Zion, in Jerusalem; you shall weep no more. He will surely be gracious to you at the sound of your cry. As soon as he hears it, he answers you.

  1. And though the Lord give you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, yet your Teacher will not hide himself anymore, but your eyes shall see your Teacher.
  2. Isaiah 30:19-20 ) Waiting means watching; watching means trusting and hoping.
  3. The Lord is looking for people like that, people who will wait for him no matter what, no matter how long it takes.

And here’s a really amazing thing. Isaiah says that as we wait for God, he is also waiting for us! Therefore the Lord waits to be gracious to you, and therefore he exalts himself to show mercy to you. For the Lord is a God of justice; blessed are all those who wait for him.

Asked By: Gregory Cook Date: created: Dec 15 2023

Who waited for God’s promises

Answered By: Antonio Powell Date: created: Dec 16 2023

Genesis 37-50 tells the story of Joseph, the son of Jacob. God blessed Joseph richly and used him powerfully, but only after Joseph had been in slavery and prison for 13 years. The Bible gives us many examples of people who had to wait for God, but I have chosen Joseph because he is most like us in one very important respect: He had no specific promise from God concerning his future.

  • Abraham waited a long time before the Lord gave him any children.
  • David waited some 15 years to become king of Israel.
  • But they both had clear and specific promises from God about what would happen in their lives.
  • For them, it was a matter of believing God’s promise.
  • It may not be easy to keep on believing year after year, but at least it’s simple—God said this.

Do I believe it, or not? That kind of concrete word from God concerning future events is exceedingly rare. The Bible gives us many promises about God’s goodness and love toward us in general, and we should hold on to those promises and trust that he “causes all things to work together for our good” (Romans 8:28).

But God has never sat next to me on the couch and said, “Joel, I am going to do such-and-such a thing in your life, so just hold on, because it’s coming soon.” The experience of Joseph was like that. God never told Joseph that he was going to become the second most powerful man in Egypt and save the entire region from famine.

Joseph had no idea, while languishing in prison, that he was perfectly situated for God’s amazing purpose in his life. He was sold into slavery by his own brothers, and then he landed in prison because of a false accusation. For 13 years, things just went from bad to worse.

  • And there was no assurance from God that the direction of his life was going to change.
  • Sure, things turned around.
  • But that was a long time to wait.
  • Waiting is hard.
  • Inactivity is maddening.
  • I don’t mean lying around watching TV; I mean having no direction or purpose in life.
  • It makes us feel like we don’t matter.

Sometimes it can be crippling financially, if it involves a career that just won’t take off, and one door after another slams in your face. Then, of course, your financial woes can add a whole new layer to the struggle. It’s easy to feel angry and betrayed, or to lose hope and give up.

Asked By: Jacob Cooper Date: created: May 30 2024

Did God say the best is yet to come

Answered By: Jake Sanders Date: created: May 31 2024

Strength for Today- ‘The Best is Yet to Come.’ – Isaiah 43: 18-19.

Asked By: Geoffrey Sanchez Date: created: Jul 21 2024

Does waiting make things better

Answered By: Antonio Lopez Date: created: Jul 23 2024

People hate to wait. We don’t like being placed on hold, or getting stuck in traffic, or standing in line at the bank or the supermarket. In the information age, when the speed at which data and information travel is measured in microseconds, our impatience is reaching unprecedented levels.

  • According to engineers at Google, 40 percent of users abandon a website that takes more than three seconds to load.
  • Even a quarter of a second of delay sends internet users to competing websites.
  • But for people who believe patience is a virtue and a positive attribute, suffering through a wait has an upside.
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According to Chicago Booth’s Ayelet Fishbach, Jeffrey Breakenridge Keller Professor of Behavioral Science and Marketing, waiting may actually make people more patient. Fishbach is exploring why that is, and the reasoning behind it may help companies and consumers make better, more patient decisions.

  • Researchers have been studying patience for decades, and they commonly approach it by offering people the choice between a smaller reward soon or a larger reward later.
  • Given the choice between $10 now or $15 a month from now, people often choose the smaller but immediate payoff, even though it makes them less well-off financially.

Behavioral economists refer to this as intertemporal discounting—people tend to value things more in the present and discount their worth in the future. In one particularly famous study, published by psychologist Walter Mischel at Stanford in the early 1970s, researchers offered four-year-olds a marshmallow now, or two marshmallows if they waited for approximately 15 minutes.

  • In that study, most children tried but failed to wait for two treats.
  • The marshmallow study showed that kids who spent more time waiting had higher test scores and healthier body mass–index scores years later.
  • Researchers have also been looking at what can be done to increase patience.
  • Richard H.
  • Thaler, Ralph and Dorothy Keller Distinguished Service Professor of Behavioral Science and Economics, among others, suggests that one thing that makes people particularly impatient is having an immediate wait.

A wait that is farther off into the future is easier to bear, even if it is just as long. Psychologists call this the common difference effect—a person will probably choose to have one cookie right now rather than two in a week, but when offered one cookie in five weeks’ time or two cookies in six weeks’ time, he becomes much more patient.

  1. Thaler’s research from 1981 indicates that people will also wait longer for larger rewards and demonstrates that increasing the value of a reward increases a person’s willingness to wait patiently for a larger reward.
  2. Intuitively, that makes sense: more people will wait a month to get the latest version of the iPhone than will wait for the newest, just-released flash drive because there’s more to be gained from waiting.

While Thaler continues to study the dynamics behind patience, Fishbach’s research contains new thinking about how to increase it. She suggests that making people wait to make a decision can improve their patience because the process of waiting can make the reward for waiting seem more valuable.

  • Fishbach and Xianchi Dai, a former Booth postdoctoral student now at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, tested this hypothesis in a series of studies conducted in the United States, mainland China, and Hong Kong.
  • In one study, the researchers invited participants to sign up to join a subject pool for online studies.

In exchange for signing up, all participants were invited to enter one of two lotteries: one would pay out a $50 prize sooner, the other would pay out a $55 prize later. The researchers wanted to know whether participants would opt to try their luck for the larger but delayed prize if they were made to wait before making their choice.

What is the difference between patience and wait?

Patience is a precious human virtue to get things done in more mature and qualified way, and waiting is just an ability to pass the time between two points of time. You need to have patience to make things happen, there is no certainty of time it will take, you do not know when things get done.

Asked By: Cyrus Washington Date: created: Aug 12 2024

Where is good things come to those who wait from

Answered By: Herbert Jackson Date: created: Aug 14 2024

Patience. Just be still. Good things come to those who wait. If I had a dollar for every time I heard these things, especially the latter, well, you know. I never really understood the quote and why so many people used it as if it were a part of our “Christianized” language.

  1. I’ve even said it to my children in passing when they wanted dessert sooner, a toy, or time on the Xbox.
  2. But as I’ve begun to examine the phrase, I wondered if it was truly from the Bible or a reference from something else.
  3. Is it true that good things come to someone who waits? What does it even mean to wait? And for how long? Why would we be rewarded with good things? There is no Scriptural basis for this quote whatsoever.

In fact, that’s not even the whole quote. Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left behind by those who hustle -Abraham Lincoln The phrase is originally from an old English proverb “all things come to those who wait.” This may have originated from a poem by Lady Mary Montgomerie Currie, who used to write under her pseudonym, Violet Fane.

  1. The phrase first appeared in her poem Tout vient a qui sait attendre in the same words.
  2. The poem was published at the beginning of the 20 th century.
  3. Other than this, there are no written references regarding the proverb’s origin.
  4. The phrase doesn’t actually mean being patient but, instead, working hard when the opportunity arises.

For example, you and your boss are the same age but the reason she is your boss is because she worked harder when the opportunity arose, therefore, she reaped the benefits of being in a management position. In other words, being patient coupled with working hard and relying on God is the best poster you can have for your future.