Asked By: Timothy Carter Date: created: Nov 03 2024

Who Authorises test purchasing in the UK

Answered By: Walter Davis Date: created: Nov 06 2024

Test purchasing – Trading Standards officers conduct test purchases at premises to ensure they comply with the law in respect of age restricted products. These tests are usually undertaken at premises where intelligence indicates that the retailer has either sold age restricted products to a minor, previously sold when tested by us or they are in a ‘hotspot’ area.

consumer complaints (including the online intelligence reporting tool available via our website and Braintree District Council and Brentwood Borough Council websites) Essex Police district council licensing colleagues

Asked By: Alejandro Reed Date: created: Jan 24 2024

Who can make test purchases

Answered By: Richard Morris Date: created: Jan 25 2024

Who is Responsible for Conducting Test Purchases? – Trading Standards Officers (TSOs) are permitted to make test purchases of age-restricted goods by the local council. However, police officers and staff from the local authority’s Trading Standards Services conduct test purchase operations.

  1. On occasion, the National Lottery can also be involved, though not always.
  2. Authorities can conduct underage test purchases in a few different ways.
  3. In this case, they can either hire someone to try and buy alcohol from them or ask their staff to try and buy alcohol from other stores.
  4. They use young people to control test purchases both online and at brick and mortar locations to ensure that retailers follow the law in regard to age-restricted products.

National Trading Standards is conducting tests on underage sales. Below are a few typical examples of products:

  • Alcohol
  • Fireworks
  • Cigarettes
  • Knives

Which officials can carry out alcohol test purchases in Scotland?

Section 3 3. Operational Considerations 3.1 Risk Assessments and Disclosure Scotland 3.1.1 Local Authorities and Police Forces that wish to carry out test purchase operations involving children and young people should have regard to current practice and the principles of risk assessment.

Test purchase operations should always be carried out in accordance with the Local Authority’s and Police Force’s own procedures in respect of health and safety.3.1.2 This will be of particular relevance where operations are planned at premises licensed to sell alcoholic liquor.3.1.3 An example of a ‘standard’ risk assessment that authorities may wish to undertake may be found in the separate but linked document “A Practical Guide to Test Purchasing in Scotland – Example Forms.” It is a matter for each agency to determine how such an assessment is made.3.1.4 It is anticipated that for routine test purchase operations the child or young person should be accompanied (albeit covertly) at all times by a police or local authority officer.3.1.5 In the interests of maintaining the welfare of the volunteer as the paramount consideration at all times at least one covert officer should be in the premises with the volunteer wherever possible (please note the limited exception to this in section 3.5 below.) This may also be useful in terms of securing corroborative evidence for the commission of any offence.3.1.6 Nothing in this Guide precludes the use of more than one child or young person in a test purchase operation if, in the opinion of the Local Authority or Police Force, this increases the security of the children and young persons within premises and presents a more realistic setting for the operation to take place.

However consideration should be given in these circumstances to the possibility of two children or young people being called to court to give evidence.3.1.7 All officers undertaking work with children and young persons must complete a Disclosure Scotland enhanced check.

Local Authority Social Services or Human Resource staff should be able to assist with this process.3.1.8 All officers involved in test purchase operations should be given training in how best to safeguard the child or young person acting as the test purchaser and to conduct effective, fair test purchasing operations.3.2 Selection of Children and Young People 3.2.1 Enforcement agencies must ensure that the child or young person and, where appropriate, their parent(s)/carer(s) understand fully the nature of the test purchase operation and the possible outcomes where any illegal sale is made.3.2.2 Participation may be paid or unpaid but must have the consent of the child or young person and, where appropriate, his/her parent(s) or carer(s) – see note on employment in section Where appropriate, the parent/carer of the child or young person must fully understand the nature of the task involved and give their written consent.

An example of standard documentation is to be found in “Test Purchasing – Standard Forms” document. In particular, the parent/carer and the test purchaser must be made aware that the child or young person may be required to give evidence in court. Their evidence is likely to be essential to prove the case, and while efforts will be made to avoid having to cite the test purchaser (for example through agreement of evidence), this will not always be possible.

The protections offered to child witnesses under the Vulnerable Witnesses (Scotland) Act 2004 will be available to all test purchasers who are under 16 at the time when the case comes to court.3.2.4 Volunteers may be sought from any source, for example, the relatives of Local Authority staff, local youth groups, schools or police cadets (see also section on employment below).

If, in the opinion of the officer, a child or young person appears to be over-eager to take part and to obtain a purchase, or if the officer has any other concerns about their involvement, they should be rejected for the purposes of that operation.3.2.5 Whilst the actual age of the child or young person selected is a matter for each Local Authority or Police Force to determine within the context of the particular operation, the child or young person must be younger than the age stated for the purchase of the particular product.3.2.6 It is recommended that volunteers should be at least 18 months younger than the legal minimum age for the purchase of the product in question.

  1. Therefore, where the legal age of purchase is 16 years for example for petroleum, lottery tickets, etc., it is recommended that the child volunteer should be 14 _ years or younger.
  2. Similarly, where the legal purchase age of the product is 18 years for example alcohol, butane gas refills, fireworks and ’18’ classified videos, the young volunteer should be no older than 16 1 / 2 years.3.2.7 The child or young person must not look older than their age.

It is acknowledged that child development is not an exact science; however, the child or young person should be representative of their age group.3.2.8 Consideration should be given to the clothing and make up (if appropriate) worn by the test purchaser as this may affect the determination of the age of the purchaser.3.2.9 Where possible the assessment for suitability for test purchasing of the child or young person should be undertaken by a guidance teacher or similarly experienced person with personal knowledge of the young person.

  • This assessment should be in conjunction with an experienced enforcement officer.3.2.10 Where the test purchase operation is for the purpose of obtaining evidence for potential legal proceedings, then proof of the age of the young person must be obtained at the outset.
  • This may be in the form of the birth certificate produced by their parent or guardian, from information stored on their school database, or by evidence of photographic ID such as a Passport, Driving Licence or PASS accredited Proof of Age Card.3.3 Welfare of Children and Young People involved in Test Purchase operations 3.3.1 The welfare of the young person involved in the test purchase operation is paramount.

To assist with an interpretation of what this means reference may be made to: 3.3.2 The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (International Treaty), which has been ratified by the UK Government, provides rights and welfare principles specifically for children.3.3.3 Of particular relevance is Article 3 which provides that: “‘The best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration in all actions concerning children, and administrative measures shall be appropriate to ensure each child such protection and care as is necessary for his or her wellbeing, taking into account the rights and responsibilities of his or her parents or guardians.

  • In particular:
  • i) If at any time during the operation the child or young person indicates that he/she does not wish to continue, or he/she show signs of distress, the operation must be halted immediately
  • ii) If whilst in the care of the officer the child or young person is injured or suffers loss or damage to his/her property, the incident must, where appropriate, be reported to the parent/guardian and the appropriate Local Authority senior officer or senior police officer without delay
  • iii) The decision of the officer responsible for the volunteer’s welfare should be final with regard to any matter relating to the use of the volunteer.
  • 3.4 Briefing of the child or young person
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3.4.1 The test purchase will, as far as possible, be made in the same manner, as a member of the public would seek to make a purchase. However there are some particular considerations that must be applied to test purchasing operations and thus the child or young person must be trained prior to any operation taking place: i) They must be told as far as is reasonably possible exactly what to say and what not to say; ii) For routine test purchase operations, the child or young person must be told to answer any questions that the seller may ask about their age truthfully.

They should always give their correct age if asked. In addition, if asked whether there is anyone with them, the child or young person must be told to identify the official present. iii) It is not recommended that the child or young person produce their own genuine PASS accredited Proof of Age card or other such document if they are asked to produce it by the seller.

This may reveal the identity of the child or young person to the seller, which is not desirable. The child or young person should be instructed not to carry such documents and to state that “I don’t have it with me” or some other similar phrase. iv) Dependant on the type of test purchase operation, the child or young person may be asked to confirm that they do not have any money or target product on their person before a purchase is attempted.

  1. v) If the child’s or young person’s initial request is refused, he/she must be told not to attempt to persuade or coerce the seller to make a sale.
  2. vi) The child or young person should be instructed that if their initial request for the product is refused, he/she should leave the premises and return to a predetermined location.
  3. 3.5 Additional Operational considerations

3.5.1 The anonymity of the child or young person is an important consideration during test purchases. They should not be asked to make test purchases in an area where they are likely to be recognised, such as near their home, school, club, place of work etc.3.5.2 Colour photographs may be used in legal proceedings showing the appearance of the child or young person.

Such photographs should be taken to clearly illustrate the height of the child or young person, perhaps against a height chart. Photos should be taken on the day of the proposed transaction and as near to the transaction/activity time as possible, given operational considerations. Officers may wish to consider requesting a copy of the retailer’s CCTV tape with the relevant purchase on it in addition to any other evidence, although depending on the legislation being enforced the retailer may refuse such a request.3.5.3 The child or young person should be supervised at all times.

A minimum of two officers should accompany the child or young person during the exercise although this may not be such a strict requirement for young people older than 16. One officer, ideally of the same sex as the child or young person, should be responsible for the young person’s safety and welfare for the duration of the exercise.3.5.4 Wherever practical one officer should enter the premises before the young person.

  1. The officer should locate him/herself in a position where he/she can clearly observe and hear the attempted purchase, and if possible where the test purchaser can see them.
  2. The test purchase volunteer should not appear to be with the officer.3.5.5 In certain circumstances it may be impractical for operational purposes for an officer to be in the premises at the same time as the young person ( e.g.

where a trader only sells when no adults are present). In these circumstances the test transaction may only go ahead if after a strict full assessment of the situation no significant additional risk to the young person is identified. (It is envisaged that these additional risks are likely in premises such as nightclubs and busy bars but they may not be present in corner shops or leisure facilities for example).3.5.6 An officer should not approach a seller until the child or young person has left the premises, unless the seller acts in any way that the officer believes may be prejudicial to the volunteer’s welfare.

In these circumstances the officer should declare himself or herself, ask the child or young person to leave the premises to a predetermined safe place and then explain the situation to the seller.3.5.7 Officers should consider the age and maturity of the child or young person during the test purchase exercise and ensure that any hazards or risks are assessed and minimised in that context.

For example where a child has to cross a busy road then the officer should escort him/her to within a safe distance of the premises.3.6 Employment issues 3.6.1 A child or young person engaged in a test purchase exercise on behalf of a Local Authority or Police Force on the basis set out above would not be deemed to be “employed” by virtue of Section 28(1) of the Children and Young Persons (Scotland) Act 1937.

  • However, any restrictions on hours of working or other conditions imposed by any relevant legislation or child employment bylaws should be considered during the planning stage of an exercise.
  • The actual duration will depend on the age of the child or young person, his/her wishes and parental/carer’s consent.3.6.2 The Local Authority or Police Force may provide reasonable expenses or gratuities to a child or young person engaged in assisting with test purchase operations.

These may include travel expenses, subsistence, vouchers or a cash payment.3.7 Working with other agencies 3.7.1 It is recognised that whilst the majority of test purchase operations are carried out by Local Authority Trading Standards Services staff and Police Officers, there may be occasions when other agencies are involved, notably, but not exclusively, employees of the National Lottery operator.3.7.2 Where joint operations are planned, it is recommended that a memorandum of understanding is agreed between the organisations at the outset such that roles and responsibilities are clear.

What products are age restricted in the UK?

List of age restrictions in the UK The sale of restricted products to minors has been recognised by the Government as a matter affecting our entire society. These laws exist to safeguard the population, and when they are infringed, it becomes a matter of the criminal justice system.

  • Retailers are required to display warnings and notices when selling particular age-restricted products, and are also required to ask young people for ID / proof of age.
  • Penalties for selling age-restricted products to minors vary depending upon the product and circumstances of the sale so make sure you know which products and services are restricted in the UK.

A seller could receive a fixed penalty of £80 but for repeated sales could be a higher fine up to £5,000. They could also be banned from working in a tobacco shop for up to one year. The shop owner could receive a fine of up to £5,000 for the first offence but as high as £20,000 for repeated breaches, a criminal record and restrictions placed on any licences that they hold or intend to apply for.

National Lottery and the Health Lottery Cigarette lighter refills, butane 18/R18 rated videos (DVDs/Blu-Ray/streaming videos) Knives, axes, razor blades (except safety razors) Newspapers/magazines with any R18/R18 videos/games attached Solvents, including glues and intoxicating substances Imitation firearms and air weapons

Voting in the UK elections Adult entertainment stores

Petrol, paraffin and liquefied petroleum gas Party poppers, throw downs, cracker snaps

Cinema for movies U-rated to 15-rated

Newspapers/magazines with any 15 rated videos/games attached 15 rated videos (DVD/Blu-Ray discs/streaming videos)

Cinema for movies U-rated to 15-rated Join British Army (15 years, 7 months)

Newspapers/magazines with any 12/12A rated videos/games attached 12/12A rated videos (DVD/Blu-Ray discs/streaming videos)

Cinema for movies U-rated to 12/12A-rated

Copyright © 2023 All rights reserved. ‘No ID, No Sale!’ is operated by CitizenCard. : List of age restrictions in the UK

What is a proxy purchase?

Proxy sales is the term used to describe adults buying alcohol for children or young people who are under the age of 18 years old. ● The adult buying or attempting to buy alcohol on behalf of someone under the age of 18 commits an offence. ●

What does ask stand for Think 25?

You are here: Home About Us All News Jan ‘Damned if we do, damned if we don’t’ – the shopworkers’ experience of policing age-restricted sales

Responsible retailers now operate a ‘Think 25’ policy on age-restricted sales, so shopworkers are instructed to ask for proof of age identification from any customer the shopworker thinks might be under 25. ‘Think 25’ is a legal requirement in Scotland.

Paddy Lillis – Usdaw General Secretary says: “Age restricted sales are a real minefield for our members. If they make a mistake and sell alcohol to a customer under 18 they could receive an £80 on-the-spot-fine or be prosecuted and fined. If they fail to ask for age identification from somebody who looks under-25, they run the risk of being disciplined for not following company policy and it is a legal requirement in Scotland.

“Asking for age identification can lead to abuse from frustrated and angry customers and a refusal of a sale can be a real flashpoint for abuse, threats or even violence. Many of our members feel they are damned if they ask for ID and damned if they don’t.

  1. We are campaigning to raise awareness of the ‘Think 25’ policy and why it exists, to help reduce the impact on our members.
  2. We are also asking shoppers to show respect and understand that shopworkers asking for ID are only doing their job and protecting themselves from possible criminal prosecution or disciplinary action from their employer.
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“Usdaw wants the Government to run awareness campaigns about age-restricted sales and introduce a single and voluntary national entitlement card for young people that would show proof of age. This would make it much easier for workers to check a person’s age when needed.

“We’d also like to see a change in the law to make it an offence for an underage person to attempt to buy any age-restricted product, not just alcohol, or for an adult to proxy purchase any age-restricted product. The law definitely needs to be rebalanced so that those attempting to break the law are the focus rather than the shopworkers who are currently expected to police the law.” Notes for editors: Usdaw (Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers) is the UK’s fifth biggest trade union with over 370,000 members.

Testing Internal Controls for the Purchasing Process

Most Usdaw members work in the retail sector, but the union also has many members in transport, distribution, food manufacturing, chemical industry and other trades. Shopworkers need to know the age-restrictions that apply to a wide range of products and are even required to make judgements about the purpose or for whom some products are being purchased.

Product Minimum Age of Purchase Maximum Penalty
Alcohol 18 Unlimited fine and forfeit of licence
Cigarettes, tobacco and e-cigarettes 18 £2,500
Fireworks 18 Unlimited fine and up to 6 months imprisonment
Solvents (if not for intended use)* 18 Unlimited fine and up to 6 months imprisonment
Butane gas lighter refills 18 Unlimited fine and up to 6 months imprisonment
Knives, blades and similar items 18 Unlimited fine and up to 6 months imprisonment
Air guns and pellets 17 Unlimited fine and up to 6 months imprisonment
Lottery tickets and scratch cards 18 Unlimited fine and up to 6 months imprisonment
Petrol 16 Unlimited fine and up to 6 months imprisonment
Party poppers and caps 16 Unlimited fine and up to 6 months imprisonment
Aerosol paints 16 £2,500
Corrosive substances 18 Unlimited fine and 51 weeks imprisonment
Videos, cinema and computer games 12, 15 and 18 Unlimited fine and up to 6 months imprisonment

It is legal to sell solvents to under-18s if you believe they will be used for their intended purpose. But it is illegal if you have reason to believe they may be used for inhaling. For Usdaw press releases visit: and you can follow us on Twitter @UsdawUnion

Who is responsible for product testing?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Testing electric light longevity and brightness testing Television testing laboratory Product testing headphones in an anechoic chamber

Product testing, also called consumer testing or comparative testing, is a process of measuring the properties or performance of products. The theory is that since the advent of mass production, manufacturers produce branded products which they assert and advertise to be identical within some technical standard,

Product testing seeks to ensure that consumers can understand what products will do for them and which products are the best value. Product testing is a strategy to increase consumer protection by checking the claims made during marketing strategies such as advertising, which by their nature are in the interest of the entity distributing the service and not necessarily in the interest of the consumer.

The advent of product testing was the beginning of the modern consumer movement, Product testing might be accomplished by a manufacturer, an independent laboratory, a government agency, etc. Often an existing formal test method is used as a basis for testing.

Asked By: Bernard Kelly Date: created: Sep 20 2024

Do product owners do testing

Answered By: Peter Henderson Date: created: Sep 23 2024

The PO As The Acceptance Tester – A PO with a testing background can use their knowledge of testing techniques to improve acceptance testing. When a team is practicing Agile, there should be no need for user acceptance testing, but this is not always the case in practice.

Who creates test plan?

Introduction to Test Plan – A test plan is a document that consists of all future testing-related activities. It is prepared at the project level and in general, it defines work products to be tested, how they will be tested, and test type distribution among the testers.

  • The test plan serves as the blueprint that changes according to the progressions in the project and stays current at all times.
  • It serves as a base for conducting testing activities and coordinating activities among a QA team.
  • It is shared with Business Analysts, Project Managers, and anyone associated with the project.
Who? Roles
Who writes Test Plans? Test lead, Test Manager, Test Engineer
Who reviews the Test Plan? Test Lead, Test Manager, Test Engineer, Customer, Development Team
Who approves Test Plan? Customer, Test Manager
Who writes Test Cases? Test Lead, Test Engineer
Who reviews Test Cases? Test Engineer, Test Lead, Customer, Development Team
Who approves Test Cases? Test Manager, Test Lead, Customer

What does ABV stand for?

What Is ABV? – In short, ABV stands for alcohol by volume. The number represents the total volume of liquid in a beer that is made up of alcohol. So, the higher the ABV, the more alcoholic the drink.

How are units of alcohol measured UK?

Calculating units – Using units is a simpler way of representing a drink’s alcohol content – usually expressed by the standard measure alcohol by volume (ABV). ABV is a measure of the amount of pure alcohol as a percentage of the total volume of liquid in a drink.

strength (ABV) x volume (ml) ÷ 1,000 = units

For example, to work out the number of units in a pint (568ml) of strong lager (ABV 5.2%):

5.2 (%) x 568 (ml) ÷ 1,000 = 2.95 units

For a quicker method, use Alcohol Change UK’s unit calculator,

Asked By: Francis Young Date: created: Dec 15 2023

Can you test a drink for alcohol content

Answered By: Oliver Allen Date: created: Dec 17 2023

How To Find Out If A Drink Is Spiked Say you’re a school administrator, watching kids file into the high school for a late night graduation party. It should be a fun time for all, but usually there’s someone who thinks they can break the rules. It wasn’t too, too long ago that I graduated high school, and I well remember – people bring alcohol to campus.

So what are you going to do as a school administrator to find out if what you suspect to be alcohol in a student’s water bottle is, in fact, alcohol? Unless you are planning to consume the beverage yourself there is no cheaper or easier way to find out if a drink contains alcohol than using an AlcoScreen.

On top of that, you can find out if a student has been drinking as well. This is the AlcoScreen, the test you need to find out if a drink is spiked! When testing individuals, the AlcoScreen will give you a reading of various shades of green/blue to indicate blood alcohol content (BAC).

After 2 minutes you can determine whether BAC is at 0.02%, 0.04%, 0.08%, or 0.30% by the color of the AlcoScreen stick. When testing drinks, AlcoScreen works differently, but no less accurately. It gives you a “yes or no” answer as to whether alcohol is in a beverage. Alcohol in beverages is so concentrated that the AlcoScreen will pick up even the smallest amount of alcohol, every time.

The test strip will turn very, very dark brown or black when indicating that alcohol is in a drink. If it turns green, the drink may not contain alcohol – Mountain Dew, for example, will turn the strip the color of a 0.08% human reading. But don’t worry, that doesn’t mean the drink is spiked – it’s the very dark brown/black color you are looking for when testing a drink.

The AlcoScreen is a wonderful tool for school administrators and parents alike. Depending on your need at the time, it can be turned into a saliva alcohol test equivalent to a breathalyzer, or a neat and effective beverage tester. For information on bulk discounts, please call Home Health Testing at 910-815-0209.

Click the link to check out our full line. : How To Find Out If A Drink Is Spiked

Are condoms age restricted to buy UK?

The UK has no legal age limit for buying condoms – In the UK, the legal age for buying condoms is non-existent, meaning anyone can purchase them regardless of how old they are. Public Health England put this measure in place to ensure that everyone has easy access to precise and reliable information about protecting themselves during sexual activity.

Can you buy paracetamol at 16?

How old do you have to be to buy paracetamol? – There are no legal age restrictions for buying medicines. However, most retail outlets have their own policies that restrict the sale of medicines to children to protect their safety. In our experience, most shops and pharmacies will sell paracetamol to those aged 16 years and older.

Asked By: Alfred Rodriguez Date: created: Aug 23 2024

Can you buy a lighter at 16 Scotland

Answered By: Christian Lopez Date: created: Aug 26 2024

Age restricted products – Legislation prohibits the sale, supply, offer to supply or hire of specified products to persons under the minimum legal age.

There are age restrictions (under the age of 18) applicable to tobacco products, nicotine vapour products, offensive weapons (knives and similar), crossbows, adult fireworks, airguns, lighter refills containing butane and alcohol. There are age restrictions (under the age of 16) applicable to category 1 fireworks (party poppers and similar fireworks), lottery tickets, aerosol paint and liqueur confectionery. The age restriction for Christmas crackers is 12. There are different age restrictions on videos, DVDs, and Blu-Ray discs (collectively referred to here as ‘video recordings’ – 12 and over, 15 and over, and 18 and over) and video games (12 and over, 16 and over, and 18 and over).

The different pieces of legislation also give requirements for certain warnings and notices to be displayed when selling particular products. Some of the legislation has defences available, namely that the accused took all reasonable precautions, and exercised all due diligence, to avoid committing an offence.

Traders should always ask young people to produce proof of their age. In many instances both the staff member who made the sale and the owner of the business can be held liable for any sale made. Challenge 25 has become a legal requirement in Scotland. When selling tobacco or nicotine vapour products, if the customer appears to be under 25 ID must be provided.

This could be in the form of the Proof of Age Standards Scheme (PASS) bearing the PASS hologram, European Driving Licence or a Passport. It is also best practice to train staff and keep training records, to use till prompts and maintain a refusals register.

Further information can be obtained from Business Companion at, Find out more about Tobacco and Nicotine Vapour Products and Children or Cigarette lighter refills and solvents, Nicotine vapour products are commonly known as e-cigarettes and similar.

Tobacco and Nicotine Vapour products (NVP’s) and children Cigarettes must only be sold in quantities of at least 20 and in their original packaging. A notice must be displayed which states “It is illegal to sell tobacco products to anyone under the age of 18”.

a Defence Identity Card; a photographic identity card bearing the national Proof of Age Standards Scheme hologram; an EU national identity card; or Biometric Immigration Document.

The new Tobacco and Primary Medical Services (Scotland) Act 2010 was passed by the Scottish parliament on 27 January 2010. The Act contains measures aimed specifically at reducing the attractiveness and availability of tobacco to persons under 18. The Act:

bans the sale of tobacco from vending machines; introduces a tobacco sales registration scheme, which will be free for retailers to join; makes it an offence for under 18s to attempt to purchase tobacco; makes it an offence for adults to buy tobacco on behalf of under 18s (known as proxy purchase); gives trading standards officers powers to issue fixed penalty notices, and ; gives courts the power to ban retailers from selling tobacco where they have repeatedly broken the law.

The Health (Tobacco, Nicotine etc. and Care) (Scotland) Act 2016 was approved by Parliament on 3 March 2016 and the Act includes the following measures in relation to tobacco and NVPs:

Introduces the offence of selling an NVP to a person under the age of 18; Introduces the offence of failing to operate an age verification policy at premises where tobacco products or NVPs are offered for sale; Introduces the offence of allowing a tobacco product, cigarette papers or an NVP to be sold by a person under the age of 18 without authorisation; Provides powers to introduce the offence of selling a NVP from a vending machine; Introduces the offence of carrying on a NVP business whilst unregistered or from unregistered premises; Provided for a due diligence defence against certain tobacco products and NVP related offences; Makes it an offence for a person aged 18 or over to purchase a NVP for someone under the age of 18 (‘commonly known as proxy purchase; Provides powers to make regulations prohibiting or restricting a sponsorship agreement which promotes NVPs and to make related offences;

Retailers who sell nicotine vapour products, tobacco, or both must be registered by 1 October 2017. Retailers who sell tobacco products only should already be registered. Retailers who sell nicotine vapour products can register a new premises or update an existing premise from 1st April 2017 The register and further guidance is available via this link Scottish Register Cigarette lighter refills and solvents The Cigarette Lighter Refill (Safety) Regulations 1999 make it an offence to supply any cigarette lighter refill canister containing butane or a substance with butane as a constituent to any person under the age of 18.

  • In Scotland, common law makes it an offence to recklessly supply substances to people of any age, knowing that they are to be used for the purpose of abuse.
  • Household products classed as solvents and commonly abused include marker pens, aerosols, anti-freeze and nail varnish.
  • Obvious signs of an abuser include the smell of solvents, slurred speech and spots/sores around the mouth.

Spray Paints It is a criminal offence to sell an aerosol paint container, i.e. spray paint stored under pressure, to anyone under the age of 16. The Antisocial Behaviour etc. (Scotland) Act 2004 also requires a notice to be displayed in a prominent position at all retail premises selling spray paints stating: “It is illegal to sell a spray paint device to anyone under the age of 16”.

Why is proxy illegal?

Using a proxy server in and of itself is not illegal. However, the legality of using a proxy depends on how it is being used and in which jurisdiction. In some countries, using a proxy to bypass internet censorship or access restricted websites may be illegal.

Why do people buy proxies?

Proxies save traffic by storing a copy of the data in local storage so that you can download that information faster the next time. With increased efficiency and performance, you can play online games without worrying about slowdowns and high pings.

Asked By: Thomas Parker Date: created: Jul 10 2024

What is the challenge 25 policy

Answered By: Miguel Miller Date: created: Jul 11 2024

Challenge 25 is a retailing strategy that encourages anyone who is over 18 but looks under 25 to carry acceptable ID (a card bearing the PASS hologram, a photographic driving license or a passport) if they wish to buy alcohol. Introduced as Challenge 21 in 2006, Challenge 25 rolled out in the off trade in 2009.

Asked By: Wyatt Smith Date: created: Oct 11 2023

Does everyone have to show ID when buying alcohol UK

Answered By: Julian Harris Date: created: Oct 13 2023

Minors and alcohol in off-licences – Anyone under 18 may only enter an off-licence if they are accompanied by someone aged 21 or older. Otherwise off-licences must deny entry to young people under 18. Young people must always be able to show valid ID at the checkout.

Asked By: Austin Russell Date: created: Dec 01 2024

What is the think 21 policy

Answered By: Curtis Sanders Date: created: Dec 03 2024

Challenge 21 – Wikipedia

The of parts of this article (those related to article) may be compromised due to out-of-date information, Please help update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. ( February 2011 )

Challenge 21 and Challenge 25 are part of a scheme in the, introduced by the (BBPA), with the intention of preventing young people gaining access to age restricted products including and, Under the scheme, customers attempting to buy age-restricted products are asked to prove their age if in the retailer’s opinion they look under 21 or 25, even though the minimum age to buy alcohol and cigarettes in the UK is 18.

Asked By: Jesus Clark Date: created: Jul 02 2024

Is bleach an age-restricted product

Answered By: Sean Young Date: created: Jul 05 2024

Archived Petition: Age restrictions for buying corrosive products like bleach and drain cleaner More than 96 people have been a victim of acid attacks in London alone this year. It’s too easy to purchase the products for making acid. There are currently no age restrictions.

  • 41 signatures
  • 10,000

Have your say on the Offensive Weapons Bill

  1. The UK Government has introduced the Offensive Weapons Bill to change some of the laws about offensive weapons, including acid, knives and guns.
  2. A group of MPs working on a Public Bill Committee are looking closely at the Offensive Weapons Bill to see what the changes would mean.
  3. To help them with their work, they’d like to hear from you.
  4. The Bill covers three types of weapon – acid, knives and offensive weapons, and firearms.
  5. The key changes that the Bill would make are:
  6. • a new offence of possessing a corrosive substance in a public place; • a new offence of selling certain harmful corrosive products to under 18s; • new restrictions on online sales of bladed articles and corrosive products, including restrictions on deliveries to residential premises; • a new offence of possessing certain offensive weapons (the weapons concerned are already subject to restrictions on their sale, manufacture and importation); and
  7. • reclassifying certain firearms as “prohibited weapons” under section 5 of the Firearms Act 1968.
  8. You can find out more about the Public Bill Committee and how to have your say here:
  9. The sooner you send in your submission, the more time the Committee will have to look at it.

The Committee is expected to meet between Tuesday 17 July and Thursday 13 September 2018. It can’t look at any new information after 13 September. : Archived Petition: Age restrictions for buying corrosive products like bleach and drain cleaner

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