Asked By: Colin Sanchez Date: created: Feb 11 2024

How to claim child benefit in Netherlands

Answered By: Richard Anderson Date: created: Feb 12 2024

Requirements for child benefit – To be eligible for the allowance, you need to be registered and living in the Netherlands. In some cases, you can live in another country – if they have a social security agreement with the Netherlands and if you are insured for the Dutch child benefit scheme (AKW).

How much child benefit do you get in Netherlands?

Did You Know? Child Benefits in the Netherlands The Dutch government believes in the rights of every child to develop into a balanced and healthy adult. To this end, the government provides benefits with the aim to help parents cover some of the costs of child-rearing, schooling, and childcare. If you moved to the Netherlands with your child/children or you will become a parent while living here, you may be entitled to one or more of the following benefits.

  • There are two different types of child benefits in the Netherlands: 1.
  • Child benefit (kinderbijslag) – this is a part of the Dutch social insurance package from the SVB (Sociale Verzekeringsbank) to help cover the costs of bringing up a child.
  • If you are living or working in the Netherlands and are the parent/guardian of children under the age of 18, you may be eligible to receive child benefit,

The current Dutch child benefit rates per child are:

€269.76 for children aged 0-5 €327.76 for children aged 6-11 €385.37 for children aged 12-17 (you only receive the benefit for children aged 16/17 if they are in full-time education)

You should automatically receive an invitation to apply for child benefit in the Netherlands if you register the birth of a newborn with your municipality (gemeente) and also register for social insurance. If this is the case, you can file your claim online if you have a (in Dutch).

Your Burgerservicenummer (BSN), Details of your child’s health insurance and Child’s birth certificate or proof of date of birth

2. Tax allowances (toeslag) – Toeslagen are tax allowances in the Netherlands. There are two Dutch child-related allowances:

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Childcare allowance (kinderopvangtoeslag) – this covers some of the costs of registered childcare in the Netherlands, including both pre-school care for very young children and after-school care for school-aged children.

Childcare allowance is a tax credit that you can claim if you work or study and have pre-school or school-age children. It is to partly cover your childcare costs. You can claim childcare allowance in the Netherlands if:

Both parents are working or studying. You have a contract with a registered childcare centre (kindercentrum) or childminder (gastouder). You pay (part) of the childcare costs yourself. You have a valid residence permit (Non-EU) with you child/children registered at your address.

The amount you get depends on your income, the number of children you claim for and the type of childcare. You can receive the allowance for a maximum of 230 hours of childcare per child per month. However, it is important to know that the amount of hours you qualify for depends on the amount of hours you work or study.

Child budget (kindgebonden budget) – this is an allowance you can get if your income is below a certain limit.

The child budget (kindgebonden budget) is a means-tested tax credit which you may qualify for if you receive child benefit and your income is beneath a certain threshold. You can apply for child budget in the Netherlands if:

You have one or more kids under the age of 18. You receive the child benefit (kinderbijslag) from the Sociale Verzekeringsbank (SVB). You have a valid residence permit. (Non-EU) You earn below a certain level (the income restrictions are dependent upon the number of children you have). You do not have too much money (capital):

The budget is calculated on a sliding scale so the higher your income, the lower the amount. For more information visit the tax office (in Dutch). : Did You Know? Child Benefits in the Netherlands

Asked By: Lucas Price Date: created: Jul 24 2024

Do you get child benefit in the Netherlands

Answered By: Jackson Stewart Date: created: Jul 25 2024

If your child was born in the Netherlands, the Social Insurance Bank (SVB) will send you a form for child benefit. If not, you can request one via: SVB. You receive child budget via the Dutch Tax Administration and do not need to apply for it if you receive another allowance paid by the Dutch Tax Administration.

Who can receive Kindergeld?

What is Kindergeld in Germany? – In Germany, every parent, regardless of their financial situation is entitled to Kindergeld – which is the universal childcare benefit. Just about any taxpayer living in Germany with children can get the Kindergeld, whether they are employed, self employed or independent.

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The Kindergeld is a monthly fixed sum paid by the Family Benefits Office (Familienkasse), which is managed by the German Federal Employment Agency (Arbeitsagentur für Arbeit). Its purpose is to ensure that every child’s basic needs are met. You can get it as a rule until your children turn 18, though it can continue until they are 25 if they are still in school or meet other requirements for an extension.

Adopted and foster children qualify you for the Kindergeld, as do children of your spouse and your grandchildren if they live in your household. Some people living abroad may also be eligible for Kindergeld if they meet certain German unrestricted income tax payment obligations or other requirements.

Does a baby born in Netherlands get citizenship?

How to become a Dutch citizen – There are 3 ways to become a Dutch citizen:

Automatically at birth (if one or both of your parents holds Dutch citizenship when you are born), through adoption or through acknowledgement of parentage, Through a short, easy procedure that takes 3 months. However, this option is available only to people who belong to a special group defined by law. This is called the option procedure, If you are not eligible for the option procedure, you can apply for naturalisation, This procedure usually takes less than one year, and never more than 2 years.

For more information on how to become a Dutch citizen, contact the municipality where you live. That is also where you have to submit your application. The Immigratie- en Naturalisatiedienst – IND (Immigration and Naturalisation Service) provides more information about becoming a Dutch citizen through either the option procedure or naturalisation and about the costs of becoming a Dutch citizen,

How much is the basic child benefit?

Child benefit amounts for the 3rd quarter of 2023 – Payments will be made on 2 October 2023.

Amount per child per quarter

Child’s age Amount
0 to 5 years €261.70
6 to 11 years €317.77
12 to 17 years €373.85

What is the Bavarian family allowance?

In Bavaria, there is a family allowance for parents of one and two year old children. Parents are supported with 250 euros per month and child. From the third child on, there is 300 euros per month.

What is the 30% allowance in the Netherlands?

30% tax ruling in the Netherlands Updated 20 June 2023 at 14:04 Highly skilled migrants recruited from abroad may be eligible for the Netherlands’ 30% tax ruling. Find out more about the requirements for the 30% ruling and if you are eligible. The 30% reimbursement ruling (also known as the 30% facility) is a tax advantage for moving to the Netherlands for a specific employment role.

Asked By: Benjamin Butler Date: created: Dec 09 2024

What is 30% ruling Netherlands

Answered By: Ian Simmons Date: created: Dec 09 2024

Important questions – What’s the maximum duration of the 30% ruling? Are you an “incoming employee”? Are your skills scarce in the local labour market? When should you apply? What happens if your application is denied? Find out the answers to some of the most, : The 30% ruling tax advantage for expats in the Netherlands

What is considered low income in the Netherlands?

Low-income threshold – The low-income threshold represents a fixed purchasing power amount and is adjusted annually for price developments. In 2019, the threshold for a single person was 1,090 euros net per month. For a couple without children it was 1,530 euros, and for a couple with two children under 18 years old 2,080 euros.

Asked By: Douglas Diaz Date: created: Apr 19 2024

How to apply for benefit in Netherlands

Answered By: Carlos Morris Date: created: Apr 21 2024

What is the deadline for applying for a benefit? – You can apply for the healthcare benefit, rent benefit and supplementary child benefit for a certain year up to 1 September of the following year. You can, for example, apply for a benefit for 2023 until 1 September 2024, and you can apply for a benefit for 2022 until 1 September 2023.

Do you file an income tax return in the Netherlands and are you granted a postponement for filing the income tax? In that case, you can still apply for a benefit until the end of the postponement period. Please note! You must apply for childcare benefit within 3 months after the month in which your child first goes to the childcare centre.

Therefore, do not wait too long to apply for childcare benefit, otherwise you may miss out on payments.

Asked By: Horace Wood Date: created: Nov 08 2024

How do I apply for child benefit SVB

Answered By: Louis Hernandez Date: created: Nov 10 2024

Applying for child benefit – Applying for child benefit is easy. After you register your baby with your municipality (gemeente), you will automatically receive a letter from can then apply for child benefit online via My SVB.