Asked By: William Martin Date: created: May 05 2024

Can a family member be a witness

Answered By: Richard Long Date: created: May 06 2024

Signing agreements – what makes a good witness? – Carpmaels & Ransford – Law Firm Following our article on earlier in the year, we have been reflecting on the challenges for executing agreements in a “socially distanced” world. One such challenge relates to the practicalities of getting signatures witnessed.

In this article we review who makes a suitable witness for signatures and how to navigate the witnessing requirements under English law. When is a witness required? A witness to the signature of an agreement will not normally be required if the agreement is a simple contract. In relation to the execution of deeds, however, there may be a requirement for the signatures of the parties to be witnessed in order for the deed to be validly executed.

This depends on the nature of the contracting party and the method used to sign the deed. For example, where the signatory to a deed is an individual acting in their own capacity, their signature must be witnessed. Similarly, a company that wishes to execute a deed by only one director, or an LLP that wishes to execute a deed by only one member, will also need this signature to be witnessed.

Why are witnesses required? The witness’s role is primarily to guard against forgery or duress. In the event of a dispute, a witness may be required to provide unbiased evidence about the circumstances of the signing. Who can witness? It was established by case law over 150 years ago that a party to a deed cannot also act as a witness to the execution of such deed.

Whilst there is no statutory requirement for a witness to be “independent” (i.e. unconnected to the parties or subject matter of the deed), given that a witness may be called upon to give unbiased evidence about the signing, it is considered best practice for a witness to be independent and, ideally, not a spouse, co-habitee or close family member of the individual signing the deed.

There is no specific bar preventing minors (under 18s) from acting as witnesses, although it would be safer to use an adult witness in order to avoid any subsequent challenge as to the witness’ reliability or mental capacity based on their age. Consequently, the ideal witness under English law is a person aged 18 or over, who is not a party to the deed, has no commercial or financial interest in the subject matter of the deed and no close personal relationship with the person whose signature they are witnessing.

How do you witness a signature? There is no clearly prescribed method for attesting signatures set out by statute, but the generally accepted approach is that the witness: (1) watches the signatory sign; and (2) “attests” to the signature by signing a statement in the deed (commonly referred to as an attestation clause) confirming that the deed was signed in their presence.

  • It is best practice for the witness to print their name and provide their address and occupation in the attestation clause so that they can easily be contacted should they need to be called upon to help resolve any issues that arise in relation to the execution of the deed.
  • Does the witness need to be physically present?
  • It is a statutory requirement that the witness must be present when the executing party signs the deed. The Law Commission’s 2019 on the electronic execution of documents confirms that this means physical presence:

” the requirement under the current law that a deed must be signed ‘in the presence of a witness’ requires the physical presence of that witness. This is the case even where both the person executing the deed and the witness are executing / attesting the document using an electronic signature.

  1. Where it is not possible to be in the physical presence of an independent witness, then a family member or cohabiting individual will suffice, providing the witness is not party to the documents or wider transaction.
  2. Do you really need a witness?
  3. For the reasons mentioned above, a witness will be a requirement when an individual is executing a deed, or a company or LLP is executing a deed via a single signatory.
  4. However, given the practical difficulties of witnessing at the moment, a party may wish to consider whether a witness is really necessary. There are two main ways in which you may be able to avoid a requirement for a witness under English law:
  5. Use a simple contract rather than a deed

Agreements are often drafted as deeds where the agreement includes a power of attorney (which, under English law, must be executed as a deed) or if the agreement has no consideration (e.g. no fees for services or no price for goods/assets being purchased).

  1. One of the most common types of agreement we work with is an assignment of intellectual property rights (IP).
  2. An IP assignment may be drafted as a deed, but in many cases does not need to be.
  3. This may also be the case for other agreements you are reviewing.
  4. If a document has been prepared as a deed, you should consider whether it could be amended so that it can be executed as a simple contract (in which case no witnesses will be needed).

Execute the document with more signatories The default rules for execution of deeds by companies and LLPs under English law provide multiple options for valid execution of documents. Whilst execution of an agreement by one director (or member) does require a witness, the company or LLP can avoid this by switching to the two-signatory option.

To execute via two signatories requires a company to have either two directors or one director and a company secretary; and for an LLP to have two members. Even though this means a greater number of signatories, this may still be preferable to each party needing to sign in the physical presence of a witness.

If you would like further advice on best practice and possible strategies for effective execution of agreements during Covid-19, please get in touch. Historically, deeds were used for many types of contract. However, over time their use has been limited with the result that they are now primarily used only for agreements in which there is no consideration or where required by statute.

  • Section 1(3), LP(MP)A 1989.
  • Section 44(2)(b) of the CA 2006.
  • Freshfield v Reed (1842) 9 M&W 404 and Seal v Claridge (1881) 7 QBD 516.

: Signing agreements – what makes a good witness? – Carpmaels & Ransford – Law Firm

Asked By: Douglas Adams Date: created: Aug 25 2024

Who can be a witness

Answered By: Gavin Phillips Date: created: Aug 25 2024

Types of Witnesses – There are two types of witnesses in a criminal case: ordinary witnesses and expert witnesses. An ordinary witness is someone who personally saw or heard something about the crime. An ordinary witness can be the police officer who made the arrest or a person who was at the scene of the crime.

An expert witness is someone who has special expertise about an element of the crime. An expert witness can be a doctor, psychologist, accountant, etc. What can the witness talk about? Ordinary witnesses must answer the lawyers’ questions and tell the judge what they saw or heard. They do not give their opinions about what happened.

Expert witnesses interpret the facts of the case and give their opinions (e.g., an opinion on the mental state of the accused when the crime was committed). The information provided by witnesses becomes part of the evidence. The evidence determines whether the accused actually committed the crime.

Asked By: Raymond Long Date: created: Oct 29 2024

Can my friend be a witness

Answered By: John Robinson Date: created: Oct 29 2024

Only use witnesses after you have talked to them and are sure that they will tell the Court what is helpful to your case. While it is okay to have a friend or family member be a witness for you, it is always best to have someone who does not favor one side over the other.

Can your brother be a witness?

There’s no law on who can and can’t be a witness, as long as they’re an adult, and they understand what’s happening.

Asked By: Anthony Morgan Date: created: Nov 10 2023

What not to say as a witness

Answered By: Nathaniel Brown Date: created: Nov 10 2023

Contact Information | The Federal System | General Logistics Victim Information | Witness Information | Case Updates Cyber Crimes Case Updates Grand Jury Witness Information Frequently Asked Questions Logistics Tips for Testifying REFRESH YOUR MEMORY Before you testify, try to picture the scene, the objects, the area, the distances and exactly what happened.

  • This will assist you in recalling the facts more accurately when asked a question.
  • If the question is about distances or time, and if your answer is only an estimate, be sure you say it is only an estimate.
  • Beware of suggestions by attorneys as to distance or times when you do not recall the actual time or distance.

Do not agree with their estimate unless you independently arrive at the same estimate. SPEAK IN YOUR OWN WORDS Don’t try to memorize what you are going to say. Doing so will make your testimony sound “pat” and unconvincing, instead, be yourself. Prior to trial go over in your own mind those matters about which you will be questioned.

  • SPEAK CLEARLY Present your testimony clearly, slowly, and loud enough so the juror farthest away can easily hear and understand everything you say.
  • Avoid distracting mannerisms such as chewing gum while testifying.
  • Although you are responding to the questions of a lawyer, remember that the questions are really for the jury’s benefit.

Additionally, smoking is not allowed. APPEARANCE IS IMPORTANT A neat appearance and proper dress in court are important. The trouble with an appearance that seems very casual or very dressy is it will distract the jury during the brief time you’re on the stand and they won’t concentrate on your testimony.

  1. DO NOT DISCUSS THE CASE Jurors who are or will be sitting on the case in which you are a witness may be present in the same public areas you will be.
  2. For that reason, you MUST NOT discuss the case with anyone.
  3. Remember too, jurors may have an opportunity to observe how you act outside of the courtroom.

BE A RESPONSIBLE WITNESS When you are called into court for any reason, be serious. Avoid saying anything about the case until you are actually on the witness stand. BEING SWORN IN AS A WITNESS When you are called to testify, you will first be sworn in.

  1. When you take the oath, stand up straight, pay attention to the clerk, and say “I do” clearly.
  2. TELL THE TRUTH Most important of all, you are sworn to TELL THE TRUTH, Tell it.
  3. Every true fact should be readily admitted.
  4. Do not stop to figure out whether your answer will help or hurt either side.
  5. Just answer the questions to the best of your memory.
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DO NOT EXAGGERATE Don’t make overly broad statements you may have to correct. Be particularly careful in responding to a question that begins, “Wouldn’t you agree that?” The explanation should be in your own words. Do not allow an attorney to put words in your mouth.

  • LISTEN CAREFULLY TO AVOID CONFUSION When a witness gives testimony, he/she is first asked some questions by the lawyer who called him/her to the stand.
  • For you, this is an Assistant U.S. Attorney.
  • The questions asked are for the purpose of “direct examination.” When you are questioned by the opposing attorney, it is called “cross examination.” This process is sometimes repeated several times in order to clearly address all aspects of the questions and answers.

The basic purpose of direct examination is for you to tell the judge and jury what you know about the case. The basic purpose of cross examination is to raise doubts about the accuracy of your testimony. Don’t get mad if you feel you are being doubted during the cross examination.

The defense counsel is just doing their job. DO NOT LOSE YOUR TEMPER A witness who is angry may exaggerate or appear to be less than objective or emotionally unstable. Keep your temper. Always be courteous, even if the lawyer questioning you appears discourteous. Don’t appear to be a “wise guy” or you will lose the respect of the judge and jury.

RESPOND ORALLY TO THE QUESTIONS Do not nod your head for a “yes” or “no” answer. Speak aloud so the court reporter or recording device can hear and record your answer. THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK Listen carefully to the questions you are asked. If you don’t understand the question, have it repeated, then give a thoughtful, considered answer.

DO NOT GIVE AN ANSWER WITHOUT THINKING, While answers should not be rushed, neither should there be any unnaturally long delay to a simple question if you know the answer. EXPLAIN YOUR ANSWER Explain your answer if necessary. Give the answer in your own words, and if a question can’t be truthfully answered with a “yes” or “no,” it’s O.K.

to explain your answer. CORRECT YOUR MISTAKES If your answer was not correctly stated, correct it immediately. If your answer was not clear, clarify it immediately. It is better to correct a mistake yourself than to have the attorney discover an error in your testimony.

  1. If you realize you have answered incorrectly, say, “May I correct something I said earlier?” Sometimes witnesses give inconsistent testimony – something they said before doesn’t agree with something they said later.
  2. If this happens to you, don’t get flustered.
  3. Just explain honestly why you were mistaken.

The jury, like the rest of us, understands people make honest mistakes. DO NOT VOLUNTEER INFORMATION Answer ONLY the questions asked of you. Do not volunteer information not actually asked for. Additionally, the judge and the jury are interested in the facts you have observed or personally know about.

Therefore, don’t give your conclusions and opinions, and don’t state what someone else told you, unless you are specifically asked. DON’T SET YOURSELF UP FOR ERROR Unless certain, don’t say “That’s all of the conversation” or “Nothing else happened.” Instead say, “That’s all I recall,” or “That’s all I remember happening.” It may be after more thought or another question, you will remember something important.

OBJECTIONS BY COUNSEL Stop speaking instantly when the judge interrupts you or when an attorney objects to a question. Wait for the judge to tell you to continue before answering any further. BE POSITIVE AND CONFIDENT Give positive, definite answers when at all possible.

Avoid saying, “I think,” “I believe,” or “In my opinion” if you can answer positively. If you do know, then say so. You can be positive about important things which you would naturally remember. If you are asked about little details which a person naturally would not remember, it is best just to say so if you don’t remember.

Don’t make up an answer. FOLLOW COURTROOM RULES When being questioned by defense counsel, don’t look at the Assistant U.S. Attorney or at the Judge for help in answering the question. If the question is improper, the Assistant U.S. Attorney will object. If a question is asked and there is no objection, answer it.

Never substitute your ideas of what you believe the rules of evidence are. TALKING TO OTHERS ABOUT CASE Sometimes an attorney may ask this question: “Have you talked to anybody about this case?” If you say “no,” the judge knows that doesn’t seem right, because a prosecutor usually tries to talk to a witness before he/she takes the stand and many witnesses have previously talked to one or more police officers, or federal law enforcement agents.

It is perfectly proper for you to have talked with the prosecutor, police or family members before you testify, and you should, of course, respond truthfully to this question. Say very frankly you have talked with whomever you have talked with—the Assistant U.S.

  1. Attorney, the victim, other witnesses, relatives and anyone else whom you have spoken with.
  2. The important thing is you tell the truth as clearly as possible.
  3. DO NOT DISCUSS YOUR TESTIMONY After a witness has testified in court, he/she should not tell other witnesses what was said during the testimony until after the case is completely over.

Thus, do not ask other witnesses about their testimony and do not volunteer information about your own testimony.

What makes me a witness to someone?

What is a Witness? – What do you think of when you hear the word “witness?” Most people probably think of someone in a courtroom. The witness is someone that has seen something take place and is there to tell of all that they saw, heard, and experienced. Likewise, as Christians, we are called to be witnesses for Christ who present a testimony about the truth that we have experienced and heard,

Do you have to ask someone to be a witness?

How do I make sure my witnesses come to court? – If you have any witnesses, they may agree to come to Court voluntarily. To ensure a witness attends Court, complete and file a Notice to Attend as a Witness and provide a witness allowance. If you need an interpreter for your witness you will be required to hire and pay the costs for an interpreter.

The filed Notice to Attend as a Witness must be served on the witness at least 21 days before the Trial date along with the applicable witness allowance. The Notice to Attend as a Witness and witness allowance must be served on the witness by either:

personal service; or by recorded mail addressed to the witness, and have an acknowledgment of receipt signed by the witness.

If you are serving a police officer with a Notice to Attend as a Witness, it is recommended that you contact your local Alberta Court of Justice Office for more information. Police officers and government staff are not permitted to accept witness allowances in exchange for their testimony. Once the Notice to Attend as a Witness and the witness allowance has been served, the person who served the Notice must complete an Affidavit of Service of the Notice to Attend as a Witness and it must be sworn or affirmed before a Commissioner for Oaths, Justice of the Peace or Notary Public in and for Alberta. The Clerks at any Court of Justice Office may commission your documents for you, at no charge and you will be required to produce photo identification. The sworn Affidavit of Service must be filed in the Court location where the trial is being held.

For detailed information and step by step instructions review the Affidavit of Service of the Notice to Attend as a Witness, You should contact the Alberta Court of Justice Office immediately if you discover that you or a witness will be unavailable on the date of your trial.

What are the mistakes of witnesses?

The 3 Most Common, and Avoidable, Witness Mistakes There are three very common, and fully preventable, blunders that witnesses make during testimony: volunteering information, guessing, and not listening or thinking effectively. Let’s take each in turn.1.

VOLUNTEERING INFORMATION Volunteering information occurs when the scope of a witness’ answer exceeds the scope of a question from opposing counsel. This common mistake occurs for three reasons. First, witnesses who are anxious and unfamiliar with the legal environment tend to fall back on their work and social communication skills to help them “survive” the testimony.

At work, home or with friends, it is perceived as friendly, helpful and efficient when someone offers extra information following a direct question. Therefore, novice witnesses inadvertently volunteer excessive information, thinking that it will be helpful, unknowingly causing tremendous potential damage.

  1. Second, many witnesses purposely try to anticipate the next question or questions, in an effort to bring the testimony to a close more quickly.
  2. These individuals erroneously conclude, “The more I say, the faster this uncomfortable process will be over with.” Nothing could be further from the truth, as an opposing counsel will actually question a “chatty Cathy” witness longer than a witness who volunteers less information.

Third, witnesses experience an intense, internal urge to explain away answers to simple, direct questions. They feel that if they don’t, they are letting down the team and hurting the case. The classic, “Yes, that is true, but here is why” type of answer from a witness is particularly damaging, as the unsolicited explanation fuels opposing counsel’s attack.2.

GUESSING Guessing comes in many forms, and witnesses often take educated guesses instead of stating that they “don’t know,” “don’t remember” or “don’t have any personal knowledge of that.” Why do witnesses so often opt to guess rather than admit not knowing something? Two reasons: embarrassment and intimidation.

Many witnesses feel embarrassed if they can’t provide an answer to what is perceived as an important question, and attorneys are experts at creating this powerful emotional reaction. The standard trick is to say to a witness, “You’ve been an employee at Company X for 15 years and you can’t answer my important question? My client has a right to an answer.

  1. Let me repeat my question, and let me remind you that you are under oath.” At this very point, 99 percent of witnesses take an educated guess, simply because they feel compelled to correct the perception that they don’t know.
  2. They end up feeling obligated to provide “something,” regardless of its accuracy or relevance.

Intimidation is also a powerful tool. Attorneys can raise their voices, increase the pace of questioning and become sarcastic or aggressive towards witnesses and “bully” them into answers. When this occurs, a witness becomes scared, rattled and very uncomfortable.

  • The witness then provides an educated guess in an effort to give the attorney “something” so that he will back off.
  • Regardless of the cause, guessing is a devastating witness blunder, which leaves an attorney and a client vulnerable.
  • Guesses are rarely accurate, and a savvy attorney can use a witness’ guesses against him or her, heavily damaging that witness’ credibility and believability.3.
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NOT LISTENING OR THINKING EFFECTIVELY In today’s high-speed, instant-gratification society, people are now cognitively hard-wired to listen and think simultaneously when communicating with others. In other words, when some­ one asks a question, the respondent automatically begins to think about his or her response in the middle of the questioner’s inquiry, rather than listening to 100 percent of the question, then thinking 100 percent about his or her response.

  1. From a, a respondent is extremely vulnerable to error, as concentration and attention are split between two activities – listening and thinking – instead of dedicated to one cognitive activity.
  2. While this pattern is efficient and friendly in the workplace or social settings, it is extremely dangerous in a legal environment.

Listening and thinking simultaneously as a witness results in poor answers because the witness does not hear the question in its entirety. What happens next is that the witness answers: 1) a different question than what was actually asked, which makes the witness appear evasive; 2) a question incorrectly, for example, inadvertently accepting the questioner’s language and agreeing with a statement that isn’t true; 3) a question that shouldn’t be answered in the first place-questions to which an attorney would raise form or foundation objections; or 4) a question beyond the scope of the inquiry, which volunteers information and makes the witness appear defensive.

Asked By: Benjamin Jones Date: created: Feb 12 2024

What makes a bad witness

Answered By: Douglas Davis Date: created: Feb 12 2024

CSI – Courtroom Sciences Inc The success of your case is tied to the performance of your witnesses, which means that while a compelling witness can help you secure a positive outcome for your case, a poor performing witness can disproportionately impact settlement and trial outcomes.

  1. Testifying at deposition or trial is an atypical experience for most witnesses, with many witnesses approaching their testimony with unrealistic expectations of success.
  2. During a deposition or trial, poor testimony can lead to bad outcomes, including nuclear verdicts.
  3. Mitigate risk and achieve superior results by avoiding these seven witness preparation mistakes.

Why is witness preparation important? Preparing witnesses for their testimony is a crucial step to ensure positive outcomes. Witnesses who display poor body language, nervousness, or succumb to the fight-or-flight response during questioning can easily make errors that can devastate your case.

  1. Effective witness preparation is essential to secure composed and prepared witnesses who will deliver compelling testimony and won’t be baited by opposing counsel.
  2. Mistake #1: Witness Emotional Styles are Left Unresolved Intense emotions, such as anger, frustration, or anxiety can mentally wear down witnesses at deposition and during a jury trial.

While it is understandable for witnesses to be emotional about the experience of testifying, unaddressed or unresolved emotions and the unintended impact they may have on witness performance could result in a nuclear verdict. Four specific and high-risk emotional states are prevalent in many witnesses, including overly agreeable, defensive, angry, and numb.

  • Any one of these various emotional behaviors could prevent a witness from giving compelling and credible testimony during a deposition.
  • Identifying your witness’s emotional style accurately before deposition testimony is an essential step for mitigating risk and achieving superior outcomes.
  • Mistake #2: Witness Preparation is Insufficient Unexpected testimony can be catastrophic in litigation.

Unfortunately, it is all too common for a witness to do well in preparatory sessions where they are not on the record and can call for a timeout or a do-over but then become anxious, confused, agitated, and even panicked when facing opposing counsel.

Without extensive preparation, witnesses are easily thwarted by their own emotions, leaving them susceptible to making mistakes such as offering long-winded answers that can ultimately be used against them. In addition, traditional witness preparation does not prepare witnesses to counter neuropsychological manipulation, which can hinder a witness’s ability to control emotion and cause a fight or flight response.

Mistake #3: Not Enough Time is Devoted to Practice The more practice, the more comfortable a witness can become with the process, the less likely they will behave unexpectedly during the deposition. Witnesses need to learn how to truly listen, consider deeply, and deliver their answers truly.

To understand these skills, a witness needs to practice them under watchful guidance while receiving timely feedback. These practice sessions are critical for defense teams to identify a witness’ vulnerabilities accurately. Mistake #4: The Mock Questioning Isn’t Realistic Rather than informally going over questions and topics, deposition questioning simulations should realistically replicate the process with the same type of pressure that they will experience in the actual deposition or on the witness stand.

Effective deposition practice sessions, conducted well in advance of a deposition, can help mitigate future risks by unearthing potential witness issues and allowing time to course correct to ensure a compelling performance. Mistake #5: Witnesses Are Not Allowed to Fail The last place you want your witness to make a mistake is during a deposition or on the witness stand.

  • Conducting realistic simulations with witnesses to prepare them for those situations also involves allowing them to make mistakes and even to fail.
  • Too often, defense attorneys want to correct a witness immediately, but mistakes can be a powerful learning opportunity.
  • When witnesses are allowed to fail during preparation, they can see what may happen if they refuse to follow the guidance of their legal team and learn from their mistakes.

Mistake #6: Attorneys Assume Witnesses Understand More Than They Do A common mistake made by many attorneys is to overlook how little their witness knows about the litigation process. First, witnesses need to understand how the process works, answering questions such as when their deposition will take place and how long it will last.

  • Witnesses must also learn the case itself and how they fit into the context of the case as a whole.
  • From there, a witness can understand how to testify and apply the guidance they receive through practice sessions and realistic simulations.
  • Mistake #7: Witnesses Do Not Understand Their Role The witness must understand what their role is in the deposition process.

They must be trained how to listen, how to process the questions, how to consider their response carefully, and how to deliver an honest answer. Witnesses may frequently try to assume other duties; they may feel it is their role to have scripted lines, persuade opposing counsel, or even win the case.

By misconstruing their position, they may attempt to pursue these unachievable objectives. You must teach your witnesses what their role is and what their role isn’t for them to provide strong, compelling testimony. At Courtroom Sciences, each witness training is developed based on the specific witness, their role and emotional state, and the circumstances of the case.

Our psychology experts deliver sophisticated neuro-cognitive training that will leave them poised, confident, prepared, and persuasive. Speak with one of our experts to get started. Key Takeaways ● The success of your case is inexorably tied to the performance of your witnesses.

Why is witness unreliable?

Environmental factors For instance, if an eyewitness sees an incident in poor lighting or from a distance, his or her recollections are less likely to reliable. A person’s biases can affect the accuracy of his or her memories, and so can stress factors, such as the presence of a gun during an assault or violent crime.

Asked By: Diego Ward Date: created: Dec 29 2023

What are the benefits of witnessing

Answered By: Nathan Green Date: created: Dec 31 2023

Page 2 – “I think a man’s religion is so personal we shouldn’t discuss it.” “I don’t like people who are dogmatic and fanatical about religion. They try to force their views on everybody they meet.” “Well, I have my own religion, and I’m happy with it.” Perhaps you have heard comments like these from someone you know. Or even made them yourself before you became a believer.

  1. During approximately fifty years of sharing Christ and training others to do the same, I have found no biblical rationale to justify fearing those responses as a reason for not witnessing.
  2. In fact, the need for people to hear the Good News of God’s love and forgiveness is a matter of life and death. The writer of Ecclesiastes observes:
  3. “Death is the destiny of every man; the living should take this to heart” (Ecclesiastes 7:2).

Man’s self-will is characterized by an attitude of active rebellion or passive indifference. Because of sin, he is by nature degenerate and corrupt, destitute of God’s love, undeserving of His forgiveness, and so destined to death – eternal separation from God.

  1. But Christ does not want anyone to perish, but wants everyone to come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9).
  2. He placed such a high value on the human soul that He personally gladly exchanged the perfection of heaven for a life of poverty, suffering, shame, and death to seek and to save what was lost (Luke 19:10).

From His earliest youth and throughout His life, Jesus clearly understood His mission and purpose. His concern for the lost was so deep that at times the flood of compassionate tears rolled down His face. Jesus, the manliest of men, wept. Similarly, Paul pleaded night and day with everyone who would listen to be reconciled to God.

  1. Since then, people of every century and many walks of life have had a heart of compassion for those who are living apart from God.
  2. Great spiritual leaders such as John Wesley, D.L.
  3. Moody, and Billy Graham dedicated their lives to reaching people with the message of hope.
  4. When one young missionary who had been sent home because of illness was asked why he was so eager to get back to his people, he said, “Because I cannot sleep for thinking about them.” Our Lord has commissioned each of us to share the Good News and “seek the lost.” He said, “Go and make disciples of all nations” and “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation” (Matthew 28:19; Mark 16:15).

It is our greatest calling, then, to share the love and forgiveness He has given us with those who have never received Him as their Savior and Lord. From my personal experiences and studies of God’s Word, five key concepts have been made clear to me – concepts that impact the lives of every Christian.

  1. Christ has given a clear command to every Christian.
  2. Jesus Christ’s last command to the Christian community was to make disciples.
  3. This command, which the church calls the Great Commission, was not intended merely for the eleven remaining disciples, or just for the apostles, or for those in present times who may have the gift of evangelism.

This command is the responsibility of every man and woman who professes faith in Christ as Lord. Men and women are lost without Jesus Christ. Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father, except through me” (John 14:6).

God’s Word also reminds us, “There is salvation in no one else! Under all heaven there is no other name for men to call upon to save them” (Acts 4:12, TLB). Men and women are truly lost without Jesus Christ. He is the only way to bridge the gap between man and God. Without Him, people cannot know God and have no hope of eternal life.

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Rather than being “not interested,” the people of the world are truly hungry for the gospel. One of the greatest misconceptions held by Christians today is that men and women do not want to know God. But wherever I go around the world, I find ample proof that just the opposite is true.

  • The Holy Spirit has created a hunger for God in the hearts of millions.
  • I have discovered that at least 25 to 50 percent of nonbelievers are ready to receive Christ in most parts of the world if properly approached, one on one, by a trained, Spirit-empowered witness.
  • And I believe that among that number may be some of your own family members, a neighbor or a co-worker, or a person you do not yet know to whom God may lead you.

They are ready to hear a clear and simple presentation of the Good News of God’s love and forgiveness. Jesus said, “The fields are ripe unto harvest.” Can we afford to be selfish with the gospel when such overwhelming evidence shows that so many people are hungry for God? By sharing our faith in Christ with others, we can help change our world for our Lord.

  • We Christians have in our possession the greatest gift available to mankind: God’s gift of eternal life, which we received with Jesus Christ at our spiritual birth (John 3:16).
  • Christ is risen! We serve a living Savior! He not only lives within us in all His resurrection power, but He also has assured us of eternal life.

He died on the cross in our place for our sin, then rose from the dead. We have direct fellowship with God through Jesus Christ. And this fellowship, this peace, this gift of eternal life, is available to all who receive Him. The love of Jesus Christ for us, and our love for Him, compels us to share Him with others.

  1. Jesus said, “The one who obeys me is the one who loves me.” (John 14:21, TLB).
  2. In other words, He measures our love for Him by the extent and genuineness of our obedience to Him.
  3. As we obey, He promises He will reveal Himself to us.
  4. Because he loves me, my Father will love him; and I will too, and I will reveal myself to him” (John 14:21, TLB).

What are we to obey? When it comes to witnessing, we have the specific commandment from Jesus Christ to go into all the world with the Good News. Helping to fulfill the Great Commission is both a duty and a privilege. We witness because we love Christ.

  • They become children of God.
  • Their bodies become temples of God.
  • All of their sins are forgiven.
  • They begin to experience the peace and love of God.
  • They receive God’s direction and purpose for their lives.
  • They experience the power of God to change their lives.
  • They have assurance of eternal life.
  • God also wants you to witness because of the benefits you will receive.
  • Witnessing will stimulate your spiritual growth, lead you to pray and study God’s Word, and encourage you to depend on Christ. You will experience the tremendous privilege and honor of representing Jesus to the world (2 Corinthians 5:20).

The Holy Spirit came to provide the power for you to do so (Acts 1:8). Wouldn’t you like to share with someone else the most valuable thing you have? All over the world, I have asked two questions of Christians, young and old, rich and poor, new Christians and people who have been believers for more than half a century.

I have asked these questions also of some of the most famous Christians in the world. The answers are always the same, no matter who I ask. What is the most important experience of your life? “Knowing Christ as my Savior.” What is the most important thing you can do for another person? “Help him or her to know Christ.” If you are a Christian, you undoubtedly would give the same answers to these questions.

Yet if you are like the majority of Christians today, you have never introduced anyone to Christ. But you would like to do so, and you know in your heart that this is what God called you to do.

Asked By: Benjamin Powell Date: created: Dec 18 2024

What to expect when you’re a witness

Answered By: Gregory Hall Date: created: Dec 20 2024

Giving evidence – If you are a witness a court official will call your name when it is your turn to give evidence. They will show you to the witness box in the courtroom. You will be asked to repeat an oath or promise to tell the truth. In a criminal trial, the lawyers prosecuting and defending the accused may ask you questions.

listen carefully say if you do not understand the question or do not know the answer speak clearly

Witnesses must tell the truth at all times. After giving evidence, you should not return to the witness room or discuss your evidence with anyone else involved in the case. You may stay and listen to the rest of the case.

Asked By: Ralph Wilson Date: created: Jun 15 2024

What are the four qualities of a witness

Answered By: Francis Lewis Date: created: Jun 15 2024

What Makes a Great Expert Witness? Look for the Four C’s By David Solomon, Global General Manager, GLG Law Expert witnesses are key in the courtroom, as more complicated disputes need clear explanation to a jury. But, there’s little agreement on what makes a great witness.

GLG Law’s David Solomon gives four characteristics to look for—clear communication, coachability, confidence, and candor. Ask a dozen lawyers what makes a dream expert witness, and you’ll get 12 different answers. Some dislike using first-time experts without testifying experience; others prefer the lack of a record to attack.

Many avoid academics (fearing an “Ivory Tower” problem); others prefer the professorial approach to “teaching” a finder of fact about a difficult subject. Virtually all litigators agree that experts must be credible and knowledgeable in their area of specialty—and that a great expert is an essential element to obtaining a favorable resolution in complex litigation.

Asked By: Isaac Stewart Date: created: Jul 20 2024

Can your brother be your witness for your nikkah

Answered By: Hayden Howard Date: created: Jul 21 2024

Nikkah Services Masjid al-Farooq offers the service of performing marriages (Nikkah) by an Imam who is a licensed marriage officer. A licensed marriage officer is required in order to complete the necessary paperwork to register the marriage in the Province of Ontario. The requirements to have a Nikkah done through the Masjid are as follows:

Marriage License Document. A marriage license must be obtained from any City Hall in Ontario PRIOR to the date of the Nikkah. For the City of Mississauga, please call 905-615-3200 and ask for the marriage licensing office. Either or groom or bride may apply as long as the necessary documents are presented to the office. The office will inform you as to which documents are required. Please note that Masjid al-Farooq does not know what documents are required and cannot obtain the marriage license. Only the groom or bride may obtain the license. Please note the Imam will not perform any Nikkah without a valid marriage license which must be present at the time and place of the Nikkah ceremony. The Imam will fill and sign the remaining portion of the license, give you a temporary license, and will send the paperwork to the Office of the Registrar General for you. Wali (guardian) for the bride. The Bride must be represented by her Wali which is a male relative. Examples of a Wali include father, brother, son, paternal uncle, grandfather, etc. The following people cannot be a Wali: maternal uncle, other women even if relatives, friends, etc. Brides that do not have a Wali in accordance with the Shari’ah may be represented by the Imam if circumstances permit. If you need further clarification on this matter, please contact the office at (905) 858-7586 ext 22. Two male Muslim witnesses that are baligh (i.e. reached adulthood). These witnesses can be anyone as long as they fulfill the foregoing requirements. There is no requirement to have on witness from the bride’s side and one from the groom’s side. Nor is it required to have two from each side. Nor do the witnesses have to be relatives. There is nothing wrong if they happen to be relatives. Mahr (dowry). The dowry should be discussed and agreed upon before the Nikkah ceremony to avoid debate and save time. The Nikkah will only be performed if proper Islamic Adaab/Etiquettes are followed (e.g. proper Islamic dresscode, no free mixing, etc.). The Imam will only perform the Nikkah in the Masjid (on some occasions it could be at another Masjid). At the Nikkah, the Bride and Groom must present their Birth Certificate or Passport along with photo ID if it is not already on the aforementioned documents. Name and Date of Birth on the ID must match the corresponding information on the Marriage Licence. Fee for Nikkah is $400. All proceeds go to the Masjid. At this time, we are unable to provide space or facilities for food service.

If you meet the above requirements and would like to schedule the Imam for a Nikkah, please contact the office at (905) 858-7586 ext 22. PLEASE NOTE: IF THERE WILL BE NO MARRIAGE LICENSE OBTAINED PRIOR TO THE NIKKAH, PLEASE DO NOT CONTACT THE MASJID OR THE IMAM AS WE WILL NOT BE ABLE TO PERFORM THE NIKKAH. : Nikkah Services

Can my brother be a man of honor?

As nuptial celebrations become increasingly personal and less traditional, more couples are opting for a co-ed wedding party—and that includes brides asking men to stand alongside them at the altar. While the primary role of an “honor attendant” or a “man of honor” is the same as that of a maid or matron of honor—to support the bride and groom—the specifics of the job can be gently tweaked to create a memorable—and more fun—experience for both of you.

  • If you’re debating which of your favorite guys to ask, remember that the man of honor role doesn’t have to be filled by a blood relative; you can invite any man who’s important to you, says Carina Van Son of Sinclair & Moore,
  • A man of honor could be a family member, like a brother or cousin, but equally as often it’s a close friend.

It could also be teenage or adult sons, stepsons, nephews—any male figure that holds a special and significant role in the bride’s life.” From whether he needs to plan the bachelorette party to where he should get dressed on the big day, these modern etiquette considerations will help you create a flawless man of honor experience for the both of you.