Asked By: Landon Moore Date: created: Jun 14 2024

Why was the neutron so hard to discover

Answered By: Ryan Collins Date: created: Jun 17 2024

Discovery of the Neutron Rutherford described his ‘neutral doublet’, or neutron, in 1920. The particle would be uncharged but with a mass only slightly greater than the proton. Because it was uncharged there would be no electrical repulsion of the neutron as it passed through matter, so it would be much more penetrating than the proton.

This would make the neutron difficult to detect. The discovery of the neutron was made by James Chadwick, who spent more than a decade searching. Chadwick had accompanied Rutherford in his move from Manchester to Cambridge. He later became the Assistant Director of Research in the Cavendish, and was responsible for keeping Rutherford informed of any new developments in physics.

Chadwick and Rutherford often discussed neutrons, and suggested ‘silly’ experiments to discover them, but the inspiration for Chadwick’s discovery came from Europe, not Rutherford. : Discovery of the Neutron

Who discovered neutron before Chadwick?

Who Discovered Neutrons? – The British physicist Sir James Chadwick discovered neutrons in the year 1932. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in the year 1935 for this discovery. It is important to note that the was first theorized by Ernest Rutherford in the year 1920.

Asked By: Jake Davis Date: created: Oct 29 2024

Who found the proton

Answered By: Mason Bryant Date: created: Oct 30 2024

NAPT The proton was discovered by Ernest Rutherford in the early 1900’s. During this period, his research resulted in a nuclear reaction which led to the first ‘splitting’ of the atom, where he discovered protons. He named his discovery “protons” based on the Greek word “protos” which means first.

It was also discovered that charged particles (protons and light ions) have a finite range in matter. The interaction probability to cause ionization increases as they lose velocity along their paths, so that a peak of deposited dose occurs at a depth proportional to the energy of the charged particle.

Beyond this peak, no further dose is deposited. This scientific phenomenon was described by William Bragg at that time. In 1930, the American physicist Ernest O. Lawrence and his associates were the first to invent the cyclotron to accelerate proton to an energy high enough for cancer treatment applications. Figure 1 American physicist Ernest O. Lawrence, photographed in 1937 adjusting the ion source of his 60-inch cyclotron. Lawrence moved to the University of California at Berkeley in 1928. He invented the cyclotron in 1929 & developed it as a particle accelerator during the 1930s, winning the 1939 Nobel Prize for physics for this work. Figure 2 Engineers in 1942 working on the construction of the 184-inch synchrocyclotron at the Radiation Laboratory at the University of California, Berkeley, USA. This cyclotron was developed by the laboratory’s director Ernest Orlando Lawrence. (Credit: LAWRENCE BERKELEY LAB/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY) In 1946, Dr.

Robert Wilson wrote a seminal paper proposing the idea that proton beams could be used for cancer treatment while he was in the Physics Department at Harvard University. He described the fundamental physical feature of the depth-dose curve for protons and heavy-charged particles in comparison with photons or X-rays.

He described the way the particle beams deposit their energy as the beam enters the body in route to the tumor: a smaller amount of energy is released first, and then a much larger amount of the beam energy is released at the end of its path (Bragg peak) and then completely stops ( Figure 3 ). Figure 3 Percent dose versus depth in the patient’s body. As a proton beam enter the body, it loses some energy and deposits most of its energy at the end of its range (Bragg’s peak) to the tumor. Wilson did also play a significant role in the development of nuclear weapons during World War II (“The Manhattan Project”); but afterwards, he chose to shift his focus of nuclear physics into medical application for the betterment of mankind. Figure 4 Dr. Robert Rathburn Wilson, an American physicist, was the first to propose the use of proton beam therapy for cancer treatment in his seminal paper in 1946. He is considered to be “the father of proton therapy.” His other contributions to science included being a group leader of the Manhattan Project, a sculptor, and an architect of the Fermi National Laboratory (Fermilab), where he was also the director from 1967-1978.

Asked By: Harold White Date: created: May 30 2024

How is Chadwick’s model different to Rutherford’s

Answered By: Roger Campbell Date: created: Jun 02 2024

Chadwick used a version of Rutherford’s experiment, using a sheet of beryllium and a paraffin block instead of gold foil. He was able to prove that a proton-sized neutral particle – now known as the neutron – existed.

What was Chadwick’s theory?

Chadwick’s atomic model (1932 AD) – Rincón educativo The model proposed by James Chadwick focuses on the modeling of the atomic nucleus constituted not only by protons (positive charges), but also by neutrons (neutral charges). From his discovery of the neutron in 1932 (for which he received the Nobel Prize in 1935), Chadwick conceived that the model initially considered that the neutron was an arrangement made up of a proton and an electron, which generated the neutral charge.

The discovery of the neutron and its atomic model revolutionized the traditional vision of science, given the collisions of neutrons with atomic nuclei and the expulsion of protons out of the atom.Beta decay is a process through which beta particles (electron or positron) are emitted from the nucleus of the atom, to balance the presence of protons and neutrons in the atomic nucleus.Due to this process, countless experiments were carried out worldwide, motivated by Chadwick’s discovery, to induce the conversion of some neutrons into protons.Because each chemical element is identified according to the number of protons it has, since Chadwick, the doors have been opened for the creation and/or discovery of new elements.Later, James emphasized the use of neutrons for the separation of atoms from heavy nuclei into several reduced nuclei through the process of nuclear fission.

: Chadwick’s atomic model (1932 AD) – Rincón educativo

Who split the first atom?

It was a British and Irish physicist, John Cockcroft and Ernest Walton, respectively, who first split the atom to confirm Einstein’s theory. Cockcroft was born in 1897 and served on the Western front during World War I.

Who named atom?

There was a brilliant philosopher named Democritus (around 400 B.C.), and he proposed the Greek word atomos, which means uncuttable. And so as he explained, all matter was eventually reducible to discrete, small particles or atomos. The word atom arrived from this Greek word.

Who created electrons?

Elements and Atoms: Chapter 16 Discovery of the Electron: J.J. Thomson – Joseph John Thomson (J.J. Thomson, 1856-1940; see photo at American Institute of Physics) is widely recognized as the discoverer of the electron. Thomson was the Cavendish professor of Experimental Physics at Cambridge University and director of its Cavendish Laboratory from 1884 until 1919.

For much of his career, Thomson worked on various aspects of the conduction of electricity through gases. In 1897 he reported that “cathode rays” were actually negatively charged particles in motion; he argued that the charged particles weighed much less than the lightest atom and were in fact constituents of atoms,

In 1899, he measured the charge of the particles, and speculated on how they were assembled into atoms, He was awarded the Nobel Prize for physics in 1906 for this work, and in 1908 he was knighted. His Nobel lecture is reproduced below. The case of the electron raises several interesting points about the discovery process.

  1. Clearly, the characterization of cathode rays was a process begun long before Thomson’s work, and several scientists made important contributions.
  2. In what sense, then, can Thomson be said to have discovered the electron? After all, he did not invent the vacuum tube or discover cathode rays.
  3. Discovery is often a cumulative process.

The credited discoverer makes crucial contributions to be sure, but often after fundamental observations have been made and tools invented by others. Thomson was not the only physicist to measure the charge-to-mass ratio of cathode rays in 1897, nor the first to announce his results.

Has a neutron ever been seen?

The first reason why it is impossible — and what common sense indicates — is the size. If we cannot see even a microbe, which in comparison to an atom, would have the same proportion as a planet compared to a grain of sand, how would we see an atom? But this is not the main reason; after all, there are microscopes, using lenses we can see microbes, just build a microscope large enough, no? No.

  1. No matter the microscope’s size, you will never be able to see an atom.
  2. And the reason is contrary to common sense: we see photons.
  3. In fact, we “see” the stimuli that photons cause in our retina and the brain interprets as images.
  4. Photons are subatomic particles that are absorbed and emitted by atoms.
  5. So the real reason we can’t see atoms — and we will never be able to see — is because this is impossible for our eye apparatus,
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Even using the most powerful eye microscope ever created. Even using the most powerful eye microscope yet to be invented. Again: the only subatomic particle that we can “see” are photons, and even then, we only interpret images stimulated by the interaction of these photons with our retina,

This means that our eyes would not be able, even if they could see on the subatomic scale, to see an electron, a proton, or a neutron. We see photons. Protons, electrons, and neutrons are like people on a beach shooting fireworks — photons — into the sky. Our eyes are unable to see people, only the fireworks.

We see PHOTONS. That said, I present to you A hydrogen atom! Wow! How is this possible? Didn’t you just say that human eyes can’t see an atom? Yes, and this remains true. This “photo” of the hydrogen atom was made using the human being’s ingenuity to “translate” something invisible to us into a visible representation.

  1. The researchers who achieved this feat used a photoionization microscope.
  2. It is a device that bombarded hydrogen atoms trapped in an electric field with laser pulses.
  3. This excites the electrons in the hydrogen nuclei’s orbit, and some of them ended up being thrown into a detector.
  4. After doing this several times, stimulating electrons in many different ways, they finally formed this image, which is the closest representation of a hydrogen atom’s electron cloud,

That is, this isn’t a REAL image of an atom — we will simply never see one — but it is the closest representation we have ever managed to make! If you like what I write, you may find it interesting to support me by becoming a Patreon !

Have any neutron stars been discovered?

Neutron star basics – Similar to black holes, neutron stars were predicted to exist long before we observed them. In 1934, astronomers Walter Baade and Fritz Zwicky published a paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America titled “Cosmic Rays from Super-Novae.” They proposed that supernovae (a term they also coined) produce both the mysterious cosmic rays spotted coming from outside our galaxy and “the transition of an ordinary star into a neutron star.” They further described these objects as “possess a very small radius and an extremely high density.” It took another 30 years for astronomers to discover the first neutron star.

  • In 1967, Jocelyn Bell Burnell, an astronomy graduate student working for Antony Hewish at Cambridge University, spotted a weak, repeating signal using a large radio telescope at the Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory.
  • At first, Hewish and Bell Burnell wondered if they’d found proof of “little green men,” but the two quickly dismissed that idea.

Instead, they realized they had picked up on an unusual star exhibiting the exact characteristics Baade and Zwicky had proposed three decades prior. Since the discovery, researchers have uncovered a whole menagerie of neutron stars with varying properties.

  1. But there are a few basic characteristics that these stars exhibit across the board.
  2. Just as Baade and Zwicky predicted, neutron stars are incredibly small.
  3. The average neutron star has a diameter of roughly 12.5 miles (20 kilometers), or about the size of a city.
  4. And packed within that small volume is a Sun’s worth of mass.

Just one sugar-cube-sized block of neutron star material would weigh about 1 billion tons. Those aren’t the only extreme properties of neutron stars. They also spin at mind-boggling speeds. Thanks to a basic rule of physics — conservation of angular momentum — compact neutron stars can spin themselves up to a much higher rate than that of their progenitor star.

  1. Imagine a twirling figure skater.
  2. When their arms are outstretched, they spin slowly, but as they pull their arms in, they speed up.
  3. The same is true for stars.
  4. After a supernova, the remnant has a significantly smaller diameter and thus spins much faster than its progenitor.
  5. The fastest spinning neutron star, PSR J1748-244ad, makes 716 rotations per second.

Over time, however, like the figure skater, a neutron star’s spin will peter out. This is thanks to the magnetic field that encircles the neutron star, which acts like an opposing force that ultimately puts the brakes on the star’s rotation. That effect isn’t surprising, considering the strength of a neutron star’s magnetic field, which is orders of magnitude greater than any other found in the universe.

  • How exactly these objects generate such high magnetic fields isn’t well understood.
  • Like their spin rate, it’s partially to do with the progenitor star’s magnetic field being conserved when it collapses into a smaller object.
  • But that effect alone isn’t enough to explain the magnetic field strength seen in neutron stars.

While their magnetic field and spin may be extreme, neutron stars aren’t very brilliant in visible light. Approximately 2,000 neutron stars have been identified in the Milky Way and Magellanic Clouds. At first, that may sound like a lot, but astronomers estimate there are a billion neutron stars hiding in our Milky Way alone.

  1. There are a few reasons for this disparity.
  2. Most neutron stars are old.
  3. With only one supernova occurring in our galaxy every 50 years, that’s not surprising.
  4. As they age, neutron stars cool down and fade in brightness, making them nearly invisible.
  5. But even young neutron stars can be difficult to spot.

More often than not, astronomers have to rely on happy cosmic accidents to find a previously unknown neutron star.

Asked By: Xavier Ramirez Date: created: Nov 06 2023

Are neutron stars old

Answered By: Hunter Campbell Date: created: Nov 08 2023

NASA – Neutron Stars When the core of a massive star undergoes gravitational collapse at the end of its life, protons and electrons are literally scrunched together, leaving behind one of nature’s most wondrous creations: a neutron star. Neutron stars cram roughly 1.3 to 2.5 solar masses into a city-sized sphere perhaps 20 kilometers (12 miles) across.

  • Matter is packed so tightly that a sugar-cube-sized amount of material would weigh more than 1 billion tons, about the same as Mount Everest! “With neutron stars, we’re seeing a combination of strong gravity, powerful magnetic and electric fields, and high velocities.
  • They are laboratories for extreme physics and conditions that we cannot reproduce here on Earth,” says Large Area Telescope (LAT) science team member David Thompson of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md.

Most known neutron stars belong to a subclass known as pulsars. These relatively young objects rotate extremely rapidly, with some spinning faster than a kitchen blender. They beam radio waves in narrow cones, which periodically sweep across Earth like lighthouse beacons.

But as GLAST Project Scientist Steve Ritz of NASA Goddard points out, “With magnetic fields trillions of times stronger than Earth’s, pulsar magnetic fields are high-energy particle accelerators.” The magnetospheres of some pulsars accelerate particles to such high energies that they are relatively bright gamma-ray sources.

Astronomers have found less than 2,000 pulsars, yet there should be about a billion neutron stars in our Milky Way Galaxy. There are two reasons for this shortfall. One is age: most neutron stars are billions of years old, which means they have plenty of time to cool and spin down.

Without much available energy to power emissions at various wavelengths, they have faded to near invisibility. But even many young pulsars are invisible to us with radio telescopes because of their narrow lighthouse beams. “Because pulsar beams are much broader in gamma rays, GLAST will allow us to detect some of the youngest, most energetic pulsars in our galaxy,” says GLAST Interdisciplinary Scientist Stephen Thorsett of the University of California, Santa Cruz.

“Getting a much more complete sample of the Milky Way’s population of neutron stars is one of the most important ways that GLAST will advance our understanding of the life cycle of stars.” Image right: A neutron star is the dense, collapsed core of a massive star that exploded as a supernova. The neutron star contains about a Sun’s worth of mass packed in a sphere the size of a large city. Credit: NASA/Dana Berry. The EGRET instrument on NASA’s Compton Gamma-ray Observatory saw six pulsars, but the LAT has the sensitivity to find dozens or perhaps hundreds.

  1. Among these discoveries, scientists hope to find pulsars similar to Geminga, which is relatively bright in gamma rays but is strangely quiet in radio waves, perhaps because its radio beam doesn’t point toward Earth.
  2. Geminga is roughly 300,000 years old, which makes it middle-aged in the pulsar life cycle.

If it weren’t so close to Earth (about 500 light-years), EGRET would not have seen it. The LAT will be able to see much fainter pulsars, many of which will be much older than Geminga. Pulsars spin-down as they age, and this should weaken particle acceleration, which in turn should cause their gamma-ray flux to weaken.

The LAT should thus be able to tell scientists about this rate of decline, which in turn will yield precious clues about the particle-acceleration mechanism. Finding new gamma-ray pulsars will be nice, but as LAT science team member Alice Harding of NASA Goddard notes, “GLAST is really about studying the physics of these sources.” For example, GLAST will probably be able to determine whether pulsar magnetic fields are so strong that gamma-ray photons packing more than about 4 or 5 GeV of energy can transform themselves into pairs of particles and antiparticles.

EGRET observations suggest this process might be occurring in the magnetosphere of a pulsar in the constellation Vela. But EGRET did not have enough sensitivity at high gamma-ray energies to see if there is a sharp cutoff in gamma rays above 4 or 5 GeV.

  1. In the LAT’s first few months of operation, it should be able to see if the Vela pulsar exhibits this sharp cutoff — an unambiguous signature of pair production.
  2. A neutron star is the only place where we can measure this effect,” says Harding.
  3. EGRET observations showed that gamma rays dominate the total radiation emitted by young pulsars, which are rapidly spinning down.
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Moreover, EGRET data showed that variations in the high-energy gamma-ray emission probably arise from the changing view into the pulsar magnetosphere as the neutron star spins. The LAT will have the ability to map pulsar magnetospheres and provide unique information regarding the physics of the pulsed emission, and perhaps even answer the long-standing mystery of how the pulses are actually produced.

  • By monitoring the pulses of extremely fast rotators, known as millisecond pulsars, which rotate hundreds of times per second, GLAST will probably observe effects due to special relativity.
  • The pulses are so distorted by relativistic effects that we have to filter all of those out to figure out what’s really happening at the pulsar itself,” says Harding.

She notes that these observations might dispel the common “lighthouse” model of pulsars, showing that what we see is really a relativistic distortion of the pattern emitted by the pulsar. GLAST will also advance scientists’ understanding of how pulsars generate particle winds, and how these winds interact with the surrounding medium.

The LAT may find several dozen new examples of pulsar wind nebulae, and provide much more detailed observations of the only example seen by EGRET: the one surrounding the pulsar in the Crab Nebula. Virtually nothing is known about the gamma-ray emission of pulsar wind nebulae in the region between 10 and 100 GeV, and yet that might be where most of the exciting action is taking place.

The LAT will fill in that gap. GLAST’s other main instrument, the GLAST Burst Monitor (GBM), will likely pick up extremely energetic flares from neutron stars with ultrapowerful magnetic fields. These so-called magnetars occasionally unleash flares that pack more energy in a fraction of a second than the Sun will emit in tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years.

The flares are probably ignited when a massive shift in the crust (a starquake) triggers a large-scale untwisting and rearrangement of magnetic-field lines, causing them to snap and release vast amounts of pent-up magnetic energy in the form of gamma rays, X rays, and particles. But theorists lack a detailed understanding of this process.

NASA’s Swift satellite has detected several of these events, including a superflare from the magnetar SGR 1806-20 on December 27, 2004. The GBM and the LAT combined cover a much wider range of energies than Swift, so when combined with observations from other spacecraft, scientists may be able to assemble a more detailed picture of what powers these incredible outbursts.

Asked By: Thomas Butler Date: created: Aug 01 2024

How long does a neutron live

Answered By: Lewis Brooks Date: created: Aug 03 2024

Particles called neutrons are typically very content inside atoms. They stick around for billions of years and longer inside some of the atoms that make up matter in our universe. But when neutrons are free and floating alone outside of an atom, they start to decay into protons and other particles.

Their lifetime is short, lasting only about 15 minutes. Physicists have spent decades trying to measure the precise lifetime of a neutron using two techniques, one involving bottles and the other beams. But the results from the two methods have not matched: they differ by about 9 seconds, which is significant for a particle that only lives about 15 minutes.

Now, in a new study published in the journal Physical Review Letters, a team of scientists has made the most precise measurement yet of a neutron’s lifetime using the bottle technique. The experiment, known as UCNtau (for Ultra Cold Neutrons tau, where tau refers to the neutron lifetime), has revealed that the neutron lives 14.629 minutes with an uncertainty of 0.005 minutes.

  • This is a factor of two more precise than previous measurements made using either of the methods.
  • While the results do not solve the mystery of why the bottle and beam methods disagree, they bring scientists closer to an answer.
  • This new result provides an independent assessment to help settle the neutron lifetime puzzle,” says Brad Filippone, the Francis L.

Moseley Professor of Physics and a co-author of the new study. The methods continue to disagree, he explains, because either one of the methods is faulty or because something new is going on in the physics that is yet to be understood. “When combined with other precision measurements, this result could provide the much-searched-for evidence for the discovery of new physics,” he says.

The results can also help to solve other long-standing mysteries, such as how matter in our infant universe first congealed out of a hot soup of neutrons and other particles. “Once we know the neutron lifetime precisely, it can help explain how atomic nuclei formed in the early minutes of the universe,” says Filippone.

Blind Tests In 2017 and 2018, the UCNtau team performed two bottle experiments at the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). In the bottle method, free neutrons are trapped in an ultracold, magnetized bottle about the size of a bathtub, where they begin to decay into protons.

  1. Using sophisticated data analyses methods, researchers can count how many neutrons remain over time.
  2. In the beam method, a beam of neutrons decays into protons, and the protons are counted not the neutrons.) Over the span of the experiments, the UCNtau collaboration counted 40 million neutrons.
  3. To remove any possible biases in the measurements, caused by researchers consciously or unconsciously skewing results to match expected outcomes, the collaboration split into three groups that worked in a blind fashion.

One team was led by Caltech, another by Indiana University, and another by LANL. Each team was given a fake clock, so that the researchers would not actually know how much time had elapsed. “We made our clocks purposely a little off by an amount that somebody knew but then kept secret until the end of the experiment,” says co-author Eric Fries (PhD ’22), who led the Caltech team and performed the research as part of his PhD thesis.

“This makes the experiment more reliable because there’s no chance of conscious or unconscious bias in fitting the results to match the expected neutron lifetime,” adds Filippone. “Thus, we don’t know the actual lifetime until we correct for this at the very end during the ‘unblinding.'” Trapping the zippy neutrons One challenge in the study of stray neutrons is that they can easily bind to atoms, says Filippone.

He notes that atomic nuclei in the experimental apparatus can readily “eat up the neutrons like Pac-Man.” As a result, the researchers had to create a very tight vacuum in the chamber to keep out unwanted gases. They also had to dramatically slow down the neutrons so that they can be trapped by magnetic fields and counted.

  1. We have to cool these neutrons down through various steps,” says Filippone.
  2. The key step at the end is to make the neutrons interact with a solid frozen chunk of deuterium about the size of a birthday cake, which causes the neutrons to lose energy.” Once the experiments were done and the data were collected, each of the three teams used different approaches to analyze the data.

Fries and the Caltech team used machine learning methods to help count the neutrons. “The tricky part is to look at the individual data points and say, yes, that is in fact a neutron,” says Fries. When all three teams unblinded their results, they found a remarkable level of agreement.

  1. We all dealt with the data differently but came up with nearly the same answer, with differences that were less than the overall statistical error,” says Fries.
  2. In the end, the neutron lifetime was calculated to a precision better than 400 parts per million, making it the most precise result yet.
  3. Future experiments are underway to help further refine measurements made using the beam method and to ultimately determine whether systematic errors or new physics are behind the neutron-lifetime mystery.

The paper, titled, ” An improved neutron lifetime measurement with UCNtau,” was funded by the LANL, the U.S. Department of Energy, the National Science Foundation, and the National Institute of Standards and Technology.

Does a neutron decay?

Neutron Decay – Nuclei are made up of protons and neutrons. While neutrons are stable inside many nuclei, free neutrons decay with a lifetime of about 15 minutes. This makes them a radiation problem around nuclear reactors, since they can leak out of the reactor and decay. The neutron decays into a proton, an electron, and an antineutrino of the electron type, The mass of the neutron is 939.57 MeV. The proton mass is 938.28 MeV. The mass of the electron is 0.511 MeV. The mass of the electron neutrino is nearly zero. (We think its not zero but we only measure it to be small, eV.) This is a more complicated problem. Lets count variables, The three final state particles give us 9 variables with only 4 equations to solve. It is usual not to worry about the orientation of the whole decay (unless the initial state is polarized).

  • The three final state particles will lie in a plane (for neutron decay in its rest frame).
  • It takes two variables to define the orientation of the normal to the plane and the event can still be rotated inside the plane so like a rigid body, three angles are needed to describe the overall orientation of the event.
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Since the laws of physics are symmetric under these rotations, these three variables do not matter. So its fine to have 3 unknown variables at the end but here we have 5. That means we can have some kind of interesting physics in this decay (that we won’t understand here).

  • That is, the final state is not completely given by kinematics.
  • There are two variables undetermined that depend on the physics of the decay.
  • To make a problem we can solve, we ask the question “what is the maximum electron energy possible?” in this decay.
  • The maximum possible energy will occur when both the proton and neutrino recoil directly opposite the electron’s direction.

If we pick the direction of the electron (2 variables), we have a one dimensional problem with three unknown momenta and just two equations, energy conservation and momentum conservation. We will still need to maximize the electron momentum to get the answer.,, and, The three energies are. Defining all the momenta to be positive numbers, the two conservation equations are. To maximize, we must maximize, This will happen for, Then we have, The proton is highly non-relativistic ( ), so we may approximate its energy by. When the neutrino momentum is zero, the electron takes nearly all the energy available. The proton, recoiling against it, takes very little energy since it is highly nonrelativistic even though it has the same momentum as the electron. Jim Branson 2012-10-21

Asked By: Louis Coleman Date: created: Nov 12 2023

Do neutrons become protons

Answered By: Roger Miller Date: created: Nov 13 2023

Nine seconds. An eternity in some scientific experiments; an unimaginably small amount in the grand scheme of the universe. And just long enough to confound nuclear physicists studying the lifetime of the neutron. The neutron is one of the building blocks of matter, the neutral counterpart to the positive proton.

Like many other subatomic particles, the neutron doesn’t last long outside of the nucleus. Over the course of about 15 minutes, it breaks apart into a proton, an electron, and a tiny particle called an anti-neutrino. But how long the neutron takes to fall apart presents a bit of a mystery. One method measures it as 887.7 seconds, plus or minus 2.2 seconds.

Another method measures it as 878.5 seconds, plus or minus 0.8 second. At first, this difference seemed to be a matter of measurement sensitivity. It may be just that. But as scientists continue to perform a series of ever-more-precise experiments to evaluate possible issues, the discrepancy remains.

This persistence leads to the possibility that the difference is pointing to some type of unknown physics. It could be revealing an unknown process in neutron decay. Or it could be pointing to science beyond the Standard Model scientists currently use to explain all of particle physics. There are a number of phenomena that the Standard Model doesn’t fully explain and this difference could point the way towards answering those questions.

To unravel this strange disparity, the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Science is working with other federal agencies, national laboratories, and universities to nail down the duration of the neutron lifetime.

Asked By: Keith Cooper Date: created: Jul 13 2024

What was James Chadwick’s famous quote

Answered By: Jose Morgan Date: created: Jul 16 2024

‘The discovery of the neutron opened up new vistas in the realm of atomic physics.’ ‘Physics is the key to unlocking the secrets of the universe.’ ‘Science is not just a body of knowledge, it’s a way of thinking.’ ‘The pursuit of science is the pursuit of truth and understanding.’

Who isolated the neutron?

How were neutrons discovered? James Chadwick (1891-1974) was awarded with the Nobel Prize in physics in 1935 for the discovery of the neutron. (Photo: In 1932, the physicist James Chadwick conducted an experiment in which he bombarded Beryllium with alpha particles from the natural radioactive decay of Polonium.

  • The resulting radiation showed high penetration through a lead shield, which could not be explained via the particles known at that time.
  • With the postulate of an uncharged (neutral) particle, of about the same weight as a proton, however, Chadwick’s interpretation problems disappeared quite naturally.

Thus, his results could be explained within the known laws of nature, in particular with regard to energy and momentum conservation. Later experiments have confirmed the discovery, particularly impressive in connection with the discovery of nuclear fission by Meitner, Hahn and Strassmann at Christmas 1938.

How did Eugen Goldstein discover the proton?

Discovery of the Proton – In 1886, Eugene Goldstein (1850-1930) discovered evidence for the existence of this positively charged particle. Using a cathode ray tube with holes in the cathode, he noticed that there were rays traveling in the opposite direction from the cathode rays.

Asked By: Francis Henderson Date: created: Mar 10 2024

Why did scientists think the neutron existed

Answered By: Albert Scott Date: created: Mar 13 2024

Discovery of the neutron – In 1930, Walther Bothe and his collaborator Herbert Becker in Giessen, Germany found that if the energetic alpha particles emitted from polonium fell on certain light elements, specifically beryllium ( 9 4 Be ), boron ( 11 5 B ), or lithium ( 7 3 Li ), an unusually penetrating radiation was produced.

Beryllium produced the most intense radiation. Polonium is highly radioactive, producing energetic alpha radiation, and it was commonly used for scattering experiments at the time. : 99–110  Alpha radiation can be influenced by an electric field, because it is composed of charged particles. The observed penetrating radiation was not influenced by an electric field, however, so it was thought to be gamma radiation,

The radiation was more penetrating than any gamma rays known, and the details of experimental results were difficult to interpret. A schematic diagram of the experiment used to discover the neutron in 1932. At left, a polonium source was used to irradiate beryllium with alpha particles, which induced an uncharged radiation. When this radiation struck paraffin wax, protons were ejected.

  • The protons were observed using a small ionization chamber.
  • Adapted from Chadwick (1932).
  • Two years later Irène Joliot-Curie and Frédéric Joliot in Paris showed that if this unknown radiation fell on paraffin wax, or any other hydrogen -containing compound, it ejected protons of very high energy (5 MeV).

This observation was not in itself inconsistent with the assumed gamma ray nature of the new radiation, but that interpretation ( Compton scattering ) had a logical problem. From energy and momentum considerations, a gamma ray would have to have impossibly high energy (50 MeV) to scatter a massive proton.

: §1.3.1  In Rome, the young physicist Ettore Majorana declared that the manner in which the new radiation interacted with protons required a new neutral particle. On hearing of the Paris results, neither Rutherford nor James Chadwick at the Cavendish Laboratory believed the gamma ray hypothesis. Assisted by Norman Feather, Chadwick quickly performed a series of experiments showing that the gamma ray hypothesis was untenable.

The previous year, Chadwick, J.E.R. Constable, and E.C. Pollard had already conducted experiments on disintegrating light elements using alpha radiation from polonium. They had also developed more accurate and efficient methods for detecting, counting, and recording the ejected protons.

  • Chadwick repeated the creation of the radiation using beryllium to absorb the alpha particles: 9 Be + 4 He (α) → 12 C + 1 n.
  • Following the Paris experiment, he aimed the radiation at paraffin wax, a hydrocarbon high in hydrogen content, hence offering a target dense with protons.
  • As in the Paris experiment, the radiation energetically scattered some of the protons.

Chadwick measured the range of these protons, and also measured how the new radiation impacted the atoms of various gases. He found that the new radiation consisted of not gamma rays, but uncharged particles with about the same mass as the proton, These particles were neutrons.

Asked By: Joseph Anderson Date: created: Oct 30 2024

Why is the work of JJ Thomson important

Answered By: Geoffrey Scott Date: created: Oct 31 2024

In 1897 Thomson discovered the electron and then went on to propose a model for the structure of the atom. His work also led to the invention of the mass spectrograph.

Asked By: Brandon Thomas Date: created: Mar 07 2024

How did Eugen Goldstein discover the proton

Answered By: Sean Torres Date: created: Mar 09 2024

Discovery of the Proton – In 1886, Eugene Goldstein (1850-1930) discovered evidence for the existence of this positively charged particle. Using a cathode ray tube with holes in the cathode, he noticed that there were rays traveling in the opposite direction from the cathode rays.

Asked By: Jacob Price Date: created: Oct 09 2024

Why was the neutron the last particle discovered

Answered By: Jack Howard Date: created: Oct 12 2024

As the neutrons are neutral particles, the scientists were unable to observe neutrons. Therefore, its discovery came very late.