Asked By: Albert Richardson Date: created: Dec 02 2024

Who originally invented football

Answered By: Francis Ramirez Date: created: Dec 04 2024

The Birth of American Football – Early football was a hodgepodge of soccer and rugby rules played with large numbers of players attempting to advance the ball into the goal. Often referred to as “Mob Foot-ball,” the game’s violence resulted in numerous injuries.

Yale’s freshman and sophomores traditionally held a match on New Haven ‘s town green but the city banned the game in 1858, forbidding its playing in the streets or on any public square. Yale officially formed their Football Association in 1872, but in 1876, when Walter Camp started playing as a freshman, the game was still in its infancy–played under the Rugby Union rules established by the Intercollegiate Football Association.

Camp served as the team captain for three years and continued to serve for much of his later life as Yale’s unofficial coach. Camp also served as a member of the national football rules committee from 1877 until 1925 while working at the New Haven Clock Company.

A respected businessman, Walter Camp eventually ended up running the company, one of the largest manufacturers in Connecticut at the time. Walter Camp is credited with altering the rules of rugby to create the game of modern North American football we are familiar with today. The line of scrimmage, use of downs, point system, the number of players per side, and the creation of the quarterback position all stemmed from Walter Camp’s influence.

One of the highest-paid nonfiction writers of the time, Camp is also credited with the “long-term commercialization” of the sport, having written hundreds of articles and dozens of books extolling the virtues of football. In 1928 Yale erected a monument to Camp’s contribution, the Walter Camp Memorial Gateway at the Yale Bowl.

Who invented football UK or China?

According to FIFA, football was already practiced more than 2300 years ago in the city of Lin Zi as a military sport that served to train the troops and check the physical condition of the soldiers. What does CUJU mean? CU which means “to kick” and JU “a type of leather ball”. Even some emperors counted on professional teams that competed against those of prisoners and constructed soccer fields around the capital Chang’an (the present Xi’an). In the royal court they were essential in the birthday celebration. There were two forms of CUJU; Fun, it was more to demonstrate technique and dexterity.

Asked By: Jeffery Jones Date: created: Jul 09 2024

Is England the birthplace of football

Answered By: Kyle Carter Date: created: Jul 11 2024

The contemporary history: WHERE & WHEN WAS FOOTBALL INVENTED? – Football’s modern origins began in England more than 100 years ago, in 1863, Rugby football and association football, once the same thing, went their separate ways and the Football Association, the first official governing body for the sport, was established.

  • History books dictate that people having had a brilliant time kicking a ball around for thousands of years, but not all those games would be recognisable as what we consider football today.
  • But the different periods of football, or sports involving kicking a ball in more accurate terms, were all crucial to the development of the game.

Without the variation experienced over the years, we may have never had football by modern standards. The furthest back we can track football’s history is to China, as early as the third century BC, where there are mentions of a game resembling football in military manuals.

The Han Dynasty played a game called Tsu’ Chu, which involved kicking a ball through a 30-40cm opening and into what we’d now see as a goal make of canes with a net attached to it. The ball used during these games was made from leather and filled with hair and feathers. The Greek’s invented ‘Harpastum’, a game which used a ball smaller than that used in football but that had similar rules to the modern game.

Play was on a rectangular field marked by boundaries and a centre line and the aim was for one team to get the ball over their competitor’s boundary line. Based on what we know about the history of ball games where use of feet dominates, we can see clearly the affect different cultures and variations have had on the game we play today. Records show that, in 1314, the Lord Mayor of London banned football in the city due to it causing ‘chaos’. If you were caught playing the game in London, you could be imprisoned. This was elaborated on during the 100 years England and France were at war, when Kings Edward II, Richard II, Hentry IV and Henry V made the game illegal throughout the UK due to it ‘taking away focus from practising military disciplines’, which were deemed more useful.

Despite opposition for the game, football thrived in Britain from the eight to 19th centuries, however, a standardised version of the game was still a rarity as regional versions often gained favour. These different versions of the game were neatened up to eventually become association football, rugby football and Gaelic football, all of which contributed to the contemporary equivalent of the game we play today.

When thinking of the Sunday leagues we now play, the best iteration is village vs village games where villages gathered and their teams played against each other, usually on unmarked fields.

Asked By: Julian Bailey Date: created: Oct 09 2023

Did British people invent soccer

Answered By: Fred Williams Date: created: Oct 09 2023

Did England invent soccer? – England is usually credited with inventing soccer because the sport was globally formalized by them in the 19th century. Nevertheless, the Chinese were known to be the first to be kicking balls in the third century B.C. Furthermore, even though groups such as Native Americans and Indigenous Australians played similar games, soccer became popular in British schools.

Variations of the game were informally played for centuries before it became popularized in the 19th century. Different British schools at the time made their own standards of play to make it easier to hold tournaments among players who were conversant with similar rules. At the time, two sets of rules from Sheffield Football club and Cambridge University began dominating the sport.

The former allowed teams a free-kick if their competitor disobeyed the rules of play, whereas the latter penalized players who carried the ball in their hands. As soccer gained popularity over the years, several players came together in the London Football Association, which formed a set of rules in 1863 that was adopted by most clubs, even though some clubs still followed their local rules for some time.

Asked By: Angel Cook Date: created: Dec 10 2023

Did Scotland or England invent football

Answered By: Oscar Green Date: created: Dec 10 2023

Early modern history (1867–1900) – Scotland was one of the earliest modern footballing nations. The game started to become popular in the country following the development in London in 1863 of the first ever rules of association football, established by The Football Association,

Scottish football clubs started to be formed towards the end of the 1860s and 1870s, some in Glasgow introduced to a rudimentary version of the pursuit by men from Callander in Perthshire, this having its roots in traditional Handsel Monday holiday mass-participation games (which also led to the formation of some rugby clubs as efforts were made to formalise the rules of these chaotic events).

Queen’s Park was Scotland’s first football club, founded in 1867. It is the oldest existing football club outside England. In the late 1860s football rules in Scotland still allowed the ball to be handled by all the outfield players, as well as the goalkeeper, whereas in England only the keeper was permitted to handle the ball and then only in his own area.

  • According to the Scotsman newspaper of 2 December 1872,at that time there were only about ten football clubs in Scotland.
  • Even as late as 1870, football was an unfamiliar sport in Scotland.
  • In that year, C.W.
  • Alcock ‘s received no response to his challenges issued in Scottish newspapers, including the Glasgow Herald, for homegrown contenders to face an English eleven.

One response to Alcock’s challenges illustrates that football was eclipsed in Scotland by other codes: “Mr Alcock’s challenge to meet a Scotch eleven on the borders sounds very well and is doubtless well meant. But it may not be generally well known that Mr Alcock is a very leading supporter of what is called the “association game”.

  • Devotees of the “association” rules will find no foemen worthy of their steel in Scotland”.
  • Between 1870 and 1872, a series of six matches between representatives of England and Scotland took place at The Oval, London,
  • Robert Smith of Queen’s Park played in the international matches against England of 19 November 1870, 25 February 1871 and 18 November 1871.

The Queen’s Park football club players R. Smith and J. Smith were named amongst 16 selected players in the publicity for the February 1872 match, and the reason for their absence is not clear. These early matches were organised under the auspices of the Football Association, but are not currently recognised by FIFA (founded 1904) as official internationals, although the Scotsman newspaper certainly identified them as ” international in character.” Alcock was categorical that although most players were London based, this was due to lack of response from north of the border: “I must join issue with your correspondent in some instances.

First, I assert that of whatever the Scotch eleven may have been composed the right to play was open to every Scotchman whether his lines were cast North or South of the Tweed and that if in the face of the invitations publicly given through the columns of leading journals of Scotland the representative eleven consisted chiefly of Anglo-Scotians,

the fault lies on the heads of the players of the north, not on the management who sought the services of all alike impartially. To call the team London Scotchmen contributes nothing. The match was, as announced, to all intents and purposes between England and Scotland”.

  1. Alcock decided “in order to further the interests of the Association in Scotland, it was decided that during the current season, a team should be sent to Glasgow to play a match v Scotland The first official (i.e.
  2. Currently recognised by FIFA) international match would take place between Scotland and England on 30 November 1872, played under the Football Association rules.

This match is, however, not the origin of the blue Scotland shirt, for contemporary reports of the earlier (5 February 1872) rugby international at the Oval clearly stated that “the scotch were easily distinguishable by their uniform of blue jerseys.

the jerseys having the thistle embroidered” The thistle had been worn previously in the 1871 rugby international The match itself illustrated the advantage gained by the Queens Park players “through knowing each others’ play ” as all came from the same club. Contemporary match reports clearly show dribbling play by both the English and the Scottish sides, for example: “The Scotch now came away with a great rush, Leckie and others dribbling the ball so smartly that the English lines were closely besieged and the ball was soon behind”, “Weir now had a splendid run for Scotland into the heart of his opponents’ territory.

” and “Kerr. closed the match by the most brilliant run of the day, dribbling the ball past the whole field” Scotland nearly won but a Robert Leckie shot landed on the tape crossbar and the game finished 0-0. Although the Scottish team are acknowledged to have worked better together during the first half, the contemporary account in the Scotsman newspaper acknowledges that in the second half England played similarly: “During the first half of the game the English team did not work so well together, but in the second half they left nothing to be desired in this respect.

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There is no specific description of a passing manoeuvre in the lengthy contemporary match reports, although two weeks’ later The Graphic reported ” seem to be adepts at passing the ball”. There is no evidence in the article that the author attended the match, as the reader is clearly pointed to match descriptions in “sporting journals”.

Similarly, the 5 March 1872 match between Wanderers and Queen’s Park contains no evidence of ball passing This contemporary evidence suggests that the origin of the short passing game lies in the mid-1870s. In the next international in 1873 Scotland lost away to England in London, but in 1874 Scotland had their first international victory, beating England 4–2 in Glasgow.

  1. For his part, Alcock continued to pursue players from “north of the Tweed “, inviting them in papers such as the Scotsman to contact(for example) A F Kinnaird “.
  2. At this time, however, it was difficult for players to travel far for matches and even in the 1873 game, only three Scottish players were not drawn from English clubs.

In 1875, the two nations drew again, but after this there followed a period of Scottish dominance for the following ten years, with only one defeat against the English. Association football quickly became the most popular sport in Scotland, particularly in Glasgow and the west.

The Scottish Cup was established in 1873, making it the second oldest football cup competition in the world. The Scottish Cup quickly grew to be a significantly larger tournament in terms of number of entrants than the FA Cup, with he early editions of the tournament dominated by Queen’s Park and Vale of Leven, with the two teams winning the first nine editions.

The Scottish Football Association was formed in 1873 and is the second oldest in the world, and the oldest national association.

Did England call football soccer first?

Did you know that the term ‘soccer’ actually came from Britain? Monday, September 25, 2023 | The term “soccer” actually came from Britain and Americans use it to differentiate from American “football.” As the World Cup continues in Qatar, people around the world are disputing whether the sport should be called “football” or “soccer” in the United States.

Did Henry VIII invent football?

Who invented football and was it created in England or Scotland? –

  • Early versions of football existed as far back as 2500 BC – with Ancient Greeks, Romans and Chinese all playing versions of the beautiful game.
  • Henry VIII even owned a pair of football boots – although the goals in his day could be as far as three MILES apart, and it was played with a pig’s bladder.
  • The game modernised in public schools like Eton, with head teachers standardising pitch sizes and codifying the rules.
  • The Scots then went a step further in 1867, outlawing rugby-style tackles and introducing passing as we know it today.
  • It soon spread around the world, and went truly global when Fifa was formed in Paris in 1904.
  • The was held in Uruguay in 1930.

2 Three Lions has inadvertently become England’s unofficial World Cup song this year Credit: PA: Press Association

Where is the birthplace of football?

Roots in soccer and rugby – Gridiron football was the creation of elite American universities, a fact that has shaped its distinctive role in American culture and life. After several decades of informal, student-organized games that were tolerated by faculty as an alternative to more destructive rowdiness, the first intercollegiate football game was played on November 6, 1869, in New Brunswick, New Jersey, between in-state rivals Princeton and Rutgers according to rules adapted from those of the London Football Association.

This soccer-style game became the dominant form as Columbia, Cornell, Yale, and a few other colleges in the Northeast took up the sport in the early 1870s, and in 1873 representatives from Princeton, Yale, and Rutgers met in New York City to found the Intercollegiate Football Association and to adopt a common code.

Conspicuously missing was Harvard, the country’s premier university, whose team insisted on playing the so-called ” Boston Game,” a cross between soccer and rugby. In May 1874, in the second of two matches with McGill University of Montreal (the first was played by the rules of the Boston Game), Harvard’s players were introduced to the rugby game and immediately preferred it to their own.

When was the real football invented?

While I was watching a game today, I heard a debate between an American and an Englishman as to which country’s national sport, “football”, is the true football. It got quite heated at one stage, and it was clear both men were fighting for their national pride, as if the ownership of this one word actually meant something.

Of course, I stood nearby smiling to myself. I just couldn’t bring myself to step in and tell them that in fact, they were both wrong. I knew that neither American football or English Association football (called soccer in the US), are truer, because neither are, in fact, football. At least in the original meaning.

The word “football” can be traced back to medieval England, but it didn’t become a recognised sport until the rise of public schools rules which began to be established in the 1600s onwards. By the 19th Century, two schools of thought had developed regarding the way the game should be taught to youngsters in public schools.

Some schools, such as Eton, believed that the “football” should be kept away from the hands, while others, like the school at Rugby, thought that it should be mainly carried. At the time, it was perfectly fine for someone to pick up a ball and run with it, even among the schools that thought it was best to kick instead.

The “handball” rule in modern soccer didn’t develop until 1857—with the introduction of the Sheffield Rules, developed by the earliest professional soccer club, Sheffield FC, to set the game aside from the public school game. The Sheffield Rules set the standard for an early form of soccer-type football, while the public schools continued to teach the rules that would eventually become modern rugby football.

  • While this was all going on in England, American schools were also developing their own rules of the same game played across the Atlantic, which the British and European migrants had brought with them.
  • By the 19th Century in North America, schools were playing variants of the early rugby game, alongside the early kicking game of English schools.

Modern American football was established in 1874, during a game between Harvard and the McGill University of Montreal. The story goes that McGill played a rugby form of football, while Harvard played the Boston Game, similar to Sheffield Rules but without the rule against handling the ball.

They adapted the rules so that both teams could play a fair system during the game, and created the earliest form of American football rules, which Harvard then passed on to other American colleges, leading to the rise of college football. So in reality, there’s no such thing as a definitive “football”.

American football is no less football than soccer. They all have the same roots and grew out of the same process like sports evolution. If only those two idiots had known that.

Who created football or soccer?

Soccer’s ancient origins – The to get their kicks by kicking balls into nets for sport in the third century B.C., and the game known globally as football was formalized in England in the 19th century. But the predecessor of most modern ball games can be found in the Americas.(,) “The idea of the team sport was invented in Mesoamerica,” says, a professor of the history of art at Yale University who has studied extensive evidence of the sport.

In Mesoamerica, the vast historical region spanning from Mexico to Costa Rica, civilizations flourished well before Columbus “discovered” them, and many of these people played a sport that involved a heavy ball made from a substance derived from tree resin. It’s unclear exactly where the game was invented, but it was popular across Mesoamerican cultures like the Teotihuacanos, Aztecs, and beginning about 3,000 years ago.

Its name varied— ullamaliztli in Aztec, pok-ta-pok or pitz in Maya. So did its rules, which included moves such as keeping the ball in play by bumping it with body parts or using racquets or bats.(.) Many of these games were played with 16-pound rubber balls, which still exist in the archaeological record.

  1. Other evidence of game play ranges from ceramic vessels to more than 1,300 large that can be found across the region.
  2. Aztec players bounced the ball back and forth between teams using only their hips and buttocks (feet or hands were off limits).
  3. They tried to hit the back wall of their opponents’ courts with just one bounce, often sustaining life-threatening injuries when they were hit with the hard, heavy ball.

If a player managed to get it into a high ring on the opposing team’s side, it was an automatic win—and a major honor for the winner. Ancient Maya 101 With their impressive city structures and advanced astronomical understanding, the Maya civilization once dominated Mesoamerica.

Asked By: Howard Washington Date: created: Jan 22 2025

Did the Italians invent football

Answered By: Simon Powell Date: created: Jan 22 2025

‘Football: invented in England in 19th Century,’ followed by, ‘Calcio Storico: invented in Florence 16th Century’.

Is football Chinese or English?

Image source, Getty Images When England hosted the European Championship 20 years ago, the anthem of the home team – also a number one single – had the catchy chorus “It’s coming home football’s coming home.” But China can also claim to be the home of football, explains Michael Wood.

Chinese President Xi Jinping is famously a football fan – Manchester United, as it happens – and on his visit in October to Manchester City’s Etihad Stadium, one subject that cropped up was the Chinese invention of football. This might have been a surprise to Gary Neville, Mike Summerbee, and the other one-time stars of the game who met Xi, but it was acknowledged by Kevin Moore, director of the National Football Museum.

“While England is the birthplace of the modern game as we know it, we have always acknowledged that the origins of the game lie in China,” said Moore, as he showed Xi and Prime Minister David Cameron round the museum. But how much of the game did China invent? Image source, Getty Images Image caption, A player in traditional cuju clothes at Linzi Football Museum in Shandong, China England has had few football highlights since Wembley 1966, but we have always comforted ourselves that we invented the game that is now played all over the world.

  • Sheffield FC, the world’s oldest club still playing, was the first to lay down rules in 1858 – you could still use your hands then, and that became Australian Rules football when exported down under.
  • Then through the 1860s the game swiftly evolved to the one we have today: no catching, 11 a side, corners and penalties, then the 90 minutes.

The rest is history. But what about football much further back in China? All human societies play games. Kicking a ball is probably ubiquitous whether just a ball of cloth, or a skin stuffed with feathers or filled with air. But complex games and team sports have tended to arise in big civilisations – the higher the cultural level of a society, the greater the complexity of interaction, and hence perhaps the more complex the forms of sport.

  • This is not always the case.
  • The ancient Greeks for example preferred individual not team sports.
  • One of my Greek friends was only half joking when he expressed amazement when they won the 2004 Euros: “I never knew you could get 11 Greeks to actually play together like that!” Michael Wood explores the stories, people and landscapes that have helped create China’s distinctive character over 4,000 years.

Watch episode two, Silk Roads and China Ships, on Thursday 28 January at 21:00 on BBC2 Viewers in the UK can watch the first episode, Ancestors, on the BBC iPlayer But in China for well over 2,000 years, they have played the game of “kickball” – cuju, pronounced tsoo-joo,

  1. Today spelled zuqiu, it’s still the word used for football.
  2. The heyday of Chinese football was in the Song Dynasty, from 960 to 1279AD.
  3. Ickball then was part of the wider urban culture of entertainment, sports, leisure and pleasure and there were different forms.
  4. In one version the idea was to keep the ball in the air as long as possible, but there were also competitive team games in which the idea was to get a ball into a goal.
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Such a game, played by professionals, is described in a famous book, The Splendours of the Eastern Capital, about life in the capital, Kaifeng, in about 1120. Kickball clubs had managers, trainers, and captains, and in recent fascinating research, German scholar Hans Ulrich Vogel has turned up club handbooks that show what kickballing life was like then.

  • The members were often young men from wealthy families, though there were also itinerant professional kickballers, whom you could stick in your team as sleepers.
  • Image source, Alamy Image caption, The Song Emperor Taizu played kickball Cuju was played as entertainment at court banquets or the reception of foreign envoys.

Even emperors played kickball. There’s a Song Dynasty painting of the Emperor Taizu himself apparently playing keepy-uppy, surrounded by beefy courtiers. Or are they kickball stars, like David Beckham on a photo op with Prince Charles today? So what about the rules? In the Song Dynasty they had printed books like The Illustrated Rules of Kickball by Wang Yuncheng.

  1. This talks about two main forms of the game, one with and one without a goal.
  2. The goal was about 10m high, with a net of coloured rope, and in the middle a hole one foot in diameter.
  3. The two teams wore different strips, for example all red v all green.
  4. Captains wore hats decorated with little stiffened wings – the equivalent of the captain’s armband today.

Other players wore hats with curling wings. One team began by passing the ball around until the “assistant ball leader” finally passed it to the “ball leader” or “goal shooter” who shot at the hole in the goal’s netting. The other team then took up the ball and started its own round in the same way.

  • There were no goalkeepers.
  • The team that got the most goals won.
  • Successful kicks were rewarded with drum rolls, pennants and wine – maybe something the Premier League should consider? Image source, Alamy Image caption, Model of traditional cuju at the Linzi Football Museum in China It all sounds a bit static compared with watching Neymar and Messi, and as you’d expect in a Confucian society, kickball clubs were keen on the key virtues of benevolence and courtesy.

A great player was one who embodied “the spirit of the game”. The “Ten Essentials of Kickball” included respect for other players, courtesy and team spirit. There was to be no un-gentlemanly behaviour, no dangerous play, and no hogging the ball. In other words, as we used to say, “Play up and play the game.” What a contrast with the ancient Greek athletes where only victory counted and if that needed gamesmanship, or brutal professional fouls, then so be it.

  • Some top players became rich and famous, and great kickball players and their teams were invited to take part in imperial celebrations.
  • We even know the names of the star players.
  • Media caption, How football has evolved since the Song Dynasty But it wasn’t chiefly about fame or money.
  • Handbooks praise the positive effects of the game.

Kickball “promotes happiness” and is “an example to rowdy youths”. “It strengthens the body, supports the digestion and helps combat obesity.” It also “releases tension, raises the spirits, and helps you forget the daily grind” – a feeling anyone will know who has played football at whatever level, even in the park or on the school field.

Women were also enthusiastic fans. A 9th Century poem describes the kickball performance of Li Guangyan, a chancellor and general in his day job. “Quick as a monkey on the ballfield, with a falcon’s grace / Three thousand ladies tilted their heads to watch him / Trampling shiny earrings as they crowded for a view / Standards bobbed and waved, banners flashed and shone.” It could be George Best in his prime! But as Vogel shows, women played too.

An illustration shows a couple playing kickball in a garden, the lady with her hair pinned up out of the way, garments flying. One gossip writer of the Tang dynasty (618-907AD) tells the story of three teenage girls in shabby clothes and wooden slippers standing under a tree while some soldiers were playing kickball nearby.

  • The ball rolled towards one of the girls who “calmly extended her leg, controlled the ball on her toe, and then powerfully kicked it back in a high arc”.
  • A full-on game then ensued, to the delight of onlookers.
  • Bend it like Guangyan! So can we say football originated in China? Well it’s true that the Chinese had clubs, rules, and fans more than 1,000 years ago.

But the various versions of kickball were a long way from modern football as defined in Sheffield in the 1860s. It was the British codifying of the rules that made association football the world’s game, the sport of the people, not just of the toffs. So maybe we should stick to calling the Chinese version “kickball”? Xi Jinping has said his big ambition is for China to get a team to the World Cup, then to host it, and then eventually to win it.

Certainly they have a far better claim than some recent hosts (let alone Qatar). And of course with their fantastic infrastructure, and their huge fan base, I have no doubt China could put on a great World Cup. As for winning it, well that will take longer. The standard of Chinese football in my experience is not yet high enough.

But given the Chinese ability to learn, their willingness to invest in grassroots sport, and their sheer drive – don’t bet against it! And if they do, maybe we could pardon them for reversioning England’s Euro 96 anthem. Zuqiu hui jia le! – Football’s Coming Home.

Is China the birthplace of football?

Soccer or ‘footy’ as the Chinese call it dates back to the Ming dynasty and came from the same Chinese province as rugby and cricket. Officially, according to FIFA, China invented football (cuju in Mandarin) in about the 2nd or 3rd century BCE. England invented the modern rules of the game in the 19th century.

What is the oldest sport?

Wrestling – Wrestling is considered to be the oldest sport in the world. We know this because of a set of famous cave paintings in Lascaux, France, dating back 15,300 years ago which depict wrestlers. And it wasn’t just in France either; paintings with illustrated wresters have been found in caves all over the world, from 7000 BC in Mongolia, from 6000 BC in Libya and in prehistoric caves in Japan.

Asked By: Jesse Green Date: created: Jul 14 2024

Is football British or American

Answered By: Edward Davis Date: created: Jul 16 2024

The word soccer is common in the US but has its origins in 19th century It is an abbreviation of ‘asoccer’, which itself stems from association football Asoccer was used to differentiate from the full name of rugby – rugby football This was shortened to soccer and quickly spread across the UK and then to US Term became less popular in Britain in the second half of the 20th century

Published: 16:01 BST, 25 November 2022 | Updated: 16:29 BST, 25 November 2022 It has long been one of the more minor dividing lines between Britain and the US: in the UK we say football and in America they say soccer. But whilst the word soccer is dominant across the pond, it is – like the beautiful game itself – very much British in origin.

  1. The rules of the sport were written down by the newly formed Football Association in 1863, with their version of the sport becoming ‘Association Football’.
  2. But at the same time, the game of rugby – its full name rugby football – was blossoming after beginning in the 1840s at the famous English private school of the same name.

Sheffield Football Club is the oldest in the world, having been formed in 1857. Above: The team in its founding year To differentiate between the two, the game played under the FA’s rules became association football. But in the 1880s, Oxford University students then used the terms ‘rugger’ and ‘assoccer’ to differentiate between the two sports, before the latter term was shortened to soccer.

The new name quickly did spread far beyond Oxford and was widely recognised in England through the 20th century. Meanwhile, in the US, the sport of gridiron football – which borrowed elements from both rugby and football emerged in the late 19th century. With most people in the US branding American Football as simply ‘football’, association football players in the US adopted soccer for their sport, and that name quickly spread.

In the US, the sport of gridiron football – which borrowed elements from both rugby and football emerged in the late 19th century. With most people branding American Football as simply ‘football’, association football players in the US adopted soccer for their sport, and that name quickly spread The word soccer was popular in Britain from the late 19th century until it began declining in the latter half of the 20th century.

  • Above: England’s players on the pitch after their semi-final victory over Portugal at the 1966 World Cup But back in the UK, by the 1980s the term had fallen out of common usage to describe football – in part because it had become so synonymous with the United States.
  • Soccer is also more common in nations that have sports sharing the football name – such as in Australia, Canada and Ireland.

Writing in 2014, University of Michigan academic Professor Stefan Szymanski explained the origins of the word soccer. He had analysed the usage of the word compared to football from 1900 onwards. He wrote in his paper: ‘It appears that as the popularity of soccer has grown in the US, the word has been used less and less.

  • Referee Gottfried Dienst, of Switzerland, tosses the coin before the start of the World Cup final at Wembley between England and West Germany ””Association football” became “soccer” in America, and what was called “gridiron” in Britain became simply “football” in America.
  • ‘Since 1980 the usage of the word “soccer” has declined in British publications, and where it is used, it usually refers to an American context,’ the researchers said.

‘This decline seems to be a reaction against the increased usage in the US which seems to be associated with the highpoint of the NASL around 1980.’ However, the researcher admitted the problem of two names may need to be addressed at some point ‘With soccer growing in popularity in the US and the rest of the world stridently insisting the word soccer is not football, it would appear that some kind of resolution will eventually be required,’ he added.

Did England always call it football?

The slang term ‘soccer’ fell out of use in the U.K. in the mid-20th century, in favor of ‘football.’

Did England invent any sports?

I Love Sport – I love watching sport. Over the weekend I sat down to watch the opening weekend of the Rugby Union Six Nations tournament, It is one of the oldest international sporting competitions in the world and sees England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, France, and Italy compete to become the champion.

  • Before Christmas I watched as many games as possible during the football World Cup.
  • Before that I watched the Rugby League World Cup which took place in the UK.
  • Over Christmas I enjoyed watching professional darts.
  • And in the summer, I like to watch the tennis at Wimbledon.
  • I’m a big fan of boxing – from the professional heavyweights to amateur fights in the Olympics.

Speaking of the Olympics, I happily watch Olympic sports like rowing and badminton. And during the Winter Olympics I become a big fan of curling and downhill skiing. My grandfather watches even more sport than I do. He’ll spend his days watching sports like cricket, golf, and snooker.

Which man invented soccer?

Who invented soccer? – The modern game of soccer as we know it today started in England in the 19th century with the foundation of the Football Association. In its early days, soccer suffered from a lack of formalization, as many teams played by different rules.

So in 1983, The FA’s founding members came together with the aim of creating a unified set of rules that would be used by all teams. Some of the most important rules that were introduced included the banning of players from carrying the ball and the introduction of the offside rule. A key figure in the history of soccer is Ebenezer Cobb Morley, known as the “father of soccer”.

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He was the founder of Barnes FC and its captain for many years and he played a crucial role in creating the first official rules which transformed soccer into the game we all know today.

Was football invented in London?

Who Invented Soccer? – You’ll see later on in this article that football has been around for centuries; whether it’s cavemen kicking a rock to each other, medieval villages fighting each other for possession of a pig’s bladder, or citizens of Elizabethan England running around a muddy bog (football was mentioned in two William Shakespeare plays, King Lear and A Comedy of Errors), the desire to kick a ball has been expressed by humanity for further back than historians can trace.

  • However, the transition from folk games (like the ones mentioned above) into modern soccer came during the mid-late 1800s at England’s public schools, where the Laws of the Game were first officially written down.
  • This set of rules, which was in part established as a way of confining the sport to these institutions and excluding outsiders, was laid out by the inaugural English Football Association, to establish a set of laws that could be followed by those playing football at elite educational institutions across the country (up until the establishment of these Laws, different cities, regions and clubs across the country played using a wide array of different rules and regulations).

The invention of football can’t be accurately attributed to any one individual; however, one name that repeatedly crops up as possibly the most important architect of association football is Ebenezer Morley, a solicitor from Hull who lived in south-west London and is broadly seen as the ‘father’ of the English Football Association.

What sport did the British invent?

Soccer, cricket, tennis, golf : These sports were invented in Britain and play a major role in the nation’s culture today.

Asked By: Jonathan Allen Date: created: Mar 07 2024

Did England or Scotland invent football

Answered By: David Foster Date: created: Mar 10 2024

What was a nightmare scenario for many Scots finally came to pass on Wednesday night when England defeated Denmark to reach the final of Euro 2020. They will play Italy in that final on Sunday night at 8pm, and before then, and probably for years afterward should they win, we will be told that football is coming home or that football has come home.

Except that anyone who has a degree of objectivity and knowledge of the history of football knows that England has only a slight claim to be the “home” of football. THEY DID INVENT FOOTBALL DIDN’T THEY? No, that was probably the ancient Chinese, and there are records of football-type games being played in many countries around the globe for centuries before the English claimed to be the inventors of association football or soccer as the sport is also known.

Yes, England had various forms of football from the Middle Ages onwards and Ireland developed its own version called caid, but the problem was that nobody had written down rules that could be observed by all players. Scotland’s own versions of football were written into history, with the Scottish Parliament banning it in 1457 – “And at ye futebawe and ye golf be uterly cryt done and not usyt” said the Act, brought in because King James II feared the Scots were not practising archery enough.

  1. The oldest football in the world dates from the 16th century and was found in Stirling Castle.
  2. Intriguingly, in 1636 a Latin primer, Vocabula, was published by teacher David Wedderburn in Aberdeen.
  3. Translated, one passage reads: “Start the game by kicking the ball.
  4. Strike it here.
  5. You guard the goal.
  6. If you can, seize the ball from him.

Come on, block him. Retrieve the ball. Kick it back.” Scholars still argue about that passage and what it described. There’s no doubt that the original rules of Association Football were conceived and written in England, with the rules drawn up at Cambridge University being influential before the Football Association was founded in 1863, largely to formulate 13 rules or laws for the sport.

The rival Sheffield association had its own rules and gradually the laws were agreed upon but it took the involvement of the other associations in these islands to finalise them. Which is why to this day the laws of football are decided by the International Football Association Board which consists of representatives from the four Home Associations and four from world governing body FIFA.

Scotland’s footballers adopted the laws but were already developing their own way of playing football which emphasised passing rather than the dribbling game preferred by the English. SO ARE YOU SAYING SCOTLAND INVENTED MODERN FOOTBALL? Yes. Football as we know it is a passing game, and Ged O’Brien, former curator of the Scottish Football Museum, has proven categorically that the passing game was developed here in Scotland and exported to England and elsewhere.

  • Glasgow and what is now West Dunbartonshire – Dumbarton, Renton, Alexandria Athletic and Vale of Leven were all top clubs – were the cradles of the sort of football which is now played worldwide.
  • Scotland saw football as a team game and practised it, England viewed training as cheating, and of course professionalism was not allowed at first.

England’s FA Cup was the first national tournament of any kind, but the Scottish Cup remains the oldest football trophy in the world. WHO WERE THE FIRST DOMINANT INTERNATIONAL SIDE? Scotland, no question. The first international fixture was a 0-0 draw between Scotland and England in Glasgow in 1872. In 1884, Scotland won the first Home International Championship beating the other three countries by a total of ten goals to one. Scotland won three of the first four championships outright and shared the other with England. WHO WERE THE FIRST WORLD CLUB CHAMPIONS? Hibs and Renton.

The latter side were first to be formally declared the world club champions as they were the Scottish Cup holders who beat the English cup winners West Bromwich Albion 4-1 at Hampden Park – the stadium which at one time held all the world attendance records and still holds most European attendance records – on May 19, 1888.

That was the year that Celtic signed Renton’s captain James Kelly and with the advent of professionalism the Parkhead club became the world’s most successful team in the 1890s in terms of revenue earned. HOW DID SCOTLAND INFLUENCE FOOTBALL WORLDWIDE? Once professionalism was allowed from 1885 onwards, Scots flooded south to play for English clubs and it was a Scottish draper, William McGregor, who in 1888 largely founded the Football League, the first such league anywhere. In his book Being a Scot, written with Murray Grigor, no less a person than the late Sir Sean Connery (above) told how three Scots, Charles Miller, Archie McLean and Jock Hamilton introduced the Scottish game to Brazil in the early 20th century. John Harley, a Glasgow engineer, did the same for Uruguay, the first World Cup winners, and Glasgow teacher Alexander Watson is still revered as the Father of Argentinian Soccer.

John Madden of Celtic was the first coach of teams in Czechoslovakia and the German Bundesliga is derived from a league founded by George Smith MacGregor. Yes, England sent out many missionaries to spread the football gospel, but Scots played an inordinate role in the development of football globally.

At the very least the claim should be made that the UK as a whole is the home of football, but you won’t hear many English people saying that, not even the most devout Unionists among them. SO WHO SHOULD YES SUPPORTERS ROOT FOR ON SUNDAY NIGHT? England, obviously.

Asked By: Miles Bell Date: created: Dec 19 2024

Which came first British or American football

Answered By: Adrian Hayes Date: created: Dec 19 2024

Which is oldest: American football, English football, or rugby? Welcome to FunTrivia’s Question & Answer forum! Search All Questions Please cite any factual claims with citation links or references from authoritative sources. Editors continuously recheck submissions and claims. Question #40715. Asked by, Last updated Aug 22 2016, Related Trivia Topics: English Football.

The game of football generally flourished in England from around the 8th Century onwards. The game was incredibly popular with the working classes and there were considerable regional variations of the game throughout the country. Games were normally violent and disorganised affairs with any number of players – it was not uncommon for 1000 people to play in a single game.

By the 11th Century, games were often played between rival villages and the ‘pitch’ could be an incredibly large area. The ‘pitch’ was not a defined size with a parameter, but included streets, fields, village squares and anything else that got in the way! The level of violence within the game was astonishing.

  1. Players were kicked and punched regularly by opponents.
  2. In addition to any personal injury that occurred, countless property items were destroyed in the course of a match.
  3. Fields were often ruined, as were fences and hedges.
  4. Damage also occurred to people’s houses and businesses within the main streets of the village (or wherever the game travelled in its course).

Response last updated by postcards2go on Aug 22 2016. Nov 03 2003, 3:32 PM With its origins dating back to the 17th century, American football is clearly the oldest sport. Archaeologists have unearthed the remains of early football fields in the areas surrounding Plymouth, Massachusettes, with definable end-zone markings and even a crude referee’s whistle! There is profound evidence that after the very first Thanksgiving meal, the early settlers and the Indians engaged in a rousing game of touch football, with the Indians emerging victorious after kicking a late field goal and then just running down the clock.

  • In 1773, the First Continental Congress convened in Philadelphia to discuss, among other things, George II’s outrageous “Pigskin Tax”, which of course led to the “Pigskin Uprising” of 1774, where angry Americans, dressed as linesmen, looted the Boston homes of British aristocracy.
  • No one was hurt, but the marauders woke everybody up and left some cigarette burns in the sofas.

Nov 03 2003, 3:38 PM English football can be traced to the 12th century. American football emerged about the middle of the 19th century. About 1865 the game began to be played in American colleges. The first intercollegiate game was played in November, 1869, between Rutgers and Princeton.

Rutgers won 6 to 4. In England, football (English) and rugby became two separate entities after 1823. Response last updated by postcards2go on Aug 22 2016. Nov 03 2003, 6:41 PM Shrovetide football matches were played in England well prior to the Norman conquest (1066) and so I’m not sure how Doug’s 17th century comes even close ! I live only a few miles from Ashbourne where this is still played every Easter and is probably the most famous, having royal assent, and the oldest of similar events.

Nov 04 2003, 5:26 AM Marn-Grook, the ball game of the Australian Aboriginals, is far older than all of these sports. Australian Rules Football is the modern successor to this ancient game. Marn-Grook may be more than 10,000m years old. Jul 23 2006, 8:18 PM Yeh also and the fact that henry the VIII played football in the 15th century (1526).

Asked By: Adam Perez Date: created: Jan 01 2024

Did Henry VIII invent football

Answered By: Martin Williams Date: created: Jan 04 2024

Who invented football and was it created in England or Scotland? –

  • Early versions of football existed as far back as 2500 BC – with Ancient Greeks, Romans and Chinese all playing versions of the beautiful game.
  • Henry VIII even owned a pair of football boots – although the goals in his day could be as far as three MILES apart, and it was played with a pig’s bladder.
  • The game modernised in public schools like Eton, with head teachers standardising pitch sizes and codifying the rules.
  • The Scots then went a step further in 1867, outlawing rugby-style tackles and introducing passing as we know it today.
  • It soon spread around the world, and went truly global when Fifa was formed in Paris in 1904.
  • The was held in Uruguay in 1930.

2 Three Lions has inadvertently become England’s unofficial World Cup song this year Credit: PA: Press Association