Asked By: Evan Kelly Date: created: Aug 31 2024

How is Penny related to the first Top Gun

Answered By: Jackson Mitchell Date: created: Sep 03 2024

Penny Benjamin’s ex-husband is left pretty mysterious in Top Gun: Maverick, but a new theory states that she could have been married to someone big. Top Gun: Maverick ‘s Penny Benjamin (Jennifer Connelly) is a big part of the sequel but there’s a hidden Top Gun 1986 connection that suggests a history with another character from the original. Before being the central love interest in Top Gun: Maverick, Penny is actually mentioned in the original Top Gun, being one of Maverick’s former love interests.

  • However, a new theory posits that Penny’s ex-husband might be a character from the original movie as well.
  • Top Gun: Maverick doesn’t give many details on Penny’s past, only mentioning that she is no longer married, which could mean anything.
  • However, given her proximity to the TOPGUN program, it wouldn’t be surprising if Top Gun: Maverick ‘s Penny Benjamin was married to someone that Maverick knows.

Top Gun: Maverick sees the return of Lt. Pete “Maverick” Mitchell to the Navy’s TOPGUN program as an instructor. The film has many of the same elements audiences loved about the first film, featuring action, drama, laughs, and romance. Maverick’s new love interest is Penny Benjamin, a single mother who owns a bar that caters to Navy sailors.

Why did Maverick go see Penny in his dress whites?

You are here: Home / Re-caps (spoiler warning!) / I feel the need, the need for speed (writing): my Top Gun — Maverick plot summary So busy muttering “oh my god!” as Maverick’s plane emerged from under one of his pilots during the dogfight training that you missed some of the plot? Maybe, like my 10 year old, you had your hands over your eyes during “the kissing bit”? Check out my plot re-cap below.

  1. If you’re after my five-star review, it’s here,
  2. Or check out my article Old Relics assemble! Age and obsolescence in Top Gun Maverick ) Peter “Maverick” Mitchell is living in a hanger in the desert and working as a US Navy test pilot.
  3. He’s part of a project testing a prototype warplane designed to reach speeds of Mach 10, but on arriving to complete the Mach 9 test is informed that Admiral Cain (“the Drone Ranger”) is coming over that day to shut them down.

Maverick decides to take the plane up before Cain arrives, and test it to Mach 10, their contract completion speed. Taking off, he flies directly over the newly-arrived Cain. Maverick takes it to Mach 9 then Mach 10 then up to 10.4. The plane can’t cope with the stresses placed on it at that speed, and it spirals down out of the sky.

  1. He ejects out of shot, and we then see him walking into a diner, unaware how far he has travelled.
  2. Where am I?” he asks the bemused clientele.
  3. Earth” replies a suitably impressed small boy.
  4. Admiral Cain is unimpressed with Maverick’s way of doing things, seeing him as old hat.
  5. Soon pilots won’t be necessary at all.

“The future is coming and you’re not in it”, he tells Maverick brusquely. “The end is inevitable, Maverick. Your kind is heading for extinction”. “Maybe so sir”, replies Maverick, “but not today”. Still, Cain informs Maverick he’s been summoned back to the Top Gun academy on North Island.

It later transpires Iceman, now Admiral of the Pacific Fleet, has been saving Maverick’s bacon throughout his career. Maverick is still a captain, as he doesn’t want to be promoted to a desk job, but he’s also a pain in the ass for many in the US Navy.) Arriving at North Island, he meets with Admirals Simpson and Bates.

Admiral Simpson is particularly unimpressed with him, and makes it clear he’s only been brought in because Iceman, whom Simpson hugely admires, requested it. Maverick is to do this job — his last one — or he’s out now. Maverick is told about the mission he’ll be working on: to destroy an enemy nation’s in-progress uranium enrichment facility that on completion would threaten the US’s regional allies.12 top US pilots have been chosen, to be whittled down to six for the mission.

Maverick gives his assessment of what will be required, thinking he’ll be mission leader — and is stunned to discover he’ll instead be teaching the 12. One of the 12 is Rooster, son of Goose, Maverick’s wingman who died in the first film. Both Maverick and the admirals are aware of Rooster’s antipathy towards Maverick, which we later find out is because Maverick pulled Rooster’s application to the Naval Academy, setting his career back four years.

The mission is technically incredibly difficult. The uranium facility is at the bottom of a crater surrounded by rocky mountains, with GPS jammed. The pilots will have to fly low to avoid radar, sneaking into the crater, attacking the target then flying out almost vertically while avoiding any enemy craft that find them.

That evening Maverick visits the local bar, which he is surprised to find is now owned and run by his ex-love Penny. The 12 top gun pilots are arriving from far-flung naval bases, curious as to the mission and who could possible teach them, when they’re already the best of the best; they also chuck various age-related barbs Maverick’s way.

Two of them throw Maverick outside for being unable to pay his bar bill (if you leave your phone on the bar, you have to buy everyone there a drink), with a very deliberate and final shutting of the bar doors as they go back inside. He looks through the window and sees Rooster playing Great Balls Of Fire on the piano, as Goose did all those years ago.

  • Next day the 12 are shocked to see the man they threw out of the bar walk in to start teaching them.
  • He’s carrying the massive manual for their F18 fighter planes, but throws it in the bin: they should know it inside out anyway, he says, and their enemies certainly will.
  • It’s about the pilot, not the technology.

Their training is fierce and fun; they try to out manoeuvre Maverick in their planes but he always manages to track and “kill” them, and once “dead” and back at base they have to do 200 press ups. During one practice, Rooster and Maverick are in a battle of wills and wits, and both plummet nearly to the ground, well below the ordered “hard-deck” altitude limit of 5000 feet, before climbing again.

(The hard-deck is used in dogfight training and simulations, a designated altitude which represents ground level, while reducing the risk of crashes.) Maverick is summoned to see Admiral Simpson who is furious they broke the hard-deck, even though Maverick reminds him the pilots will have to fly way lower during the mission.

It turns out that Simpson is less bothered about the pilots returning home than simply successfully bombing the facility. He orders Maverick to inform them each morning what he’ll be teaching the pilots that day, and Maverick immediately puts in a request to lower the hard-deck.

  1. Maverick goes back to the bar with the money he owes Penny and finds her daughter Amelia there.
  2. He agrees to help Penny sail their boat to the yard for repairs as Amelia has to study.
  3. Later he takes Penny home on his bike but isn’t invited in.
  4. In training, Maverick impresses on the 12 pilots that “time is your greatest enemy”.

They’ll be flying at a maximum of 100 feet above the ground to avoid radar, going at least 660 knots. They will have two and a half minutes to complete their bombing mission and get out. To bring home how much the mission is dependent on pilots, and they on each other, when they analyse each other’s failures in training he makes them think about that they would tell their fellow pilots’ families if their colleague died.

Maverick goes to visit Iceman, whose wife tells him the admiral’s cancer is back and now untreatable. He “talks” mostly by typing on a screen. Maverick tells him Rooster isn’t ready and doesn’t want to learn from him. He asks Iceman if he can go instead. “It’s time to let go,” types Iceman, though Maverick admits he doesn’t know how.

They hug before Maverick leaves. Admiral Simpson can’t find anyone on the base, as they’re all playing “dogfight football” on the beach, with Penny in the background doing paperwork. This is Maverick’s attempt to build team cohesion. Maverick stays at Penny’s and they end up in bed.

Her explains to her why Rooster hates him: Rooster’s mother asked Maverick, before she died, to hold back Rooster’s naval academy application as she didn’t want him to fly. Maverick also didn’t think he was ready. Maverick doesn’t want to tell him it was his late mother’s request, as it is best if he only blames Maverick.

Amelia comes home unexpectedly, and Penny makes him climb out of her bedroom window; he does, but tells her he’s never leaving her again. Amelia spots him escaping and demands he doesn’t break her mother’s heart again. The mission is moved up a week as the facility will become operational sooner than expected; bombing an operational nuclear facility would mean radiation affecting friendly countries nearby.

  • During another training session, one of the 12, Coyote, passes out at speed, going into G-LOC (“gravity-induced loss of consciousness”), but comes to and is able to pull out and up just in time.
  • A sudden birdstrike then causes Bob and Phoenix’s plane to catch fire; they manage to eject just in time before it crashes in a fireball.

Afterwards, Maverick speaks to Rooster, who asks why Maverick pulled his application. Maverick tells him he wasn’t ready to trust his instincts. Rooster wants to believe in Maverick like his dad did, but can’t. Iceman dies, and with him Maverick’s most senior supporter. Miles Teller as Lt. Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw Simpson takes over the teaching of the 12 Top Gun graduates. He tells them they will fly higher and have four minutes to reach their target, much longer than Maverick had given them. When they question him about these tactics, and how it makes them far more vulnerable to enemy fighters finding them, he says they stand a better chance in a dogfight than in crashing their planes against the steep-sided mountain.

As he’s teaching, they see that on the practice simulation behind him — which tracks real life flying and maps it over the mission’s terrain on a screen — someone is actually performing the manoeuvres how they need to be performed during the mission: straight up the side of the mountain, down the other side, hit the target and fly steeply out in time to escape opposing bombers.

It’s Maverick, and he manages to do it in two minutes 15 seconds, while reaching 10Gs. Admiral Simpson tells Maverick he’s in a difficult position: court marshal Maverick and kick him out, or make him mission leader and risk his own career. Maverick is, of course, brought back into the programme, as mission leader.

  • The night before the mission, Maverick visits Penny in his ceremonial white uniform, presumably to say goodbye in case he doesn’t make it back.
  • With Maverick flying in the mission, there are now only five places left.
  • Maverick has chosen Phoenix and Bob in one plane; Payback and Fanboy in one plane; with Rooster as Maverick’s own wingman in a solo fighter.

The others remain in support. On the day, Hangman is left on the aircraft carrier. As they prepare to get into their planes, Maverick and Rooster have a conversation of sorts. Rosoter wants to speak to him but Maverick asks him to leave it til they return; he then calls out to Rooster “you got this”, acknowledging Rooster is finally ready.

The four planes take off, while Tomahawk missiles also launch, targeted on the airfield near to the uranium facility. Once that is hit, any undamaged bombers will be out looking for the US aircraft. Maverick and his team fly fast and low through the valleys, 100 feet off the ground, through viaducts, past ground-to-air missiles primed and ready to launch.

Rooster is flying too slow, and falling behind, when time is of the essence. He’s losing his nerve, calling to his father, until he reminds himself to “think not do”, something Maverick often says. He, Payback and Fanboy manage to catch up and the bombings are successfully accomplished, including the two necessary “miracles”: the initial bomb to open up a way in to the underground complex, and the second bomb to blow it all up.

  1. They then all have to pull steeply out, over the edge of the top of the mountain known as Coffin Corner.
  2. As they make it over the top, enemy fighters appear, and Maverick heads round to protect Rooster, who is out of flares.
  3. Maverick is shot down, while the other three planes are ordered back to base.

Maverick ejects into snow in an open area when he sees an enemy helicopter coming for him. He’s shot at but isn’t hit. Just as he thinks he’s a goner, the helicopter is blown up. It’s Rooster, come back to save him. Rooster’s plane is then hit and explodes, with Rooster ejecting.

  • Maverick runs through the forest to meet him, but when he finds him is furious, shouting at him and questioning what he did.
  • They argue over who saved whose life.
  • Maverick asks Rooster why he didn’t think and Rooster points out “you told me not to think!” Maverick has a plan — to steal an ancient F14 plane from the bombed enemy airfield nearby, which is parked in a hanger and seems undamaged.

The two manage to sneak over the partially-destroyed runway and get it going, though Maverick has to take off almost vertically along a taxiway; the F14 loses its landing gear as it clips a viaduct during take off. Maverick has flown them before (in Top Gun in fact, when they were considered high-tech!) Rooster is in the back, the position Goose used to take in his fighter plane when flying with Maverick.

He’s baffled by the many switches but starts to work it all out so he can get the radio to work. Two enemy planes come after them, and Maverick and Rooster try to pretend to be local fighters. They’re rumbled though, and the enemy fighters go into attack formation. Maverick manages to shoot one down, though they are soon out of ammunition and flares.

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Flying out over the sea, Maverick wants them to eject but Rooster’s ejector handles aren’t working. It looks like the end for them as the enemy aircraft locks on to them and prepares to fire. Suddenly it goes down in a fireball, and they see Hangman in a nearby plane, come up to save them.

  • Both planes do a flypast, then come in to land on the aircraft carrier, though as the F14 has no landing gear the nets are set up to catch it as it lands and prevent it going over the far end into the sea.
  • Maverick, Rooster and Hangman exit their aircraft and are surrounded by cheering, hugging colleagues.

Hangman and Rooster shake hands, while Maverick and Rooster hug. Standing higher up, Admiral Bates and even Admiral Simpson acknowledge to Maverick what he has achieved. Maverick goes to the bar to see Penny but she’s gone on a sailing trip. He’s back in his desert aircraft hanger when he sees Penny’s daughter Amelia is watching him.

Is hangman Iceman’s son?

Glen Powell’s Hangman character has remained a mystery in Top Gun: Maverick’s marketing, but a big Iceman reveal could explain his true identity. Top Gun: Maverick has revealed that Iceman is the one that requested Maverick be brought in to train the new recruits – backing up one big theory about Glen Powell’s Hangman. Not much is known about Glen Powell’s character besides his callsign, but he will likely play a large role in the film.

However, a newly revealed Iceman revelation supports a big theory about Hangman that, if true, would be one of the biggest pieces of information on Top Gun: Maverick ‘s story to date. Top Gun: Maverick ‘s narrative has been heavily kept under wraps, with only a few key details known. The film will follow Lt.

Pete “Maverick” Mitchell (Tom Cruise) coming back to the TOPGUN program over 30 years later on a special assignment to train a batch of recruits. One of the most notable members of this crew is Rooster, Goose’s son from the original Top Gun, Maverick will again be butting heads with his trainees and his higher-ups while training these young guns at the request of his friend Iceman (Val Kilmer).

While the identities of Rooster (Miles Teller) and other characters in Top Gun: Maverick have long since been revealed, one character remains a mystery: Glen Powell’s Hangman. However, a popular theory explains who Hangman is and why Iceman wants Maverick to come back after all these years. The theory states that Rooster isn’t the only son of a Top Gun alumni and that Top Gun: Maverick will ultimately unveil that Hangman is Iceman’s son,

On a surface level, this theory makes sense. Not only do the characters’ respective ages match up between the two films, but everything about Glen Powell’s physical appearance, from his hair to his physique, perfectly mirrors a young Val Kilmer. Furthermore, much like how Rooster and Goose are related callsigns, Iceman and Hangman are as well, with both names referring to killers. Having Hangman be Iceman’s son further explains why Iceman wants Maverick to come back now. While they bickered early in the film, the two pilots formed a close bond by the end of the original Top Gun, Iceman and Maverick fought unnamed enemy pilots together, allowing Iceman to understand the leadership qualities Maverick possesses.

  • Because of this, the theory posits that Iceman wants his son to have the opportunity to learn from Maverick, which is why he requests Maverick’s return to TOPGUN after all these years.
  • While it is possible Iceman makes this request because of Goose’s son instead, it seems far more likely that Iceman made this decision due to Hangman being his own flesh and blood.

Hangman being Iceman’s son perfectly explains nearly every element of Top Gun: Maverick ‘s plot and surrounding secrecy. While this theory has been around for a while, the reveal that Iceman is the one who wants Maverick to return further solidifies this popular narrative idea.

Did Maverick ask Penny to marry him?

4. Best: Maverick finally gets the girl – Paramount Pictures The rekindled romance between Maverick and Penny Benjamin doesn’t start with a lot of propulsion but takes flight midway through the film when the pair go sailing. Penny is steady at the helm in high winds and rough chop, but Maverick doesn’t have his sea legs.

  1. Penny affectionately mocks Maverick for being a Navy man who is none too familiar with sailing.
  2. Maverick cleverly responds, “I land on boats.
  3. I don’t sail them.” As the chemistry finally picks up, the couple hoists a large second sail and “turn on the afterburners.” Before the final mission, Goose’s son, Rooster is still furious at Maverick and angrily makes the point that it doesn’t matter if Maverick comes back from the mission or not.

After all, he’s got no wife and kids to mourn him. Maverick takes these words to heart and promptly proposes to Penny. There are no words in the excellent romantic finale that follows. There’s no ring either. Maverick simply dons his Navy whites, shows up at Penny’s bar, leans in close, and whispers the request in her ear.

Who is Iceman’s wife in Maverick?

Career – Her first professional paying job was as a kid, starring in “Annie” at the Theater by the Sea in Mantunuck, Rhode Island. She reprised her “Annie” role the following summer at the Candlewood Playhouse in Fairfield, Connecticut. Before attending college, she already had roles in the original Broadway cast of Sondheim’s Into the Woods (as Snow White ) at the age of 15 and understudy to Rapunzel and Little Red Ridinghood, and as Tia Russell in the film Uncle Buck with John Candy,

She also took roles in college productions, including with the Barnard College Gilbert and Sullivan Society. In the mid-1990s, after graduating from Columbia University, Kelly became well known for a series of television commercials she did for MCI long distance, in which she played a telephone operator who challenged AT&T,

In 1995, she starred as Luisa in the musical film The Fantasticks with Joey McIntyre and Joel Grey, although the film was shelved until 2000. The same year, she appeared as Rowena Morgan, the muse for the title character of Mr. Holland’s Opus, In the 1990s, other films followed, including “Origin of the Species,” “The Day Lincoln was Shot” and Landfall (2001).

  1. Elly appeared Off Broadway at the York Theatre in the title role in Paul McKibbins and B.T.
  2. McNicholl’s The It Girl, based on the 1927 movie It,
  3. She also appeared in the York’s “Musicals in Mufti” series as Lois Lane in It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s Superman,
  4. In 1996, Kelly voiced the title role in the second season of the animated series Princess Gwenevere and the Jewel Riders,

After several made-for-TV movies, Kelly’s broadest exposure came from her roles in situation comedies, first guest starring in such shows as Mad About You, and then as a cast member of the short-lived NBC version of Cold Feet, From 2000 to 2006, she starred as Kim Warner on the long-running sitcom Yes, Dear,

In 2006 she guest starred in the ABC drama Grey’s Anatomy, After her series ended, she guest starred on numerous television shows and starred in movies of the week. She recurred as Bernice Pope in the Yahoo production of Sin City Saints, She played opposite William Fichtner in the movie “The Neighbor” and opposite John Diehl in “Out of the Wild” in 2015.

In 2019 she played opposite Bradley Whitford in “Call of the Wild,” and played Jane Doe/Serena May in the James Wan movie “Malignant.” She released an album of children’s music called Color of Your Heart in 2013. In 2015, she released a five-song EP called Willing, and in 2017 she released an album titled “For My Folks”, which features a collection of standards.

Why was Kelly McGillis not in Top Gun 2?

Everything Kelly McGillis Has Said About ‘Top Gun: Maverick,’ Jennifer Connelly as Tom Cruise’s New Love Interest – Alexa, play “Take My Breath Away.” While the nostalgia is overwhelming for Top Gun fans in the sequel, Top Gun: Maverick, not everything is the same for the title character 30 years after the original film.

  1. In the second film, Tom Cruise ‘s Pete “Maverick” Mitchell returns to train younger Top Gun graduates — including his late best friend Goose’s son, Rooster ( Miles Teller ) — for a special mission.
  2. Played by Anthony Edwards in 1986, Goose and wife Carole Bradshaw ( Meg Ryan ) appear in flashbacks in the 2022 movie.

Ryan wasn’t the only actor who wasn’t asked back for Top Gun: Maverick, however. Kelly McGillis — Maverick’s love interest, Charlie, in Top Gun — isn’t part of the second movie. Instead, the pilot reconnects with Penny Benjamin ( Jennifer Connelly ), who is referenced — but not seen — as the admiral’s daughter with a past with Maverick in the original film.

  • Told me all about the time you went ballistic with Penny Benjamin,” Carole said to Goose, Maverick and Charlie in the 1986 movie.
  • While McGillis implied to Entertainment Tonight in 2019 (when production on Top Gun: Maverick was underway) that aging is why she wasn’t asked back, director Joseph Kosinski told Insider that McGillis and Ryan aren’t part of the sequel because of how their characters would impact the new stories.

“Those weren’t stories that we were throwing around. I didn’t want every story line to always be looking backwards. It was important to introduce some new characters,” Kosinski said in May 2022. “Penny Benjamin, a character we have heard mentioned but never seen before, that was an amazing opportunity to bring Jennifer Connelly’s character into this film.” Connelly, for her part, gushed about the “exceptional” Cruise in an interview with Variety ahead of Top Gun: Maverick’s May 27, 2022 release.

  1. Spending time with him, you understand how someone has been such a movie star for so many years.
  2. It was clear to me what the franchise means to him, so I felt beholden to him, Jerry Bruckheimer and the audiences who love the film so much,” Connelly said.
  3. We focused on the intimacy of how they fit into each other’s lives.

I think those characters have a really tender relationship, the way she understands him. They share a moment in bed chatting, and it tells as much about their relationship as the scene that is the preamble to that. Clearly, they have some unresolved business between them, and she navigates that with humor and playfulness. Credit: Jim Smeal/BEI/Shutterstock

Asked By: Douglas Morgan Date: created: Nov 23 2023

What happened to Maverick’s girlfriend

Answered By: Ashton Lopez Date: created: Nov 24 2023

Maverick & Charlie Aren’t Meant To Last After Top Gun – Looking at the relationship in the original might explain what happened to Charlie in Top Gun, While Maverick and Charlie shared romantic moments, they quickly drifted away when things got tough. This is shown in the aftermath of Goose’s death as Charlie hears Maverick quit TOPGUN from Wolfman (Barry Tubb), while he learns she took a job in Washington from someone else.

  • The scene highlights how they didn’t even consider their relationship before making big decisions about their respective futures.
  • At the end of the day, both Maverick and Charlie are fueled by their individual dreams and passions that don’t align in a way that would make their romance work.
  • Moreover, it is also worth noting that the ending of Top Gun finds Maverick and Charlie reuniting, but there’s no indication of what’s next for them.

They hadn’t spent much time with each other in the movie so a long-distance affair wouldn’t be the best way to move forward, especially as neither was willing to give up their jobs just to be with the other. Apart from this, Maverick undergoes a hefty personal transformation by the end of Top Gun, as he is forced to learn the hard way that the value of teamwork and camaraderie trumps individual prowess, and the latter is rendered meaningless without the integrity required to stick together in the midst of danger.

Is Maverick Amelia’s Father?

Warning: This article contains some spoilers for ‘Top Gun: Maverick’ – Jennifer Connelly as Penny Benjamin in “Top Gun: Maverick” Paramount Pictures Despite not appearing in Top Gun, Penny has supposedly known Maverick for some time. They have been romantically involved on-and-off for several years but their relationship “always ends the same” as Penny tells Maverick in Top Gun: Maverick when they meet again after several years apart.

  • Penny is the daughter of a former admiral and she is actually mentioned in Top Gun by Commander Tom “Stinger” Jordan, who is Nick “Goose” Bradshaw ( Anthony Edwards ) and Bill “Cougar” Cortell’s (John Stockwell) commanding officer.
  • In the scene, Jordan mentions how Maverick was disciplined in the past for having “a history of high-speed passes over five air control towers and one admiral’s daughter,” with Goose mentioning her name under his breath.

Later, Goose’s wife Carole Bradshaw mentions to Maverick that he had told her all about “the time you went ballistic with Penny Benjamin.” In Top Gun: Maverick Penny owns a bar near the TOPGUN base and it is where the pilots often go to relax. It’s at the bar that Maverick meets his former flame once again.

She tells him not to “look at her” the way he is, because things always end the same and she suggests that this time they shouldn’t start anything. Unfazed by the rebuttal, Maverick continues to flirt with Penny and later she takes him out on her sailing boat when her daughter Amelia (Lyliana Wray) chooses to study for school instead of going with her.

When Maverick meets Amelia again it also becomes evident that he has been out of her and Penny’s life for some time because he comments on how big she has grown since the last time he’d seen her. Amelia is very familiar with Maverick too because when she catches him jumping out of the window after spending the night with Penny she tells him not to “break her heart again like the last time.” Maverick and Penny may have had a romantic relationship several times over the years but he is not Amelia’s father.

Her real father is out of the picture and Penny raises her daughter as a single mother. Penny’s father also makes a brief appearance in the movie when Maverick visits her bar and meets him while she and Amelia are out sailing. The movie ends with Maverick and Penny reuniting after he survives a dangerous mission alongside Goose’s son Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw, with the couple seeming to decide on having on a more serious relationship.

Top Gun: Maverick is out in theaters now. Tom Cruise as Pete “Maverick” Mitchell in “Top: Gun Maverick.” Paramount Pictures

Is Penny the Admiral’s daughter in Maverick?

Is Penny Benjamin in the Original “Top Gun”? – Penny, played by Jennifer Connelly, is not physically in the first “Top Gun” movie, but she does exist in it, though only mentioned in passing. She is never actually seen on screen. In one scene, Maverick’s past exploits are said to include “a history of high-speed passes over five air-control towers and one admiral’s daughter,” and Maverick’s BFF Goose mutters Penny’s name under his breath — making her the “admiral’s daughter” in question.

  1. That’s later confirmed when Goose’s wife, Carole, teases Maverick about his romantic history, telling her that Goose “told me all about the time you went ballistic with Penny Benjamin.” While she never appears in person in the first “Top Gun,” Penny becomes a major character in the sequel,
  2. Now played by Connelly, Penny owns a bar that is the downtime destination of choice for the TOPGUN crew.
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She’s less than thrilled when Maverick shows up again, and their dialogue definitely implies that they’ve had a bit of an on-and-off romance throughout the years between the two movies. “It started the first time when they were quite young. And you get the sense that they sort of come together, they have this sort of fiery romance, and then it falls apart,” Connelly described in an interview with FilmIsNow,

What’s the backstory with Penny and Maverick?

Who is Penny in Top Gun: Maverick ? – Penny is Maverick’s on-again, off-again love in Top Gun: Maverick, While in the first film he was romantically involved with Charlie, a civilian liaison at the Top Gun Fighter School, he’s since moved on decades later. Now, he’s linked to Penny, a divorced single mom who owns a bar near the Top Gun school.

Why didn’t original Penny come back in Top Gun: Maverick?

Meg Ryan Was Not Asked to Return – Paramount Pictures Top Gun: Maverick paid homage to its 1986 predecessor, but the film wasn’t interested in bringing everything back from Maverick’s past. Director Joseph Kosinski told Insider that the return of both Ryan and Kelly McGillis was never even considered during development.

  1. Osinski did not want every storyline in the film “to be looking backwards,” and he instead took the time to introduce new characters.
  2. The introduction of Penny Benjamin (Jennifer Connelly), for one.
  3. The character was mentioned in the original film, though she wasn’t shown, and now lives on in the sequel as Maverick’s love interest.

Penny acts as a soundboard for the protagonist and even provides storyline-altering advice. The new character aids in Rooster and Maverick’s eventual reconciliation. There was no need for legacy characters to return just for the sake of returning. Iceman (Val Kilmer), for example, almost suffered the same fate as Carole, his final resting place almost found itself beside Carole’s in the sequel’s discard pile.

However, Maverick’s rival returned in order to, instead, help the franchise’s beloved protagonist. The possibility of Iceman’s absence led fans to circulate a Facebook campaign in support of the character’s return, which caught the attention of Tom Cruise who then voiced his own assent. Although Kilmer doesn’t have much dialogue in the film, his character’s presence resolves the earlier feud between himself and Maverick.

It’s revealed that Iceman is struggling with throat cancer, a parallel to the actor’s own battle with the illness, and he now communicates through written word. In a climax scene between the former rivals, Iceman gathers the strength to communicate aloud, a tear-jerking moment for sure.

While Iceman’s return played into people’s nostalgia, he occupied an important role in Top Gun: Maverick by protecting Maverick from being grounded. Had Meg Ryan returned as Carole, it would have complicated the film’s story. Maverick was unsuccessful in keeping Rooster from becoming a pilot, which means Carole would have fought with Rooster instead.

As Maverick and Rooster’s relationship was at the heart of Top Gun: Maverick, Carole’s return would have changed the entire film. The eventual reconciliation between Maverick and Rooster, as well as all its emotional impact, would not have been possible.

Asked By: George Bell Date: created: May 12 2024

Is Iceman the father of Hangman

Answered By: Ronald James Date: created: May 12 2024

Fandoms: Top Gun (Movies) Just when Hangman thinks that the day can’t get any worse, he finds out that his father died. His father, Admiral Tom ‘Iceman’ Kazansky. And he doesn’t take it well. Luckily, Sarah Kazansky and Maverick are there to help.

Asked By: Landon Walker Date: created: Nov 07 2023

Why did Maverick pick Rooster instead of Hangman

Answered By: Julian Hall Date: created: Nov 09 2023

There may not be a definite conclusion to Top Gun: Maverick’s Rooster vs. Hangman debate, but one of the two pilots seems to have the upper hand. Warning: Contains potential SPOILERS for Top Gun: Maverick Reviving Top Gun ‘s Iceman vs. Maverick formula, Top Gun: Maverick features an intense rivalry between Rooster and Hangman, which begs an interesting question: who among the two is the better pilot? Similar to how Iceman and Maverick are always at odds with one another throughout the span of the original Top Gun, Rooster and Hangman rarely see eye to eye in Top Gun: Maverick,

The two do eventually develop some mutual understanding toward the end of the film by playing their part in the final mission, but it is hard not to wonder who deserves more credit for the mission’s successful completion. Other than featuring slam-bang acrobatic aerobics with a vast array of supersonic fighter planes, Top Gun: Maverick reflects on how the aeronautical performances and team dynamics of its primary characters are deeply affected by their personal lives.

While Maverick cannot help but feel protective of Rooster because of his traumatic history with his father, Rooster brawls his self-inflicted limitations to prove his worth as a pilot. Meanwhile, Hangman oozes unmatched confidence, but his cockiness holds him back from being a team player.

Throughout Top Gun: Maverick, both Hangman and Rooster go through their own rite of passage and learn that there is a lot more to being a great pilot than meets the eye. From the beginning, Lt. Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw (Miles Teller) emerges as a potential leader because of his willingness to take one for the team.

However, he gets bogged down by his self-doubt and by-the-book methods. He only reaches his true potential when he takes Maverick’s advice to his heart and learns to trust his flying instincts instead of fearing them. As a result, in the final mission, he outperforms everyone — except Maverick — and even shows extreme courage when he strays away from the team only to save Maverick. Unlike Rooster, Glen Powell’s Hangman mirrors Maverick’s over-confidence and arrogance from Top Gun, His hubris holds him back from seeing the forest for the trees, and in turn, despite being extremely skilled, he fails to lead the way for the rest of his team.

  • However, in the initial training segments of the film, Hangman reigns supreme by putting his flying prowess on full display and even enjoying the heck out of every challenge.
  • He also encourages Maverick to defy higher orders and prove that their seemingly impossible mission is possible.
  • Toward the end of the film, Hangman also gets his shot at redemption when he sneaks up on an enemy plane and deftly shoots it down to save Maverick and Rooster.

His climactic scenes prove that he has learned his lessons the hard way and is now willing to discard his ego to work with the team. This transformation establishes that more than Rooster, Hangman is the rightful successor of Maverick’s legacy, Ultimately, Rooster and Hangman’s storylines come full circle in Top Gun: Maverick as they soar above their weaknesses and become well-rounded pilots.

Asked By: Oswald Hughes Date: created: Oct 19 2024

Is Iceman Rooster’s dad

Answered By: Juan Lee Date: created: Oct 22 2024

Who Are Rooster’s Parents? – Rooster’s parents are Nick “Goose” Bradshaw (Anthony Edwards) and Carole Bradshaw ( Meg Ryan ). In the first ” Top Gun,” Goose is a radar intercept officer in the US Navy who works alongside Maverick at the TOPGUN flight school.

Asked By: Cameron Lee Date: created: Nov 11 2024

Did Maverick and Penny break up

Answered By: Samuel Wilson Date: created: Nov 13 2024

Maverick & Penny Get A Happy Ending – Penny Benjamin (Jennifer Connelly) is an old flame of Maverick’s who came back into his life when he returned to Top Gun. Penny and Maverick lost touch over the years after he took her on a date aboard a stolen fighter jet and Mitchell was nearly thrown out of the Navy.

Penny seems to uniquely understand Maverick and their mutual attraction is palpable, but given Pete’s track record for being unreliable, she wasn’t sure if she could commit to him and vice versa. Yet Penny also recognized that Captain “Maverick” Mitchell had matured and that he still wanted to give something back to Top Gun because he was far from done as a fighter pilot.

When the triumphant Maverick returned to Penny’s bar, The Hard Deck, after the movie’s climactic mission, Penny was gone because she took her teenage daughter, Amelia (Lyliana Wray), on vacation. It wasn’t explicitly stated, but Penny likely left because she feared Maverick wasn’t going to come back from this mission – the hard reality of being in a relationship with a dedicated soldier.

Why did Penny ring the bell in Top Gun?

Photo: Scott Garfield/Paramount Pictures A lot happens in Top Gun: Maverick that might take your breath away, After finally watching the biggest movie of the year, though, I could think of one thing only: the weird rule about phones in that bar. What was up with that? A quick recap: Upon returning to Top Gun, Maverick ( Tom Cruise ) stops at a Navy bar and watches a very normal game of darts in which one player covers the other’s eyes.

But Maverick can’t believe his eyes when he spies his old flame Penny (Jennifer Connelly) working behind the counter. Just as sparks appear on the verge of rekindling, the two agree to keep things platonic. Penny then celebrates their arrangement by ringing a bell to let everybody in the place know Maverick is buying the entire bar a round because he put his phone on the counter which is against the rules which he should know because they’re listed on a tiny sign.

Right away, people start thanking and dunking on Maverick, including a tanned Adonis played by Glen Powell who orders “four more on the old-timer.” It all seems like a put-on at first, but then Penny actually holds Maverick’s feet to the money-fire. I can’t stress enough that he is smiling this entire time as if this is all just another classic Maverick aggressive bar flirtation,

When Maverick tries to pay the enormous bar tab, his credit card gets declined, and Penny won’t accept the cash in his pocket as an advance. “I’m afraid rules are rules,” she says, ringing the bell once more, causing everybody at the bar to chant “Overboard! Overboard!” as a trio of yoked fighter pilots materialize behind our Maverick and throw him out of the bar like three Uncles Phil tossing out Jazz,

Once excommunicated, Maverick realizes Rooster (Miles Teller), the son of his famously dead former wingman, Goose (Anthony Edwards), has been playing piano in the bar this whole time. Maverick is now lost in painful memories of their complicated history.

  1. Penny notices him moping through the window, and it is strongly implied that she correctly intuits the cause of his sudden sadness — not that he might be sad because he just lost untold hundreds of dollars and got clowned on with extreme prejudice merely for texting Iceman (Val Kilmer).
  2. The movie hasn’t even begun to cook yet, but throughout all the awesome sky action to come, I remained fixated on that phone rule.

Why would the rule be so rigidly enforced? Are viewers supposed to applaud the rule, even though it smacks of boomerish disdain for these darn millennials and their dang phones? How often would the rule have to be violated before everyone at the bar knew what each specific ding of the bell means? And why are they all so excited, anyway — don’t they worry someone they care about might be next? Oh, and most important of all: Why does a sequel to the cinematic apex of American patriotism apparently hate freedom? Refusing to let the matter drop after the credits, I searched high and low for answers.

It turns out this bar is inspired by a real place : the World Famous I-Bar, located at Naval Station North Island in Southern California. Reportedly, I-Bar has been a cherished Navy hangout since the 1930s, and it does indeed have a rule against putting cell phones down on the counter along with several other rules that also penalty out to “buying a round of cheer.” But if the filmmakers thought they were weaving in The Bear -like authenticity with this phone rule, they were sorely mistaken.

I asked my Marine father-in-law about the rules at I-Bar — incidentally, this was the first time having a Marine father-in-law proved more helpful than terrifying — and his face lit up. Hearing about the I-Bar’s rule against wearing uniform hats inside took him right back to the days when he might have had a drink in such a place.

  • The no-hat rule is a well-known tradition, as he recalls.
  • His Marine days ended before cell phones were everywhere, though, so he couldn’t weigh in on that rule.
  • Why did the no-hat rule get replaced in the movie by a rule against speaking ill of the Navy? Seems redundant for a bar on a Navy base.
  • Photo: Paramount Pictures None of this helped me better understand why people at a bar would enjoy ejecting customers, let alone going it about as roughly as Goose getting ejected from that jet,

All over a silly rule on a little sign! To find out, I got in touch with the Jennifer Connelly equivalent at the I-Bar — a woman named Debbie Stoneman, who has worked there for 22 years. The phone rule started many years ago, according to Stoneman, when an admiral came to I-Bar and was dismayed to see so many eyes glued to so many phones.

It sort of took the place of a previous rule that if anyone called the bar looking for their husband, the bartender rang a bell and the husband had to buy everyone a beer. Buying a round is not as bad as it seems in the movie, though. The real bar is much smaller than the one in Top Gun, and drinks are only $6.50, so the average round is about $70.

In fact, the largest tab Stoneman remembers anyone paying for a round ever was a couple hundred bucks — a relatively paltry sum compared with whatever Maverick pays when he returns the next day. The denomination of the bills in his wad is conveniently obscured.

Photo: Paramount Pictures If people tend to be good sports about buying a round, as Stoneman claims, it’s probably because they were aptly warned first. Following the phenomenon of Top Gun: Maverick, I-Bar has posted signs with the house rules near the front and back doors, making them nearly impossible to miss.

Some of the many recent visitors — civilians are welcome, but they need a military escort to get on base — even break the rules intentionally just to live out their Top Gun fantasies. But what happens when people aren’t such good sports about buying a round? Absolutely nothing.

  • We can’t make anybody buy a round,” Stoneman says.
  • It’s just a suggested thing only.” With this last revelation, everything makes sense.
  • Of course the real-life bar hasn’t trained its patrons to enforce and celebrate expelling the noncompliant.
  • That would be a hostile, legally sketchy, and downright un-American thing to do.
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I reached out to Top Gun: Maverick screenwriter Christopher McQuarrie to find out how this dramatization came about, but he was “too busy” to respond to my questions. Perhaps it’s because he is currently in Europe, directing the next two Mission: Impossible movies ; perhaps it’s because he’s afraid of the truth.

What Mystery Restaurant Got Caught Up in the RHONY Reboot Beef? Untangling the Mystery Behind Dennis Quaid’s Full Circle Braid Did Universal Studios Engage in Malicious Tree Trimming?

See All What’s the Deal With That Bar Rule in Top Gun: Maverick ?

Did Maverick become an ace?

Top Gun: Maverick – Maverick would keep in touch with Goose’s widow Carole Bradshaw and their son, Bradley, during the intervening years. In time, Bradley apparently made it known that he wished to follow Goose’s example in joining the Navy and eventually becoming a fighter pilot, but Carol was secretly against this.

  • As a result of this, Carole made Maverick promise to do what he could to prevent Bradley from flying, as she didn’t want for him to possibly share his father’s fate.
  • This led to Maverick pulling Bradley’s admission papers to the Naval Academy, causing a deep rift to form between the two.
  • Maverick also decided to never tell Bradley his true reasons for doing so, as he felt that there was no point in causing Bradley to also resent his mother’s memory.

Bradley would persist and join eventually, but Maverick’s interference set back his Naval career by four years. More than 30 years after Goose’s death, Maverick was still in the pilot’s seat, consistently sabotaging any attempts by superiors to promote him past the rank of captain, believing his place was in the cockpit.

At one point, Maverick was scheduled to test a prototype of a supersonic reconnaissance aircraft known as Darkstar, However, just prior to launch he and the others there for the test flight learn Admiral Cain was on his way to shut the program down, planning to use the funding for his own drone projects.

Despite this revelation, Maverick still chose to pilot the prototype, hoping that by reaching Mach 10, the stated goal of the project, he could keep it from being shut down. While Maverick did successfully reach Mach 10, he decided to push the aircraft even further, reaching Mach 10.2 before suffering catastrophic failure, resulting in him having to bail out of the doomed aircraft.

For his actions in this, Cain grounded him. Despite being reprimanded for his actions, Maverick would later be recalled to TOPGUN, having been brought back to train a new group of pilots consisting entirely of former graduates of the program, including Goose’s son Bradley, now a Lieutenant under the callsign of “Rooster”.

Following his arrival to Top Gun, he visited a local bar, owned by his former lover Penny Benjamin, While attending a party at this bar, Maverick witnessed many of the younger pilots partying together, with many singing ” Great Balls of Fire “, played by Rooster on the piano.

This caused painful memories to resurface for him, including ones of both him and Goose partying amongst fellow aviators. The following day, Maverick began his position teaching the pilots. He clashed particularly with Rooster, who strongly resented him, and LT Jake “Hangman” Seresin, who didn’t follow Maverick’s instructions or believe in his leadership.

During a training exercise, Rooster and Maverick engage in a spiralling dive in the air, resulting in both flying below the hard deck of 5000 feet. After Rooster lost his chance to take the shot due to them being too low, Maverick does a cobra maneuver with his plane to take his shot, and beat Rooster.

  • Maverick is severely reprimanded by Cyclone for both these things.
  • The plan Maverick creates for the mission consists of several extremely difficult challenges, and the training for them does not go as smoothly as planned.
  • LT Javy “Coyote” Machado almost crashes his plane after entering G-LOC due to the extreme mission parameters, and LT Natasha “Phoenix” Trace and LT Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd are forced to eject from their plane due to a bird strike leading to engine fire and failure.

These conflicts cause tension within the group as Rooster, in particular, doubts Maverick’s ability to teach. Maverick consults with Iceman about his progress teaching the class and seeks advice on his relationship with Rooster. Shortly thereafter, Iceman passes away from terminal cancer.

Maverick and his class are present at his funeral. Cyclone ultimately grounds Maverick, and changes the mission parameters in such a way that makes it easier to fly but deadlier for the pilots. Maverick responds to the news by stealing a plane to run the test course, proving that it can be flown under the difficult conditions, prompting Cyclone to appoint Maverick as team leader on the attack on the uranium enrichment plant, and allow him to return to teaching.

For the mission, Maverick chooses his accompanying pilots, and settles on Rooster, rather than Hangman, honouring Rooster’s wishes. During the mission, Rooster runs out of countermeasures and Maverick intersects and after using his own countermeasures, sacrifices his plane for Rooster.

  1. He ejects but was chased by a Mi-24 Hind until Rooster, having turned back to search for him, shoots the gunship down.
  2. Rooster then is shot down by a SAM and ejects.
  3. The two reunite and steal an old F-14A Tomcat from the bombed airstrip base and escape in it.
  4. They fight with two Su-57s, and use all of their ammunition, missiles and flares in the process.

Once out over the sea, they face another Su-57; Maverick orders Rooster to prepare to eject, but Rooster’s attempt reveals the ejection system isn’t working. Maverick faces the realisation that he can’t bring Rooster home from the mission, before being saved by Hangman, who took off as a spare from the carrier.

  • They then return to the carrier where they are greeted by a triumphant crew.
  • Maverick receives approval from Cyclone, as well as RADM Solomon “Warlock” Bates,
  • He and Rooster embrace on the runway, showing their relationship has improved, and Rooster has forgiven Maverick for pulling his papers.
  • Phoenix remarks that Maverick has achieved “flying ace” status, having shot down five enemy aircraft; three MiGs 30 years prior, along with two Su-57s during the operation.

Some time after the mission, Maverick and Rooster work together on a P-51 Mustang, Penny soon arrives with her daughter, leading Maverick to take Penny for a ride in the P-51. Rooster is seen looking onto their missions success as well as a photo of his late father and young Maverick.

Asked By: Matthew Cox Date: created: Jun 28 2024

How did Maverick meet Penny

Answered By: Walter Lewis Date: created: Jul 01 2024

Biography – Penny is first referenced when Maverick and LTJG Nick “Goose” Bradshaw are getting chewed out by CDR Tom “Stinger” Jardian (after the LT Bill “Cougar” Cortell incident), who indicates that Maverick has been previously disciplined (twice by Stinger himself) for “a history of high-speed passes over five air control towers and one admiral’s daughter!” Goose then whispers Penny Benjamin’s name to Maverick as if to remind him of who she was.

Was Penny from Maverick mentioned in Top Gun?

Top Gun: Maverick ‘s Penny Benjamin ( Jennifer Connelly ) is a big part of the sequel but there’s a hidden Top Gun 1986 connection that suggests a history with another character from the original. Before being the central love interest in Top Gun: Maverick, Penny is actually mentioned in the original Top Gun, being one of Maverick’s former love interests.

However, a new theory posits that Penny’s ex-husband might be a character from the original movie as well. Top Gun: Maverick doesn’t give many details on Penny’s past, only mentioning that she is no longer married, which could mean anything. However, given her proximity to the Topgun program, it wouldn’t be surprising if Top Gun: Maverick ‘s Penny Benjamin was married to someone that Maverick knows.

Top Gun: Maverick sees the return of Lt. Pete “Maverick” Mitchell to the Navy’s Topgun program as an instructor. The film has many of the same.

2/22/2023by Robert Pitman

How did Maverick disrespect Penny?

Photo: Scott Garfield/Paramount Pictures A lot happens in Top Gun: Maverick that might take your breath away, After finally watching the biggest movie of the year, though, I could think of one thing only: the weird rule about phones in that bar. What was up with that? A quick recap: Upon returning to Top Gun, Maverick ( Tom Cruise ) stops at a Navy bar and watches a very normal game of darts in which one player covers the other’s eyes.

  • But Maverick can’t believe his eyes when he spies his old flame Penny (Jennifer Connelly) working behind the counter.
  • Just as sparks appear on the verge of rekindling, the two agree to keep things platonic.
  • Penny then celebrates their arrangement by ringing a bell to let everybody in the place know Maverick is buying the entire bar a round because he put his phone on the counter which is against the rules which he should know because they’re listed on a tiny sign.

Right away, people start thanking and dunking on Maverick, including a tanned Adonis played by Glen Powell who orders “four more on the old-timer.” It all seems like a put-on at first, but then Penny actually holds Maverick’s feet to the money-fire. I can’t stress enough that he is smiling this entire time as if this is all just another classic Maverick aggressive bar flirtation,

  • When Maverick tries to pay the enormous bar tab, his credit card gets declined, and Penny won’t accept the cash in his pocket as an advance.
  • I’m afraid rules are rules,” she says, ringing the bell once more, causing everybody at the bar to chant “Overboard! Overboard!” as a trio of yoked fighter pilots materialize behind our Maverick and throw him out of the bar like three Uncles Phil tossing out Jazz,

Once excommunicated, Maverick realizes Rooster (Miles Teller), the son of his famously dead former wingman, Goose (Anthony Edwards), has been playing piano in the bar this whole time. Maverick is now lost in painful memories of their complicated history.

Penny notices him moping through the window, and it is strongly implied that she correctly intuits the cause of his sudden sadness — not that he might be sad because he just lost untold hundreds of dollars and got clowned on with extreme prejudice merely for texting Iceman (Val Kilmer). The movie hasn’t even begun to cook yet, but throughout all the awesome sky action to come, I remained fixated on that phone rule.

Why would the rule be so rigidly enforced? Are viewers supposed to applaud the rule, even though it smacks of boomerish disdain for these darn millennials and their dang phones? How often would the rule have to be violated before everyone at the bar knew what each specific ding of the bell means? And why are they all so excited, anyway — don’t they worry someone they care about might be next? Oh, and most important of all: Why does a sequel to the cinematic apex of American patriotism apparently hate freedom? Refusing to let the matter drop after the credits, I searched high and low for answers.

  • It turns out this bar is inspired by a real place : the World Famous I-Bar, located at Naval Station North Island in Southern California.
  • Reportedly, I-Bar has been a cherished Navy hangout since the 1930s, and it does indeed have a rule against putting cell phones down on the counter along with several other rules that also penalty out to “buying a round of cheer.” But if the filmmakers thought they were weaving in The Bear -like authenticity with this phone rule, they were sorely mistaken.

I asked my Marine father-in-law about the rules at I-Bar — incidentally, this was the first time having a Marine father-in-law proved more helpful than terrifying — and his face lit up. Hearing about the I-Bar’s rule against wearing uniform hats inside took him right back to the days when he might have had a drink in such a place.

The no-hat rule is a well-known tradition, as he recalls. His Marine days ended before cell phones were everywhere, though, so he couldn’t weigh in on that rule. Why did the no-hat rule get replaced in the movie by a rule against speaking ill of the Navy? Seems redundant for a bar on a Navy base. Photo: Paramount Pictures None of this helped me better understand why people at a bar would enjoy ejecting customers, let alone going it about as roughly as Goose getting ejected from that jet,

All over a silly rule on a little sign! To find out, I got in touch with the Jennifer Connelly equivalent at the I-Bar — a woman named Debbie Stoneman, who has worked there for 22 years. The phone rule started many years ago, according to Stoneman, when an admiral came to I-Bar and was dismayed to see so many eyes glued to so many phones.

  • It sort of took the place of a previous rule that if anyone called the bar looking for their husband, the bartender rang a bell and the husband had to buy everyone a beer.
  • Buying a round is not as bad as it seems in the movie, though.
  • The real bar is much smaller than the one in Top Gun, and drinks are only $6.50, so the average round is about $70.

In fact, the largest tab Stoneman remembers anyone paying for a round ever was a couple hundred bucks — a relatively paltry sum compared with whatever Maverick pays when he returns the next day. The denomination of the bills in his wad is conveniently obscured.

Photo: Paramount Pictures If people tend to be good sports about buying a round, as Stoneman claims, it’s probably because they were aptly warned first. Following the phenomenon of Top Gun: Maverick, I-Bar has posted signs with the house rules near the front and back doors, making them nearly impossible to miss.

Some of the many recent visitors — civilians are welcome, but they need a military escort to get on base — even break the rules intentionally just to live out their Top Gun fantasies. But what happens when people aren’t such good sports about buying a round? Absolutely nothing.

We can’t make anybody buy a round,” Stoneman says. “It’s just a suggested thing only.” With this last revelation, everything makes sense. Of course the real-life bar hasn’t trained its patrons to enforce and celebrate expelling the noncompliant. That would be a hostile, legally sketchy, and downright un-American thing to do.

I reached out to Top Gun: Maverick screenwriter Christopher McQuarrie to find out how this dramatization came about, but he was “too busy” to respond to my questions. Perhaps it’s because he is currently in Europe, directing the next two Mission: Impossible movies ; perhaps it’s because he’s afraid of the truth.

What Mystery Restaurant Got Caught Up in the RHONY Reboot Beef? Untangling the Mystery Behind Dennis Quaid’s Full Circle Braid Did Universal Studios Engage in Malicious Tree Trimming?

See All What’s the Deal With That Bar Rule in Top Gun: Maverick ?