Asked By: Zachary Scott Date: created: Sep 12 2023

Who was responsible for fire safety

Answered By: Adrian Hill Date: created: Sep 14 2023

Who is responsible for fire safety? Fire is a potential danger that you as an employer need to be aware of. From providing suitable training, arranging regular risk assessments and creating a plan of action in case of a fire, you need to take steps to keep your workers safe. To work towards the goal of effective within your company, you will need to take many factors into consideration, starting with knowing who should be accountable for promoting and ensuring fire safety.

  • Who is responsible for fire safety in the workplace? In a working or non-domestic environment, the person responsible for fire safety is the person in control of the premises.
  • Although this primarily applies to employers, it can also apply to the building owner, occupier, landlord and anyone else with control of the premises, such as the building manager, officer manager or facilities manager.

Under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, often referred to simply as the FSO, the person in control of fire safety is known as the ‘responsible person’. If more than one individual could be regarded as the responsible person, they will share the responsibility equally, working together to find solutions to potential problems.

This is likely to be applicable on shared premises, where the landlord is responsible, as well as the owner of each business. For clarity among your employees on what to do in a fire, it is advisable to put together your own fire safety plan. In this, you should provide a basic map of the building with each floor included, an indication of every possible exit, the desirable method of escaping the building in the event of a fire, and a designated meeting place away from the premises.

You may also wish to include additional information in your fire safety plan, such as:

the people in charge of fire safety and calling the emergency services the location of emergency doors and exit routes the location of fire alarms and other detection systems support and consideration for members of staff with mobility, hearing or visual disabilities detailed instructions of the meeting place and procedure.

Is fire safety training optional or mandatory for all employees? Part of being the responsible person in a company is to ensure that every member of staff is given adequate training in fire safety. One of the primary reasons for the FSO was to make employees of companies more fire-aware, but that’s not to say that every employer has stuck by these rules and followed through by sufficiently informing their workforce about fire safety.

Within the rules of the FSO, the responsible person of every company must ensure that fire safety training is provided to employees on the first day of their employment. For existing members of staff, the responsible person should guarantee that fire safety training is provided if the worker has been given more responsibility, if new equipment has been introduced or if a new process has come into action.

If, as an employer, you were unaware of these guidelines, you may be unsure of how to approach this. However, fire safety training in a working environment isn’t as complicated as you might think. In fact, the only instructions for this type of training are that it must:

be carried out during working hours cover instructions on suitable actions that the employee would take in the event of fire, with the intention of safeguarding themselves and anyone else in the building be regulated and updated to meet the requirements of new changes to legislation be repeated on a regular basis if needed suit the level of risk based on the environment and potential causes of fire.

Previously, you would be able to confirm whether or not your business met the standards of fire safety through being issued a fire safety certificate. This came under the Fire Precautions Act 1971, but as the FSO changed this in 2005, possessing a fire safety certificate is no longer a valid indication that your working environment is safe.

Instead of this, you’re now required to undergo a thorough fire risk assessment, which should be conducted by a qualified contractor. The responsible person must arrange the fire risk assessment, and if they fail to do this, they will be endangering their workforce and breaking the law. A fire risk assessment will identify every possible fire hazard, as well as ways to reduce or completely remove them.

After it has been carried out, a written report from the assessment should be kept, regularly reviewed and updated based on any changes. This report is often used as part of the fire safety training that employees must have. : Who is responsible for fire safety?

Who is responsible for fire safety in your workplace UK?

Who is Responsible for Fire Safety in the Workplace? It’s clear that fire safety in the workplace is important. Due to the nature of workplace premises, there are a whole host of fire hazards and ignition sources that need to be managed correctly, not to mention the number of occupants that need to be able to evacuate the building safely in the event of a fire.

Employer Building owner Occupier Landlord Facilities or building manager

If there is more than one person assigned as responsible, then they can share the responsibility equally. This might happen on shared premises, where the landlord and business owner are both responsible. Employers may also assign a member of staff to the role of fire marshall or fire warden who would oversee all fire strategies and report to the employer to ensure all fire safety practice is being implemented.

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Who is responsible for fire in most premises?

Who is responsible for enforcing fire safety legislation? In recent years, fire safety legislation has been optimised so that all responsibilities are assigned to the right people. Building owners and landlords must comply with all regulations and ensure their buildings are maintained and the occupants remain safe.

  • The main piece of legislation for fire safety in the UK is the Fire Regulatory Safety Order.
  • And the responsibility of enforcing this legislation usually lies with local fire and rescue authorities (FRAs), though the Health and Safety Executive holds responsibility for construction sites and for ships that are undergoing construction or repair.

Being responsible for fire safety requires business owners to provide an in-depth and transparent overview of the condition of their building, and a risk assessment detailing that all necessary steps have been taken to reduce the risk of fire. In this article, we’ll outline exactly who is responsible for fire safety in a building.

Enter the premises to carry out an inspection Identify those that are responsible for maintaining fire safety protocol Expect the compliance and assistance of the responsible person/s with the inspection Evaluate compliance with all the necessary provisions specific to the Regulatory Fire and Safety order Request access to any mandatory records and plans, such as documentation relating to the building’s most recent Fire Risk Assessment Take material samples from premises to ascertain their safety/flammability If anything is found to be unsafe, inspectors can order them to be dismantled, destroyed, or tested further.

Who is responsible for fire safety in commercial buildings? Whoever is in control of commercial premises is responsible for fire safety. For most commercial spaces that means the responsibility lies with the employer. This means they must carry out a thorough, written and regularly review it. The fire risk assessment will:

Identify the fire hazards Identify people at risk Evaluate, remove or reduce the risk

You’ll need to record your findings if you have 5 employees or more. You’ll also need to prepare an emergency plan and provide training. You’ll need to consider:

Emergency routes and exits Fire detection and warning systems Fire fighting equipment The removal or safe storage of dangerous substances An emergency fire evacuation plan The needs of vulnerable people, for example the elderly, young children or those with disabilities Providing information to employees and other people on the premises Staff fire safety training

You can complete the fire risk assessment yourself with the help of standard fire safety risk assessment guides. If you don’t have the expertise or time to complete this yourself, then you’ll need to appoint a ‘competent person’ to help, for example a professional risk assessor.

  • Your local fire and rescue authority may be able to give you advice, but they cannot carry out risk assessments for you.
  • Some commercial property leases specify that it is the duty of the landlord to be responsible for common spaces such as stairways, reception areas and such as alarms and fire doors.

We advise landlords to speak to a specialist landlord solicitor to ensure they are aware of their responsibilities as commercial property owners. Swift Fire & Safety is passionate about fire protection, safety, and compliance. Want to find out more about our specialist fire protection services? of specialists today.

Asked By: William Sanchez Date: created: Oct 23 2023

Who is the responsible person in an office

Answered By: Jeffery Morris Date: created: Oct 25 2023

What is meant by the ‘Responsible Person’? – The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 officially came into force in October 2006, replacing more than 100 pieces of fire safety legislation relating to commercial premises. As well as simplifying and unifying many acts of legislation into one document, it also sought to establish clear rules and responsibilities for business owners and managers.

What is the fire safety policy?

What is a fire safety policy? – A fire safety policy is a document shared with all employees, and anyone else working for you, to outline potential dangers, how to avoid risks, and what to do if a fire breaks out. You should also make sure that any staff and contractors are aware of the policy and that everyone is expected to comply with it.

Asked By: Antonio Powell Date: created: Jul 20 2024

Who the employee is responsible for

Answered By: Steven Baker Date: created: Jul 21 2024

As a small business owner, you’ll know that health and safety is incredibly important. And being complacent can be an expensive mistake – a report from Health and Safety Executive says the cost of injuries & ill health from current working conditions was estimated at a staggering £18.8 billion,

  • With that in mind, it’s important to know who’s responsible for what when it comes to upholding health and safety in the workplace.
  • The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (HASAWA) says that, for the most part, it’s the employer’s responsibility to make sure everyone is safe.
  • This includes anyone on-site, whether that’s employees, visitors or the general public.

But employees have a level of responsibility too, and it’s important both you and your staff are aware of what they are. In a nutshell, your employees are responsible for:

Taking reasonable care of their own health and safety Co-operating with you (their employer) and following instructions Not putting others in danger Report any hazards, illnesses or injuries

Now let’s break this down into more detail and look at exactly what your employees need to be doing to maintain their health and safety (and everyone else’s, too).

Who is the person who is legally responsible?

More Definitions of Legally responsible person – Legally responsible person means (i) the biological or adoptive parent or other relative with whom the child primarily resides and who has legal custody of the child; (ii) the biological or adoptive parent with whom the child does not primarily reside and who has legal custody of the child; or (iii) a committee or guardian appointed by a court to represent the interest of a client.

What is responsible in the workplace?

What’s the definition of responsibility? Responsibilities in the workplace are duties that an individual or department carries out on a regular basis. When an employee or manager is responsible for a task, you can hold them accountable in case the task isn’t carried out or praise them for a job well done.

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Are managers responsible for employees?

What does a manager do? How much responsibility should they take? The responsibilities of a manager vary from company to company. In some organizations, managers are responsible for overseeing the performance of their employees, whereas, in other companies, managers are responsible for supervising the activities of their subordinates.

What are your responsibilities at work?

Your responsibilities – Your employer should provide you with training and an induction into your new workplace. It is your responsibility to pay attention to the instructions being given to you. Your employer will have policies and procedures in place in relation to health and safety issues which you need to read and follow.

obey all reasonable instructions given to you by your manager or supervisorfollow the safe procedures for doing your jobuse any equipment (including personal protective equipment) safely and correctlynot put yourself or your co-workers at riskreport hazards, incidents or near misseswork with your employer and co-workers to improve work health and safety at your workplace.

Asked By: Caleb Watson Date: created: Jul 13 2024

Who invented fire protection

Answered By: Caleb Peterson Date: created: Jul 15 2024

The History and Importance of Fire Sprinkler Systems The modern fire sprinkler system, as we know it today, had its start in 1812. Architect William Congreve installed the first one in the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane in London. It consisted of a series of pierced pipes, which led to a large container of water that was released in the event of a fire.

  1. In the 1870’s, Philip Pratt invented the first automatic sprinkler system.
  2. The automatic fire sprinkler was then improved by Henry Parmalee and later perfected by Frederick Grinnell in the 1890’s.
  3. While originally used to protect commercial buildings, are now found in almost every building.
  4. They have even started to be installed most recently in residential homes.

Today, buildings in the US and Canada are required by local code to have properly working fire sprinkler systems installed in them.

Who is the father of fire protection?

Fire and Rescue History The picture above depicts a well known figure in our nation’s history. Not only was this man a Founding Father of the United States, but he is also known to be the “Father of our Fire Service”. You guessed it, this man is Benjamin Franklin himself. Ben Franklin founded the Union Fire Company in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1736. The two symbols above represent the The Maltese Cross (left) and The Star of Life (right). The Maltese Cross is a symbol of protection and is a badge of honor. This emblem had its beginnings during the time of the Crusades and was a symbol of the knights during that time period.

  • The Knights of St.
  • John fought the Saracens for possession of the holy land, they encountered a new weapn unknown to any European warrior.
  • This weapon was a simple, yet horrible device of war: fire.
  • The Crusaders advanced on the walls of the city and were continuously struck by glass bombs that were filled with a higly flammable liquid known as naptha.

While the warriors were covered with this liquid, the Saracens would throw flaming torches at them and most of these warriors burned alive. Others risked their own lives to save their fallen brothers. This is how our first firemen came to be. Their heroic efforts were honored with a badge of honor: a cross similar to the cross that firefighters wear today.

The Knights of St. John lived on an island in the Meditteranian Sea for almost four centuries named Malta, this is where the name for the Maltese Cross came about. The Star of Life was adapted from the personal Medical Identification Symbol of the American Medical Association. Each of the six bars on the Star of Life has a separate meaning: detection, reporting, response, on-scene care, care in transit, and transfer to definitive care.

If you look to the center of the star, you will notice a serpant wrapped around a staff. These two symbolize the staff of Asclepius, an ancient Greek physician known as the god of medicine. The staff, overall, represents medicine and healing, while the serpant represents renewal. Depicted above is a firetruck dated around the 1920s. Trucks back in this time period were not equipped like today’s fire engines. As you look closely, you can see this fire truck pulling a water pump, which was how fires were put out in this era. Back in the late 1800s and throughut most of the early 20th century, firefighters used what is known as a hand pump fire engine. This device was either pulled by an early model firetruck or attached to a horse drawn carriage. In years past, it used to be pulled by hand.

These fire engines have long bars that run parallel to the body of the engine that operate the pump. These bars, when pushed up and down, operate a set of pistons in the engine which alternately suck water out of the tub (located in the center of the engine), and force it into a pressure chamber. The air trapped in this chamber provides constant pressure and evens out the spurts as water is sprayed out of the hose.

Being that the average amount of pumps per minute for this machine was around 60, an average man could only last but a few minutes at a time. This particular hand pump fire engine was built around 1875 and was purchased by the Town of Franklin around the turn of the century. T he picure above depicts what is known as a Western Electric Phone. This phone was used by the dispatcher to ring the special phones located in the volunteers’ houses. The dispatcher would either ring North side or South side. Whichever side of the town the phones went off was where the fire would be located. Commonly known fire fighting tools are the flathead axe (left) and the pick head axe (right). The flat head axe is used mainly for cutting through lightweigt materials and the flat surface is used mainly to strike other prying tools in a sledge hammer like fashion. Since the supply of water to burning buildings in this time era was so little, firemen carried different tools with them to salvage personal items of the victims of the fire. One of these tools was known as a bed key. Since the bed was often the most valuable item owned by a family back in the late 1700s and early 1800s, firemen carried around the bed key which allowed them to disassemble the wooden bed frame quickly and efficiently and remove it safely. A ballot box was the most common way for members of a fire department to cast their votes on electing new members into the organization. Members would cast their vote by putting in a white or clear marble, which represented “yes”, or a black ball, which represented “no”.

Asked By: Jordan Hughes Date: created: Nov 16 2023

Who were the first people to control fire

Answered By: Ian Bennett Date: created: Nov 17 2023

“Control of fire” redirects here. For the process of suppressing or extinguishing a fire, see Fire control, For components that assist weapon systems, see Fire-control system, The control of fire by early humans was a critical technology enabling the evolution of humans,

  1. Fire provided a source of warmth and lighting, protection from predators (especially at night), a way to create more advanced hunting tools, and a method for cooking food.
  2. These cultural advances allowed human geographic dispersal, cultural innovations, and changes to diet and behavior.
  3. Additionally, creating fire allowed human activity to continue into the dark and colder hours of the evening.
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Claims for the earliest definitive evidence of control of fire by a member of Homo range from 1.7 to 2.0 million years ago ( Mya ). Evidence for the “microscopic traces of wood ash” as controlled use of fire by Homo erectus, beginning roughly 1 million years ago, has wide scholarly support.

Some of the earliest known traces of controlled fire were found at the Daughters of Jacob Bridge, Israel, and dated to ~790,000 years ago. At the site, archaeologists also found the oldest of controlled use of fire to cook food ~780,000 years ago. However, some studies suggest cooking started ~1.8 million years ago.

Flint blades burned in fires roughly 300,000 years ago were found near fossils of early but not entirely modern Homo sapiens in Morocco, Fire was used regularly and systematically by early modern humans to heat treat silcrete stone to increase its flake-ability for the purpose of toolmaking approximately 164,000 years ago at the South African site of Pinnacle Point,

Who was the first to control fire?

Human Ancestors Tamed Fire Earlier Than Thought Fire control changed the course of human evolution, allowing our ancestors to stay warm, cook food, ward off predators and venture into harsh climates. It also had important social and behavioral implications, encouraging groups of people to gather together and stay up late.

Despite the significance of kindling flames, when and where human ancestors learned how to do it remains a subject of debate and speculation. There is even little consensus about which hominins—modern humans, a direct predecessor or a long-extinct branch—first acquired the skill. The oldest unequivocal evidence, found at Israel’s Qesem Cave, dates back 300,000 to 400,000 years, associating the earliest control of fire with Homo sapiens and Neanderthals.

Now, however, an international team of archaeologists has unearthed what appear to be traces of campfires that flickered 1 million years ago. Consisting of charred animal bones and ashed plant remains, the evidence hails from South Africa’s Wonderwerk Cave, a site of human and early hominin habitation for 2 million years.

The researchers found the evidence in a layer of rock containing hand axes, stone flakes and other tools attributed by previous excavations to a particular human ancestor: Homo erectus. Characterized by its upright stance and robust build, this early hominin species lived from 1.8 million to 200,000 years ago.

“The evidence from Wonderwerk Cave suggests that Homo erectus had some familiarity with fire,” said Francesco Berna, an archaeology professor at Boston University and the lead author of a paper on the team’s findings. Other groups of researchers armed with remains from Africa, Asia and Europe have also claimed that human fire control originated very early—up to 1.5 million years ago.

These studies, however, rely on evidence from open-air sites where wildfires could have blazed, Berna said. And while scorched objects were found and analyzed, the deposits surrounding them were not, meaning the burning could have taken place elsewhere, he added. Wonderwerk Cave, by contrast, is a protected environment less prone to spontaneous flames.

What’s more, an analysis by Berna and his colleagues showed that sediment clinging to charred items there was also heated, suggesting fires were kindled onsite. For these reasons, the team described the singed traces unearthed at Wonderwerk as “the earliest secure evidence for burning in an archaeological context.” Scientists working outside the realm of archaeology—most notably primatologist Richard Wrangham—have persuasively argued that Homo erectus tamed fire, Berna noted.

Wrangham has long been championing the theory that cooking allowed human ancestors to consume more calories and, as a result, to develop larger brains. He has largely based his hypothesis on physical changes in early hominins—for instance, a shift toward smaller teeth and stomachs—that took place around the time Homo erectus evolved.

“So far, Richard Wrangham’s cooking hypothesis is based on anatomical and phylogenetic evidence that show that Homo erectus may have been already adapted to a cooked food diet,” Berna explained. “Our evidence from Wonderwerk is consistent with Homo erectus being able to eat cooked food.” Berna and his colleagues have been excavating at Wonderwerk since 2004, but more work is on the horizon, he said.

  • In addition to seeking even earlier evidence of fire control, the researchers plan to investigate whether the cave’s Homo erectus inhabitants actually cooked—for instance, by checking for cut marks on bones, Berna explained.
  • More work needs to be done to exclude that meat was consumed raw and bones were disposed in the fire after that,” he said.

: Human Ancestors Tamed Fire Earlier Than Thought