Asked By: Adam Cox Date: created: Jan 03 2024

Does Alex’s dad know Alex killed Bryce

Answered By: Malcolm Robinson Date: created: Jan 05 2024

13 Reasons Why: Five Questions Season Four Will Have to Answer This post contains spoilers for 13 Reasons Why season three. In its third season, 13 Reasons Why was, shall we say, a lot. There were murders, deportations, a dizzying number of drugs, and even more secrets coming out into the open—well, mostly.

  1. What began as a relatively confined story about one teenage girl’s suicide has ballooned into a haunting examination of the teenage condition, presented through a hyperdramatic filter.
  2. This 13-hour season was a twisty ride that left in its wake several loose threads—questions that the Netflix drama’s will have to answer.

The biggest mystery is whether Clay Jensen ( Dylan Minnette ) and his friends will actually get away with lying to the police about who killed Bryce Walker ( Justin Prentice )—but these five dangling threads will also play a role. Will Season Four Be All About Monty? Bryce’s murder investigation comes to a close with police blaming the wrong person—because Clay’s friends framed him.

The actual details of Bryce’s death are complicated: Zach Dempsey ( Ross Butler ) beat Bryce to a bloody pulp on the docks after the Liberty High School homecoming game. Jessica Davis ( Alisha Boe ) and Alex Standall ( Miles Heizer ) found Bryce later that night; though Alex at first reluctantly attempted to help him, he then thought about all the people he loved whom Bryce had hurt and, seemingly without thinking, threw Bryce into the river.

Panic-stricken, he and Jess watched the injured Bryce as he drowned. In the end, it was Montgomery de la Cruz ( Timothy Granaderos ) who posthumously got the blame for Bryce’s death—though at least one person knows that the story Clay’s friends told the police to implicate Monty was a lie.

  • Monty, who is closeted, was actually having sex with one of Bryce’s Hillcrest classmates, Winston Williams, as Bryce was being murdered; he later went to prison for sexually assaulting Tyler Down ( Devin Druid ).
  • As Bryce’s murder investigation was closing, Clay’s friend Ani ( Grace Saif ) found out Monty had been beaten to death in prison.

So she and the rest of Clay’s friends pinned Bryce’s murder on him. Winston confronted Ani about the lie at the end of this season—and if this show’s patterns hold true next season, it seems likely we haven’t heard the last from him (or Monty) just yet.

  1. What Will the Fisherman Do With Tyler’s Guns? When Clay and Tony Padilla ( Christian Navarro ) covered up Tyler’s plans to commit a mass shooting at their school’s Spring Fling, they dumped all of Tyler’s guns in the river—and at the end of this season, a fisherman found them in the water.
  2. It’s unclear whether Clay and Tony had the foresight to wipe any fingerprints off the guns—or if their serial numbers might trace back to Tyler and his family.

But either way, the stash seems bound to haunt these troubled teens when the series returns. Can Justin and Jessica Make It as a Couple? The romantic relationship between Justin and Jessica might be one of the show’s most complicated. The series appears to have somewhat softened its stance when it comes to the extent to which Justin “let” Bryce rape Jessica at a party years ago—but regardless, it’s been an understandably fraught facet of their relationship, especially as Jessica leads the school’s rape survivor activist group.

At the end of this season, Justin revealed to the school that he himself was a sexual assault survivor; as he later told Jessica, one of his mother’s drug-addicted boyfriends molested him as a child. He was also assaulted multiple times when he did sex work while living on the streets. Justin is still working through his heroin addiction as well.

Jessica is undeniably courageous, and her reclamation of her body and sexuality was one of this season’s high points—but after what happened with Bryce, she remains somewhat fragile. Season 4 will have to continue to explore the complicated wrinkles in her relationship with Justin, and ultimately decide whether Justin and Jessica’s love for one another is enough to overcome the trauma they’ve both endured.

  • Will Tony’s Family Ever Return to the U.S.? Tony’s family apparently got deported after Bryce’s father alerted authorities to their immigration status, though Tony and his little sister, Graciella, were both born in the U.S.
  • Tony sent Graciella to live with their uncle and aunt in Arizona, and at the end of the season, he and his boyfriend, Caleb, video-chatted with Tony’s family.

Earlier in the season, Tony was set on reuniting his family, and it’s unclear if he still plans to do so. It seems unlikely that Tony will be content to have his sister living so far away, and his parents even further—but it’s hard to say what he can do to rectify the situation.

Still, this is 13 Reasons Why, so it seems very likely that he’s going to try. What’s Next for Alex? Alex, like pretty much all of his classmates, has been through a lot in three seasons. Wracked with guilt over all that Hannah revealed in her tapes in season one, Alex attempted suicide. He survived, but sustained brain injuries that affected his memory and muscle coordination.

This season, Alex is insecure about his body, particularly after his breakup with Jessica—so he asks Zach to help him learn to lift weights, and uses steroids to boost his performance. Going into season four, Alex’s father, Deputy Standall, is aware of his son’s role in Bryce’s murder, as well as his drug use.

Still, Deputy Standall seems content to, as Ani put it in her testimony, “let the dead bury the dead,” and lay the blame for Bryce’s death on the already-deceased Monty. Deputy Standall burned what looked like the clothing Alex was wearing on the night of Bryce’s death, but whether he will confront Alex about any of this remains to be seen.

As the season came to a close, he told Alex that when he first found him after the suicide attempt, he wished he had been the one with a bullet in his head instead of his son. He later offered an emotional Thanksgiving prayer: “Father, please bless and keep safe our children,” he said.

Asked By: Harry Garcia Date: created: May 19 2024

Why was Monty so loyal to Bryce

Answered By: Nathan James Date: created: May 22 2024

Personality – Monty is cruel, sadistic, and violent, most likely because of his abusive history with his father. His violent tendencies may also be a result of his abuse of steroids. He bullies Tyler Down frequently (so much that Alex and even Bryce has to defend him on occasion), gropes Courtney at the school dance and spreads rumors of Hannah Baker being a “psycho lesbian”.

  1. As the audience learns more of his past, the narrative makes it clear that Monty’s cruelty while inexcusable, is the result of his poor upbringing and possible self-loathing.
  2. However, he has some moments of humanity was seen when Monty admitted to Bryce that he missed Jeff Atkins and the fourth season also reveals that despite rarely caring for anyone else, he did love his sister Estela de la Cruz.

In Season 2, however, Montgomery is shown to be more depraved than others initially thought. In reality, he is a sociopathic, scheming survivalist, willing to side with whoever he believes will keep him safe even if the person is guilty. While Monty is extremely loyal to his friends and teammates, especially Bryce, it is not out of care or compassion but rather as a necessity because he believes that they are his best chance at surviving his abusive home.

Even though Monty knows Bryce is guilty of raping multiple girls he still sides with him because of Bryce’s family’s influence and therefore his best chance of survival, despite knowing Bryce would never go the lengths Monty went to help Monty. He shows neither sympathy nor empathy towards any of his victims or Bryce’s victims.

He is also shown to be homicidal, trying to run over Clay Jensen in Bryce’s car and trying to tempt Alex into suicide (by giving him a gun, bullet and shooting diagram) for failing to stop Hannah’s rape. He also goes a step further when he rapes Tyler with a mop stick in the high school bathroom on top of smashing his head against the mirror and sink multiple times out of spite for the baseball season being cancelled.

In Season 3, his violent behavior is slightly more subdued than in season two, as he is revealed to be a repressed homosexual. He also becomes even more paranoid when the police begin to search the sports teams’ lockers for drugs, particularly steroids. He still remains completely callous and heartless towards others, such as mocking Justin’s drug addiction, Clay for being a suspect in Bryce’s murder, as well as making kissing noises at Tyler after his rape of him.

Monty’s rape of Tyler was so disturbing that even Bryce, who has committed far more rapes than him, is disgusted and appalled by it (even though it’s because he started to become a better person). Though, we do see a few humanizing moments for Monty, such as seeing his abuse from his father as well as his repressed homosexuality, as well as showing a softer side to Winston such as genuinely apologizing to him for beating him up the first time they hooked up and opening up to him about his feelings the second time they hook up, which shows that his virulent and obsessive homophobia is likely a result of some sort of self-loathing that he hides deep inside through his sadistic cruelty.

It is also implied that Monty’s friendship with Bryce might be genuine after all. Since Bryce threatening Monty for raping Tyler leads to Monty telling Bryce he’ll kill him (to which Bryce replies Monty was “just a coward and always has been”) Monty was a prime suspect in Bryce’s murder. However, Monty didn’t murder Bryce as he was with Winston during the murder.

Monty is then shown mourning Bryce at his funeral, crying for Bryce as Zach speaks and trying to attack the girls that protest the funeral. Monty later gets offended when Clay accuses him of killing Bryce with Monty saying, “He was my best friend a—-hole.” in a genuinely hurt tone of voice and shows further grief for Bryce when talking to Coach Keebra.

At the end of the day, Monty is a product of his environment, causing pain onto others to release his own frustrations. He is still evil, but he is still capable of showing respect towards others and feeling remorse even though he rarely does. It’s possible that if not for his death, he would have found other ways to project his anger towards his father that didn’t involve harming others.

On the other hand, he still died without showing any remorse or making any attempts at redeeming himself for his actions. Therefore, he remains mostly unsympathetic despite becoming a far more complex character than he was in the first two seasons.

Asked By: Joshua Walker Date: created: Sep 09 2024

Who was worse Monty or Bryce

Answered By: Fred Moore Date: created: Sep 09 2024

Is Montgomery de la Cruz more evil than Bryce Walker? | Fandom 5 Saw my friend JacobSnake do polls like this on the Pure Evil wiki so I want to make a poll like this on Near Pure Evil wiki. Both are the two biggest villains in 13 Reasons Why and the cause of Hannah’s suicide. I find Monty more evil because:

He is both homicidal and a rapist and has less restraint than Bryce. He’s listed as Neutral Evil but borders on Chaotic Evil. He rapes Tyler, tries to kill Clay by running him over and gives a gun to a suicide victim. Bryce would never do the latter two. What he did to Tyler, despite seemingly being his first and only rape, was far more brutal, horrific and sadistic than any rape Bryce committed. Bryce raped for sexual pleasure, usually when girls as intoxicated/passed out but Monty raped Tyler with a mop far more brutally, on top of torturing him beforehand. And rapists usually get worse as time goes on and Monty said he would do it again. Monty never felt regret or tried to atone unlike Bryce. Bryce showed remorse in season 3 and tried to make amends for his actions to his previous victims. Monty lied to Tyler’s face and threw Bryce under the bus when Tyler asked for an apology. Bryce became evil because he never had a proper parental figure to teach him right from wrong and thought he “owned” everything since he was always given everything he wanted from his otherwise neglectful parents. Monty was abused by his dad yes but he willingly choose to hurt others to torture them as well, taking clear enjoyment form being a cruel bully.

0 Bryce from the book? Because if it’s Bryce, I’d say he’s more evil. As that version of Bryce has no redeeming qualities.2 No, the tv show Bryce incarnation.2 Oh yes, with the TV show, Montgomery’s more evil.1 Oh god, i pick wrong vote. But while the book version of Bryce is clearly worse than Monty, the TV Show that Monty is Even worse than Bryce.

Please Fandom change the voting system a bit. (edited by Sun9141) 2 Heck you don’t even need to mention “latter” in that sentence because I don’t think Bryce would even rape Tyler, considering how he stood up to Monty for him. So yeah, I think Monty is more evil, especially considering how he has no remorse over his actions, unlike Bryce.

Also, shouldn’t Monty be labeled as the main antagonist of the show in villains wiki instead of Bryce? 0 Nd now Novel!Bryce is gone too. : Is Montgomery de la Cruz more evil than Bryce Walker? | Fandom

Asked By: Alan Watson Date: created: Sep 19 2024

Why did Zach say he killed Bryce

Answered By: Francis Long Date: created: Sep 20 2024

Season 3 – During the homecoming game, Zach’s knee is busted by Bryce Walker, meaning that he can never play football again and ruining Zach’s dreams. As a result, he brutally beats Bryce before his murder, but doesn’t kill him. When Clay and Ani learn Zach lied about Bryce breaking his knee they suspect he had a motive to kill Bryce.

They learn about Chloe’s pregnancy and how Zach helped her through it and took her to get an abortion. Zach was very sweet and supportive to Chloe probably trying to make up what happened with Hannah. When the newspaper reveals Bryce was shot and the group learns Tyler still has a gun Zach is the first one to say they should go to the cops.

It’s revealed that Zach told Tyler that Bryce saw what happened at spring fling which gives Tyler a motive. In the present, the news reports that Bryce wasn’t shot but was beat. This makes Zach think he killed Bryce and he suspiciously gets up and leaves.

After Clay is arrested for Bryce’s murder Zach feels bad. He confesses to Alex that he killed Bryce and needs to go to the cops because he can’t let Clay go to jail. Alex doesn’t seem to believe him but doesn’t stop him. Zach confesses to the cops that he beat up Bryce and left him on the pier to get revenge for Bryce breaking his knee.

Deputy Standall tells him he couldn’t have killed Bryce because he died by drowning. Since there’s no way to tell whether Bryce’s injuries came from the football game, the fight or the rocks in the river Zach does not get charged for assault and battery.

Was Jessica there when Alex killed Bryce?

Photo: courtesy of Netflix. “Maybe Bryce was trying to break the cycle within himself — and Jessica found him before he had the chance,” Ani (Grace Saif) says at the close of 13 Reasons Why season 3 episode “If You’re Breathing, You’re a Liar.” At the time, the sentence feels like pure conjecture from what we eventually realize is Ani’s sheriff’s interview with deputy Standall (Mark Pellegrino),

It’s a conversation filled with lies and half truths, all crafted to help Ani explain how Bryce Walker (Justin Prentice) died. without implicating her new Liberty High friends in the disgraced teen’s murder. Advertisement ADVERTISEMENT However, 2019 finale “Let the Dead Bury the Dead” reveals Ani may have been on to something so early in the season.

Because, Bryce Walker’s murderer is Alex Standall (Miles Heizer) — and Jessica Davis (Alisha Boe) is the one who unwittingly brings Bryce’s angel of death to the Navy Pier dock on homecoming night. It’s a shocking twist that hinges on the idea that no matter how much 13 Reasons Why season 3 questioned the rehabilitation of Bryce Walker, he was never really going to change.

We begin to understand how and why Bryce ended up at the scene of his eventual murder in “There Are a Few Things I Haven’t Told You,” the eleventh episode of season 3. It’s then that Bryce approaches Jessica before the homecoming game to tell her that he wants to give her “something” and needs to explain the object in full (it’s the bloody tape Jessica is hiding in the 2019 premiere).

Jessica is rightly suspicious of talking to Bryce, her rapist and a serial assaulter — particularly in public before her protest against sexual violence. But Jessica is also afraid to meet Bryce in private. Still, Bryce says he’ll be at the pier waiting for Jessica that evening, should she want to hear what he has to say.

But it’s not Jessica who first finds Bryce at the docks. Instead, it’s Zach Dempsey (Ross Butler), as we learn in penultimate episode “And Then the Hurricane Hit.” Zach has his own bone to pick with Bryce due to the aftermath of Chloe’s (Anne Winters) early season 3 abortion. Chloe tells ex-boyfriend Bryce about the terminated pregnancy — and that the resulting baby would have been his — before the all-important homecoming game.

Although Bryce first shows Chloe kindness over the reveal, that changes the second Bryce learns Zach helped Chloe through the painful journey. Despite all of Bryce’s talk about forgiveness and evolution over the season, he starts berating Zach the second they step on the field together.

Advertisement ADVERTISEMENT Then, during the brawl that breaks out following Jessica’s sexual assault protest, Bryce takes his chance to exact violent revenge on Zach. He puts on his helmet and dives directly into Zach’s knee, shattering it, and Zach’s college athletics future. So, Zach continues the vicious circle after going to the hospital.

He follows Bryce from the Hillcrest football team’s drop-off point to the docks. Zach approaches Bryce and manages to beat him nearly to death (even though it’s Zach with the ruined knee), but walks away before the job is done. This is another moment where Bryce proves he hasn’t actually transformed the monstrous way he views situations.

First, he says Zach “took away his future” by helping Chloe break up with him. It’s a statement that helps Bryce ignore the reality that he sexually coerced his girlfriend repeatedly over season 2 and raped her while his friends took photos. That is why Chloe dumped Bryce. Then Bryce yells, “Did you fuck her, Zach? Chloe ? Did you fuck her? How many times?” No matter how enlightened Bryce tries to pretend he is, he really only sees women as sexual pawns.

Zach breaks Bryce’s leg in response. Minutes later, Jessica and Alex find this broken and bloody Bryce splayed out on the pier. The approaching pair is Jessica and Alex — rather than Jessica and boyfriend Justin Foley (Brandon Flynn) — because Justin was secretly at the waterfront buying drugs at this time.

Jessica asks what Bryce wants to give her, and it’s the blood splattered confession/apology tape. “I’m trying to be better, but this fucking world won’t let me,” Bryce claims after Jess takes the tape. The second Alex goes to help Bryce up — saving him from freezing to death in the November cold — Bryce shows it’s not the world that’s keeping him from getting better.

It’s Bryce. Advertisement ADVERTISEMENT “Fucking Zach! I’m gonna fuck up his other knee and wreck his life,” Bryce yells in a fury of pain before alleging Jessica “set him up.” It’s clear that if Bryce were to walk off of that pier, he would dedicate his life to ruining Zach, Jessica, and maybe even Alex himself.

  • You’ve hurt everyone I ever loved,” Alex says before pushing Bryce into the river to drown.
  • We’re a long way from those two hanging out with sex workers, as they did over the summer.
  • Alex and Jessica watch Bryce bob up and down in the water until he finally drops down into its murky depths forever.
  • And that is how Bryce Walked died.

Ani may spend the finale telling sheriff Standall it was the murdered Monty de la Cruz (Timothy Granaderos) who threw Bryce to his death, but we’ll always know the truth, and in season 4, so does Monty’s friend Winston (Deaken Bluman). This mystery may be solved as far as viewers are concerned, but Winston and those close to Monty aren’t likely to let this lie stand.

Asked By: Albert James Date: created: Feb 21 2024

Why did Chloe lie for Bryce

Answered By: Keith Martin Date: created: Feb 22 2024

Katherine Langford as Hannah Baker Warning: This article contains major spoilers for season 3 of 13 Reasons Why, One of many cliffhangers left dangling at the end of 13 Reasons Why season 2 was Chlöe’s (Anne Winters) shocking declaration that she was pregnant. That’s why she lied on the stand to protect Bryce (Justin Prentice) during the trial, because he was the father of her child and she was, to put it mildly, freaking out.

  1. Thankfully Netflix’s teen drama wasted no time in revealing what Chlöe decided to do about her unplanned pregnancy with a convicted serial rapist (who also raped her before and potentially during their relationship).
  2. The second episode of the new season saw Chlöe leaning on Zach (Ross Butler) for support after she broke up with Bryce and decided to get an abortion.

But her path from the decision to the event didn’t go from A to B. She first had to endure visiting a fake abortion clinic, a practice that actually exists to “intentionally deceive pregnant women into believing that they provide a full range of women’s health services when, in reality, they provide only a pregnancy test, accompanied by intense anti-abortion propaganda,” according to the National Institutes of Health,

  1. As if that wasn’t traumatizing enough for her, once Chlöe does find a real doctor to perform the abortion, an anti-abortion activist wearing a fake escort vest tries to push more propaganda on her.
  2. By the time she actually sees the doctor, she’s shaken, and that’s all before the procedure even begins.

EW spoke with Winters about Chlöe’s decision to get an abortion, filming that emotional scene, whether or not she’ll be in the fourth and final season of 13 Reasons Why, and more.13 Reasons Why Credit: David Moir/Netflix ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Chlöe’s arc this season was incredibly powerful, especially with the focus on what it took for her to get an abortion. What kinds of conversations did you have with showrunner Brian Yorkey before this season began? ANNE WINTERS: I thought abortion or something along the lines of making a decision about having the baby was going to be discussed, but honestly me and Brian didn’t have too many conversations.

He basically said I was going to be going through a lot in terms of the abortion, and that was pretty big. He sent me the script, and I was really shocked in a good way because I saw the whole journey she was going to be put through. I thought it was really important to show the whole decision-making, and not just making an immediate fix but really seeing the journey she took and going back and forth until she made her final decision.

Before you knew your arc for the season, did you have any theories about what decision she was going to make? No, I had no idea! I was really happy. It’s a really sad situation, but I was happy as an actor to be able to portray this situation truthfully.

A lot of teenage girls go through this. I’ve seen a lot of these kinds of scenes done on TV before, but I’ve never felt like I really took the journey with them like I did in our episode. I’m really thankful that they gave me that opportunity to show that. Everything Chlöe goes through just trying to schedule the appointment was so disturbing to see, since anyone getting an abortion is already in such a vulnerable place.

What was your first reaction in learning what Chlöe was going to have to go through before the actual procedure even happened? I’m always looking for something that is challenging, different, and unique, and this embodied every part of that. Every step along the way was different.

I’ve never seen that done, I’ve never seen the protestors and that kind of trick that she went through, even in that first clinic that she thought was a real abortion center and it wasn’t, they were just trying to trick her. I’ve never seen that played through on screen, so I was really happy to be able to have that.

That scene was intense and it really made it very real. It’s super-accurate. Talk me through the kinds of conversations you had with Yorkey about how the abortion scene specifically was going to be portrayed. Brian made it very clear that he wanted to really show the scene, but in a very emotional way that would focus mainly on my face and what I was going through as a person rather than the actual things that were happening.

I got to talk to a doctor that performs abortions in Northern California, and I got to ask her a million questions so I was clear on the whole process and what it entailed. On the day, it was intense. It was a private set, so no one was there except for the director, me, and the doctor in the scene. It was big on my emotional standpoint.

For me personally, it was the vacuum noise in that scene, that was what really got me there every time. That noise is so unique and so raw. It put me in that headspace. How did you prepare for that extended shot where the camera stays on Chlöe’s face for the entire scene? I was in the zone.

I was just trying to really feel like I was there in that doctor’s office and this was my first time and I was alone. Zach was there, but in the grand scheme of things I was alone in the room. I just kept putting myself there in my mind, looking up at the ceiling — there’s a part where I squeeze my wrist because I was just doing that naturally.

I had to film that scene twice, actually. I filmed it once and then like two months later they said the lighting wasn’t right so I had to come back and film that whole scene again. That was challenging.13 Reason Why Season 3 Credit: David Moir/Netflix What did you think when you finally saw the finished product of that scene? It’s always weird to watch myself on television, but I was happy with it. I think that it really portrayed the emotions that I felt in that moment and that I think any girl going through that moment felt like.

What was your ultimate goal in how you portrayed that scene? I thought about Chlöe, I thought about her backstory, a girl that is super into her social life and wanted to just be a cheerleader and date a popular guy at school and would do anything to be the “it” girl in school and not really think about herself.

And then this big moment happens and she can’t really rely on this guy that she’s had a relationship with because he proves to be someone she can’t trust. She’s alone. I think any girl that’s in that situation would just be very scared and vulnerable and naïve.

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At the end of it, she just feels like there’s been something taken away from her and she has to grow up. Zach was there for her, but he encouraged her to make her own decision and to make her stand up for herself. I think that makes her a stronger person but it didn’t make her super-ready to handle everything, you know what I mean? She still has so much to deal with on her own.

What has the reaction to that episode been like so far? I’ve already gotten a lot of DMs from a lot of people who can relate who want to talk to me, and that’s been really cool. I’ve been getting a lot of people saying they used to judge a friend or someone who has gone through that and made that decision and after seeing what Chlöe went through, they aren’t judging anymore now that they’ve seen another side to it.

  • If anything, that’s the best thing.
  • I can open someone’s eyes that may have been closed off to something huge and help them see that it’s not just a black-and-white issue.
  • It’s a tough decision that everyone needs to make their own choice about.
  • I’ve had girls reach out to me saying that they’ve never seen something portrayed so truthfully what they’ve gone through.

It’s been amazing to see. And I’ve seen people say that they really felt like they were there with me, and as an actor that’s the best compliment ever. Are you going to be in 13 Reasons Why ‘s fourth and final season? I am in it. We’ve started filming but it’s all top-secret as what’s happening.

  • I’m not quite sure where the season is going to go, like at all.
  • I know it’s our senior year and I’m still at a different school, so I’m not sure how much I’ll be at Liberty and involved in all the Liberty drama.
  • But I’m definitely in it, still involved with Zach in some way.
  • They keep everything super-secretive, so we’ll see.13 Reasons Why season 3 is now streaming on Netflix.

Related content: Katherine Langford as Hannah Baker 13 Reasons Why Based on the 2007 novel by Jay Asher, the Netflix drama follows a teen named Clay who attempts to figure out what led his classmate and crush Hannah to take her own life.


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Was Jessica with Alex when Bryce died?

SPOILER ALERT: Major spoilers for season 3 of 13 Reasons Why below! – Season three of 13 Reasons Why is finally out which means that we officially know who killed Bryce after that shocking reveal in the trailer, As expected, the entire season revolved around Bryce’s mysterious murder and figuring out who killed him after the big homecoming game.

While there have been a number of death theories and almost everyone on the show had a reason as to why they would’ve killed him after everything he did in Liberty High School, the reveal was still pretty shocking for fans. So who killed Bryce Walker and how did they do it? And did they really get away with it? Here’s who killed Bryce Walker in season 3 of 13 Reasons Why,

In the final episode, Ani ended up being the final person to testify down at the police station and tied all of the loose ends together to turn things around and make sure that her friends were safe. She ended up being able to piece things together in a way to blame Bryce’s death on Monty, although he wasn’t the one who killed him.

  • It was actually Jessica and Alex who killed Bryce after meeting him out on the docks.
  • Bryce asked Jessica to meet him there after the big homecoming game and she asked Alex to be there with her to protect her.
  • Bryce gave her a tape where he confessed to raping both Hannah and Jessica.
  • However, before they even got there, Zach ended up coming over and beating up Bryce.

Zach was angry that Bryce gave him a season-ending injury that pulled him out of football for the rest of the year. He also ended up breaking Bryce’s arm and made it difficult for him to get up and walk over to his car to head back home or seek help. Netflix It was then that Jessica and Alex came for their scheduled meeting. After giving her the tape, they both decided to leave him on the docks, despite the fact that it was cold and he likely wouldn’t survive the night. Out of pity and in an effort to make sure that Zach doesn’t get charged with hurting Bryce, Alex tried to help him back to his car to at least not leave him out in the cold.

  1. Since he was in such pain, Bryce started to get angry with Zach over what he did and he also ended up getting angry and accusing Jessica of setting him up so Zach can hurt him.
  2. Alex got so angry over Bryce’s accusations and his need to hurt Jessica and Zach again that he pushed him into the river where he drowned.

The group ended up coming together to find a way to put the blame on Monty, who was already in jail for sexually assaulting Tyler in an effort to keep him in jail for longer. Sheriff Standall revealed that Monty was killed in prison, which means that the case would officially be closed.

However, he is later seen covering up for Alex by burning all his clothes, showing that he knows that Alex was the actual killer. While the season ends with everyone relaxing and having a good time now that the investigation has ended, Winston meets up with Ani and reveals that he knows the truth and that he doesn’t believe Monty should’ve been blamed for Bryce’s murder.

This might cause some trouble for the group in season four, but guess we’ll have to wait and see what happens! Entertainment Editor Tamara Fuentes is the current Entertainment Editor at Cosmopolitan, where she covers TV, movies, books, celebrities, and more. She can often be found in front of a screen fangirling about something new. Before joining Cosmopolitan, she was the entertainment editor over at Seventeen,

Did Bryce tell the truth in court?

Justin Foley – Justin was Bryce’s former best friend. They became friends in third grade, and Bryce soon started to look after Justin because of his bad home life. Their friendship fell apart after Bryce raped Jessica. In the third season, Bryce still appeared to care about Justin.

Bryce and Justin were first seen together in a flashback. Bryce was seen teasing Justin about something and Justin showed him a photo, telling him that a picture is worth more than a thousand words. It was an upskirt picture taken when Hannah went down a slide, making it seem like they had sex. Bryce took Justin’s phone and spread the picture around. Bryce trying to convince Justin to let him into Jessica’s room in ” Tape 5, Side A ” At a party at Jessica’s house, Justin is standing outside Jessica’s room where Jessica was laying down as she was too drunk to have sex. A drunk Bryce arrived and excitedly greeted Justin, asking him if he wants to play beer pong.

  • Justin told him that he’s staying upstairs because Jessica is “totally wasted”.
  • Bryce asked if he can take a look, but Justin told him that she’s his girlfriend.
  • Bryce told him that she’s just his summer hook up and said “what’s mine is yours, right?”.
  • Next thing you see is Bryce entering the room, Justin assumedly let him in.

However, Justin re-entered the room and tried to pull Bryce off of Jessica. Bryce told him to get out, pushed him out of the room and locked the door. Justin started crying and didn’t get help or tell anyone about what happened. Shortly after Hannah’s suicide, when Clay started listening to the tapes, Justin skipped school and stayed at Bryce’s pool house.

After staying for a few days, Bryce woke Justin up by pouring some water over his face. Bryce told him that he’s always welcome but that he thought he would be going home the previous night. Justin explained that he hadn’t left yet because of Seth, but Bryce asked if that was the only reason as Jessica had started texting him.

Bryce said that he always got his back and if he did anything, he can take care of it as long as Justin keeps him clean. Bryce and Justin hanging out in ” Tape 5, Side A ” Throughout the season, Justin and Bryce are often seen hanging out and Justin spends much time at his pool house. At the same time, Justin doesn’t want Jessica to come near Bryce and gets irritated when she does hang out with him.

When Clay asked Justin why he’s protecting Bryce (regarding Jessica’s rape), Justin declared that he isn’t protecting Bryce but protecting Jessica. At some point, Jessica and Bryce were hanging out at Bryce’s house along with some other friends. Justin and Alex arrived to get Jessica from there. Bryce encouraged Justin to play poker with them and ignored the tension between him and Jessica.

The situation escalated to Justin dragging Jessica out of the pool house which started an argument between Justin and Jessica. Bryce told Justin to calm down, Justin told him to stay away from Jessica. Justin revealed to Jessica that Bryce had raped her; Bryce walked towards him and said “Justin, brother”, but Justin pushed him and stated that he’s not his brother.

  • He tried to attack Bryce and screamed that he’s going to kill him, but Zach held him back.
  • After Jessica left, Bryce calmly asked Justin what he just did and left too.
  • The next day, Bryce tried to call Justin and left a voicemail.
  • He said that he doesn’t know what he did to set him off and that’s it’s killing him that he can’t talk with him about it.

He asked to call him back and said that he loves him. Bryce watching Justin leave in ” Tape 7, Side A ” When Justin tried to talk to Jessica, he tried to excuse his actions by explaining that Bryce had always been there for him when he had nothing and that Bryce had bought him things he needed but didn’t even ask for. Jessica told him that Bryce did this so he can own him, but Justin denied this. Justin later offered to kill Bryce if that’s what Jessica wants. Justin decided to leave town, but called Bryce to meet up with him before doing so. Justin told him that he didn’t go to his deposition, which Bryce thought was good. Justin then revealed Hannah made tapes about what everyone did to her before she died, that included the things Bryce did. Bryce asked Justin if he knows the real story, to which Justin responded that he does now. Justin told Bryce that he won’t see him around and left.


During the time Justin and Jessica are gone from school, Bryce told everyone that the reason Justin called him a rapist is because Jessica had cheated with him but told Justin he had raped her. Justin confronting Bryce in ” The Little Girl ” Clay convinced Justin to return to Evergreen; Justin agreed to stay because he wanted to take down Bryce for Jessica. Monty informed Bryce about Justin’s return to possibly testify, but Bryce said he didn’t care.

  1. When Justin unexpectedly showed up at school, Bryce and Justin faced each other.
  2. Justin told him “You” and fainted.
  3. Chlöe pointed out that he clearly cares that Justin is back, although Bryce denied this.
  4. Justin returned to school on the day the tapes were leaked.
  5. Justin confronted Bryce, telling him that he heard his confession and he’s going down.

Bryce asked him how he sees that happen without him going down too; Justin clarified that he’d do anything to make him pay. Bryce bragged about all the resources he has to protect him and intimidated Justin by pointing out his poor family situation and by saying that no one cares about him. Justin and Bryce about to fight in ” Bryce and Chloe ” In court, Bryce said that he had hooked up with Hannah and she had a crush on him. At school, Justin confronted him about lying, saying that he’d have told him if it was true. Bryce asked “what, because we were best friends and I told you everything?”.

  • Justin threatened to kill him and asked if he’s still going to hide behind his boys.
  • Bryce stated that he isn’t hiding and asked Justin if he wants to fight.
  • Justin attacked him, which led to a big fight between numerous students.
  • During the fight, Justin and Bryce kept targeting each other.
  • Clay went to Bryce’s house with a gun while hearing Hannah in his head; Justin tried to stop him.

Bryce asked what they were doing and wanted to call the cops, but Justin irritably told him to shut up and hold on. After getting the gun from Clay, Justin loaded it and told Bryce to forget what just happened. Bryce asked Justin about him testifying and told him to be more scared than he is. Justin and Bryce in third grade in ” The Box of Polaroids ” A flashback showed an eight-year-old Justin getting bullied by another kid at the schoolyard. Bryce told the kid to leave Justin alone and called him a dick. Bryce offered to help Justin up, but Justin slapped his hand away, said he could take care of himself and asked him to fight.

Bryce refused and Justin left. During lunch time, Justin sat alone at the table without food. Bryce sat with him and asked where his lunch was, to which Justin answered that he already ate it. Bryce offered to trade his sandwich for twinkies, but Justin didn’t have those. Bryce then stole twinkies from another kid and gave them to Justin so he could trade them.

Justin told him that he doesn’t need to stand up for him. Bryce told him that he knows, but just wanted a twinkie. They formed a friendship. During Justin’s testimony, he shed more light on his relationship with Bryce. He said that his friendship with Bryce was about both loyalty and fear, he held onto it because he didn’t think he had anything else.

He said that Bryce was never his friend, because he doesn’t know what friendship is. Justin also revealed to the court that Bryce was the one who raped Jessica. It’s revealed that the day Justin showed Bryce Hannah’s picture, Bryce had seen him walking to school from the wrong direction and assumed he had slept with someone.

He had started nagging Justin about it; Justin showed the picture to make him stop. Bryce offering Justin a drink in ” Bye ” After Justin’s testimony about Bryce appeared to be unsuccessful, Justin and Jessica reported him, which resulted in both Bryce and himself getting arrested. Bryce got off with three months probation, while Justin was given six months. Bryce approached Justin at the Spring Fling dance, offering him a drink. Justin refused. Justin asked Bryce about his transfer to another school and said he was lucky to start over. Bryce brought up how on their first day of high school Justin stayed over and talked about how they’re going to be kings of the school. Justin told him that he’ll always remember and Bryce said he will too.


I’ve known him since I was eight. He was the first person that gave a shit about me, the first person to look after me, man. He was my fucking brother.
— Justin to Clay about Bryce

Justin threatening Bryce in ” The Good Person is Indistinguishable from the Bad ” A few weeks after Bryce transferred to Hillcrest High School, he texted Justin to meet up to talk about Jessica. When Justin arrived, Bryce invited him to sit down and grab a beer.

  • However, Justin refused as he only wanted to hear what Bryce had to say about Jessica.
  • Justin thought that Bryce was lying when he said that Jessica had come to see him, but Bryce told him that he has never lied to him.
  • Justin denied that this is true by saying that he had lied every time he called him brother.

Bryce told him that he was his family for a while and he’d do anything to get that back. Justin said to not talk to him again and threatened to kill him if he ever came close to Jessica again, and left. In a conversation between Tyler and Bryce, it’s brought up that Bryce had seen what happened at Spring Fling but didn’t say anything to the police and isn’t going to.

  • When Tyler asked him why, Bryce explained that it’s because Justin helped him and he has hurt Justin enough in his life.
  • When Justin got arrested for drug use, he called Bryce to bail him out.
  • Bryce told him that his lawyer made it all go away and asked about Seth.
  • Justin claimed that he can handle it and asked for a ride home.

Bryce told him that he’s there for him for anything and that he’s his brother forever, no matter what. Bryce bailing Justin out in ” Always Waiting for the Next Bad News ” Bryce paid Seth the money back that Justin owed him. He also paid additional money for Seth to leave Justin alone. Bryce said that if Seth doesn’t leave him alone, he’ll find out what good of a friend he is.

Afterwards, they went to Monet’s and talked about Justin’s drug use. Bryce warned him that he could die from shooting up heroin and that he doesn’t want him to die. He gave Justin his oxy prescription to take instead. Bryce and Justin met up after Justin played a football game and talked about how unsuccessful it was.

Bryce tossed him a new bottle of oxy. Bryce wondered out loud how they got were they are now, to which Justin replied that he had raped his girlfriend. Bryce disappeared after a football game and was found dead a couple days later. Clay shared the news with Justin, who ran to a different place and cried. Justin crying over Bryce’s death in ” The Good Person is Indistinguishable from the Bad ” Justin attended Bryce’s Funeral. Monty asked him why he was present as he wasn’t Bryce’s friend in the end. Justin explained that neither of them were, but at some point they both loved him. After the funeral, Justin told Jessica that when the protest took place during the service, he felt himself wanting to stand up for Bryce and hates that he feels this way. At the end of the season, Justin helped protecting Bryce’s murderer by framing Monty for it.

Clay’s hallucinations of Justin and Bryce together in ” Graduation “. After Justin returned from rehab, Clay asked him if he had talked about Bryce. Justin told him he did, he had talked about the kind of person Bryce was to him and him being gone. Jessica had a hallucination of Bryce while Justin was dying in the hospital.

  • Jessica told him that he killed Justin, which the hallucination confirmed because if he didn’t rape Hannah, Justin wouldn’t have run away and live on the streets, where he contracted HIV.
  • Following Justin’s death, Clay saw hallucinations of Bryce and Justin together at graduation.
  • Clay asked hallucination Justin why he was hanging out with hallucination Bryce.

The hallucination told him that they loved each other and were brothers. He also stated that you can love and forgive people who did bad things.

Asked By: Geoffrey Hill Date: created: May 09 2024

How did Clay get Bryce to confess

Answered By: Connor King Date: created: May 09 2024

Season 1 (2017) –

No. overall No. inseason Title Directed by Written by Original release date
1 1 “Tape 1, Side A” Teleplay by  : March 31, 2017 ( 2017-03-31 )
Clay Jensen finds a box filled with anonymously left on his front doorstep. He plays the first in his father’s and realizes they have been recorded by his recently deceased classmate Hannah Baker before he accidentally drops and breaks the boombox when surprised by his mother. Clay steals his friend Tony’s to continue listening. Clay listens to the first tape, in which Hannah begins to relate the experiences that led to her suicide. She starts by sharing the story of her first kiss, with Justin Foley, who goes on to inadvertently spread a salacious rumor that begins the sequence of events leading to her suicide. Clay is revealed, through numerous short flashbacks, to have been in love with Hannah and to have worked with her at the local movie theater. It is revealed in this episode that Hannah has put Tony in charge of the tapes. Tape subject : Justin Foley, for spreading a racy picture of Hannah along with a sexual rumor about their encounter.
2 2 “Tape 1, Side B” Tom McCarthy Teleplay by  : Brian Yorkey March 31, 2017 ( 2017-03-31 )
Hannah reminisces about her friendship with two other new students: Jessica, who moves frequently because her father is in the, and Alex, whom they met at a coffee shop. Jessica and Alex eventually begin a relationship and stop spending time with Hannah. When Alex breaks up with Jessica, she very publicly blames and slaps Hannah. In the present, Hannah’s mother, Olivia, finds a note in her daughter’s textbook that leads her to believe Hannah was being bullied. Clay asks Jessica about the tapes, which results in Bryce Walker’s circle of peers meeting to discuss how Clay is listening to Hannah’s recordings. Tape subject : Jessica Davis, for mistakenly blaming Hannah for her breakup with Alex.
3 3 “Tape 2, Side A” Teleplay by  : March 31, 2017 ( 2017-03-31 )
As Clay attempts to pursue a romantic relationship with Hannah, her relationships are threatened by a “best/worst” list made by Alex Standall, who has put a target on Hannah. In the present, Hannah’s mother, Olivia Baker, seeks out the school principal about her suspicion of bullying and makes a disturbing discovery. In the midst of his investigation, Clay turns to Alex for answers, who not only feels regret for his actions on the tapes, but also warns Clay against trusting Tony, whom Clay later sees in a violent exchange with his brothers. As Justin tries to recuperate from his recent slump, Bryce strong-arms Clay and Alex into a drinking contest in an alleyway. Tape subject : Alex Standall, for listing Hannah’s ass as the best in school to make Jessica Davis jealous and for destroying her friendship with Jessica.
4 4 “Tape 2, Side B” Helen Shaver Teleplay by  : Thomas Higgins March 31, 2017 ( 2017-03-31 )
Hannah hears someone outside her window, and confesses to her friend, Courtney, that she has a, Courtney offers to help her catch the offender in the act. While waiting for the stalker to arrive, they play an alcohol-fueled game of that leads to the two of them kissing on Hannah’s bed. The stalker, school photographer Tyler Down, takes a photo of the girls and sends it around the school. This effectively ends Courtney and Hannah’s friendship as Courtney distances herself from Hannah to avoid being revealed as one of the people in the photograph. In the present, Clay goes to Hannah’s house and talks to her mother, though is unable to admit how close he and Hannah were. He also confronts Tony about the incident with his brothers. Tony responds that “people have to make their own justice” and proves he has an extra set of tapes. Inspired by this, Clay takes a naked picture of Tyler and sends it around the school in revenge. Tape subject : Tyler Down, for stalking Hannah and spreading the photo of her and Courtney’s kiss around the school.
5 5 “Tape 3, Side A” Teleplay by  : Julia Bicknell March 31, 2017 ( 2017-03-31 )
Courtney, afraid of her classmates finding out about her sexuality, spreads a rumor that the girls in the leaked photos are Hannah and Laura, an lesbian classmate. Courtney also adds to the rumor about Hannah and Justin, worsening Hannah’s poor reputation. In the present, Clay takes Courtney to visit Hannah’s grave. She leaves, not ready to face her involvement in the loss of her classmate or be more open about her sexuality. Tony arrives with Clay’s bike and gives him a tape with the song he and Hannah danced to at the Winter Formal. Later, Justin, Zach and Alex force Clay into the car with them by stealing his bike and scare him into silence about the tapes by driving over the speed limit. They are pulled over by the police but face no consequences as the officer is revealed to be Alex’s father. Clay denies knowing Hannah to his mother, who has been asked to represent the school in the lawsuit the Bakers are bringing. Tape subject : Courtney Crimsen, for deflecting attention about both her sexuality and the photo Tyler took of her and Hannah by spreading further rumors about Hannah.
6 6 “Tape 3, Side B” Kyle Patrick Alvarez Teleplay by  : Nic Sheff March 31, 2017 ( 2017-03-31 )
Hannah’s date on with Marcus does not go as planned due to the rumors that she is, In the present, Alex gets into a fight with Monty and they both must appear before the student honor board. The board, headed by Marcus, decides to suspend Monty from school for three days and give Alex a warning. Clay helps Sheri with an assignment, and they start kissing until Sheri reveals she is only there because she is on the tapes and wants Clay to like her despite her role in Hannah’s death. Tape subject : Marcus Cole, for humiliating and attempting to sexually assault Hannah in public on their Dollar Valentine date.
7 7 “Tape 4, Side A” Teleplay by  : March 31, 2017 ( 2017-03-31 )
After Hannah refuses to go out with Zach, he gets revenge by sabotaging her emotionally during a class project. Zach removes compliments from Hannah’s box, affecting her self-confidence. She attempts to write a letter to Zach explaining why she needs the compliments, but when Zach reads it, he ignores it and throws it away. In the present, Clay hears Zach’s tape and keys his car in an act of revenge and is eventually caught, but things turn out to be different than they appeared: Zach was actually scared by the letter’s content and kept it to himself. Clay is now having both auditory and visual hallucinations of Hannah during the day, including seeing her dead body on the floor of the basketball court during a game and hearing her tape playing over the school’s intercom system. He returns the tapes to Tony, unable to continue listening, but continues to experience problems, leading him to snap in the hallways. Tape subject : Zach Dempsey, for stealing the “positive notes” destined to Hannah in Communications class out of revenge for her rejecting him and his help.
8 8 “Tape 4, Side B” Gregg Araki Teleplay by  : Kirk Moore March 31, 2017 ( 2017-03-31 )
Hannah is touched by poetry recited by fellow student Ryan Shaver, and joins the Evergreen Poetry Club, a place where people write and perform their own poetry, and listen and critique others. Hannah presents some extremely revealing and confessional poetry at the poetry club after Ryan encourages her. Ryan betrays her by publishing the poem without her knowledge or consent in his school magazine. Almost everyone in school finds the poem hilarious, but Clay is both touched and disturbed by it, not realizing Hannah is the author. In the present day, Tony confides to Clay about the night of Hannah’s death, and Clay takes back the tapes. Clay later gives the poem to Hannah’s mother. Tape subject : Ryan Shaver, for stealing a poem Hannah wrote detailing her personal problems and publishing it in his magazine without her consent.
9 9 “Tape 5, Side A” Teleplay by  : Hayley Tyler March 31, 2017 ( 2017-03-31 )
While hiding in Jessica’s room during a party, Hannah witnesses Bryce Walker raping an unconscious and intoxicated Jessica. In the present, Marcus warns Clay the worst is yet to come and again attempts to scare him into silence about the tapes, this time by planting drugs in his backpack to get him suspended from school. Clay finally admits to his mother that he and Hannah were close. After getting suspicious legal advice from his mother, he goes to Justin’s apartment to retrieve his bike and talk about getting justice for Jessica. Justin finally admits that what happened in the tapes is real, and claims it is better if Jessica does not know the truth. Tape subject : Justin Foley (and seemingly Hannah Baker herself), for allowing Bryce to rape his girlfriend Jessica.
10 10 “Tape 5, Side B” Carl Franklin Teleplay by  : Nathan Louis Jackson March 31, 2017 ( 2017-03-31 )
After the party, Hannah gets a ride home from her classmate, cheerleader Sheri Holland. They have what appears to be a minor accident, knocking over a stop sign. While Hannah wants to call the police to report it, Sheri refuses to do so, because she is afraid she will get in trouble. While Hannah is on her way to find a phone to call the authorities, the downed stop sign causes a serious accident at that intersection, resulting in the death of Clay’s friend Jeff Atkins, which was incorrectly considered a drunk driving incident. When Hannah tries to tell Clay about the stop sign, he pushes her away, thinking she is being unnecessarily dramatic. In the present, Jessica’s behavior becomes more erratic. Clay finds out that Sheri is trying to make up for her mistake in her own way, and he tells Jeff’s parents that Jeff was sober when he died. Tape subject : Sheri Holland, for abandoning Hannah after crashing her car into a stop sign, which ultimately caused the death of Jeff Atkins.
11 11 “Tape 6, Side A” Teleplay by  : Diana Son March 31, 2017 ( 2017-03-31 )
With Tony’s support, Clay finally listens to his tape and is overcome with guilt to the point of contemplating his own suicide because he feels he did not do enough to prevent Hannah’s death. Tony manages to calm him down; the two climb a mountain and each have a mental breakdown at the top. Justin finds out Jessica is at Bryce’s home. He confronts her there and admits that Bryce raped her on the night of the party, causing her to slap him. Olivia Baker finds a list with the names of all the people on the tapes, although she does not know what the list means. Tape subject : Ostensibly Clay Jensen, for complying with Hannah’s request to leave her alone at Jessica’s party. However, Hannah is explicit in stating Clay is not included in the list, but is there because he must be, as he is part of the story.
12 12 “Tape 6, Side B” Jessica Yu Teleplay by  : Elizabeth Benjamin March 31, 2017 ( 2017-03-31 )
After accidentally losing her parents’ store’s earnings, a depressed Hannah stumbles upon a party being thrown by Bryce. The night ends in tragedy when she ends up alone with him, and he rapes her in his hot tub. This leads Hannah to create a list of people (the one that her mother found in the previous episode) who she feels were responsible for leading her to her current circumstances, which becomes the inspiration for the creation of the tapes. In the present, everyone on Hannah’s list is subpoenaed to testify in the lawsuit between the Bakers and the school. The subjects of the tapes disagree over what to do. Tyler eventually suggests they pin everything on Bryce, but Alex refuses and says they should tell the truth. Sheri turns herself in. Clay goes to Bryce’s house, on the pretext of buying marijuana, to confront him about the events of the night he raped Hannah. Clay provokes Bryce to attack him and is badly beaten. However, Clay has been secretly recording their conversation and gets Bryce to admit that he raped Hannah. An unknown teenager with a gunshot wound to the head is treated by paramedics. Tape subject : Bryce Walker, for raping Hannah in his hot tub.
13 13 “Tape 7, Side A” Kyle Patrick Alvarez Teleplay by  : Brian Yorkey March 31, 2017 ( 2017-03-31 )
Hannah begins to record the tapes and then visits Mr. Porter to tell him about her rape as she secretly records the conversation, hoping he will help her. When he does not, she heads to a post office and mails the tapes to Justin Foley before going home and taking her own life by slitting her wrists. In the present, Clay gives Tony the tape of his conversation with Bryce to copy before confronting Mr. Porter about meeting with Hannah on her last day, giving him the tapes before leaving. Tony copies the tapes onto a flash drive and gives it to the Bakers. As the depositions begin, Marcus and Courtney deny their involvement in Hannah’s death as much as possible while Zach and Jessica admit their mistakes. Before his deposition, Tyler hides ammunition and guns in his room, then reveals the existence of the tapes and Clay’s possession of them during his interview. Alex is revealed to have been the teenager with the gunshot wound; he is in critical condition at the hospital. Jessica finally tells her father about her rape while at school Clay reaches out to Skye Miller, his former friend, to avoid repeating the same mistakes he made with Hannah. Tape subject : Mr. Porter, for not believing Hannah was suicidal and for not giving her proper help. Note: digitally altered the suicide scene in this episode on July 15, 2019.
Asked By: Isaac Peterson Date: created: Apr 16 2024

What was Clay doing when Bryce was killed

Answered By: Blake Torres Date: created: Apr 16 2024

SPOILER ALERT Where was Clay when Bryce died? | Fandom 2 He was outside Bryces house going to confront him about something and sent him a text before hand saying he wants to kill Bryce for what happened between him and Ani. But he dosnt go through with it and drives off.1 He was driving around to calm himself down : SPOILER ALERT Where was Clay when Bryce died? | Fandom

Does the sheriff know that Alex killed Bryce?

Will Sheriff Standall Tell Alex That He Knows the Truth? – Sheriff Standall was able to figure out during the finale that it was Alex, not Monty, who killed Bryce. He did end up burning Alex’s clothes that he was wearing on the night that he pushed Bryce into the river. So will he keep the secret? Or will it start to unravel and he’d have to turn on his son?

Who killed Monty?

Who killed Monty? – We finally get our answer in 13 Reasons Why season four. Warning: Spoilers for season four below Monty was sent to prison after assaulting Tyler with a broom in season two. Clay is later told by Monty – the hallucination not the real person! – that when the other prisoners found out that Monty was a “child rapist”, he was attacked with a shiv, bled out, and died as a result.

Asked By: Jaden Perry Date: created: May 23 2024

Did Bryce assault Ani

Answered By: Alfred Morgan Date: created: May 24 2024

WARNING: 13 REASONS WHY SEASON 3 SPOILERS BELOW – 13 Reasons Why fans are outraged by Bryce and Ani’s relationship in season 3. Picture: Netflix Ani joins 13 Reasons Why season 3 as a new student at Liberty High and quickly befriends Clay. There’s a catch though. Ani lives in Bryce’s family guest house because her mum works as a carer for Bryce’s ill grandfather.

In flashbacks, we see that Ani becomes close to Bryce. The two characters strike up a friendship, even though Ani is good friends with Jessica and finds out what Bryce did to Jessica and Hannah. It isn’t long before the relationship turns romantic. After spending time together, Ani and Bryce quickly develop feelings for each other and it soon leads to them kissing and becoming love interests.

They have consensual sex together multiple times. It’s clear that Ani feels conflicted about it (she doesn’t tell anyone she’s seeing Bryce). We later see Bryce forcefully grab Ani by the arm and, while it doesn’t lead to him raping her, it’s uncomfortable to say the least.

  1. Ani and Bryce’s situationship eventually fizzles out but it doesn’t change the fact that she chose to have a sexual relationship with him, despite of his actions.
  2. She essentially becomes a rape apologist.
  3. Unsurprisingly, reaction to the storyline has been overwhelmingly negative.
  4. So Ani is out there, fucking and defending Bryce, a RAPIST.

Who has raped a dozens of girls including her best friend jessica and hannah the girl that clay loved. Wtf it’s wrong with this girl? & excuse me are we supposed to feel sorry for bryce ? hell no, i’m out #13ReasonsWhy3 — Betsman (@Annecy_440) August 23, 2019 As it stands, the cast of 13 Reasons Why are yet to respond to the backlash to the storyline.

Asked By: Bryan Adams Date: created: Apr 25 2024

Did Bill Standall know Alex killed Bryce

Answered By: Dennis Howard Date: created: Apr 25 2024

Photo: Courtesy of Netflix. Deputy Standall (Mark Pellegrino), father to Alex Standall (Miles Heizer), has always been on the periphery of 13 Reasons Why, As a Liberty High parent he’s a constant anxious presence, terrified about his son’s well-being.

  • As a cop, he’s more concerned than anyone about the shocking number of crimes plaguing his town.
  • Still, viewers rarely spend more than a few minutes with the deputy every episode.
  • Advertisement ADVERTISEMENT In true 13 Reasons Why fashion, this reveal pushes Standall into a terrible teenage conspiracy.

This time, the scheme leaves us wondering if the series’ resident law man knows who really killed Bryce Walker (Justin Prentice) and is covering it up. All signs point to yes — especially when you take into account the suspicious scene of him burning something in an alley.

  1. Those few seconds of footage tell us everything we need to know.
  2. The problem for poor deputy Standall is that his son, Alex, is Bryce’s murderer,
  3. Alex went to the Navy Pier with Jessica Davis (Alisha Boe) on the night of the world’s worst homecoming game and shoved Bryce into the water, downing him.
  4. However, that is not the story Ani Achola (Grace Saif) weaves for Standall.

Ani spends the season building towards naming Bryce’s killer via the interview. When “Bury the Dead” rolls around, she pegs unstable football player Monty de la Cruz (Timothy Granaderos), who recently died in police custody and cannot defend his name, as the murderer.

She suggests Monty had underlying rage over his past history with former best friend Bryce. That rage erupted on the football field during homecoming and pushed Monty to kill after the game, Ani alleges. The next time deputy Standall sees his son, he says, ” was killed by Montgomery de la Cruz.” Yet, multiple clues confirm Standall doesn’t really believe that story.

Instead, he’s protecting Alex from first-degree murder charges. Standall’s pyro-friendly second-to-last scene of season 3 is our biggest signal. After the deputy tells Alex that police have settled on Monty as the killer, we see Standall standing in an alley burning some clothing.

  • It appears the items are the clothes Alex was wearing the night Bryce was murdered (the shearling collar jacket and flannel shirt match if you look closely at the flashback).
  • You only incinerate your child’s clothing in a nondescript garbage fire if you’re definitely sure they’re a murderer.
  • Advertisement ADVERTISEMENT The reason Standall knows the truth goes back to a few loaded comments Ani makes to Standall while supposedly implicating Monty for the crime.

When the deputy asks why tire tracks matching his wife’s car were found at the murder scene, Ani says, “He wouldn’t have gone to the pier alone. He wouldn’t have been alone, deputy Standall.” It’s possible she is saying Alex went to the pier with Monty or subtly suggesting the truth: Alex went with Jessica.

  • But, either way, it’s clear Ani is subtly implying Alex was there for some reason.
  • Ani is even more clear about the possibility Alex killed Bryce when she details the bond between Liberty’s most traumatized students, Alex included.
  • When someone needs them, they’ll be there.
  • No question.
  • They take care of each other,” she says.

“So Alex would have been there for a friend. For a friend who was more injured by Bryce than he was. Or Monty was. Whose life had been destroyed by Bryce and who’s had to rebuild it, piece by piece.” The friend in question is Jessica. No matter what other manipulative double-speak Ani says, Standall understands Alex is the killer, Ani is telling him as much to get him to let go of the case, and offering him dead Monty as the perfect scapegoat.

Who kills Alex’s dad?

Photos from Ranking All the Tragedies on Grey’s Anatomy Apr 24, 2015 3:49 AM What’s the worst tragedy that the Grey’s Anatomy doctors have had to survive? Let’s look back on all the horrific events from least heartbreaking to most heartbreaking.and be prepared to cry all of the tears. Sniffle, After going through a 30-day trial separation mandated by their couples therapist, Arizona realized how much she loved and needed Callie, but Callie came to the realization that she felt happier and free when she was alone, leading this fan-favorite couple to break up.

  • It was shocking to see Callie pull the plug on their relationship, but seeing how liberated the newly-single Callie was, dancing around in her underwear for the first time in years, definitely softened the blow.
  • The best way to end an argument? Getting impaled by a falling icicle.
  • That’s exactly what happened to Cristina, right outside the doors to the hospital.

But hey, then she had her first kiss with Owen Hunt, so karma was definitely in effect. When we found out the real reason Cristina didn’t win the Harper Avery Award, it made her loss all the more unfair and unjust and all-around wrong. She didn’t lose because her competitors had better research or results than her.

  1. Nope, she lost because an Avery (Jackson) sits on the board of her hospital.
  2. It was just politics.
  3. And that kicked off the reason why she left Grey Sloan Memorial for good: a doctor from their hospital will never win a Harper Avery Award, and that’s the reason why she wanted to be a doctor in the first place—to change the face of medicine, and get recognized for it.

So Cristina left to take over Burke’s research hospital in Switzerland to continue her work on 3D printed hearts, leaving Grey’s Anatomy for good. Cristina suffers a miscarriage in the OR, leading everyone to find out that she’s pregnantwith Burke’s baby.

  1. The rest of her intern friends had no idea (besides Meredith) and therefore had no idea how to comfort her or help her, and Bailey realized she was quickly losing control of her interns.
  2. Watching Cristina finally break down in her hospital bed? Our first clue that there was way more to this stone-cold competitive doc than meets the eye.

You thought Arizona and Callie’s life was heartbreaking enough after the car crash and plane crash? Well, we found out a season and a half later that after the plane crash, Arizona and Callie got Arizona pregnant so they could have another kid and put all their tough times behind them, but she miscarried.

Seriously, how many tragedies can one couple take?! Calzona is certainly gunning for the record, huh? Knowing that it’s pretty much his fault that Heather died, Shane goes through PTSD because of her death and takes on way too many shifts in the hospital without sleeping in between. He ends up killing Alex’s dad in surgery because of a mistake he makes.

Pretty sure there’s no Hallmark card for that. Nothing comes easy for Meredith Grey; she can’t even have a normal birth! She was forced to give birth during a massive power outage at the hospital, but thanks to Bailey and Shane, she and her baby both pulled through.

Bonus tears: Richard is electrocuted trying to turn the generators on, and is left lying alone on the ground for hours before anyone discovers him and helps him. All summer long, fans wondered if he was dead, but he pulled through.with many, many, long-lasting injuries. The tears didn’t end with Richard’s electrocution, either.

Poor intern Heather a.k.a. Mousey is sent by Shane to go find the missing Chief since he wanted to steal her surgery, and when she sees him lying on the ground, she immediately goes to try and help him, stepping in the same puddle of water that electrocuted him.

She died from her injuries, but Richard survived. Mr. Feeny’s ( William Daniels ) storyline on Grey’s was pretty much that he’s old. He was so old, his boss kept trying to force him into early retirement, and Cristina bonded with him and kept trying to save his job. But then he suffered a heart attack while performing a surgery and literally dies in the OR right next to her while she’s forced to continue working on the patient, and unable to save him.

Talk about grace under pressure. This newlywed couple was so happy to start a family.until Jackson and April learned their baby suffered from a rare and fatal bone disease, meaning not only would the baby not survive once it was born, it was also in pain while still inside April.

That horrifying realization led the religious April to induce labor early, and hold her newborn son for the few minutes he lived. The fact that April was so strong throughout the entire traumatizing ordeal made the tears fall even harder. Alex and Meredith were just trying to do the right thing and stay in the ambulance with a baby when it broke down on the side of the road during a thunderstorm, but because it was so dark and dangerous outside, another car crashed into them, injuring them both (yet the baby miraculously was okay).

Bonus tears: Cristina failed to save Henry’s life in the OR, not knowing it was Teddy’s husband she was operating on. Teddy, Owen and Richard all thought it would be best to tell her it was just another random patient. They thought wrong. Derek used to love ferry boats.

  • But when a huge ferry boat crashed, Meredith got knocked into the water while trying to help the injuredand doesn’t swim, almost drowning.
  • Was she depressed and giving up on life, or was she just too cold and tired to keep her head above water? Only Meredith knows the answer to that question.
  • Seeing McDreamy completely broken, sitting on the floor outside Meredith’s hospital room, tears streaming down his beautiful, beautiful face should be a crime against humanity.

She lived.but only just barely. OK, watching all the Grey’s actors try and sing while still remaining dramatic and serious was a little bit hilarious, but watching Callie and her prematurely-born baby fight for their lives after that brutal car crash was so NOT,

Thankfully both Callie and Sofia pulled through, but due to her injuries, Callie will never be able to get pregnant again. Will surrogacy be the answer to her problems in season 11? Call this a case of the absolute worst timing ever. Just as Izzie decided to cut Denny’s LVAD wire, knowing that Burke would be able to give him the heart transplant he so desperately needed, Burke is shot just outside the hospital, ending up on the OR table himself.

Bonus tears: even after Denny got his heart transplant from another cardio doc, he still died from complications of the surgery. We’ll never forget the image of Izzie curled up next to Denny’s dead body, the doc still wearing her pink prom dress. Never has the nickname “007” sounded so downright chilling.

  • For the entire episode, everyone assumed the horribly injured man that was run over by a bus was just some random good Samaritan.
  • But it was actually one of their own: George, who had just joined the army and saved a random girl on the street from his same fate.
  • Unfortunately, even though all the doctors realized who he was hours later, there was nothing they could do to save him, and he was the first Seattle Grace doctor to lose his life on Grey’s,

Bonus tears: Izzie almost joined her BFF George in death, succumbing to her cancer, but pulled through in the next episode. How could we forget the time that Meredith literally held everyone’s lives in her hand? When a patient came into the OR with a live bazooka shell inside him, Meredith held it steady to try and keep it from exploding after Christina Ricci ‘s paramedic freaked out and let go of it.

When a bomb expert took it from her hands and you think that everything’s going to be OK, and the emotional and uplifting music starts swellingthen it exploded, turning Kyle Chandler ‘s cute but stern bomb squad leader into pink mist. Whoa. As if these poor people haven’t suffered enough, they had to endure an actual plane crash.

An. Actual. Plane. Crash. Meredith, Derek, Cristina, Arizona, Mark and Lexie are left stranded in the woods for four days. Before they are even rescued, Lexie dies after Mark confessed his love for her, and then Mark almost dies multiple times before finally succumbing to his injuries back in the hospital.

  1. Arizona’s leg is amputated due to her injuries (and she blames Callie for losing it and Alex for making her take his spot on the plane), Derek’s hand is crushed and takes multiple surgeries to finally get it back to normal, and Cristina has her worst case of PTSD yet.
  2. These two episodes will go down in history books as one of the most emotionally-scarring story arcs ever.

Gary Clark lost his wife after Derek failed to save her in surgery, and decided to get revenge for the hospital following her directives to be taken off life support. He brought a gun to the hospital and started shooting anyone and everyone he sees, trying to find and kill Derek before eventually killing himself (SWAT actually gets to him first).

Even though the whole hospital goes into lockdown, he still managed to kill Mercy Westers Reed and Charles, plus countless others and horribly injuring Alex, Derek, and causing Meredith to have a miscarriage and Lexie and Cristina to suffer from PTSD. The part that really brought the tears? Watching Bailey come to the horrifying realization that SWAT turned the hospital elevators off and she and Mandy Moore ‘s couldn’t get Charles to the OR to save him in time.

TEARS. Even though his death was spoiled less than an hour before the episode aired, the fact that McDreamy was killed off Grey’s Anatomy will never not be the most shocking and heartbreaking thing we’ve ever seen on this show. Making matters worse? His death could have been avoided.

  1. After his car was hit by a truck, he was taken to a hospital that was not Grey Sloan, and a team of not properly trained doctors didn’t take him for a head CT, missing his biggest injured organ: his brain.
  2. Because they made that tiny, simple mistake, Derek ended up brain dead on the OR table, forcing Meredith to pull the plug on him.all while “Chasing Cars” was playing.

Excuse us while we go cry forever. : Photos from Ranking All the Tragedies on Grey’s Anatomy

Asked By: Walter Bennett Date: created: Oct 08 2024

Does Alex ever see his father again

Answered By: Angel Price Date: created: Oct 11 2024

Storylines – Alex’s mother had a mental illness, and his father was often absent, as well as often becoming violent towards him and his mother. Alex began wrestling in high school, and eventually physically confronted his father, after which, his father did not return.

  • Alex has a younger brother, Aaron, and a younger sister, Amber; they were all placed in foster care for 5 years.
  • Though Aaron and Amber only had a few foster families, Alex went through 17 foster families in 5 years before he was reunited with his siblings.
  • It is revealed in later seasons that Aaron was diagnosed with schizophrenia and tried to kill Amber.

Alex was present when Aaron had to be committed to a psychiatric ward. Alex secured a position in the surgical residency program at Seattle Grace Hospital after graduating from the University of Iowa, He initially makes a poor impression meeting his fellow interns Meredith Grey ( Ellen Pompeo ), Cristina Yang ( Sandra Oh ), George O’Malley ( T.R.

Knight ) and Izzie Stevens ( Katherine Heigl ) whom he later taunts when he discovers she used to be a lingerie model. After initial disagreements, Alex reveals to Izzie that his father was a heroin addict who used to beat his mother. He became a wrestler so he could defend his mother, and attended university on a wrestling scholarship.

He and Izzie begin a friendship. At the end of the first season, George contracts syphilis from Alex through nurse Olivia Harper, causing animosity between the two. Alex asks Izzie out on a date, but he is thrown by the news that he has failed his medical board exams.

  1. Izzie is offended since he pays no attention to her during their date and so informs him that she no longer wants to go out with him.
  2. He later freezes during an emergency operation, needing George to take over from him.
  3. Alex’s relationship with Izzie is damaged when he experiences erectile dysfunction with her.

He goes on to sleep with Olivia again, and is caught by Izzie and they break up. After retaking his exams, Alex manages to pass, and reunites with Izzie after a bomb scare in the hospital, They break up again, however, when Izzie falls for cardiothoracic patient Denny Duquette,

  • Alex helps Izzie recover from Denny’s death and tries to rekindle their relationship but Izzie backs away, since she is still in the process of getting over her loss and they remain friends.
  • Alex spends a period of time working under neonatal surgeon Dr.
  • Addison Montgomery ( Kate Walsh ), and though he is later released to work for plastic surgeon Dr.

Mark Sloan ( Eric Dane ), he finds his interest returning to Addison’s specialty. Addison is attracted to Alex, and the two share a kiss and later sleep together. In the aftermath of a ferry accident, Alex rescues a pregnant woman ( Elizabeth Reaser ) who awakens with amnesia, and grows close to Alex as he helps her forge an identity for herself, picking out the name Ava.

  • After she gives birth to her daughter, Ava’s memory eventually returns, although she tries to hide it from Alex, as she had recently left a bad marriage.
  • He convinces her to tell him her true identity, and she reveals herself to be Rebecca Pope.
  • Alex turns her down after realizing she’s married, feeling that he is not good enough for her.

Rebecca returns and she and Alex sleep together before she goes back to her husband. Alex has a brief relationship with intern Lexie Grey ( Chyler Leigh ), but chooses to be with Rebecca, when she returns and tells him she is pregnant. After Rebecca attempted suicide, Izzie convinces Alex to admit her for psychiatric help, due to Rebecca’s hallucinations of her pregnancy.

  1. Alex later breaks down in Izzie’s arms, and the two kiss.
  2. Later in their relationship, Izzie begins hallucinating about Denny, and uncovers the fact she has Stage 4 metastatic melanoma with an estimated chance of 5% survival.
  3. It is revealed that Izzie’s hallucinations of Denny are, in fact, caused by her tumor.

Alex is shocked by the news, but finds the strength to stay by her side. Izzie plans a wedding for Meredith and Derek, but when Derek finds Izzie has another inoperable tumor in her brain, they give the wedding to Izzie and Alex, who marry in front of all their friends,

Izzie debates whether or not she should undergo a risky surgery to remove her tumor and Alex supports her, but eventually insists that she should have the surgery. Alex performs CPR on Izzie after she flatlines. Izzie returns to work, but is soon fired for making a treatment error that endangered the life of a patient, leaving Alex a Dear John letter and no clue as to her whereabouts.

She later returns to the hospital, when she found out Alex wasn’t the cause of her getting fired and went to make amends with him. She tells him she no longer has cancer and Alex says he is happy for her but he deserved someone who would stay. Izzie then leaves Seattle to start fresh and sends Alex divorce papers a few episodes later.

  1. Alex re-kindles an old flame with Lexie.
  2. Alex seems to have recently found that his calling is actually Peds and not Plastics, as he had decided in the earlier seasons.
  3. Seeing Alex’s ability to handle child patients, Dr.
  4. Arizona Robbins shows an interest in mentoring him for that specialization.
  5. Alex’s brother Aaron comes to Seattle Grace for surgery, and lots of painful memories resurface because of this.

Meredith discovers Alex, along with Aaron and their sister Amber, had been in foster care for five years when their mother could not take care of them. Alex is shot in the hospital by a deceased patient’s husband, but survives with the help of Lexie and Mark.

  • While undergoing treatment, he asked for Izzie and told her never to leave again.
  • Following the shooting, Lexie has a mental breakdown in front of Alex and he walks away. Dr.
  • Bailey bars Alex from surgery until he has the bullet removed, which he later allows her to do.
  • Alex realizes that his passion lies in pediatric surgery,

He is further shown to be excellent with children, comforting with a young patient while growing her a new trachea. He immediately gets on the wrong side of new Pediatric attending, Stark while Arizona is on leave. Alex is thrilled when Arizona returns from Africa and hopes she will come to work for the hospital again.

  1. In the meantime, Alex falls for the new OBGYN attending, Lucy Fields, and they start a relationship after she kisses him.
  2. Alex finds out about Meredith sabotaging her Alzheimer’s clinical trial and rats her out, an attempt to get Chief Resident.
  3. The adoption counselor takes away Zola, the child Meredith wanted to adopt.

Realizing his mistake, Alex apologizes to Meredith, who forgives him shortly after. As the end of the fifth year of residency is near, the surgical residents, including Alex, prepare for their board exams for the different fellowships they plan on joining.

  • Though Alex is late for his exam, because he had to treat a patient, he ends up passing. Dr.
  • Webber tells him that Johns Hopkins Hospital, which has the top program in the country, has been very impressed with him during his boards and has decided to create a position in pediatrics surgery for him and accepts the position.

After finding out his decision, his current boss, Dr. Arizona Robbins, yells at him and takes his place on a plane that later crashes. Following the rescue of his colleagues, Robbins’ health deteriorates and causes her leg to be amputated. He extends his stay at Seattle Grace until a replacement for Robbins is found, but when he learns that the replacement will send the exchange program to UCLA, he decides not to leave.

Karev buys Meredith’s old house from her, and Cristina becomes his roommate. Karev forms a friendship with a new intern, Jo Wilson, that eventually develops into romantic feelings towards each other. Alex admits his love for Jo, and the two kiss and become a couple. Alex’s estranged father, Jimmy, who he hasn’t seen in 18 years, is admitted to the ER as a patient.

Unknowing that Alex is his son, Jimmy confides in Alex that he had another family that he hasn’t seen in years. This made Alex upset and he punches Jimmy at the bar. His father returns, experiencing symptoms of withdrawal and hallucinations of the past, where more is revealed about Alex’s childhood.

Jimmy tells Alex he knows that he is his son and Alex yells at him. His dad later goes into cardiac arrest and is brought into surgery. During surgery, Ross halucinates about brook’s death by electrocution and damages Jimmy’s heart. The damage eventually leads to Jimmy dying with Alex at his bedside, before he dies, Alex lies to Jimmy by saying his other wife and child are on the way and know he loves them.

They took back their guitar and left wanting no contact with him. Believing Alex’s words, Jimmy lets go and dies. Alex kisses Jo at April’s wedding, wanting to start a family with her. That night, followinghis dad’s death, due to a mistake by intern, Shane Ross, Alex is upset.

  • He punches Ross and is later comforted by Meredith.
  • Upon the completion of his fellowship in Pediatric Surgery, Alex is given an offer to work at Dr.
  • Oliver Lebackes’ private practice office, claiming that he will have more flexible hours and “a big fat paycheck”.
  • He later discovers that he isn’t happy working at the private practice and expresses a desire to return full-time to Grey Sloan.

When Cristina leaves for Switzerland, she leaves Alex her share of the board, including her seat. Alex is fired by Dr. Lebackes, when Maggie Pierce accidentally reveals to him that Karev was thinking about leaving the job. Webber recommended Bailey to fill Yang’s board seat after she left, so Bailey and Alex fight over the chair.

They both make presentations to the board and eventually Bailey wins, with a unanimous vote in her favor. He is hired back as an attending pediatric surgeon and takes over full-time as Arizona pursues a fellowship with Dr. Herman. Alex continues to date Jo and his friendship with Meredith grows stronger than ever, with him taking on the role of her new person.

When Derek dies and Meredith runs away, Alex is upset by her leaving without telling him where she went and calls her every day. Eventually she calls him, tells him she is okay, and to stop calling. When she goes into labor and gives birth to Ellis Shepherd, Alex goes to see her since he is her emergency contact.

She asks to move back in with him in her old house. Alex sells Meredith back the house and he and Jo rent a loft. In the third episode of the twelfth season, Jo finds an invoice from the fertility clinic, housing Izzie and Alex’s frozen embryos. She then gets jealous of Alex wanting to have babies with Izzie.

Alex and Jo continue to struggle with their relationship. When Karev proposes to her, Jo tells him she can’t marry him, so he breaks up with her. Later, Alex realizes that he misses Jo and gets her back. They seem to be doing well for some time, until Alex brings up marriage again and the two fight, as Jo still continues to argue that she cannot marry him.

Alex storms out, leaving their relationship uncertain. Meredith and Alex lie on the grass and talk about love. On Jo rejecting his proposal, Alex then wonders, if he’ll get only one soulmate/true love and refers to Izzie. Meredith then tells him Izzie wasn’t his true love and Alex told her Izzie was his Derek.

During Owen and Amelia’s wedding, Alex realizes that even though she won’t marry him, he loves Jo and goes back to her again. However, when he arrives at their loft, he finds Jo highly intoxicated, wearing nothing but her bra and underwear, and surgical intern, Andrew Deluca, lying on top of her.

Alex assumes that Deluca was attempting to take advantage of Jo while she was inebriated and is filled with rage. He beats Deluca to a pulp with his bare hands. Andrew is badly injured, Alex realizes what he’s done and quickly rushes Deluca to the hospital. There, the doctors call the police as they struggle to save Andrew and discover who did this to him.

Alex lies to everyone and says that he found Andrew in this state and brought him to Grey Sloan. However, Ben Warren is suspicious of Karev. Meredith also quickly realizes that Alex was in fact the one who beat Deluca. She covers for him and the two continue to lie to everyone in the hospital about Alex’s actions.

  1. Soon, Karev learns that Andrew wasn’t doing anything wrong and that he had beaten up a good guy.
  2. Meredith decides that even though she loves Alex, she needs to turn him in.
  3. She goes to Bailey and tells her the truth.
  4. But, when the two rush to the police they find Alex being arrested for aggravated assault, as he had turned himself in.

He is taken to jail and Meredith bails him out. While they wait for a trial, Bailey suspends Alex as an attending and makes him work in the clinic. Eventually, Jo finally tells Alex that the reason she couldn’t marry Alex is because she is already married.

Her husband is abusive and so she ran away and changed her name to Jo Wilson so that he wouldn’t find her. Alex realizes that when Jo is called to the stand as a witness in the trial, this information about her past and lack of records under the name Jo Wilson may be revealed, and when the information goes public, her husband may find her.

To keep her safe, he decides to take the plea deal without a trial, ensuring that he goes to jail for 2 years. However, when Alex tells Meredith this, she begs him not to and tells him that she can’t lose him because she’s already lost everyone else important in her life.

Alex struggles to decide whether or not to take the plea deal. Meredith finds that the trial had been put off indefinitely. She assumes that he took the plea, and began calling and visiting various local jails to find him. After a full day of searching without finding him, she goes home to sleep and discovers him sleeping in her bed.

He explains he slept there all day. He explains that during his meeting with the D.A., Deluca came in and dropped all charges. After returning to work, Alex and Jo try to ignore each other and eventually build up a tolerance of sorts towards each other.

  • Deluca and Alex continue to be at odds.
  • At the end of the season, Alex hires an investigator to look for Jo’s abusive husband.
  • The investigator finds him and tells Alex that he will be at a conference.
  • Meredith tells him it’s a horrible idea and that he shouldn’t go, especially considering Jo doesn’t know about the situation.

Alex flies out to the conference with the intention of telling him to get out of her life, no matter the means. When he meets him, Alex decides against confronting him over Jo, avoiding exposing her current identity and location and potentially stopping himself from assaulting someone yet again.

At the start of season 14, Alex and Jo start to warm up to each other. Jo tells Deluca that she is still in love with Alex. Alex goes to Jo and tells her that he could never abuse her like her husband did because he dealt with the same trauma as a kid as his father was abusive. He then tells her that he found her husband.

Jo is taken aback by this, but when Alex tells her that he didn’t kill or injure him in any way, she is relieved and finally trusts him again. They then restart their relationship and Jo is now encouraged to file for divorce against her abusive husband.

  • In the seventh episode, there was a pregnant Izzie look alike and Alex is taken aback and stammers when he talks to her.
  • In the twenty-second episode, he finds out about his mom because she was not depositing the checks he had been sending to her.
  • When he went to Iowa to meet her mom, he finds out that she is completely fine and doing well in her life.

Initially, he is angry with her being well because it let him have a bad childhood, but after talking to Jo, he forgives her and invites her to Seattle Grace for his marriage. In the finale, he finally marries Jo. In the 15th season, he and Jo are about to move to Boston for Jo’s fellowship but then, she finally stays in Grey-Sloan Memorial Hospital.

Meanwhile, Dr. Bailey needed some time from her position as Chief so she announced Alex as interim Chief of Grey-Sloan Memorial hospital for 6 months. Jo tells him that her birth mother lives in Pittsburgh and flies there to meet her. After coming back, she doesn’t talk about it to Alex and even stops going to work, which makes Alex worry.

Later, he knew about her mental health and sends her to rehab for a month, where Jo gives him the opportunity to back off from the relationship because they were not legally married. Throughout, Alex helped Meredith to do fraud with an insurance company to save a girl’s life and for that, Alex is fired from his position as the head of pediatric surgery at the end of the season.

  • The following season, he marries Jo for a second time and helps save Meredith from losing her medical license.
  • Midway through season 16, he disappeared to Iowa to see his mom, but it was revealed in the episode ” Leave a Light On “, Alex reconnected with Izzie, in the weeks leading up to Meredith’s trial seeking her medical license to be reinstated.

It was during that process that he chose to reach out to Izzie because he wanted to know if she was alive, okay, and willing to be there in person for Meredith’s trial. During the call, Alex heard two young voices in the background. It was then he discovered that Izzie had taken the embryos they had frozen during her cancer treatment and moved forward with IVF five to six years earlier and that they were his kids.

Why did Zach and Alex kill Bryce?

Bryce Walker’s Killer and Motive Were Finally Revealed on 13 Reasons Why Warning: Spoilers ahead for 13 Reasons Why season three! It’s time for the moment of truth in season three of 13 Reasons Why : Who, and why? Thirteen episodes, (Monty? Justin? Ani? Mrs.

  1. Baker?!), a confession, and a strong false accusation later, we finally find Bryce’s real murderer: Alex Standall ().
  2. All season long, we watch the sheriff and Mrs.
  3. Walker point the finger at Clay Jensen (Dylan Minnette).
  4. Don’t get us wrong, Clay definitely has plenty of motive, plus the video footage of him threatening to shoot Bryce () to avenge Hannah, and those incriminating text messages the night he was killed — we even believed it might be Clay for a minute, too.

Then, we were left picking up our jaws off the ground after Zach Dempsey (Ross Butler) confessed to killing Bryce, only to find out that he didn’t actually kill him. Rather, he just left him pretty battered on the pier, but he was still alive and breathing after their fight.

Enter Alex and Jessica (Alisha Boe). After Bryce pleads with Jessica to meet him on the pier that night, following the homecoming game, she shows, but not without some backup (Alex). We find that Bryce has a tape with his confession and an apology for Jessica as part of his attempt to be a better person.

Alex and Jessica take the tape, but carry no guilt for leaving Bryce on the dock, bleeding with a broken leg out in the cold. Alex’s conscience turns him around to help Bryce up, when Bryce goes on a rant about Zach. He threatens to end Zach’s sports career for good and pay him back for breaking his leg (a favor Zach only returned after their brawl on the football field earlier that night).

  • Filled with rage, likely a little regret for the dark road Bryce took Alex on this season, and in an attempt to protect his friends, Alex ends up pushing Bryce into the ocean that night.
  • Monty may have taken the fall for the murder, but Alex is the one who actually killed Bryce.
  • The students of Liberty High, especially those that came together to help Tyler after last season’s finale, have a tight bond.

They stick up for each other, they have each other’s backs, and they cover for each other, even if that means covering up a murder. : Bryce Walker’s Killer and Motive Were Finally Revealed on 13 Reasons Why

Was Jessica there when Alex killed Bryce?

Photo: courtesy of Netflix. “Maybe Bryce was trying to break the cycle within himself — and Jessica found him before he had the chance,” Ani (Grace Saif) says at the close of 13 Reasons Why season 3 episode “If You’re Breathing, You’re a Liar.” At the time, the sentence feels like pure conjecture from what we eventually realize is Ani’s sheriff’s interview with deputy Standall (Mark Pellegrino),

  1. It’s a conversation filled with lies and half truths, all crafted to help Ani explain how Bryce Walker (Justin Prentice) died.
  2. Without implicating her new Liberty High friends in the disgraced teen’s murder.
  3. Advertisement ADVERTISEMENT However, 2019 finale “Let the Dead Bury the Dead” reveals Ani may have been on to something so early in the season.

Because, Bryce Walker’s murderer is Alex Standall (Miles Heizer) — and Jessica Davis (Alisha Boe) is the one who unwittingly brings Bryce’s angel of death to the Navy Pier dock on homecoming night. It’s a shocking twist that hinges on the idea that no matter how much 13 Reasons Why season 3 questioned the rehabilitation of Bryce Walker, he was never really going to change.

  • We begin to understand how and why Bryce ended up at the scene of his eventual murder in “There Are a Few Things I Haven’t Told You,” the eleventh episode of season 3.
  • It’s then that Bryce approaches Jessica before the homecoming game to tell her that he wants to give her “something” and needs to explain the object in full (it’s the bloody tape Jessica is hiding in the 2019 premiere).

Jessica is rightly suspicious of talking to Bryce, her rapist and a serial assaulter — particularly in public before her protest against sexual violence. But Jessica is also afraid to meet Bryce in private. Still, Bryce says he’ll be at the pier waiting for Jessica that evening, should she want to hear what he has to say.

But it’s not Jessica who first finds Bryce at the docks. Instead, it’s Zach Dempsey (Ross Butler), as we learn in penultimate episode “And Then the Hurricane Hit.” Zach has his own bone to pick with Bryce due to the aftermath of Chloe’s (Anne Winters) early season 3 abortion. Chloe tells ex-boyfriend Bryce about the terminated pregnancy — and that the resulting baby would have been his — before the all-important homecoming game.

Although Bryce first shows Chloe kindness over the reveal, that changes the second Bryce learns Zach helped Chloe through the painful journey. Despite all of Bryce’s talk about forgiveness and evolution over the season, he starts berating Zach the second they step on the field together.

Advertisement ADVERTISEMENT Then, during the brawl that breaks out following Jessica’s sexual assault protest, Bryce takes his chance to exact violent revenge on Zach. He puts on his helmet and dives directly into Zach’s knee, shattering it, and Zach’s college athletics future. So, Zach continues the vicious circle after going to the hospital.

He follows Bryce from the Hillcrest football team’s drop-off point to the docks. Zach approaches Bryce and manages to beat him nearly to death (even though it’s Zach with the ruined knee), but walks away before the job is done. This is another moment where Bryce proves he hasn’t actually transformed the monstrous way he views situations.

  • First, he says Zach “took away his future” by helping Chloe break up with him.
  • It’s a statement that helps Bryce ignore the reality that he sexually coerced his girlfriend repeatedly over season 2 and raped her while his friends took photos.
  • That is why Chloe dumped Bryce.
  • Then Bryce yells, “Did you fuck her, Zach? Chloe ? Did you fuck her? How many times?” No matter how enlightened Bryce tries to pretend he is, he really only sees women as sexual pawns.

Zach breaks Bryce’s leg in response. Minutes later, Jessica and Alex find this broken and bloody Bryce splayed out on the pier. The approaching pair is Jessica and Alex — rather than Jessica and boyfriend Justin Foley (Brandon Flynn) — because Justin was secretly at the waterfront buying drugs at this time.

  • Jessica asks what Bryce wants to give her, and it’s the blood splattered confession/apology tape.
  • I’m trying to be better, but this fucking world won’t let me,” Bryce claims after Jess takes the tape.
  • The second Alex goes to help Bryce up — saving him from freezing to death in the November cold — Bryce shows it’s not the world that’s keeping him from getting better.

It’s Bryce. Advertisement ADVERTISEMENT “Fucking Zach! I’m gonna fuck up his other knee and wreck his life,” Bryce yells in a fury of pain before alleging Jessica “set him up.” It’s clear that if Bryce were to walk off of that pier, he would dedicate his life to ruining Zach, Jessica, and maybe even Alex himself.

You’ve hurt everyone I ever loved,” Alex says before pushing Bryce into the river to drown. We’re a long way from those two hanging out with sex workers, as they did over the summer. Alex and Jessica watch Bryce bob up and down in the water until he finally drops down into its murky depths forever. And that is how Bryce Walked died.

Ani may spend the finale telling sheriff Standall it was the murdered Monty de la Cruz (Timothy Granaderos) who threw Bryce to his death, but we’ll always know the truth, and in season 4, so does Monty’s friend Winston (Deaken Bluman). This mystery may be solved as far as viewers are concerned, but Winston and those close to Monty aren’t likely to let this lie stand.

Why did Zach say he killed Bryce?

Season 3 – During the homecoming game, Zach’s knee is busted by Bryce Walker, meaning that he can never play football again and ruining Zach’s dreams. As a result, he brutally beats Bryce before his murder, but doesn’t kill him. When Clay and Ani learn Zach lied about Bryce breaking his knee they suspect he had a motive to kill Bryce.

They learn about Chloe’s pregnancy and how Zach helped her through it and took her to get an abortion. Zach was very sweet and supportive to Chloe probably trying to make up what happened with Hannah. When the newspaper reveals Bryce was shot and the group learns Tyler still has a gun Zach is the first one to say they should go to the cops.

It’s revealed that Zach told Tyler that Bryce saw what happened at spring fling which gives Tyler a motive. In the present, the news reports that Bryce wasn’t shot but was beat. This makes Zach think he killed Bryce and he suspiciously gets up and leaves.

  1. After Clay is arrested for Bryce’s murder Zach feels bad.
  2. He confesses to Alex that he killed Bryce and needs to go to the cops because he can’t let Clay go to jail.
  3. Alex doesn’t seem to believe him but doesn’t stop him.
  4. Zach confesses to the cops that he beat up Bryce and left him on the pier to get revenge for Bryce breaking his knee.

Deputy Standall tells him he couldn’t have killed Bryce because he died by drowning. Since there’s no way to tell whether Bryce’s injuries came from the football game, the fight or the rocks in the river Zach does not get charged for assault and battery.

Asked By: Carter Morgan Date: created: Oct 24 2023

Was Jessica with Alex when Bryce died

Answered By: Jaden Murphy Date: created: Oct 27 2023

SPOILER ALERT: Major spoilers for season 3 of 13 Reasons Why below! – Season three of 13 Reasons Why is finally out which means that we officially know who killed Bryce after that shocking reveal in the trailer, As expected, the entire season revolved around Bryce’s mysterious murder and figuring out who killed him after the big homecoming game.

While there have been a number of death theories and almost everyone on the show had a reason as to why they would’ve killed him after everything he did in Liberty High School, the reveal was still pretty shocking for fans. So who killed Bryce Walker and how did they do it? And did they really get away with it? Here’s who killed Bryce Walker in season 3 of 13 Reasons Why,

In the final episode, Ani ended up being the final person to testify down at the police station and tied all of the loose ends together to turn things around and make sure that her friends were safe. She ended up being able to piece things together in a way to blame Bryce’s death on Monty, although he wasn’t the one who killed him.

It was actually Jessica and Alex who killed Bryce after meeting him out on the docks. Bryce asked Jessica to meet him there after the big homecoming game and she asked Alex to be there with her to protect her. Bryce gave her a tape where he confessed to raping both Hannah and Jessica. However, before they even got there, Zach ended up coming over and beating up Bryce.

Zach was angry that Bryce gave him a season-ending injury that pulled him out of football for the rest of the year. He also ended up breaking Bryce’s arm and made it difficult for him to get up and walk over to his car to head back home or seek help. Netflix It was then that Jessica and Alex came for their scheduled meeting. After giving her the tape, they both decided to leave him on the docks, despite the fact that it was cold and he likely wouldn’t survive the night. Out of pity and in an effort to make sure that Zach doesn’t get charged with hurting Bryce, Alex tried to help him back to his car to at least not leave him out in the cold.

Since he was in such pain, Bryce started to get angry with Zach over what he did and he also ended up getting angry and accusing Jessica of setting him up so Zach can hurt him. Alex got so angry over Bryce’s accusations and his need to hurt Jessica and Zach again that he pushed him into the river where he drowned.

The group ended up coming together to find a way to put the blame on Monty, who was already in jail for sexually assaulting Tyler in an effort to keep him in jail for longer. Sheriff Standall revealed that Monty was killed in prison, which means that the case would officially be closed.

However, he is later seen covering up for Alex by burning all his clothes, showing that he knows that Alex was the actual killer. While the season ends with everyone relaxing and having a good time now that the investigation has ended, Winston meets up with Ani and reveals that he knows the truth and that he doesn’t believe Monty should’ve been blamed for Bryce’s murder.

This might cause some trouble for the group in season four, but guess we’ll have to wait and see what happens! Entertainment Editor Tamara Fuentes is the current Entertainment Editor at Cosmopolitan, where she covers TV, movies, books, celebrities, and more. She can often be found in front of a screen fangirling about something new. Before joining Cosmopolitan, she was the entertainment editor over at Seventeen,