Asked By: Herbert Mitchell Date: created: Aug 14 2024

Is Gandalf in Rings of Power

Answered By: Ronald Jackson Date: created: Aug 15 2024

The Stranger, Meteor Man, Sauron. who is he, really? Credit: Ben Rothstein / Prime Video Since the start of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, one of the show’s biggest mysteries has been: Who is the Stranger (Daniel Weyman)? Now, after the finale, we know.

Ind of. The Stranger crash-landed in Middle-earth in episode 1 and has been tagging along with Harfoot Nori Brandyfoot (Markella Kavenagh) ever since. Due to his memory loss, the only clues we really have about who he is are his appearance and his magical abilities — which have attracted the attention of a group of white-cloaked women known as the Mystics (Bridie Sisson, Kali Kopae, and Edith Poor).

Early in the Season 1 finale of The Rings of Power, the Mystics finally catch up to the Stranger and hail him as Lord Sauron. As we quickly learn throughout the rest of the episode, that isn’t true. Sauron is someone else entirely. The Mystics realize their mistake and a fight ensues, but the Stranger takes up one of their staffs, proclaims that he’s a force of good, and magics them away.

Asked By: Daniel Torres Date: created: Feb 03 2024

Who killed Celebrimbor

Answered By: Colin Patterson Date: created: Feb 03 2024

Concerning Galadriel & Celeborn and The Elessar – The first known origin story of Celebrimbor was written by Tolkien in c.1959, occurring in a text called Concerning Galadriel & Celeborn, There, Celebrimbor was described as an Elf of Gondolin (and one of Turgon ‘s “greatest artificers”), who, after the end of the First Age and the overthrow of Morgoth, became a follower of Celeborn and Galadriel, who were regarded as the “High Lord and Lady of all the Eldar of the West”.

After the establishment of Eregion, Celebrimbor became the “chief craftsman of Eregion” with an “almost ‘dwarvish’ obsession with crafts”, and befriended the Dwarves of Khazad-dûm, of whom a dwarven craftsman called Narvi was his greatest friend – from that friendship both Eregion and Khazad-dûm profited greatly.

In c.S.A.1000, Sauron established himself in Mordor, and sent emissaries to Eriador, before finally appearing there himself, in his fairest form, in S.A.1200, However, he was rejected by Gil-galad in Lindon, and after heading to Eregion, was likewise rejected by Galadriel and Celeborn, the original rulers of Eregion in this conception of the legendarium.

But even though Celeborn and Galadriel (who he perceived to be his chief obstacle) rejected him, Sauron, posing as an emissary of the Valar, nonetheless managed to convince Celebrimbor and the rest of the Noldorin smiths of Eregion, who by this time have formed a powerful guild called the Gwaith-i-Mírdain, to accept his help in the forging of the Rings of Power; here Tolkien states that the story of Fëanor was repeated.

Therefore, Celebrimbor and his followers (under the influence of Sauron) rebelled against Galadriel and Celeborn, and, sometime between S.A.1350 and 1400, Galadriel withdrew from Eregion and went to Lórinand (which would later be known as Lórien ), via Khazad-dûm, and took up rule there.

  1. However, Celeborn, owing to his distrust of the Dwarves, remained in Eregion “disregarded by Celebrimbor”.
  2. In c.S.A.1500, Sauron left Eregion, some time after the Mírdain started crafting the Rings of Power.
  3. When in c.S.A.1600 Sauron forged the One Ring, Celebrimbor finally discovered his true intentions, and he repented.

Therefore he went to Lórinand to seek Galadriel’s advice; she advised him to hide the Three Rings (which were the three Great Rings made solely by Celebrimbor) and send them away far from Eregion, never to be used, after which Celebrimbor gave one of them ( Nenya ) to her keeping.

  • Following that, he entrusted the other two rings ( Vilya and Narya ) to Gil-galad in Lindon.
  • After Sauron learned of Celebrimbor’s repentance, he invaded Eriador and besieged Eregion.
  • And even though help was on the way, from Celeborn with his son Amroth and the Nandor of Lórinand, along with the Dwarves of Moria, and from an army sent by Gil-galad under the command of Elrond from the west, it did not arrive in time.

Therefore: Sauron breaks into Eregion and lays it waste. Celebrimbor is slain personally by Sauron, but Sauron does not get the Three Rings. His wrath now blazes. Elrond with all (the few) refugees from Eregion he can gather fight a vanguard action and draw away N.W.

Asked By: Kyle Simmons Date: created: Nov 15 2023

Is Celebrimbor a bad guy

Answered By: Nathan Reed Date: created: Nov 15 2023

Does the legendary ring maker get portrayed correctly, or does the new Amazon show paint him in a different light? As is well known in Tolkien lore, Celebrimbor is the elven creator who forges the rings of power that are later given to the realms of elves, dwarves, and men. In the original writing of the Silmarilion, Celebrimbor is an unfortunate character, tricked into this construction of evil objects by Sauron in disguise,

  • But will the Rings of Power portray him as such, or will they take his character in a different direction from that which Tolkien intended? From what fans have seen of Celebrimbor’s characterization so far, there is already a questionable element to his motivations and intentions.
  • There appear to be key differences from the original character.

Several factors that occur all at once add up to make both Celebrimbor, and the elven leader Gil-galad, look suspect. Gil-galad sends Galadriel and her team of elves back to Valinor, after a long period of time searching out evil and protecting Middle Earth.

The fact that he does this at precisely the same time that Celebrimbor is introduced, and first brings about his idea for the new creations, seems to many like more than a coincidence. The end of the first episode leaves audiences with their first meeting and impression of Celebrimbor. He is robed in royal silks of green, holding his head high.

As the meteor passes overhead, the combination of all of these things simultaneously gives his character an interesting start to the series, one that may not be faithful to the books. The next portrayal of Celebrimbor takes plae in his tower, where he divulges to the young Elrond all of his concepts and plans for these new creations.

  1. He puts forth that: “True creation requires sacrifice.
  2. They say that Morgoth found the Silmarils so beautiful that after he’d stolen them, for weeks he could do nothing but stare into their depths.
  3. It was only after one of his tears fell upon one of the jewels and he was faced with the evil of his own reflection that the revelry was finally broken.

And from that moment he looked upon their light no more.” Nothing in and of itself seems strange about this sentiment. It is natural for one creator to admire another’s skill, especially when it comes to the Silmarils, the most famously beautiful things ever known to elves or men. But immediately afterwards, Celebrimbor’s disposition changes from one of admiration for the Silmarils, to one of seeming jealousy and desire,

Celebrimbor envies what Feanor accomplished, and claims he has done nothing by comparison. Instantly, his character shifts from that of a humble student admiring a master, to that of a proud, greedy and bitter creator, who feels that he hasn’t received the recognition he deserves for his work. When Elrond tells him his things are beautiful, and that they have touched the heart of many an elf, he all but snaps back: “I aspire to do far more than that.

An age ago, our kind brought war to these shores, I want to fill them with beauty, to grow beyond petty works of jewel craft and devise something of real power.” This is a very different portrayal of Celebrimbor than the one that is present in Tolkien’s books.

  1. This Rings of Power version of the character is full of hubris, full of anger, and already skewed towards doing whatever it takes to gain credit and power above even that of Feanor, creator of the famed Silmarils.
  2. Unlike in the books, Celebrimbor doesn’t appear to be an innocent pawn in Sauron’s plan to create evil and unleash it upon the world.

In fact, it seems as though he is the mastermind at work here, and the driving force of evil and greed that makes the rings so corrupted in the fist place. He proudly lavishes his drawing and his plans upon Elrond, both for the rings and for or a tower that will be home to a forge for his creations.

  • He claims that such a forge will be “more powerful than any ever built.
  • Able to birth a flame as hot as a dragon’s tongue and as pure as starlight.” As soon as he starts aiming to be ‘more powerful than’ and ‘as pure as,’ Celebrimbor’s aspirations have gone beyond mere joy of creation and pride in his work.

They have turned to a point that is more akin to greed, arrogance and conceit. The other concerning element to the way that Celebrimbor talks about the creation of this all-powerful forge, is that there seems to be a massive rush to get it completed. He demands in no uncertain terms that it needs to be finished by spring, regardless of the number of workforce that means employing, and even if it involves outsourcing beyond the elves to other races of beings like the dwarves,

This is highly unusual, because the elves are immortal, and for them a few passing months is like a tiny ripple in a vast ocean of their lives, so to be pushing for something to be finished on a very short time frame sparks warning bells for many fans. Has Celebrimbor already encountered and been influenced by Sauron at this point? Is this force of evil in Middle Earth pressuring the great elven creator into making the rings as quickly as possible, so that he can seize dominion of Middle Earth before anyone becomes suspicious? Or has this come from Celebrimbor’s own greed and hubris in a new twist for his character in the Rings of Power portrayal? The answer remains to be seen, and will only be answered in further episodes of the series.

MORE: Rings of Power: Is Theo Arondir’s Son?

Is Celebrimbor actually Sauron?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

J.R.R. Tolkien character
In-universe information
Aliases ‘Hand of Silver’, Lord of Eregion
Race Elf
Book(s) The Silmarillion (1977)

Celebrimbor ( IPA: ) is a fictional character in J.R.R. Tolkien ‘s legendarium, His name means “silver fist” or “hand of silver” in Tolkien’s invented language of Sindarin, In Tolkien’s stories, Celebrimbor was an elven -smith who was manipulated into forging the Rings of Power by the Dark Lord Sauron, in fair disguise and named Annatar (“Lord of Gifts”).

  • Sauron then secretly made the One Ring to gain control over all the other Rings and dominate Middle-earth, setting in motion the events of The Lord of the Rings,
  • Tolkien, as a professional philologist, had been asked to translate an inscription at the temple of Nodens at Lydney Park ( Gloucester ).

There was a curse upon a ring; the place was named “Dwarf’s Hill”; and he traced Nodens to an Irish hero whose name meant “silver hand”. This may have inspired him to create Celebrimbor and other elements of The Lord of the Rings, Celebrimbor appears in the 2014 video game Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor and its 2017 sequel, where he is voiced by Alastair Duncan,

Who made the 16 Rings of Power?

Everything you need to know about the rings at the center of the new TV series. By Archita Mittra | Published May 24, 2022 J.R.R. Tolkien ‘s worldbuilding didn’t end with The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. In The Silmarillion and across numerous appendices and stories, he left behind notes that shed further light on the mythos of the One Ring—and the lesser rings of power.

  • Now, Amazon Studios, in collaboration with the Tolkien Estate and Trust, HarperCollins, and New Line Cinema, is set to release a multi-season series revolving around the creation of these magical rings.
  • The new series is set thousands of years before the events of LoTR and The Hobbit,
  • And unless you’re a Tolkien aficionado, your knowledge of Middle-earth history (especially the events of the Second Age, which form the basis of this show ) might be a little fuzzy.

Fortunately, this handy guide will break down what the Rings of Power are, who created them, and the rings’ unique abilities: Everything you need to know before the show premieres on September 2nd, 2022. RELATED: Watch The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power Teaser Trailer Want more Middle-earth? Sign up to get the best in fantasy sent straight to your inbox! In addition to the One Ring, there are 19 influential rings in Middle-earth.

They have varying degrees of power, but all ultimately answer to the One Ring. In Tolkien’s epigraph to The Lord of the Rings, he wrote: Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky, Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone, Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die, One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie,

Thus, 20 rings of power were created: three for the elves, seven for the dwarves, nine for the race of men, and one for the Dark Lord to “rule them all.” The creation of these rings has an interesting history. Excluding the One Ring, the other artifacts were forged by the elven smiths of Eregion.

This was headed by Celebrimbor, although Sauron had a direct hand in crafting most of them. By the end of the First Age, the Dark Lord Morgoth had fallen. In the aftermath, Sauron eluded the immortal Valar’s attempts to capture him. Determined to regain control and assert his dominion over Middle-earth, Sauron decided to place his power within several rings.

These were then given to various rulers who Sauron presumed would fall under his control. Pretending to be allied with the powerful Valar, and going by the name of “Annatar” or the “Lord of Gifts,” Sauron arrived at the elven settlement of Lindon, but received a cold reception.

Thereafter, he traveled to Eregion. Despite the efforts of Galadriel and Celeborn to stop him, Sauron wormed his way into a friendship with Celebrimbor, a key player in the upcoming Amazon series. Celebrimbor was the ruler of Eregion, the grandson of Fëanor, and an expert craftsman. Sauron offered the elves valuable advice and instruction, and under his tutelage, they forged 16 rings that bestowed upon the bearers great power.

However, according to Gandalf, these “lesser” rings were mere practice in preparation for a greater project. RELATED: Lord of the Rings Characters, Ranked The One Ring and the lesser rings of power all have unique properties, and a colorful history spanning the Second and Third Ages of Middle-earth.

Sophia Nomvete as the dwarf princess Disa in ‘The Rings of Power.’ Photo Credit: Amazon Studios

Of the 16 rings originally created, seven were given to the dwarves. Not much is known about how the rings were passed from one dwarf-lord to the next. The rings increased the dwarf-lord’s natural lifespan, and helped them amass vast wealth. It also increased the wearer’s greed.

Character poster of an unidentified ‘The Rings of Power’ character. Photo Credit: Amazon Studios

Sauron gave nine rings of power to the leaders of men. These men gained immortality at the cost of their own humanity. One by one, they all fell to the power of the One Ring, transforming into the Nazgûl (also known as Ringwraiths). The most powerful among them was the Witch-king of Angmar, who was eventually slain by Éowyn in The Return of the King, changing the tide of war against Sauron.

  1. The One Ring, forged with Sauron’s own power, could control the minds of all other ring-bearers.
  2. This was part of Sauron’s elaborate scheme to take over Middle-earth without military action, simply by controlling the mind of its rulers.
  3. Just by wearing it, the One Ring could turn the wearer evil, aligning them with Sauron’s need for power and dominance.

When Isildur cut off the ring from Sauron’s finger, he had the opportunity to destroy it, but he did not. Corrupted by the Ring, Isildur held onto it till it slipped from his fingers into the River Anduin. Isildur was later killed by orcs, while the Ring stayed in the riverbed for over two millennia until a hobbit called Déagol discovered it while fishing.

  • Sméagol, Déagol’s cousin, murdered him and stole the Ring.
  • Over the centuries, Sméagol became the creature known as Gollum, hiding deep beneath the Misty Mountains.
  • Much later, the hobbit Bilbo Baggins chanced upon the Ring on a journey to help the dwarves reclaim their homeland.
  • He engaged in a battle of wits with Gollum, and managed to escape with the Ring.

Bilbo later bequeathed the Ring to his cousin Frodo in his will. Guided by Gandalf, Frodo and his friend Sam traveled all the way to Mount Doom on the quest to destroy the Ring with the fires in which it was forged. The three rings forged by Celebrimbor were the last to be made, and named after the elements of fire, water, and air.

Narya, the Ring of Fire: The Red Ring was set with a ruby. It was given by Celebrimbor to Círdan, Lord of the Havens of Mithlond, who later gave it to the wizard Gandalf sometime in the Third Age. Nenya, the Ring of Water: Nenya, also known as the White Ring or the Ring of Adamant, was made of a fine, silvery metal called mithril and set with a white stone. It was worn by Galadriel, who used its regenerative abilities to preserve the glorious elven forest of Lórien. Vilya, the Ring of Air: The most powerful of the elven rings, Vilya was set with a glimmering sapphire upon a gold band. Also referred to as the Blue Ring or the Dominant Ring, it was wielded by Gil-galad of Lindon, who passed it on to Elrond in Rivendell.

All the lesser rings had certain powers, but were ultimately linked to the One Ring. Except for the three rings forged by Celebrimbor without Sauron’s knowledge, all the other rings bestowed immense power and greed upon the bearers, affecting them to varying degrees. RELATED: 11 of the Most Important The Lord of the Rings Quotes

‘Rings of Power’ character poster for a dwarf. Photo Credit: Amazon Studios

The leaders of men wielding the rings all succumbed to Sauron sooner or later, becoming wraith-like beings that remained loyal to the Dark Lord. Initially, when they wore the rings, they beheld phantoms and visions of Sauron and turned invisible (except to the elves, wizards, and the wielder of the Master Ring).

  1. The rings also extended their lifespan, and made life unbearable for them.
  2. Linked to Sauron, the rings slowly stripped away their wearers’ consciousness until they became mere vehicles of the Dark Lord’s will.
  3. Their strength was also proportionate to Sauron’s own—so as Sauron’s power grew, the Witch-king of Angmar was able to match Gandalf in strength.

However, the effects of the rings were less severe on dwarves. As a tougher race than men, the dwarves were able to resist Sauron’s will, although the rings still made them lust for gold. The seven rings also increased their lifespans, but did not turn them invisible.

Narya, or the Red Ring, evoked hope in the wearer and those around them. It inspired others to resist tyranny and rekindle their hearts with fire.Nenya, or the White Ring, helped Galadriel to preserve the beautiful land of Lothlórien and cloak it from evil.Lastly, Vilya, or the Blue Ring, the most powerful of the three, possessed healing abilities. It also helped the wearer control elements, and possibly bestowed them with wisdom and foresight.

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Finally, the One Ring, forged by Sauron, allowed the wielder to control the minds of all other ring-bearers. Nearly indestructible, the Ring could only be unmade in the fires of Mount Doom. It virtually corrupted all those who wore it, extending their lifespans and turning them invisible, greedy, and aligned to evil.

  1. As the Ring transported the bearers to the spirit world, it also allowed them to see other aspects of the invisible realm.
  2. Even Frodo was corrupted by the Ring.
  3. He chose to keep it for himself until Gollum bit it off his finger and plunged into the fire, killing himself and destroying the Ring.
  4. The only character in the series to remain completely unaffected by the One Ring was Tom Bombadil.

He could see the wearer of the ring despite its invisibility, and he himself remained visible while wearing it. As the humble caretaker of the Old Forest, he had no wish to seek power or dominate others, and as such, the Ring could not corrupt him. Thus, the Rings of Power in Tolkien’s works are an excellent metaphor for power and domination.

This allowed the author to explore the nature of good and evil, and whether raw power (as symbolized by the One Ring) could itself be a corrupting influence on the living. Tolkien himself wrote that The Lord of the Rings was a study about “placing power in external objects.” The fact that the rings all have different effects on their bearers, be they dwarf, man, hobbit, elf, or wizard, showcases how power can be used to both dominate and preserve.

It also demonstrates that corruption can be resisted if one’s inner will and innate strength of character is strong enough. Explore intrigue, deceit, and the nasty power politics spurred by the rings when the much-anticipated Rings of Power series debuts this September,

Asked By: Oliver Brooks Date: created: Oct 29 2023

Who crafted the 9 Rings of Power

Answered By: Clifford Carter Date: created: Nov 01 2023

History – The Nine Rings were made along with the other Rings of Power in Eregion and were forged by Elven smiths under the guidance of Sauron, They were kept in the House of the Mírdain, but all rings save the Three Elven rings were captured by Sauron when he attacked Eregion,

  1. He gave nine of them to Men, and it was said that three of those that received them were Númenórean lords, and another was from the East,
  2. The owners of the Nine were corrupted, amassing glory and riches, and becoming great among Men.
  3. They had the ability to become invisible, and their lives were extended unnaturally, until they fell at last to the power of the One Ring held by Sauron.

They became part of the wraith-world, permanently invisible, and were enslaved by Sauron. They were afterwards his greatest servants, terrible to behold, known as the Nazgûl, During the end of the Third Age, Sauron had apparently reclaimed the Nine Rings to himself.

Who made the 12 Rings of Power?

” In those days the smiths of Ost-in-Edhil surpassed all that they had contrived before; and they took thought, and they made Rings of Power. Now the Elves made many rings; but secretly Sauron made One Ring to rule all the others, and their power was bound up with it, to be subject wholly to it and to last only so long as it too should last.

Asked By: James Mitchell Date: created: Mar 03 2024

Is Sauron really the stranger

Answered By: Dylan Bryant Date: created: Mar 06 2024

Sauron’s true identity wasn’t the only secret revealed in the Season 1 finale of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, We’ve learned who the Stranger — a bearded man who fell from the sky in the series premiere — really is. Well, not exactly, but we’ve narrowed it down to just a few possibilities.

  • SPOILER WARNING! This interview contains spoilers for The Rings of Power.** Although the finale, “Alloyed,” opens with the reveal that the Stranger is Sauron, that’s a fakeout, and the trio of white-cloaked women who were after him was mistaken.
  • We later learn that Halbrand is Sauron, while the Stranger is one of the Istari — the formal name for wizards in Middle-earth.

Though the episode stops short of confirming which Istari the Stranger is (the safe money is on him being Gandalf, but there are other possibilities, for sure), the revelation gives the Stranger more control over his magic powers and he’s able to speak and think clearly.

  • I loved the idea of starting with this blank slate as he arrived in the crater,” actor Daniel Weyman says of the Stranger’s story arc.
  • Whatever the audience watching didn’t know, he didn’t know either.
  • He’s had to patch bits together and he’s had to learn stuff on the journey.” RELATED: Sauron revealed! The Rings of Power actor explains the twist and the Dark Lord’s motives.

For his part, Weyman was learning along with the Stranger, too. Much as Halbrand/Sauron actor Charlie Vickers told SYFY WIRE he shot two full episodes before learning who he was really playing, Weyman spent most of the season knowing about as much of the truth of the Stranger’s identity as the Stranger himself did at any point.

  • In an interview with SYFY WIRE following the season finale, Weyman talked about playing a character who doesn’t know who they are, discussed changes to J.R.R.
  • Tolkien’s lore, and revealed what it takes to pull a Harfoot cart.
  • Now that he’s talking in crisp English, how much of the Stranger is, for lack of a better word, formed ? He still doesn’t know exactly who he is or what his mission is, but he’s much more coherent and put together.

Is this him remembering how to act or did he arrive as a blank slate and he’s picked up everything from the Harfoots? I think that is a really, really good question. The short answer is that I don’t really have definite points to tell you about that. I know that the last thing he says on the hillside to Nori is that fragments have come back — images and things like that.

  • But, when we leave him in Episode 8, it’s not like he knows exactly everything.
  • I think that’s where I am, certainly where the viewers are, and I’ll have to wait to see what want to do with the second season and his journey going forward.
  • It’s an exciting, fun place to be because it leaves so much open.

How much do you know about your character? I know you’re not going to be able to confirm that he’s Gandalf, but is the Stranger a stranger to you? I think now we’re up to what I know about the character. That’s all I’ve been given. I felt comfortable, when we were filming, to really learn it scene-by-scene, episode-by-episode because I didn’t need to know the future to play the character.

  1. The character came with nothing until the point at which he’s given some momentous insight.
  2. Now he knows he’s a wizard, now that that word resonates through time for him.
  3. Even before time itself as an idea came to being, he was sort of floating around in the ether.
  4. Until that really comes through into his core, I didn’t think he needed to know what the future is.

I suppose that’s what it is for J.D. and Patrick, they’ve got the arcs in their head and I feel a huge amount of respect for them and inspiration from listening to their stories and getting a chance to play them. For me, I fully trust that when I need to take on board anything, if they need to give me more information in the future, then they will give it to me with enough time for the thing I’m playing to make sense.

  1. Not to harp on this, but am I correct in that it’s not that you’re not telling people if you’re Gandalf or Saurman or a Blue Wizard or whoever, but you don’t know as an actor yet? No, I think nobody in our world knows the identity of the Stranger, including the Stranger himself.
  2. I’m actually much more excited by the honesty of that.

I think we’ll get a much better performance from me and therefore the audience will understand the Stranger and be better able to empathize with his journey if that’s where I am. The mystery of the Stranger and who the Stranger was growing into was enjoyable both for me to play day-to-day and also for the people watching it.

Because there were certain things we knew we had to hit. Numenor will fall, at some point. Isildur will cut the Ring finger off, if we get that far. There are certain things in the lore that we know we’re going to have to hit. And the pockets of space where J.D. and Patrick are able to extrapolate and invent the extra ideas of Tolkien feel like real gems.

The finale did confirm that the Stranger is one of the Istari, and that’s caused some consternation amongst die-hard Tolkien fans because the wizards were explicitly not around during Middle-earth’s Second Age. I don’t mind it, personally — I’d rather have a Lord of the Rings show with wizards than without — but what is your response to criticism about this change of established lore? One of the really great things about being on the show is to hear how many people there are in the world that have ownership of Tolkien’s stories because they have lived with them, taken them to heart, researched them, and delved deep into them.

I as an actor really have enjoyed doing that myself. Far from feeling like I need to respond or say somebody’s right or somebody’s wrong, I’m much more excited by the idea that people’s own theories are bubbling through and saying, “Well this does or doesn’t fit with my view.” For me, I think that there are all sorts of parts of Tolkien’s writing that have allowed me to feel really comfortable with where JD and Patrick have got.

They really respect Tolkien’s work and the way that they’re trying to bring this massive time period of the Second Age to the TV screen is really awesome. I tend to feel like, if people keep watching, they will fall in love if they haven’t already. Were those Harfoot carts a pain to pull? They looked heavy and rickety.

  • I have to give a huge shoutout to my scale double, Paul Sturgess, who ended up having to pull the big, big carts for most of the time.
  • Because, of course,, who played Nori, and her family unit, when they were pulling carts — those carts were too big for my scale, so Paul was the guy who had to pull an even bigger cart.

When I had to pull a cart, it was actually much smaller than what everyone else was pulling. When I had to pull, it wasn’t too bad. But, the big hills and things like that, it was often Paul who was pulled in. Big shoutout to him, I don’t know what I would have done if I’d had to pull it myself.

Is there Frodo in Rings of Power?

Galadriel’s journey in “The Rings of Power” is quite different from her story in Tolkien’s books. Credit: Matt Grace / Prime Video The first two episodes of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power are here, and they are nothing short of spectacular.

  • However, contrary to what the title would suggest, the story of this series is not, in fact, that of J.R.R.
  • Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings,
  • You’ll find no Frodo, no Gandalf, and no Fellowship.
  • You also won’t find that most devilish piece of jewelry, the One Ring.
  • At least, not yet.
  • The Rings of Power doesn’t re-adapt The Lord of the Rings,

Showrunners J.D. Payne and Patrick McKay actually pull from a variety of Tolkien’s work, like The Silmarillion and the Appendices of The Lord of the Rings, to create something new. As with any adaptation, The Rings of Power makes several changes between page and screen.

  1. However, its changes — including creating entire characters from scratch — are on a much bigger scale.
  2. Because of this, I won’t be examining the most granular book-to-show differences.
  3. We’d be here all week! Instead, I’ll be looking at these massive structural changes, why Payne and McKay may have made them, and whether or not they work.

Here are the three biggest ways The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power is different from Tolkien’s work.

Is Talion a Nazgul?

Biography – Talion was born and raised in Minas Tirith in Gondor ; he was a descendent of the Rhovanion Northmen, At some point after marrying Ioreth and fathering a son, Dirhael, he joined the Ithilien Rangers, quickly rising through the ranks to become the Captain of the Watch.

  1. After he killed a nobleman, Asgon, in defense of his wife, he was appointed to the Black Gate rather than executed as a punishment by Hallas, Ioreth’s father.
  2. Because Sauron had been gone for over three millennia, life at the Black Gate was usually uneventful, and Talion would often pass the time taking care of his family and sparring with his son.

One fateful night, however, Sauron and his Black Captains returned, putting everyone at the Gate to the sword until only Talion and his family remained. After being ritualistically murdered by Sauron’s Black Hand and left for dead, Talion learned he had been bonded with Celebrimbor’s wraith, who offered to help him find the ones responsible for murdering him and his family.

Agreeing, he will use anything the Wraith (who has his own motives) gives him to kill those responsible. Talion hunts down and kills Uruk Captains, and makes a reluctant alliance with Ratbag the Coward, helping Ratbag become a War Chief. During this, Talion encounters Gollum (searching for his “Precious” ), who is able see the wraith form of Celebrimbor (whom he calls the “Bright Master”).

Gollum helps them to find gifts of The Bright Master’s past that, through touching them, grants visions of Celebrimbor’s past. Collecting and finding the gifts, he learns Celebrimbor was an Elf-Lord who had helped Sauron create the rings of power. Talion in the region of Nurn After helping Hirgon, a former soldier from the Black Gate, destroy a statue of Sauron, the Gorthaur, at an Uruk stronghold, the Hammer of Sauron comes and (seemingly) kills War Chief Ratbag (for being the only surviving War Chief).

Talion battles and kills The Hammer. Afterward, he meets Lithariel, the daughter of Queen Marwen, who claims to be able to assist Celebrimbor with his mission. Marwen is the ruler of Núrn, a kingdom of sea raiders located in the south of Mordor. She uses prophetic powers to guide Talion and Celebrimbor to another of Celebrimbor’s relics.

Talion also gets help from a Dwarf hunter named Torvin, teaching Talion the ways of the hunt to dominate Caragors and Graugs (beasts native to Mordor), eventually fighting a massive Graug from Torvin’s past who killed Torvin’s hunting partner, later revealed to be his brother.

  1. Later, Marwen advises them to use Celebrimbor’s powers to take control of an army of Orcs and other beasts, using them to lead an assault against Sauron.
  2. Talion eventually realizes that the wizard Saruman is possessing Marwen, and assists Lithariel in freeing her from his control.
  3. Talion, however, still carries out Saruman’s plan, leading an army of mind-controlled Orcs in an assault against the Black Hand’s stronghold in the Ered Glamhoth,

However, rather than the Black Hand, Talion finds the Tower of Sauron waiting for him. The two battle and Talion emerges victorious after viciously stabbing the Tower to death with his son’s sword. Talion now returns to the Black Gate for a final confrontation with the Black Hand.

  • The Black Hand quickly incapacitates him with a spell that also restores the last of Celebrimbor’s memories.
  • He then kills himself as part of a ritual that forces Celebrimbor to depart from Talion and merge with himself.
  • This allows Sauron to possess the Black Hand’s body and incarnate in physical form.

However, Celebrimbor is able to briefly paralyze Sauron from within, allowing Talion to destroy Sauron’s physical form. With the Black Hand dead, Celebrimbor wishes to depart for Valinor, Talion instead convinces him to stay and attempt to overthrow Sauron. Talion on a Caragor Talion and Celebrimbor forge a new ring for Talion to use, a pure ring that is not corrupt. Celebrimbor, however, is captured by the spider Shelob, who forces Talion to give her the ring so that he can save Celebrimbor. With this ring, Shelob sees into the future, and sends Talion and Celebrimbor to Minas Ithil,

They find it under attack by Sauron and the Ringwraiths, Talion learns that this is because in the city there is a palantír, Talion travels to Minas Ithil and quickly comes to odds with Celebrimbor. Talion wants to help his fellow Gondorians, while Celebrimbor believes the city is already lost and the retrieval of the palantír must take priority.

Talion reasons that protecting Minas Ithil will also protect the palantír and he meets up with the city’s defenders: General Castamir, his daughter Idril, and his lieutenant Baranor. Together, they sabotage Orcish efforts to break into the city until Castamir betrays them, allowing the Orcs to breach the gates and handing over the palantír to the Witch-king of Angmar in return for sparing Idril.

  1. Talion fought with The Witch-king, who nearly defeated him and Celebrimbor.
  2. Castamir is killed by the Witch-king and Talion is escaped thanks to the help of Eltariel, an Elven assassin working on Galadriel’s behalf.
  3. The Witch-king seizes Minas Ithil, renaming it Minas Morgul.
  4. With the palantír, Sauron realizes that Shelob is holding Celebrimbor’s new ring and sends the Nazgûl to attack her.

Talion and Eltariel are able to save Shelob, who returns the Ring to him and tells him that the fate of Middle-earth is in his hands. With the Ring back in his possession, Talion begins to use its power to dominate Orcs and build his army. During this time, he assists Idril and Baranor rescue Gondorian survivors, helps the forest spirit Carnán defeat the Balrog Tar Goroth, helps Ratbag defeat a traitor, and hunts the Nazgûl alongside Eltariel.

Eventually, Talion builds up enough strength to assault Sauron’s fortress directly. During the battle, Talion faces Isildur, now corrupted into a Nazgûl. Talion manages to defeat Isildur, and he and Celebrimbor use the New Ring’s power to break Sauron’s hold over him. Celebrimbor attempts to dominate Isildur, but is stopped by Talion, who horrified by this, frees Isildur by killing him.

Celebrimbor lashes out angrily that Isildur would have been a valuable asset to their cause, leading Talion to realize that Celebrimbor’s desire for revenge and thirst for power has corroded all reason, and Talion fiercely states “I will not trade in one dark lord for another.” Talion refuses to follow Celebrimbor’s orders any more, causing the wraith to abandon him, giving the ring to Eltariel, and possessing her instead.

  • Without Celebrimbor, Talion begins to die, but is visited by Shelob in a vision.
  • Shelob informs him that if Talion had gone on to fight Sauron, they’d have succeeded and Celebrimbor would have enslaved Sauron and marched on to conquer the rest of Middle-earth.
  • She implores Talion to continue to fight to contain the darkness within Mordor as her goal was to prevent the rise of Celebrimbor.

Deciding to put his fate in his own hands, Talion dons Isildur’s Ring of Power to preserve his own life. He then uses the power of Isildur’s Ring to assault and seize Minas Morgul, defeating the Witch-king in the process. Talion then takes possession of the palantír and observes Celebrimbor and Eltariel making their assault on Sauron.

  • The two manage to gain the upper hand and Celebrimbor attempts to dominate Sauron, only for Sauron to cut off Eltariel’s ring finger and merge himself with Celebrimbor.
  • As a result, Sauron and Celebrimbor remain trapped in Sauron’s tower in the form of a flaming eye as their spirits continue to battle for dominance.

Talion decides to use Minas Morgul as a fortress to keep Sauron’s forces contained in Mordor and out of Middle-earth for as long as he can. By doing this, Talion hopes that by keeping Mordor in a constant state of war, the rest of Middle-earth can prepare for Sauron’s coming.

  • Decades later, Talion eventually succumbs to the corruption of Isildur’s ring and joins Sauron’s forces as a Nazgûl, replacing Isildur.
  • He goes with the others to hunt Frodo and the One Ring and pursues Frodo from the Shire to Bree.
  • Like the rest of the Nazgûl, he lost his horse at the Ford of Bruinen and received a Fellbeast as his new mount.
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Talion was also present at the Battle of the Pelennor Fields and Battle of the Black Gate, However Talion’s prior efforts were not in vain as he bought Middle-earth enough time to prepare enough for Sauron which eventually lead to the destruction of Sauron and the One Ring.

Who is Legolas father?

Fictional history – Legolas was the son of Thranduil, King of the Woodland Realm of Northern Mirkwood, who appeared as “the Elvenking” in The Hobbit, Thranduil, one of the Sindar or “Grey Elves”, ruled over the Silvan Elves or “Wood-elves” of Mirkwood.

  1. Legolas is introduced at the Council of Elrond in Rivendell, where he came as a messenger from his father to discuss Gollum ‘s escape from their guard.
  2. Legolas was chosen to be a member of the Fellowship of the Ring, charged with destroying the One Ring,
  3. He accompanied the other members in their travels from Rivendell to Amon Hen, When the fellowship was trapped by a snowstorm while crossing the Misty Mountains, Legolas scouted ahead, running lightly over the snow, and told Aragorn and Boromir that the thick snow they were trying to push through was only a narrow wall.

Back in the lowlands of Hollin, Legolas helped fend off an attack by Saruman ‘s wargs, Gandalf then led the fellowship on a journey underground through Moria, In Moria, Legolas helped fight off Orcs and recognized ” Durin’s Bane ” as a Balrog, After Gandalf’s fall, Aragorn led the Fellowship to the Elven realm of Lothlórien,

Legolas spoke to the Elf- sentries there on behalf of the Fellowship. There was initially friction between Legolas and the Dwarf Gimli, because of the ancient quarrel between Elves and Dwarves, rekindled by Thranduil’s treatment of Gimli’s father Glóin. Legolas and Gimli became friends when Gimli greeted Galadriel respectfully.

When the fellowship left Lothlórien, Galadriel gave the members gifts; Legolas received a longbow, which he used to bring down a Nazgûl ‘s flying steed in the dark with one shot. After Boromir ‘s death and the capture of Merry Brandybuck and Pippin Took by orcs, Legolas, Aragorn, and Gimli set out across Rohan in pursuit of the two captured hobbits,

  1. In the forest of Fangorn Legolas and his companions met Gandalf, resurrected as “Gandalf the White,” who delivered a message to Legolas from Galadriel.
  2. Legolas interpreted this as foretelling the end of his stay in Middle-earth: “Legolas Greenleaf long under tree, In joy thou hast lived, Beware of the Sea! If thou hearest the cry of the gull on the shore, Thy heart shall then rest in the forest no more.

” The three met with the Riders of Rohan, fought in the Battle of Helm’s Deep, and witnessed Saruman’s downfall at Isengard, where they were reunited with Merry and Pippin. Legolas and Gimli accompanied Aragorn and the Grey Company on the Paths of the Dead,

After Aragorn summoned the Dead of Dunharrow to fight for him, Legolas saw them terrify the Corsairs of Umbar from their ships at Pelargir, Galadriel’s prophecy was fulfilled: as Legolas heard the cries of seagulls, he experienced the Sea-longing — the desire to sail west to Valinor, the “Blessed Realm”, latent among his people.

He fought in the Battle of the Pelennor Fields and at the Black Gate, and watched as Sauron was defeated and Barad-dûr collapsed. After the destruction of the One Ring, Legolas remained in Minas Tirith for Aragorn’s coronation and marriage to Arwen,

Can Celebrimbor beat Sauron?

Video games – Celebrimbor as portrayed in Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor Celebrimbor appears in the video games Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor and Middle-earth: Shadow of War, as the wraith assisting the Ranger Talion in destroying the forces of Sauron, Here, he assists Talion due to the guilt he feels for creating the Rings of Power, thus feeling responsible for the trouble Middle-earth is in.

However, the Celebrimbor that appears in the game differs from Tolkien ‘s creation in that he not only makes the three Elf rings, but he crafts all of the Rings of Power, and when captured helps Sauron reforge the One Ring (via the inscription of the lettering of the Ring upon it) and assists him in creating the Nazgûl by accompanying Sauron to the men who eventually would become the Nine; he also gave the Ring a will of its own.

However, once Sauron’s intentions were revealed to him, he stole the One Ring and used it to command an army of Orcs and Uruks to fight Sauron and lay claim over Mordor, However, using the Ring, Celebrimbor is revealed to have developed a superiority complex and an insane obsession with taking everything from the dark lord for himself, so much so, that even Sauron himself could see the darkness within his heart, going so far as to believe that Sauron had already killed his family and was lying that he would spare them. Celebrimbor’s weapon in the game When the game takes place and the protagonist, Talion, is slain in a blood-ritual, Celebrimbor is bound to the Ranger, which allows Talion to return from the dead (in addition to many other abilities). He has no memory of his past, not even remembering his own name until they find an artifact that belonged to him (with the assistance of Gollum,) and with each artifact they find more of his memory is restored.

  1. Gollum eventually abandons them, leaving them to find the last artifact in Udûn on their own.
  2. They also assist a low ranking captain named Ratbag advance through the ranks until he advances to Warchief, and kill all other warchiefs (leaving Ratbag in charge of all the Uruks in Udûn), which leads to his apparent demise after he is blamed for failing to prevent the destruction of a monument to Sauron by the Hammer of Sauron, a Black Captain and a lieutenant of the Black Hand of Sauron (the leader of the Uruks in Sauron’s stead).

Talion (and Celebrimbor) is approached by Lithariel, the daughter of Marwen, Queen of the Tribesmen of Núrnen, who claims her mother has summoned Talion to her chambers. Celebrimbor, by Weta Workshop Their job finished in Udûn, they make their way to Núrnen and have an audience with Queen Marwen (who looks similar to King Théoden when he was enchanted by Saruman ), who gives them another artifact from Celebrimbor’s past.

  1. This artifact gives the wraith and his host their key to confronting the Black Hand: branding.
  2. They begin building their army by branding the captains and warchiefs of Núrnen (and optionally Udûn), thus enabling them to confront the Black Hand at his fortress of Ered Glamhoth, the strength of his forces depending on how many warchiefs and captains he branded.

They return to the queen to tell her they are prepared to leave when suddenly the Queen begins forcing Celebrimbor out of Talion, saying that they can defeat Sauron “together.” As Talion dies, he tells Lithariel, Marwen’s daughter, to break the Queen’s staff, and when it breaks, the Queen becomes youthful again, and reveals she went to the Istari Saruman for assistance in helping her people survive Sauron’s onslaught.

Celebrimbor suspects that Saruman may have gone rogue, and may be desiring the One for himself. Marwen nonetheless assists Talion by acquiring them a smuggler, which they use to go to the Black Hand’s fortress. When Talion enters the fortress, a skeleton bound to a pole by rope begins talking directly to Talion, and Celebrimbor reveals that the Tower of Sauron, another Black Captain and the Black Hand’s right hand, is responsible for this, and thus is here in the Black Hand’s stead.

Talion approaches the Black Hand’s throne, and as he looks for the Tower, the Black Captain appears in the throne, and reveals the Black Hand went looking for Talion. He addresses Celebrimbor directly, telling him Sauron forgives him and, if he casts off that “corpse” and becomes one with him, he will have his dreams fulfilled.

  1. Celebrimbor rebukes the Tower, saying that Talion and the wraith will never surrender.
  2. Failing to deceive Celebrimbor, he reveals to Talion that the Ringmaker deceived Talion by pretending that the Black Hand of Sauron placed a curse on them, binding them together, where in reality Celebrimbor chose Talion as his “host” and could have released him at any time.

Talion insists that the Tower stand up and fight, to which the Tower obliges. He creates illusions of himself, forcing Talion to drain the illusions to sap the Tower of his power. After the illusions are eliminated, Talion hears his wife Ioreth singing, and when he gets close to her, his wife is revealed as the Tower, who attempts to brand Talion.

  • However, the Ranger overpowers him and brutally kills him, stabbing him with his son’s dagger, Acharn, four times in the heart, before shoving his sword, Urfael, into the Tower’s laughing mouth.
  • After the Tower’s death, Talion reveals his anger at Celebrimbor for his deceit, saying he wanted to be with his wife and son instead of being alone alive.

Celebrimbor points out though that the Ranger wanted revenge, and thus he gave him the means to do so. The Ringmaker does admit that he can leave Talion, if he wants. Yet before they can part ways, the wraith says that they must finish what they started by killing their true target: the Black Hand.

  1. Talion reluctantly agrees, and the pair set sail for Núrnen once more.
  2. However, they find the Queen’s palace sacked, and blood on the throne.
  3. The queen’s crown, however, was left, and when Talion picks it up, another set of Celebrimbor’s memories are returned to him.
  4. They figure the Black Hand has them in Udûn, preparing an exchange for Celebrimbor for the Queen and her daughter.

They arrive in the now-dark, ashed filled Udûn, where they find the Black Hand’s elite guards standing watch for the duo. When the Talion arrives at the Black Gate riding a Caragor, his branded Uruks and warchiefs are already fighting the rank and file Uruks.

Then finally, with a warchief and a set of captains, the Talons of the Black Hand reveal themselves, along with a host of rank and file Uruks. To Talion’s sadness, The Talons reveal that they slaughtered all of the Núrnen tribesman, including Lithariel and Queen Marwen. After a brutal fight, the Talons are defeated, and the remaining branded Uruks that assisted Talion remain behind to fight the Black Hand’s forces.

Meanwhile, the Gravewalker climbs the Black Gate, and find the Black Hand waiting for him. Then quite subtly, the Black Captain lures the wraith duo in and unleashes a blast of energy that gives Celebrimbor more of his memories: his confrontation with Sauron in the fields of Udûn ending in failure, the return of Sauron’s ring, and the brutal murders of Celebrimbor’s family before his eyes, before being murdered himself.

  • This gives Celebrimbor more power as a result.
  • The Black Hand tells Celebrimbor that when he originally performed the blood ritual in an attempt to absorb his spirit into the Black Hand’s corporeal form (thus reforming an avatar of Sauron, though he would not be at full strength), he gave him a choice: to stand by Sauron’s side.

He then tells the grave-walker duo that Talion and Celebrimbor have no choice in the matter, and surprisingly performs the blood ritual on himself, absorbing Celebrimbor into the Black Hand and forming the avatar of Sauron. Sauron tries to kill the already dying Talion, but as Sauron is about to deliver the finishing blow, Celebrimbor uses his energy to temporarily stun Sauron.

  1. This gives Talion the chance he needed to kill the avatar of Sauron, and thus the Black Hand, with his sword.
  2. Talion relieved that he has finally exacted vengeance for his family, sees Celebrimbor waiting, ready to go to the afterlife together.
  3. Talion, however, insists that together they should use their powers to combat Sauron, because they both know as long as his Ring exists, he will return again, no matter in what form.

Celebrimbor insists that fighting Sauron is mortally impossible, because he tried once long ago and it couldn’t be done. Talion asks the Ringmaker if he could die knowing there was chance that they could defeat Sauron, but they didn’t take it. Celebrimbor simply disappears, and doesn’t answer.

  • Talion, looking at Udûn’s red sun, declares to himself and the wraith that it’s time for them to forge new ring, as his eyes glow with the wraith’s power.
  • The two then travel to Mount Doom, and proceed to forge a New Ring,
  • Upon its completion, Celebrimbor is separated from Talion by Shelob, and Talion takes the new ring to survive without the wraith.

He later finds him in Shelob’s Lair within Cirith Ungol, and gives her the new ring in exchange for Celebrimbor. The Elven wraith dislikes this exchange however, but Shelob’s natural powers amplified by the ring prove to be too strong to fight, and thus the duo shifts their attention to a new target: the palantír in Minas Ithil,

After the city’s eventual fall, Sauron sends 8 ringwraiths to force the new ring from Shelob. Realizing the danger that keeping the ring would cause to both her and to Middle-earth, she returns the ring to its forgers. The ranger and the wraith then proceed to Nurnen, where they use the ring’s power to build an army and take over the region; Subsequently, they are betrayed by an ally in the process, only to exact revenge on him with utter cruelty.

Of course, Celebrimbor’s cruelty hints to Talion that the ring’s power is starting to affect the elf’s sanity. Eventually, after conquering most of Sauron’s domain, defeating a Balrog with the help of Carnan, a nature spirit, and finding out the identities of some of the Nazgul, the duo takes their army and march towards Barad-dûr, only to be stopped by one of the ringwraiths, Isildur,

  • Upon his defeat, Talion decides to end the fallen hero’s torment, and permanently kills him.
  • However, Celebrimbor considers this an act of betrayal; he reveals that his plan has gone from simple revenge to tyranny, as he plans on brainwashing Sauron and ruling Middle-earth through him.
  • As Talion objects to this plan, the wraith abandons the Ranger’s body and takes over Eltariel ‘s, leaving Talion to bleed to death.

As Talion picks up Isildur’s ring, he becomes a ringwraith and decides to take back Minas Morgul, whilst Celebrimbor and his new host face Sauron. Eventually, Sauron, in his Annatar form, finds himself on his knees, and Celebrimbor begins to dominate him.

But in a sudden moment of resistance, Sauron pulls out a blade and slices off Eltariel’s fingers, just like Isildur had done to him centuries earlier. With Sauron now having the upper hand, he consumes the wraith, but with adverse effects; rather than one consuming the other, they both joined to become the flaming Eye of Sauron, locked into a battle of wills.

Their unending struggle for dominance lasted over the entire course of the War of the Ring until the One Ring was destroyed in Orodruin, wherein Sauron’s power was finally broken. However, Celebrimbor did not fade from Middle-earth as Sauron did. Like the Dark Lord, the Bright Lord had poured his own life force into forging his Ring, which had been taken by Eltariel on command of Galadriel,

Asked By: Michael Gonzales Date: created: Dec 12 2024

Who killed Sauron

Answered By: Antonio Campbell Date: created: Dec 15 2024

War of the Last Alliance – Led by Elendil, nine ships carrying faithful Númenóreans were saved from the Downfall; they founded the kingdoms of Gondor and Arnor in Middle-earth. Sauron returned to Mordor; Mount Doom again erupted. Sauron captured Minas Ithil and destroyed the White Tree; Elendil’s son Isildur escaped down the Anduin.

  • Anárion defended Osgiliath and for a time drove Sauron’s forces back to the mountains.
  • Isildur and Anárion formed an alliance and defeated Sauron at Dagorlad,
  • They invaded Mordor and laid siege to Barad-dûr for seven years.
  • Finally Sauron came out to fight Elendil and Gil-galad face to face.
  • When Elendil fell, his sword Narsil broke beneath him.

Isildur took up the hilt-shard of Narsil and cut the One Ring from Sauron’s hand, vanquishing Sauron. Elrond and Círdan, Gil-galad’s lieutenants, urged Isildur to destroy the Ring by casting it into Mount Doom, which would have banished Sauron from Middle-earth for ever, but he refused and kept it for his own.

Is Sauron an Elf?

Forging of the One Ring – ” A new shadow arises in the East. It is no tyranny of evil Men, as your son believes; but a servant of Morgoth is stirring, and evil things wake again. Each year it gains in strength, for most Men are ripe to its purpose. ” — Gil-galad, Aldarion and Erendis: The Mariner’s Wife After remaining hidden and dormant for five centuries, Sauron began revealing himself once more, and by SA 1000 had gathered power and established himself in the land of Mordor, in eastern Middle-earth, and began building the dreaded Barad-dûr near Mount Doom, Annatar, by Maureval Although Sauron knew that Men were easier to sway, he sought to bring the Elves into his service, as they were far more powerful. By about SA 1500, Sauron put on a fair visage and called himself Annatar, the “Lord of Gifts”. The Unfinished Tales tells that Annatar assumed the guise of an emissary of the Valar “anticipating the Istari”.

He befriended the Elf smiths of Eregion, including Celebrimbor (greatest of craftsmen, as he was descended from Fëanor ), and counselled them in arts and magic. Not all the Elves trusted him, particularly Lady Galadriel, Elrond, and Gil-galad, High King of the Ñoldor, Some accounts say that he befriended the Elven smiths of Gwaith-i-Mírdain without the knowledge of Galadriel and Celeborn.

In one version of the story, Sauron developed a strong hold over Gwaith-i-Mírdain that he persuaded them to rebel against Galadriel and Celeborn which drove them to leave Eregion so he could work unopposed. This is the Master-ring, the One Ring to rule them all.

  1. This is the One Ring that he lost many ages ago, to the great weakening of his power.
  2. He greatly desires it – but he must not get it.
  3. Gandalf, The Lord of the Rings, ” The Shadow of the Past ” Eventually, Sauron gave the Elven smiths he worked with knowledge and encouragement to forge magic Rings, which he infused with potent spells without their knowledge.

These included the great Rings of Power while he forged the One Ring in secret, to rule the Elvish rings. Upon that ring Sauron wrote in Tengwar the Black Speech inscription, Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatulûk, agh burzum-ishi krimpatul. The One Ring worn by Sauron Annatar, by Soni Alcorn-Hender However, as soon as he put on his Ring the Elves sensed his treachery, and removed their Rings and hid them. Having raised the fortress of Barad-dûr in Mordor in SA 1600, Sauron then prepared ninety years for open war ; his gathering of armies was opposed by the two “powerful enemies behind his back” in the East and South.

  • The Elves managed to hide the three greatest of the Rings from him, but the other sixteen Rings of Power were either captured by Sauron, destroyed, or lost.
  • To the Dwarves he had given Seven, but to Men he had given Nine, knowing that they would be the easiest to corrupt.
  • The Dwarf-lords who received the Rings proved to be very resistant to their power, and neither “faded” nor became enslaved to Sauron’s will.

The Rings, however, created in them an insatiable lust for gold, which ultimately caused a great deal of grief for the Dwarves. As Sauron predicted, the nine Men were all corrupted by their Rings and became the Nazgûl, Sauron’s deadliest servants. Had the Elves not recognised Sauron’s treachery and forsaken the power of their rings, the results would have been catastrophic.

It seems that most of the native Men of Middle-earth succumbed to the power of the Ring once the Nazgûl were created, and if the Elves had been captured in this fashion, they would have become the slaves of Sauron. Thus Celebrimbor’s resistance was of immense importance in the history of Middle-earth.

Having grown “‘greater’, effectively” than Morgoth at the end, Sauron conquered nearly all of Middle-earth, with only Gil-galad’s realm of Lindon being safe from his grasp. At his height during the Accursed Years, became known as the Dark Lord to the Free Peoples.

  • However, he had not expected the intervention of the Númenóreans, scions of the Edain (and partial descendants through Elros, of Beren and Lúthien).
  • The armies of the King of Númenor, Tar-Minastir, defeated Sauron’s forces in the Battle of the Gwathló in SA 1700,
  • Beaten but not wholly vanquished, Sauron fled back to Mordor with only his bodyguard and began rebuilding his strength over the next centuries.
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Towards the end of the Second Age, he was once again powerful enough to raise large armies to attempt to conquer Middle-earth. By this time, he assumed the titles of “Lord of the Earth” and ” King of Men “, angering the proud Kings of Númenor; the last ruler, Ar-Pharazôn, sought to compete with Sauron for the kingship of Arda. Sauron’s fair disguise, by Ralph Damiani

Why is the One Ring so powerful?

Purpose – The One Ring was forged by the Dark Lord Sauron during the Second Age to gain dominion over the free peoples of Middle-earth, In disguise as Annatar, or “Lord of Gifts”, he aided the Elven smiths of Eregion and their leader Celebrimbor in the making of the Rings of Power,

  • He then secretly forged the One Ring in the fires of Mount Doom,
  • Sauron intended it to be the most powerful of all Rings, able to rule and control those who wore the others.
  • Since the other Rings were powerful on their own, Sauron was obliged to place much of his own power into the One to achieve his purpose.

Creating the Ring simultaneously strengthened and weakened Sauron. With the Ring, he could control the power of all the other Rings, and thus he was significantly more powerful after its creation than before; but by binding his power within the Ring, Sauron became dependent on it.

Asked By: Andrew Murphy Date: created: Dec 02 2024

Is Sauron really Gandalf

Answered By: Louis Garcia Date: created: Dec 04 2024

Who Is Gandalf? – Image via New Line Cinema Gandalf, like all the five wizards of Middle-earth, was a Maia, an angelic spirit of the same order as Sauron. It was the persistence of Sauron’s power into the Third Age that made the Valar, a higher order of spirits analogous to archangels, wish to send emissaries to aid and inspire the Free Peoples of Arda (Earth) who resisted evil.

  • The emissaries would be Maia, clothed in the bodies of Men advanced in age but possessed of great physical and mental ability.
  • So embodied, they would lose a great deal of their spiritual power; they were not meant to exercise force nor to coerce anyone to act.
  • They would be subject to weariness, hunger, injury, and the risk of death.

Possessed of free will, they could also be tempted away from their task. In Unfinished Tales, a collection of essays and story fragments Tolkien left behind, it was the Maia Olórin who became incarnated as Gandalf. He was proposed for the task by Manwë, wisest of the Valar, though Olórin initially begged not to be sent.

  • He wasn’t up to the task, he insisted, and he feared Sauron.
  • But in Manwë’s eyes, that was all the more reason Olórin should go.
  • Thus ordered, he arrived at the shores of the Grey Havens as the third of the Istari (wizards) in the Third Age, appearing the smallest and most aged of them.
  • Yet Círdan the shipwright, who greeted Olórin upon his arrival, perceived him the greatest of the Istari and gave him the Elven Ring of Fire to aid him in his labors.

But the ring, and the power he still possessed, were kept veiled in weathered gray robes.

Who is Sauron pretending to be?

Halbrand, Not Annatar – The Rings of Power is based on the Appendices to The Lord of the Rings books, which provide only the bare bones of an outline of what went on in the Second Age around the forging of the titular Rings, But somewhat surprisingly, Halbrand’s story contradicts quite a lot of the little that there is.

  • Appendix B to The Lord of the Rings states that Sauron first chose Mordor as a stronghold and started building his fortress of Barad-dûr.
  • He then “won over” the Elven smiths of Eregion (an Elven kingdom near to Moria) and together they began forging the Rings of Power (the first 16 of them, those that were eventually given to Dwarves and Men).

The Three Rings were also forged in Eregion – later books state that they were forged by Celebrimbor without Sauron’s involvement, but The Lord of the Rings doesn’t specify that. Then Sauron goes and forges the One Ring at Mount Doom and Celebrimbor, realizing what is happening, hides the Three Elven Rings.

  • Halbrand’s story is largely a new invention slotting in between the formation of Mordor and the forging of the Rings of Power.
  • The name “Halbrand” is not a known alias of Sauron, though he has lots of others.
  • Halbrand claims to be a King of the Southlands, and there is a certain logic to that particular lie.

Sauron, after all, does become ruler of Mordor. Halbrand’s journey to Númenor and his relationship with Galadriel are new inventions for the series. too. The former is meant to more cohesively connect Sauron to the downfall of Númenor, while the latter is meant to hide Halbrand’s true identity from readers who already know from the books that it’s Sauron who manipulates the Elves into forging the Rings.

  1. Rather than seeing Celebrimbor, the actual maker of the Rings of Power, deceived by an apparently good and helpful ally, the series has Galadriel, who wears one of the Rings but did not make them, tricked by a man who always seemed a bit dubious and untrustworthy.
  2. Join our mailing list Get the best of Den of Geek delivered right to your inbox! The changes certainly add something to Galadriel’s story.

Hearing Sauron tempt her in exactly the same words she used when tempted by the One Ring in The Lord of Rings – the promise to make her a “Queen” and “stronger than the foundations of the earth” – is powerful stuff. Watching that scene in The Fellowship of the Ring where she almost gives in to temptation and takes the Ring from Frodo will have even more of an emotional impact now, as we can assume she is reminded of Halbrand, and of how she saved him in the Second Age — and perhaps even liked him.

Why did Talion make a new ring?

Abilities – The new ring was made with the intent of rivaling Sauron’s own, and thus bestow upon its wearers the ability of Domination over many sentient lifeforms susceptible to its immense magical power. This allows one to enslave others and assemble an army with sufficient effort.

  1. The effectiveness of the new ring’s Domination is not absolute however, as there were cases where sapient beings like Bruz the Olog broke free of its power and even grew resistant against it.
  2. Willpower seems to be essential in fighting off the ring’s Domination, with the mentally weak and broken being more prone to its influence, whilst those with iron will can deny it altogether.

The ring’s Domination was at some point proven capable of breaking Sauron’s hold on one of his Ringwraiths, Isildur, making the former King of Gondor tethered to the power of the new ring instead of Sauron’s, This grants the then-wielder of the ring, Talion, the power to kill Isildur (or rather release him from undeath).

  1. The new ring, like the other Rings of Power, also grants augmentative effects to beings who wear it enhancing their existing abilities to new heights.
  2. To Elves, it grants resurrection power like that of a Wraith, allowing them a hastened process of reconstituting into the the world should their physical body be killed.

Similarly, the new ring was able to sustain Talion for some time after he was temporarily separated from Celebrimbor. The new ring can also enhance the power of Galadriel’s Light, making deadlier weapons of the artifacts.

Asked By: Christopher Hayes Date: created: Dec 27 2023

Who convinced Celebrimbor to forge the rings

Answered By: Cole Price Date: created: Dec 30 2023

There are 20 Rings of Power in The Lord of the Rings. Audiences know Sauron, the Lord of the Rings himself, made the One, but who created the rest? The opening of The Lord of the Rings tells viewers about each of the Rings of Power, including the One Ring forged by Sauron, but there remains a mystery over who forged the other Great Rings of Power. Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings movies centered around a hobbit who was given the task of destroying the One Ring, but there were 19 other Rings of Power.

  • The adaptation of J.R.R.
  • Tolkien’s masterful work didn’t offer much of an explanation for how the Rings came about other than the fact that Sauron created the One Ring.
  • Audiences would be forgiven for assuming he forged all of the Rings, but his role in creating the 20 Rings of Power is actually more complicated.

The Rings of Power were all formed long before Frodo Baggins (Elijah Wood) set off on his long journey to destroy the One Ring. In the epigraph for J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings book, he states there are ” Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky, Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone, Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die, One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne.

” While this sets audiences up to understand how many Rings of Power there are, it does not explain who crafted them. The central focus of the films was the One Ring, but the hobbits also came across the Nine. The keepers of these Rings became the Nazgûl. Frodo came into contact with another ring when Galadriel revealed she was a keeper of one of the Three.

The other nine Rings are not revealed in the movies The twenty Rings were all formed in the second age. The evil Sauron disguised himself as Annatar, the ” Lord of Gifts,” and persuaded Celebrimbor (leader of the Eleven-smiths of Eregion) to help him forge them. Sauron’s intention when creating the Rings was to rule over the elves. The original 16 Rings of Power were intended for elves, but as soon as Sauron forged the One and put it on his finger, the elves immediately understood what was happening. As a result, all 19 elves who wore a Ring of Power took it off.

  • Sauron became enraged by this and decided that if he couldn’t control the powerful elves with the Rings, then he wanted them back.
  • The elves managed to keep the Three, which were the most powerful, hidden.
  • They also hid one with the dwarves of Khazad-dûm, but Sauron managed to gain possession of the other 15.

He then turned his sights to mortals, giving the Nine to men and the rest to dwarves. The keepers of the Nine quickly fell under Sauron’s influence and began doing his evil bidding, becoming his Ringwraiths. Sauron was unable to control the Seven after they were given to the Dwarf-lords due to the dwarves’ resilience and because they were given to the most powerful of them.

  • However, the Rings still resulted in their keepers’ downfall.
  • The Dwarf-lords became extremely wealthy, but along with their wealth came the obsessive need for more.
  • They became so greedy for treasure that it spelled their destruction, as seen in the first film when the Dwarves dug too deep in Moria,

By the War of the Ring, four of the Seven had been destroyed by dragon fire directly due to the Dwarf-lords’ greed, and Sauron was able to reobtain the other three. The Seven and the Nine brought ruin and destruction to their keepers while the Three remained hidden, and when the One was destroyed, so was the titular character in The Lord of the Rings,

Why did Celebrimbor betray Talion?

He didn’t deceive Talion, but he did betray him by leaving him for another. And since it was Celebrimbor’s spirit keeping him “alive” Talion’s body reverted back to the moment of his original death as soon as they seperated. As far as Celebrimbor being no better than Sauron. Bruz nailed it when he said “Bright Lord, Dark Lord. Same thing, really.” He didn’t deceive Talion, but he did betray him by leaving him for another. And since it was Celebrimbor’s spirit keeping him “alive” Talion’s body reverted back to the moment of his original death as soon as they seperated. As far as Celebrimbor being no better than Sauron. Bruz nailed it when he said “Bright Lord, Dark Lord. Same thing, really.” Why did celebrimbor leave him? Shelob alludes to it as well, by saying Sauron and Celembrimbor are “one and the same” fairly early in SOW. Throughout the series, though, Celembrimbor was always quite a bit darker than Talion. Because Talion disagrees with Celebrimbor’s plans of dominating the Nazgul and Sauron. Talion wants to destroy Sauron but Celebrimbor wants to control Sauron and his army and as Shelob shown Talion in visions, Celebrimbor will dominate Middle-Earth. BTW its not yet the real ending. There’s a true ending in Act IV. Last edited by Kiyohime ; 5 Nov, 2017 @ 2:53am Krono 5 Nov, 2017 @ 2:59am He didn’t deceive Talion, but he did betray him by leaving him for another. And since it was Celebrimbor’s spirit keeping him “alive” Talion’s body reverted back to the moment of his original death as soon as they seperated. As far as Celebrimbor being no better than Sauron. Originally posted by Krono : He didn’t deceive Talion, but he did betray him by leaving him for another. And since it was Celebrimbor’s spirit keeping him “alive” Talion’s body reverted back to the moment of his original death as soon as they seperated.

As far as Celebrimbor being no better than Sauron. Bruz nailed it when he said “Bright Lord, Dark Lord. Same thing, really.” I’d say that yes, Celebrimbor did lie to Talion. He lied to him the moment he met, since he told him that they were both aiming for Revenge when Celebrimbor’s goal was to replace Sauron from the get-go That wasn’t his plan from the beginning though, I think their goals just changed.

Celebrimbor believed they had done all they could do at the end of SoM, and wanted to leave Middle Earth. Talion is the one who decided to stay, craft a new ring, and keep fighting Sauron. So in a way you could say Talion betrayed Celebrimbor in the first game! I somehow believe that in some way. Celebrimbor was corrupted by the new ring. Not in a darkish way but rather blinded and further his own ambition. I did not believe Talion would betray Celebrimbor because he wanted to end Sauron. In Tolkien’s world. Power leads to corruption in MOST cases. Krono 5 Nov, 2017 @ 3:19am That wasn’t his plan from the beginning though, I think their goals just changed. Celebrimbor believed they had done all they could do at the end of SoM, and wanted to leave Middle Earth. Talion is the one who decided to stay, craft a new ring, and keep fighting Sauron.

  • So in a way you could say Talion betrayed Celebrimbor in the first game! At the start of his DLC maybe his only plan was vengeance, but the One Ring pretty clearly corrupted him and by the end of that he was trying to replace Sauron.
  • He got his ass kicked, his face got smashed in with a hammer, and he spent a thousand years wandering as a wraith.

it’s pretty clear at the end of the cutscene where he’s watching Talion’s family being butchered that he sees Talion as a tool immediately Originally posted by Krono : That wasn’t his plan from the beginning though, I think their goals just changed. Celebrimbor believed they had done all they could do at the end of SoM, and wanted to leave Middle Earth. Talion is the one who decided to stay, craft a new ring, and keep fighting Sauron.

  • So in a way you could say Talion betrayed Celebrimbor in the first game! At the start of his DLC maybe his only plan was vengeance, but the One Ring pretty clearly corrupted him and by the end of that he was trying to replace Sauron.
  • He got his ass kicked, his face got smashed in with a hammer, and he spent a thousand years wandering as a wraith.

it’s pretty clear at the end of the cutscene where he’s watching Talion’s family being butchered that he sees Talion as a tool immediately Oh yeah I agree with you for sure that he saw Talion as a tool. I never played the SoM DLC, but at the end of SoW he straight up admits that Talion was never more than a vessal. So how come talion isnt corrupt by the nazguls ring? Krono 5 Nov, 2017 @ 3:29am Oh yeah I agree with you for sure that he saw Talion as a tool. I never played the SoM DLC, but at the end of SoW he straight up admits that Talion was never more than a vessal. Side question. Is it worth going back and playing SoW with the DLC? SoM I’m assuming you mean, and you don’t need to replay the game to do the DLCs since they’re their own separate things. Krono 5 Nov, 2017 @ 3:30am So how come talion isnt corrupt by the nazguls ring? Finish the Shadow Wars and you’ll see, or look up the final cutscene on youtube or something Last edited by Krono ; 5 Nov, 2017 @ 3:30am Originally posted by Krono : So how come talion isnt corrupt by the nazguls ring? Finish the Shadow Wars and you’ll see, or look up the final cutscene on youtube or something K thx

Asked By: Elijah Young Date: created: Sep 08 2023

Did Celebrimbor help Sauron make the rings

Answered By: Jackson Adams Date: created: Sep 09 2023

Second Age – Celebrimbor settled in Eregion in the Second Age and started dealing with the Dwarves of the realm of Khazad-dûm, In SA 1500, Sauron, calling himself Annatar (“Lord of Gifts”), befriended the Ñoldor of Eregion. He claimed to be an emissary of the Valar, especially Aulë, and instructed them in the art of ring-making. Celebrimbor and Annatar forging the Rings In secret, Sauron forged the One Ring, a master ring that would rule all the lesser rings, to enable him to rule Middle-earth via its influence over those who used the other rings. When Sauron placed the One Ring on his finger, claiming dominance over all the Rings of Power and their bearers, the Elves knew his true identity and intentions.

Celebrimbor and the Elves of Eregion defied Sauron by withholding the other rings from him. The greatest of the rings (aside from the One Ring) were created by Celebrimbor himself, and these were never touched by Sauron and thus were uncorrupted by him, although they were still subject to the One Ring.

These were the three Rings of the Elves, the fairest of the Rings of Power. Celebrimbor named them Vilya, Narya, and Nenya after the principal Middle-earth elements of air, fire and water, respectively. He sent the three rings away for safekeeping: Vilya and Narya to Gil-galad in Lindon ; and Nenya to Galadriel in Lórien,

Celebrimbor also sent the mightiest of the seven to Durin III of Khazad-dûm. Sauron retaliated by attacking Eregion, laying waste to the realm. Celebrimbor was captured in the chaos and was forced, under torture, to disclose the locations of the lesser rings, but he would not reveal the whereabouts of the three greatest of them that he had sent away for safekeeping.

Celebrimbor died from his torment; his body was shot with arrows and hung upon a pole, and was later paraded as a banner when Sauron attacked the Grey Havens, He was the last direct descendant of the line of Fëanor, save perhaps for his father’s brother Maglor, whose fate is unknown and is said by some legends to still wander the shores of the Sea. Celebrimbor, by David Greset