- 1 Who is the Prevent officer
- 2 Who is at risk of being Radicalised
- 3 What is the prevent model in the UK
- 4 What is the NHS prevent policy
- 5 How is the rule of law protected UK
- 6 Does NHS England have Prevent strategy
- 7 What are the four key objectives of the Prevent strategy
- 8 Who should I speak to if I think someone is being Radicalised
- 9 What is the prevent strategy of the CPNI
Who is the Prevent officer
Working with other organisations, the police protect vulnerable people from being exploited by extremists through a Home Office programme called Prevent. The role of our Prevent Officers is to help people vulnerable to radicalisation move away from extremism.
What is the Prevent channel in the UK?
The aim of Channel – To safeguard individuals who might be vulnerable to being radicalised, so that they are not at risk of being drawn into terrorist-related activity. Channel is a partnership approach to safeguard individuals who are vulnerable to being radicalised by terrorists and drawn into terrorist activity.
It is a key strand of the Government’s Prevent Strategy, published in June 2011: Prevent strategy 2011, A multi-agency panel, chaired by the local authority, decides on the most appropriate action to support individuals after considering their circumstances. Every support package is monitored closely and reviewed regularly.
By providing this support, we are able to safeguard our communities from the threat of terrorism. Channel is a multi-agency approach to identify and provide support to individuals who are at risk of being drawn into terrorist-related activity. The process forms a key part of the Government’s Prevent strategy.
- Channel works in a similar way to existing successful partnership initiatives.
- It aims to safeguard individuals who are vulnerable and protect them from harm, such as Early Intervention Panels.
- The process provides a mechanism for safeguarding vulnerable individuals.
- This is by assessing the nature and extent of the potential risk they face before they become involved in criminal activity.
Also, where necessary, provide a support package tailored to an individual’s needs. Terrorism is a very real threat to all our communities and terrorists seek to exploit those who are most vulnerable. That is why it is vital that we all work together to support those who are at risk of radicalisation.
Channel Duty Guidance (2020), Channel guidance,
Who is at risk of being Radicalised
How learners become susceptible to radicalisation – There’s no single way of identifying whether a learner is likely to be susceptible to radicalisation into terrorism. The process of radicalisation is different for every individual. It can take place over a long period, or it can be very quick.
Learners who are vulnerable to grooming for sexual exploitation, criminal exploitation or county lines, may also be vulnerable to radicalisation. Factors could include things like being a victim or witness of crime, abuse or bullying, or having personal or emotional difficulties. Adverse childhood experiences, combined with specific influences from family and peers or online connections, may make someone more susceptible to radicalisation.
Extremist influences could include, but are not limited to:
family members having direct contact or involvement with extremist or terrorist groups staff members of an education or community setting promoting an extremist ideology peers promoting an extremist ideology or sharing extremist material access or exposure to online extremist material via social media or the internet – for example, propaganda including pictures, videos, blogs and fake news exposure to extremist, terrorist or other violent activity in overseas settings access or exposure to extremist leaflets, magazines or stickering exposure to extremist groups hosting marches, protests or stalls
What is the prevent law in the UK?
Details – The aim of Prevent is to stop people from becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism. The objectives of Prevent are to:
- tackle the ideological causes of terrorism
- intervene early to support people susceptible to radicalisation
- enable people who have already engaged in terrorism to disengage and rehabilitate
This is statutory guidance for England and Wales, issued on 7 September 2023 under Section 29 of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015, Subject to Parliamentary approval, it comes into force on 31 December 2023. There is separate guidance for Scotland, This statutory guidance is intended for use by:
- senior leadership teams in any of the specified authorities listed in Part 1 of Schedule 6 of the CTSA 2015
- those with dedicated Prevent and/or safeguarding responsibilities
- people in specified authorities with responsibility for how resources and funding are used, and for external partnerships
- those in a frontline role and likely to engage with people who may be susceptible to radicalisation
This guidance may also inform best practice for other sectors that are not specified authorities but may wish to consider how to prevent the risk of people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism. The list of specified authorities subject to the duty at section 26 CTSA 2015 can be found at Part 1 of Schedule 6 of the CTSA 2015,
- Revised Prevent duty guidance: for England and Wales (2015)
- Prevent duty guidance: for further education institutions in England and Wales (2015)
- Prevent duty guidance: for higher education institutions in England and Wales 2015 (updated in April 2021)
Specified authorities in England and Wales must continue to have regard to the 2015 guidance until the new guidance comes into force. A glossary of terms used in the Prevent duty guidance. Published 12 March 2015 Last updated 14 September 2023 + show all updates
- 14 September 2023 Accessible version added.
- 7 September 2023 Added Prevent duty guidance 2023 and glossary of terms.
- 1 April 2021 Link to list of further and higher education Prevent coordinators updated.
- 10 April 2019 Update on Court of Appeal judgment of 8 March 2019.
- 23 March 2016 Information about Prevent e-learning training package published.
- 18 September 2015 updated documents
- 12 March 2015 First published.
What is the difference between prevent and channel?
Prevent and channel training – We offer training to organisations, community groups, schools, colleges, front line staff who engage with children, young people and individuals or groups who may be susceptible to being radicalised or drawn into extremist narratives. You can contact us on 07809 103453 or email [email protected] to talk about your requirements and to book training.
What is the prevent model in the UK
Prevent aims to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism and extends to supporting the rehabilitation of those who are already involved in terrorist- related activity.
Who should you report radicalisation to?
To report suspicious behaviour or activity call the Anti-Terror Hotline on 0800 789 321.
What is the NHS prevent policy
Prevent is part of the Government’s counter terrorism strategy that aims to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism. Preventing someone from becoming a terrorist or supporting terrorism is no different from other forms of Safeguarding.
How is the rule of law protected UK
E. Is the Rule of Law a Useful Concept? – John Griffiths (1918-2010) ‘The Political Constitution’ (1979) 42 Modern Law Review, 1, 15; Individual rules of law may be good or bad, but ‘the law’ is undeniably good and should be upheld to prevent chaos. The Rule of Law has been misused to justify upholding the status quo.
It is used to criticise those who state they are against the Monarchy, or a particular Law Lord. The Rule of Law has a correct function in ensuring that public authorities do not exceed their powers and that criminal offences are dealt with in a fair and just manner; but the concept has also been misused to preserve legal and political institutions, which are no longer relevant.
Martin Loughlin, The Rule of Law in European Jurisprudence’ Study 512/2009 (Venice Commission 2009). Since law is acknowledged to be a human creation, it cannot be placed above the human intention. Laws themselves do not rule, since ruling requires action and laws cannot act.
He argues that although a coherent formulation of the general concept of the rule of law can be devised, this formulation in entirely unworkable in practice. As a result, the rule of law must not be considered as amounting to a foundational concept of public law. Its main strength is as an aspiration, but it must be recognised that its direction remains an essentially political task.
Each country has its own institutions, which protect the rule of law; in the UK, this is done so by the three branches of government: the Judiciary, Parliament and the Government.
Who is above the law in the UK?
What is the rule of law? – The rule of law is a fundamental doctrine by which every individual must obey and submit to the law, and not arbitrary action by other people of groups. In essence, no one is above the law. The United Kingdom does not have a written constitution.
What are the 4 P’s of channel strategy Radicalisation?
What is CONTEST? – CONTEST is the name of the UK’s Counter-Terrorism Strategy. CONTEST is split into four work streams that are known within the counter-terrorism community as the “four P’s”: Prevent, Pursue, Protect, and Prepare.
Prevent : The purpose of Prevent is to stop people from becoming drawn into or supporting terrorism. This includes countering terrorist ideology and challenging those who promote it; supporting individuals who are especially vulnerable to becoming radicalised; and working with sectors and institutions where the risk of radicalisation is assessed to be high. Pursue : The purpose of Pursue is to stop terrorist attacks by detecting, prosecuting and otherwise disrupting those who plot to carry out attacks against the UK or its interests overseas. Protect : The purpose of Protect is to strengthen protection against a terrorist attack in the UK or against its interests overseas and so reduce their vulnerability. The work focuses on border security, the transport system, national infrastructure and public places. Prepare : The purpose of Prepare is to mitigate the impact of a terrorist attack where that attack cannot be stopped. This includes work to bring a terrorist attack to an end and to increase the UK’s resilience so we can recover from its aftermath.
Is radicalisation and extremism the same thing?
Radicalisation is the process through which an individual or group develops extreme political, social or religious beliefs. Violent extremism is when a person or group uses fear, terror or violence to try and achieve change.
What is Safeguarding and prevent?
Preventing and stopping abuse or neglect. Promoting their well-being and taking their views, wishes, feelings and beliefs into account. Signs that may indicate a Safeguarding cause for concern.
What is the prevent duty in schools UK?
All schools and registered childcare providers are required to “have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism”. This is called the Prevent duty. If you are a head teacher, it’s your responsibility to put in place robust procedures to protect your students from radicalisation and extremism.
- As a school leader, you are also responsible for the review and evaluation of these procedures, and making sure they are effective.
- These procedures may be set out in existing safeguarding policies; you do not necessarily need to have distinct policies on implementing the Prevent duty.
- Every school is different and a ‘one size fits all’ approach to dealing with the threat of extremism won’t work.
However, you must make sure that you have considered what is appropriate in your school based on your risk assessment and taking into account the circumstances of your school and its local community. Protecting the children in your care against extremism and radicalisation should be treated in the same way as protecting them from other harms such as drugs, gangs, neglect and sexual exploitation, whether these come from within their family or are the product of outside influences.
In addition to your safeguarding responsibilities, your school should also help students build resilience against extremism and radicalisation by fostering a strong ethos and values-based education, as well as by providing a safe space for them to debate controversial issues and develop the critical thinking skills and knowledge they need to be able to challenge extremist arguments.
There are no mandatory reporting requirements under the duty. The Prevent duty is not about spying on students or carrying out unnecessary intrusion into family life. It’s about ensuring that your staff know how to identify behaviour of concern and how to refer students who may be at risk of radicalisation for appropriate support.
Prevent duty: advice on promoting fundamental British values The Prevent duty: departmental advice for schools and childcare providers Keeping children safe in education Working together to safeguard children
Does NHS England have Prevent strategy
Home Safeguarding Workstreams Prevent
The Prevent implementation group is responsible for leading and overseeing the health elements of the Prevent and Contest 3 strategies that are the responsibility of NHS England.
What are the four key objectives of the Prevent strategy
The Prevent Strategy CONTEST, the Government’s national counter terrorism strategy, aims to reduce the risk to the United Kingdom and its interests overseas from international terrorism, so that people can go about their lives freely and with confidence. The strategy has four main work streams:
- Pursue: to stop terrorist attacks
- Protect: to strengthen our protection against terrorist attack
- Prepare: where an attack cannot be stopped, to mitigate its impact
- Prevent: to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism
Prevent aims to stop people from becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism. The Department of Health (DH) has worked with the Home Office to develop guidance for healthcare organisations to implement Prevent Locally; this is called “Building Partnerships Staying Safe”.
With more than 1 million consultations a day by the NHS it is an area that the DH needs to highlight to all NHS workers. The Prevent Strategy addresses all forms of terrorism, including extreme right wing views, but continues to prioritise according to the threat posed to our national security. The aim of Prevent is to stop people from becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism and operates in the pre-criminal space before any criminal activity has taken place.
At present, the majority of effort is focused on stopping people from joining or supporting such groups as Al-Qaida and its related groups, and other extremist organisations actively recruit. The three key objectives of the Prevent Strategy are to:
- Challenge the ideology that supports terrorism and those who promote it.
- Prevent vulnerable people from being drawn into terrorism and ensure that they are given appropriate advice and support.
- Work with sectors and institutions where there are risks of radicalisation
(Health Organisations are expected to be involved in delivering objectives 2 and 3, only).
Who should I speak to if I think someone is being Radicalised
What can I do if someone is being radicalised? Act early and share your concerns so the person can get the support they need. Call the national police Prevent advice line on 0800 011 3764 or speak to your GP, school or local authority.
Who is the local Prevent Officer Kent?
Sally Green (Medway and North/West Kent) and Jill Allen (South and East Kent) – Prevent Education Officers (PEO) – Supporting educational establishments across Kent and Medway up to secondary level to implement Prevent through teaching, training, and guidance. Partnership working with the Department of Education and network of PEO’s. Emails: [email protected] and [email protected]
What is the prevent strategy of the CPNI
Prevent – The threat we face from terrorism is real, and the Prevent strategy recognises that we cannot arrest our way out of the problem. The Prevent Strategy therefore aims to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism. The focus of Prevent is on the significant threat posed by international terrorism and those in the UK who are inspired by it.
- Ideology – responding to the ideological challenge of terrorism and the threat we face from those who promote it
- Individuals – preventing people from being drawn into terrorism and ensure that they are given appropriate advice and support and
- Institutions – working with sectors and institutions where there are risks of radicalisation which we need to address
Prevent is not a Police programme. It requires the involvement of local authorities and a wide range of other organisations. PREVENT – Home Office WRAP Training (Opens in a new window or downloads a file)