Asked By: Matthew James Date: created: Dec 23 2024

Who was the first person to die in history

Answered By: Julian Bennett Date: created: Dec 24 2024

Title – The title of the book refers to the contradistinction between first and second death in the Apocalypse of St. John the Divine, the first death referring to the natural end of life (death of the body) as opposed to the second death (annihilation, death of the soul).

Who is the first person in the world to born?

Who is the first person that born in the world? The First Person Born in the World It is impossible to determine who the first person born in the world was. The reason for this is that humans have evolved over millions of years, and there was no specific point in time where a “first human” was born.

  • Instead, humans evolved gradually over time, with each generation being slightly different from the one before it.
  • The Evolution of Humans The history of human evolution dates back millions of years.
  • The earliest human-like creatures, known as hominids, lived in Africa around 6 million years ago.
  • Over time, these hominids evolved and gave rise to various species of humans, including Homo erectus, Homo neanderthalensis, and Homo sapiens.

The Origin of Homo Sapiens The earliest known species of Homo sapiens, or modern humans, lived in Africa around 300,000 years ago. These early humans had many physical and genetic differences from modern humans, but they were still considered to be the same species.

The Spread of Humans As humans evolved and developed new technologies, they began to spread out from Africa and populate other parts of the world. The earliest evidence of humans outside of Africa dates back around 100,000 years ago, when Homo sapiens began to migrate into Asia and Europe. The Importance of Human Evolution The evolution of humans has been a long and complex process.

It has led to the development of modern humans with unique abilities, such as language, culture, and technology. Understanding the history of human evolution can help us understand who we are and where we come from. In conclusion, while it is impossible to determine who the first person born in the world was, the history of human evolution is a fascinating and important topic that continues to be studied by scientists and researchers around the world.

Who is the first person that born in the world? According to the creation myth of the Abrahamic religions, he was the first man. In both Genesis and Quran, Adam and his wife were expelled from a Garden of Eden for eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Various forms of creationism and biblical literalism consider Adam to be a historical person.

To make sure you are not studying endlessly, EduRev has designed Class 5 study material, with Structured Courses, Videos, & Test Series. Plus get personalized analysis, doubt solving and improvement plans to achieve a great score in Class 5.

How did early humans die?

PALEOLITHIC STAGE ENCOUNTERS – The first encounters began about 8000 generations ago in the Paleolithic era when approximately 75% of deaths were caused by infection, including diarrheal diseases that resulted in dehydration and starvation. Life expectancy was approximately 33 years of age.

To perpetuate our species, the genes of our ancestors mutated over time, with beneficial mutations accumulating to protect them against the hazards they faced. They craved food, especially the tastes of sugar and protein, and gorged when it was available. They benefitted from their “thrifty genotype”—genes that individually helped them store a little more fat, and that collectively explains why at least 25% and perhaps as much as 80% of modern obesity and type 2 diabetes is heritable.

They loved the taste of salt, which combined with thirst and our renin-angiotensin-aldosterone axis helped avoid dehydration during water shortages, diarrheal illnesses, and exercise. Because almost 15% of Paleolithic humans died violently, they learned how to be fearful and submissive to minimize confrontation when neither fight nor flight was possible.

Asked By: Dominic Perry Date: created: Oct 29 2024

Who killed the most humans in history

Answered By: Martin Bennett Date: created: Oct 29 2024

Who was the biggest mass murderer in the history of the world? Most people probably assume that the answer is Adolf Hitler, architect of the Holocaust. Others might guess Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin, who may indeed have managed to kill even more innocent people than Hitler did, many of them as part of a terror famine that likely took more lives than the Holocaust,

Is Lucy the first human?

Why is Lucy so famous? – There are many reasons why Lucy is so well-known and well-loved. To Ethiopians, she is a symbol of their country. Many African peoples are proud that Lucy comes from their homeland and represents to the world that Africa is the cradle of humankind.

Lucy’s Ethiopian name is Dinkinesh, which translates to “you are marvelous.” Peoples of the Afar region call Lucy “Heelomali” which means “she is special.” At the time of Lucy’s discovery, she was a shining star in the world of paleoanthropology: she was the oldest, most complete hominin skeleton ever discovered; she was evidence that bipedalism evolved before large modern-human sized brains evolved; and her discovery supported the scientific view that human evolution was a gradual process involving the appearance and survival of transitional forms over long periods of time.

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Lucy’s species lived for over one million years!

How long can humans live?

Sign up for Scientific American ’s free newsletters. ” data-newsletterpromo_article-image=”” data-newsletterpromo_article-button-text=”Sign Up” data-newsletterpromo_article-button-link=”” name=”articleBody” itemprop=”articleBody”> How long can human beings live? Although life expectancy has increased significantly over the past century, thanks largely to improved sanitation and medicine, research into hunter-gatherer populations suggests that individuals who escaped disease and violent deaths could live to about their seventh or eighth decade. This means our typical human life span may be static: around 70 years, with an extra decade or so for advanced medical care and cautious behavior. Some geneticists believe a hard limit of of around 115 years is essentially programmed into our genome by evolution. Other scientists in the fast-moving field of aging research, or geroscience, think we can live much longer. A handful of compounds have been shown to lengthen the life spans of laboratory animals slightly, yet some scientists are more ambitious—a lot more ambitious. João Pedro de Magalhães, a professor of molecular biogerontology at the Institute of Inflammation and Ageing at the University of Birmingham in England, thinks humans could live for 1,000 years. He has scrutinized the genomes of very long-lived animals such as the bowhead whale (which can reach 200 years) and the naked mole rat, His surprising conclusion: if we eliminated aging at the cellular level, humans could live for a millennium—and potentially as long as 20,000 years. How can that be? If aging is programmed, scientists could theoretically reprogram our cells by tweaking genes that are central to aging. This would require technology that we don’t presently have, but Magalhães thinks it can be created. His great-grandfather died of pneumonia—a leading cause of mortality in the 1920s. When Magalhães contracted the same disease as a child, he was cured with a simple dose of penicillin, He thinks scientists can similarly develop therapies for aging, an endeavor to which he has now devoted his career. “I want to cheat death,” he says bluntly. How has cheating death worked out so far? I don’t think we’re going to have a drug that “cures” aging the way penicillin cures infections anytime soon. But a compound called rapamycin is quite promising. It extends life span by 10 to 15 percent in animals, and it is approved for human use, such as for organ transplant recipients. It does have side effects. I am optimistic that we will develop drugs akin to statins that we take every day for longevity purposes. If you could slow down human aging 10 or even 5 percent, that would still be pretty amazing. How does rapamycin work? Rapamycin does quite a number of things in the cell, but a lot of its effects slowing down growth and slowing down cell metabolism, which is why it has an impact on aging. Your grandmother lived to be 103 years old. Did she take rapamycin, or was her long life linked to something else? I think it was the sun and the beach, We know that to become a centenarian is mostly genetic. My grandmother didn’t really exercise, and she didn’t eat very healthily. She didn’t smoke; she didn’t have very bad habits, but she also didn’t have particularly healthy habits. Yet she was quite healthy almost until the end—she was barely in hospital. With her it came down to genetics, environment and some luck. You’ve sequenced genomes of very long-lived animals such as the bowhead whale, which lives up to 200 years. How are their genes different from ours, and what can we learn from them? Various long-lived animals, such as humans, whales and elephants, all have to cope with the same issues, such as cancer, but they use different molecular tricks to achieve their longevity. With bowhead whales, they seem to have much better DNA repair, My dream experiment is to take a bowhead whale gene and implant it in a mouse to see if the mouse would then live longer. Another obvious example would be the p53 gene, which is very strongly associated with cancer suppression. Elephants have multiple copies of this gene, which makes them resistant to cancer. There are a few other candidate genes that we’ve discovered, not only in whales but in rodents such as the naked mole rat. Why are naked mole rats so interesting? Naked mole rats are fascinating because they can live up to 30 years, yet they are smaller than a rat, which only lives to about four years. So you have a small rodent that’s related to mice and rats but lives much longer and is very cancer-resistant. What’s their secret? In terms of cancer resistance and probably overall aging as well, it’s their ability to respond to and repair DNA damage. But the threshold for a mouse cell to become a cancer cell is much lower than in humans. If you expose mouse cells to DNA damage, they will get cancer; if you expose naked mole rat cells to the same damage, it’s going to be fixed. They won’t get cancer. So if mice live several years, and naked mole rats live 30 years, and we live about 80 years, does that mean life spans are genetically programmed? The dominant theory of aging was about wear and tear—damage accumulating in our cells and components of our body like cars that break down over time. I’ve never really liked that because humans are not inanimate objects. There is damage, of course, and often aging seems to be very deterministic, almost like a program. A mouse will age 20 to 30 times faster than a human being. There are a lot of aging that just happen to everybody and even across species, such as loss of muscle mass. This doesn’t seem like something that’s random; it seems predetermined. So I think of aging as more akin to a software problem than a hardware problem. My hypothesis is that we have a very complicated set of computerlike programs in our DNA that turn us into an adult human being. But maybe some of these same programs, as they continue into later life, become detrimental. What’s an example of that? A classic example would be thymus involution. Your thymus is a gland that produces T cells, which are very important to your immune system. But it disappears fairly early in life, around age 20—earlier if you’re obese; later if you’re an athlete. Basically it turns into fat. That strikes me as very programmatic. It’s a classic case of antagonistic pleiotropy, where a process that is beneficial earlier in life becomes harmful later on. Why is the immune system important in aging? The immune system, I think, is a low-hanging fruit in terms of targeting aging. It has systemic impacts, and it declines over time, which is why diseases like COVID become very dangerous to old people. But there are specific tissues, such as the thymus, that you can target for rejuvenation. To me, that’s one way of starting. There are experiments in mice that show that if you change just one transcription factor, the thymus regenerates. In theory, I am convinced we can have radical interventions like this—to rewrite our genetic “software” and redesign human biology—to delay or even reverse aging. In practice, it is difficult, but in theory, I think there’s a huge potential. How much potential is there? How long could we live if we got rid of aging? I actually did some calculations years ago and found that if we could “cure” human aging, average human life span would be more than 1,000 years. Maximum life span, barring accidents and violent death, could be as long as 20,000 years. This may sound like a lot, but some species can already live hundreds of years—and in some cases thousands of years, If we could redesign our biology to eliminate cancer and evade the detrimental actions of our genetic software program, the health benefits would be mind-boggling. This sounds extreme. Are such profound interventions even possible? I think it’s possible. Is it going to happen soon? I think it’s quite unlikely. Even if you can figure out how aging works, it is not easy to develop interventions. I am an aspiring science-fiction writer as well, and one thing I’ve noticed are these novels that are set 100 or 1,000 years from now, in a future with all kinds of technology that enables people to do incredible things, such as travel between stars—and people are still aging. But I think we’ll figure out aging by then.

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How old are humans?

Where did we come from? – The exact origin of modern humans has long been a topic of debate. Our evolutionary history is written into our genome, The human genome looks the way it does because of all the genetic changes that have affected our ancestors.

The exact origin of modern humans has long been a topic of debate. Modern humans originated in Africa within the past 200,000 years and evolved from their most likely recent common ancestor, Homo erectus, Modern humans ( Homo sapiens ), the species that we are, means ‘wise man’ in Latin. Our species is the only surviving species of the genus Homo but where we came from has been a topic of much debate.

Modern humans originated in Africa within the past 200,000 years and evolved from their most likely recent common ancestor, Homo erectus, which means ‘upright man’ in Latin. Homo erectus is an extinct species of human that lived between 1.9 million and 135,000 years ago.

Historically, two key models have been put forward to explain the evolution of Homo sapiens, These are the ‘out of Africa’ model and the ‘multi-regional’ model. The ‘out of Africa’ model is currently the most widely accepted model. It proposes that Homo sapiens evolved in Africa before migrating across the world.

On the other hand, the ‘multi-regional’ model proposes that the evolution of Homo sapiens took place in a number of places over a long period of time. The intermingling of the various populations eventually led to the single Homo sapiens species we see today.

  1. Current genomic evidence supports a single ‘out-of Africa’ migration of modern humans.
  2. This is still very much an area of active research, however, current genomic evidence supports a single ‘out-of Africa’ migration of modern humans rather than the ‘multi-regional’ model.
  3. Although, studies of the genomes of the extinct hominids Neanderthals and Denisovans suggest that there was some mixing of genomes (1-3 per cent) with humans in Europe and Asia.

This interbreeding between two previously separated populations is called ‘admixture’ and results in a mixing of genes between the populations.

What country has killed the most people?

List of countries by number of deaths

Rank Country Number of deaths (2021)
1 India 13,299,618
2 China 10,617,528
3 United States 3,280,682
4 Nigeria 2,792,704

What was the deadliest day in the world?

There are many ways we humans have unleashed devastation on each other – nuclear weapons, pollution, the spread of deadly pathogens, just to name a few. While it’s hard to say with certainty, by many accounts the deadliest day in human history was actually the result of a natural disaster.

  1. On the morning of 23 January 1556, a massive earthquake rocked China’s Shaanxi province, at the time considered the ‘ cradle of Chinese civilization ‘.
  2. The quake only lasted a few seconds but is estimated to have directly killed 100,000 people, with the ensuing cascade of landslides, sinkholes, fires, migration, and famine killing an estimated total of 830,000 people,

Of course, that’s nowhere near as high as the total death tolls of major events like WWI and WWII, or even pandemics, famines, or floods. But when considering a single day of devastation, the Shaanxi earthquake – also known as the Jiajing earthquake because it struck under the reign of the Jiajing Emperor of the Ming dynasty – is widely considered the most fatal we know of,

  • It’s also listed as the deadliest recorded earthquake in history.
  • The event is only thought to have had a magnitude of 8.0 to 8.3.
  • Many more powerful earthquakes have occurred both before and afterwards.
  • But due to the geology and urban design of the area at the time, it caused disproportionately massive destruction to the surrounding cities of Huaxian, Weinan, and Huayin.

The Local Annals, which according to date back to 1177 BCE, describe the destruction caused by the quake in rare detail. A translated quote from the Annals claims that mountains and rivers changed places. “In some places, the ground suddenly rose up and formed new hills, or it sank abruptly and became new valleys.

In other areas, a stream burst out in an instant, or the ground broke and new gullies appeared. Huts, official houses, temples and city walls collapsed all of a sudden.” It’s recorded that fissures opened up in the ground that were more than 18 meters ( 60 feet deep ), In Huaxian, every single building reportedly collapsed and close to the epicenter, about 60 percent of the population was killed,

Despite its relatively low magnitude, the quake is listed as XI (Extreme) on the Modified Mercalli intensity scale, which measures the intensity or shaking of an earthquake.

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How tall was Jesus?

What Research and Science Can Tell Us About Jesus – In 2001, the retired medical artist Richard Neave led a team of Israeli and British forensic anthropologists and computer programmers in creating a new image of Jesus, based on an Israeli skull dating to the first century A.D., computer modeling and their knowledge of what Jewish people looked like at the time.

  1. Though no one claims it’s an exact reconstruction of what Jesus himself actually looked like, scholars consider this image—around five feet tall, with darker skin, dark eyes, and shorter, curlier hair—to be more accurate than many artistic depictions of the son of God.
  2. In her 2018 book What Did Jesus Look Like?, Taylor used archaeological remains, historical texts and ancient Egyptian funerary art to conclude that, like most people in Judea and Egypt around the time, Jesus most likely had brown eyes, dark brown to black hair and olive-brown skin.

He may have stood about 5-ft.-5-in. (166 cm) tall, the average man’s height at the time. While Cargill agrees that these more recent images of Jesus—including darker, perhaps curlier hair, darker skin and dark eyes—probably come closer to the truth, he stresses that we can never really know exactly what Jesus looked like.

How old is the word God?

The English word ‘god’ first came into use through a German term applied in the 6th-century Christian Codex Argenteus, gudan (‘to call’ or ‘to invoke’ a power).

Asked By: Christopher Brooks Date: created: Sep 22 2024

Who was the first person to survive on earth

Answered By: Malcolm Phillips Date: created: Sep 23 2024

Who was the first person on earth according to science According to science, it is impossible to determine who the first person on earth was. This is because humans evolved from earlier primates over millions of years through a process of natural selection.

  • However, scientists have identified several key moments in human evolution that led to the development of modern humans.
  • Evolution of Homo sapiens The evolution of Homo sapiens, or anatomically modern humans, began around 300,000 years ago in Africa.
  • This species eventually spread throughout the world, replacing earlier human species such as Homo erectus and Neanderthals.

– Genetic Diversity Genetic studies of modern humans have shown that humans today are descended from a small group of individuals who lived in Africa around 200,000 years ago. These individuals had a diverse range of genetic variations, which allowed them to adapt to different environments and survive.

– Fossil Records Fossil records have also provided insights into the evolution of early humans. The oldest known human fossils, dated at around 2.8 million years old, were discovered in Ethiopia and belong to the species Australopithecus afarensis. This species is believed to be a direct ancestor of the Homo genus, which includes modern humans.

– Migration As early humans evolved, they migrated out of Africa and spread throughout the world. This process of migration was driven by a variety of factors, including changes in climate and the availability of resources. In conclusion, while it is impossible to determine who the first person on earth was, scientists have identified key moments in human evolution that led to the development of modern humans.

  • These include the evolution of Homo sapiens, genetic diversity, fossil records, and migration.
  • Who was the first person on earth according to science WELL SIS Acc to me Lucy is the first emergence ape,
  • Species of Australopithecus afarensis.
  • And homo erectus were the first humans.
  • And emerged in Africa.

So This means that for every person alive today, no matter our ancestry, it’s fair to say that we are all Africans! Our species first began in Africa and the ancestors of all of us alive, no matter where we live today, are Africans. To make sure you are not studying endlessly, EduRev has designed Class 9 study material, with Structured Courses, Videos, & Test Series.

When did humans first discover death?

ANCIENT TIMES Archaeologists have found that as early as the Paleolithic period, about 2.5 million to 3 million years ago, humans held metaphysical beliefs about death and dying—those beyond what humans can know with their senses.

When did most people die in history?

Table ranking “History’s Most Deadly Events”: Influenza pandemic (1918-19) 20-40 million deaths; black death/plague (1348-50), 20-25 million deaths, AIDS pandemic (through 2000) 21.8 million deaths, World War II (1937-45), 15.9 million deaths, and World War I (1914-18) 9.2 million deaths.

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When did the last 1800s person died?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Emma Morano Dame Grand Cross OMRI
Morano in 1943
Born Emma Martina Luigia Morano 29 November 1899 Civiasco, Vercelli, Italy
Died 15 April 2017 (aged 117 years, 137 days) Verbania, Italy
Resting place Cimitero di Pallanza, Italy
Known for
  • Oldest living person (13 May 2016 – 15 April 2017)
  • Oldest verified Italian person ever
  • Last person living verified to have been born in the 1800s
Spouse Giovanni Martinuzzi ​ ​ ( m.1926; died 1978) ​
Children 1

Emma Martina Luigia Morano OMRI (29 November 1899 – 15 April 2017) was an Italian supercentenarian, She was the world’s oldest living person from 13 May 2016 until her death on 15 April 2017, aged 117 years and 137 days. At the time of her death, she was also the last living person verified to have been born in the 1800s.