Asked By: Austin Perry Date: created: Aug 09 2024

What is a mushroom tip

Answered By: Wyatt Phillips Date: created: Aug 09 2024

Noun. mushroom tip. (slang) The glans penis.

What is the coronal ridge?

Understanding the Human Penis – The mystery of the human penis is that ancestral hominids lived in similarly large and promiscuous social groups, but did not evolve the large testicles seemingly necessary to compete via sperm competition. One might be forgiven for thinking that larger penises evolved as a result of sexual selection; the theory that a preference for larger penises in females has led to greater reproductive success for males with larger penises, with these males passing on the trait to their offspring.

However, the latest research shows that penis size may also be the result of sperm competition and natural selection. (Gallup and Burch, 2004) essentially explains the advantages of the size and shape of the human penis in terms of a device evolved to remove another male’s semen before fertilization.

As well as being larger and wider than other primate penises, the human penis has the unique shape of a shaft with a ridge leading to a wider tip, known as the coronal ridge. This is more pronounced than in other species. All of these elements are important in terms of semen displacement: the coronal ridge removes semen by ‘scooping it out’ as it passes over the tip, is trapped behind the ridge and pulled out during intercourse.

  1. Recent research shows that (using artificial genitalia) a penis with a coronal ridge will displace 91% of semen, while one without will displace only 35% (Gallup et al.2003).
  2. Thrusting during sex creates a vacuum that aids this process, as the width of the shaft provides a plug in the vagina.
  3. In Gallup’s experiment, the same penis removed 90% of semen when fully inserted and only 39% when inserted three quarters of the way.

Therefore, the length of the shaft simply improves reach and maximizes the amount of semen that can be removed. So yes, when it comes to penises, size – and shape – matters when it comes to natural selection! Suzanne Harvey is a PhD student in Biological Anthropology, working on social interactions and communication in wild olive baboons.

What is a mushroom shaped like a PP?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Phallus impudicus, known colloquially as the common stinkhorn, is a widespread fungus in the Phallaceae (stinkhorn) family. It is recognizable for its foul odor and its phallic shape when mature, the latter feature giving rise to several names in 17th-century England.

  1. It is a common mushroom in Europe and North America, where it occurs in habitats rich in wood debris such as forests and mulched gardens.
  2. It appears from summer to late autumn.
  3. The fruiting structure is tall and white with a slimy, dark olive colored conical head.
  4. Nown as the gleba, this material contains the spores, and is transported by insects which are attracted by the odor—described as resembling carrion,

Despite its foul smell, it is not usually poisonous and immature mushrooms are consumed in parts of France, Germany and the Czech Republic,

Asked By: Alexander Hayes Date: created: Jul 15 2024

What are mushroom folds for

Answered By: Malcolm Simmons Date: created: Jul 17 2024

Types of fungi – introduction

Types of Fungi Introduction


There are literally thousands of different kinds of fungi. Two hundred thousand species have been identified world wide and there are likely to be well over a million species. We identify different species mostly by the structure of their fruiting bodies and the arrangement and types of spores which they produce. There are a great many fungi which are very small (microfungi). They will not be covered here. However, there are many other fungi with large enough fruiting bodies to be easily seen. There are over 3000 of these larger fungi in Britain. Many fungi have fruiting bodies e.g. a mushroom which are stalked. This helps to raise the spores some distance off the ground, so that when they are released, they can easily catch wind currents and be carried to new places.

Fruiting bodies of fungi will generally produce millions of spores. A single fruiting body like a mushroom, may produce more than 10,000 million spores!

Even though they are tiny, finding room for all these spores on a relatively small fruiting body presents a major problem. The fruiting bodies of fungi are therefore cleverly engineered to provide space for the production of enormous numbers of spores, without having to produce an enormous fruiting body to accommodate them all. Different types of fungi have accomplished this in different ways.


Why Are Penises Shaped The Way They Are such as mushrooms, have hundreds of paper-thin folds, called gills, on the underside of the mushroom cap. The spores are produced all over these gills, which provide an enormous surface area base for the spores. Gills are sometimes also known as lamellae, Why Are Penises Shaped The Way They Are Some other fungi have small tubes or within the fruiting body. The spores develop all over the inside of the pores, which again help to produce a large surface area. Still other fungi have developed fruiting bodies covered with enormous numbers of tooth-like structures which bear the spores. Others just have large numbers of folds all over the fruiting body. All of these different methods for increasing surface area of the fruiting body and the different structures which result, provide a useful way to identify different kinds of fungi.

Types of fungi – introduction

What does mushroom mean in slang?

1. a contemptible person; also as adj.

Asked By: Devin Watson Date: created: Aug 25 2024

Why do I not have a mushroom tip

Answered By: Nathaniel Gonzalez Date: created: Aug 27 2024

The short answer is genetics. There are other factors that could have had an effect while your mother was pregnant. Such as environment and or diet. Most of it comes from your families history.

Is it necessary to pull back your foreskin?

Foreskin care and penis care – The loose skin covering the end of the penis is called the foreskin. It covers the glans (head) of the penis. You don’t need to do anything special to care for the foreskin during infancy or childhood. You don’t need to pull it back for cleaning.

If your child does pull back the foreskin in the bath or shower, that’s fine – but it’s not needed. Once your child goes through puberty and can easily pull back the foreskin, it’s good for your child to do this in the bath or shower for cleaning. If your child can’t pull back the foreskin or has concerns about it, you should take them to see your GP,

At any age, it’s important for your child to know that the foreskin always needs to be put back to cover the head of the penis.

What age should you be able to pull your foreskin back?

Care of the Uncircumcised Penis The penis, the outer reproductive organ of the male, consists of two parts — the shaft and the head (called the glans). All boys are born with a foreskin, a layer of skin that covers the shaft and the glans. Some boys are, and the skin covering the glans is removed.

Other boys are not circumcised, leaving skin that covers the tip of the penis. In an uncircumcised boy, the foreskin will gradually begin to separate from the glans of the penis. As this occurs you may notice a white, cheesy material called smegma (consisting of skin cells that are shed throughout life) release between the layers of skin.

You also may see white “pearls” develop under the fused layers of the foreskin and the glans. These are not signs of an infection or a cyst. When the foreskin separates from the glans of the penis it can be pulled back (retracted) to expose the glans. Foreskin retraction may happen immediately after birth, or it may take several years.

  1. Some boys can retract their foreskin as early as age 5, but some may not be able to do this until their teenage years.
  2. Retraction of the foreskin should not be forced.
  3. This may cause pain and bleeding and can lead to scarring and adhesions (where skin is stuck to skin).
  4. As your son begins to toilet train, teach him how to retract his foreskin, this will get him used to this necessary step during urination.

Eventually, the foreskin should be retracted far enough during urination to see the meatus (the hole where the urine comes from). This prevents urine from building up beneath the foreskin and possibly causing an infection. As long as the foreskin doesn’t easily retract, only the outside needs to be cleaned.

If the foreskin retracts a little, just clean the exposed area of the glans with water. Don’t use soap on this area, as it can irritate the skin. After cleaning, always gently pull the foreskin back over the glans of the penis. As your child gets older and the foreskin has completely separated and retracts easily, begin to teach him to clean underneath it as he bathes.

At puberty, your son should be taught the importance of cleaning beneath the foreskin as part of his daily hygiene routine. If the foreskin becomes red, inflamed or painful, or if the hole where the urine comes from is narrowing and your child’s foreskin “balloons” when he urinates, notify your child’s doctor.

Why does my foreskin stick to my glans?

What to Know About a Penile Adhesion A penile adhesion occurs when the foreskin is attached to the base of the head of, It happens most often in babies, whether they have been circumcised or not. It is also called a penile skin bridge. The term skin bridge is mainly used for larger penile adhesions.

  • There are three kinds of penile adhesions: Glanular adhesion.
  • This is a smaller adhesion that occurs when the skin of the shaft attaches to the glans (head) of the penis.
  • This type often goes away by itself.
  • Penile skin bridge.
  • This is a more permanent type of adhesion.
  • It usually requires treatment because it doesn’t resolve on its own.

Cicatrix adhesion. This occurs when the penis contracts into the pubic pad of fat. It is also called a trapped penis because you will not be able to expose the head of the penis at all. Penile adhesions happen for a variety of reasons, including:

Too much foreskin left behind after Not pulling back the foreskin often enough, or a foreskin that cannot be retracted at allFat pushing the penile skin forward or other irritation

There are usually no symptoms of penile adhesion besides skin from the penile shaft attaching to the glans (head). If your child has an adhesion, they might feel some pulling when they have an erection, they might feel some pulling. Otherwise, it doesn’t usually cause pain.

  • Rarely, an adhesion causes redness or irritation.
  • You may notice a white discharge called forming under your child’s penile adhesion.
  • This is normal and not a sign of an infection.
  • It is a result of dirt, dead skin cells, and oils trapped under the skin.
  • Some penile adhesions go away without any treatment.

However, if you do notice one on your child, you should mention it to your doctor. Treatments include: Petroleum jelly. This works best for more minor penile adhesions. Your doctor may tell you to apply a small amount of petroleum jelly to the adhesion.

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This helps soften the skin. As your child gets spontaneous erections, the softened adhesions will break up more easily. Petroleum jelly is also sometimes recommended after adhesion removal surgery to prevent new ones from forming. Steroid cream. Other penile adhesions require the application of a twice a day for six weeks.

This makes the skin thinner, so the adhesions may eventually separate when the penile skin is pulled back during erections or diaper changes. If you notice the steroid cream is making your child’s skin lighter or darker, stop using it and let your doctor know.

Penile adhesion surgery. Penile adhesions that didn’t go away with petroleum jelly or steroid cream will need surgery. The procedure is usually done with topical anesthesia. It is performed in a urologist’s office in just a few minutes. Your child’s will put a numbing cream on your child’s penis about a half-hour before the procedure.

Then they will separate the adhesion, allowing the skin to retract properly. They may use dissolving sutures or surgical glue to close the incision. Some larger skin bridges can be cut using the same quick procedures. However, more serious bridges may require a longer surgery in an operating room.

If the cause of the adhesion was circumcision, your doctor might recommend a revision to the original circumcision. If your child has already had a penile adhesion, your doctor may recommend using petroleum jelly on the penis to keep the skin soft and movable. They will also ask you to retract your child’s foreskin a few times each day to prevent new adhesions from forming.

This is especially important if your child still wears, because the warm and wet environment can cause adhesions. : What to Know About a Penile Adhesion

What is the mushroom that looks like a breast?

Etymology – The specific epithet mammiforme simply means ‘shaped like a breast’ (indicating why one of its formerly popular common names is the Venus Puffball), while the genus name Lycoperdon literally means ‘wolf’s flatulence’ and begs the question who got close enough to a wolf to become an expert on the matter.

What are the mushroom like balls?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Puffballs are found in several genera of the division Basidiomycota, Puffballs are a type of fungus featuring a ball-shaped fruit body that (when mature) bursts on contact or impact, releasing a cloud of dust-like spores into the surrounding area. Puffballs belong to the division Basidiomycota and encompass several genera, including Calvatia, Calbovista and Lycoperdon,

The puffballs were previously treated as a taxonomic group called the Gasteromycetes or Gasteromycetidae, but they are now known to be a polyphyletic assemblage. The distinguishing feature of all puffballs is that they do not have an open cap with spore-bearing gills, Instead, spores are produced internally, in a spheroidal fruit body called a gasterothecium (gasteroid ‘stomach-like’ basidiocarp ).

As the spores mature, they form a mass called a gleba in the centre of the fruitbody that is often of a distinctive color and texture. The basidiocarp remains closed until after the spores have been released from the basidia, Eventually, it develops an aperture, or dries, becomes brittle, and splits, and the spores escape.

The spores of puffballs are statismospores rather than ballistospores, meaning they are not forcibly extruded from the basidium. Puffballs and similar forms are thought to have evolved convergently (that is, in numerous independent events) from Hymenomycetes by gasteromycetation, through secotioid stages.

Thus, ‘Gasteromycetes’ and ‘Gasteromycetidae’ are now considered to be descriptive, morphological terms (more properly gasteroid or gasteromycetes, to avoid taxonomic implications) but not valid cladistic terms. True puffballs do not have a visible stalk or stem, while stalked puffballs do have a stalk that supports the gleba.

  1. None of the stalked puffballs are edible as they are tough and woody mushrooms.
  2. The Hymenogastrales and Enteridium lycoperdon, a slime mold, are the false puffballs,
  3. A gleba which is powdery on maturity is a feature of true puffballs, stalked puffballs and earthstars.
  4. False puffballs are hard like rock or brittle.

All false puffballs are inedible, as they are tough and bitter to taste. The genus Scleroderma, which has a young purple gleba, should also be avoided. Puffballs were traditionally used in Tibet for making ink by burning them, grinding the ash, then putting them in water and adding glue liquid and “a nye shing ma decoction”, which, when pressed for a long time, made a black dark substance that was used as ink.

Asked By: Thomas Cook Date: created: Oct 02 2023

Is a Stinkhorn edible

Answered By: Nicholas Jenkins Date: created: Oct 02 2023

Uses of stinkhorn – Stinkhorn is edible, but only at the egg stage when the smell is less strong. The inner layer can be cut out with a knife and eaten raw – it is crisp and crunchy with a radish-like taste. In parts of France and Germany, young stinkhorns are eaten fresh, pickled and also in sausages, and the powdered fungus is said to be used as an aphrodisiac for cattle. Blog

Can we eat mushroom gills?

How to Remove Gills from Portobello Mushrooms Mushroom gills are totally edible, but in some cases, they make a dish unsightly. Thankfully, removing them is pretty simple. Why Are Penises Shaped The Way They Are Most recipes that call for mushrooms don’t require that you remove the gills on the underside of the caps. Portobello mushrooms, however, have particularly dark gills, which can cause any dish they’re used in to turn dark and unappealing. To remove the gills, first use a paring knife to trim out the stem, then scrape off the gills using the edge of a teaspoon.

Asked By: Tyler Barnes Date: created: Jan 19 2024

Why do people remove mushroom gills

Answered By: Alexander Scott Date: created: Jan 22 2024

Remove Gills – Next, turn the portobello mushroom over. Holding the mushroom in the palm of your hand, use a paring knife to slice off the inner edges while slowly rotating the mushroom. This paring will expose the gills located on the underside of the mushroom. Why Are Penises Shaped The Way They Are While the gills of a portobello mushroom are edible, most people prefer removing them. This preference might be because the mushrooms’ dark brown gills often transfer their muddy color to your dish and give it an unappetizing look. Others also claim that dark gills have a bitter taste.

However, during my recipe testing, I didn’t experience any changes in taste when I cooked portobello mushrooms with or without the gills. I choose to remove the gills to eliminate any dirt or debris hidden underneath them. However, as long as you thoroughly clean the underside of the mushrooms, you can skip removing their gills.

Some sources also recommend peeling the top skin of the portobello mushrooms to expose the white flesh. Still, I think this is an unnecessary step. Wiping off the surface of the mushroom cleans them sufficiently.

Asked By: Graham Campbell Date: created: Apr 11 2024

Do you eat the center of the mushroom

Answered By: Hugh Flores Date: created: Apr 12 2024

Final Thoughts – Mushrooms are versatile, delicious and full of healthy nutrients. But, many people only eat the caps and discard the stems. You can eat mushroom stems, and they have the same nutrient profile and flavors as the caps, although some mushroom stems may be tough and woody.

What does 🍄 emoji mean?

🍄 Mushroom Emoji: Meanings, Uses, Slang, & More

  1. 1 The 🍄 emoji represents all mushrooms and fungi. Whether you encountered a cool cluster of mushrooms on your hike or attempted to make stuffed mushrooms for the very first time, the 🍄 emoji is the perfect choice when you post about it.
    • “Encountered this peculiar mushroom in the woods today. I was oddly tempted to eat it 🍄”
    • “I’ve never tried 🍄 before. Do they actually taste good?”
    • “I think I’m going to go forage for mushrooms today 🍄🍄🍄”
  2. 2 The 🍄 emoji can also be used to warn that something is poisonous. The 🍄 emoji is a depiction of a fly agaric, which are poisonous and inedible (without parboiling), after all. If someone is warning that something’s toxic or not safe to eat, they might throw in a 🍄 emoji for good measure.
    • “You definitely DO NOT want to eat those berries—they’re super poisonous! 🍄💀”
    • “Never eat wild mushrooms you haven’t confidently identified. Some can be highly toxic 🍄”
    • “Just discovered the beautiful flowers I’ve been tending to all spring are extremely poisonous, great 🍄🤦”


  3. 3 People often use the 🍄 emoji to symbolize forests and nature. If you want to convey just how magical the trickling creek you saw in the woods was or how incredible the campsite you and your friends hiked to ended up being, the 🍄 emoji is a great option.
    • “Went on the most peaceful hike through the woods this morning 🌲🍄🦌”
    • “Excited to spend my entire weekend immersed in nature 🐻🍄🌲🏞”
    • “So I’m usually not a nature person, but I actually had so much fun camping in the forest all weekend 🌲🌲🌲🍄🍄🍄”
  4. 4 Some people use the 🍄 emoji when referring to Super Mario Bros, Who doesn’t remember chasing after mushrooms to power up in the video game Super Mario Bros ? If someone posts about the game (or any character from the Mario universe, for that matter) and uses the 🍄 emoji, that’s why.
    • “All I want right now is to eat candy and play Super Mario Bros 🍄”
    • “Having a mini crisis right now. Can’t decide whether Peach or Daisy is my favorite video game princess 🍄 #sorryzelda”
    • “Did anyone else used to stay up all night at sleepovers playing Mario Kart? 🍄🚗”
  5. Advertisement

  1. 1 The 🍄 emoji can be code for “magic” (psychedelic) mushrooms. If someone on social media is talking about the “amazing trip” they had or posting about some kind of mind-altering experience and pairing it with the 🍄 emoji, it could be a drug reference. Specifically, a reference to psychedelic mushrooms that cause hallucinations when you eat them.
    • “Had the most unforgettable trip this weekend 🍄🌈”
    • “Pretty sure everyone was on 🍄 at the music festival I went to.”
    • “Has anyone ever done 🍄 before?”
  2. 2 The 🍄 emoji can also be sexting slang for someone’s genitals. Like its cousin, the 🍆 emoji, the 🍄 emoji has been co-opted by sexters because of its resemblance to a penis.
    • “🍄 🍑 📞”
    • “Can’t wait to see you later 🍄😉”
    • “I’m so turned on right now 🥵🍄”
  3. 3 Some people use the 🍄 emoji as a funny way of saying “what the f**k.” If your friend texts you something totally bizarre and random, sometimes the best response is the 🍄 emoji.
    • “🍄 what did I just watch dude?”
    • “Actually speechless 🍄🦗🦗🦗”
    • “🍄🍄🍄????”
  4. Advertisement

If you see the 🍄 emoji on Messenger, it means you’re using the cottagecore theme. Facebook Messenger allows users to choose custom themes that change the backgrounds of their messages. If you or someone you’re messaging chooses the cottagecore theme, your message thread will have a cottagecore background, and the usual thumbs-up emoji that appears in the bottom-right corner will be replaced with the 🍄 emoji.

Ask a Question Advertisement This article was co-authored by and by wikiHow staff writer,, Cher Gopman is the Founder of NYC Wingwoman LLC, a date coaching service based in New York City. ‘NYC Wingwoman’ offers matchmaking, wingwoman services, 1-on-1 Coaching, and intensive weekend bootcamps.

  • Co-authors: 10
  • Updated: May 25, 2023
  • Views: 46,292


Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 46,292 times. : 🍄 Mushroom Emoji: Meanings, Uses, Slang, & More

What does 🍄 mean in drugs?

Popular drug slang terms – This drug slang glossary reveals the hidden meanings behind some seemingly innocent emojis that teens are using to access drugs online: 🥧 — Batch of drugs 💊 — Prescription pills, drugs in general, or heroin 🔌 — Drug dealer 🤑,👑,💰, 💵, 🔌 Dealer advertising they sell / deliver 🚀, 💣,💥 — Drug potency ⚗️ — A bong 💨, 🚬 — Smoking a joint ⛽ — High-quality drugs, or to be intoxicated 🔥 — To ‘blaze’ a joint or to be ‘lit’, meaning intoxicated 🌿, 🍁, 🎄, 🍃, 🥦, 🍀,🌴 — Marijuana ❄️, 🥥, 🤧, 🔑, ⛄, 🎱 — Cocaine 💉, 🐉, 🐎, 🎯 — Heroin 💎, 🏔, ❄, 🧪 — Crystal meth 🍄 — Magic mushrooms 💊, A-,🚆 — Adderall 💊, 🍫, 🚌 — Xanax 💊, 🔵, 🅿️, 🍌 — Percocet and Oxycodone 🍼, 🍇, 💜, 🔮 — Cough syrup 🍬, ❤, ⚡, 🤯, ❌ — MDMA and Mollies

What does the horse emoji mean for drugs?

Dealers are using a menu of emojis to sell drugs to freshers Published: 13:09 BST, 16 May 2023 | Updated: 08:35 BST, 17 May 2023 Drug dealers are using emoji-laden delivery menus to entice first-year university students, an investigation has found. Common symbols include a horse to represent Class B drug ketamine and a test tube emoji for hallucinogenic LSD.

  1. Meanwhile, a dolphin next to the ‘heart on fire’ emoji is a signal for ecstasy.
  2. Freshers are being approached by ‘a lot of dealers going “if you need something at any point, here’s my number”,’ an investigation by found.
  3. They are given a lighter with a number on it, which if they text it, will show a takeaway-style drugs menu with promises of fast deliveries.

One fresher told the publication: ‘They are all quite young, they are pretty lax. They are pretty blunt about it, the ones that have approached me. Drug dealers are using emoji-laden delivery menus to entice fresh faced university students

  • ‘Everyone I know has been given a lighter with a number on it by a dealer so it’s quite good marketing.’
  • Other well known emoji signals include a snowflake with a snowman to represent cocaine and a top hat for premium hash.
  • The Netherlands flag emoji stands for Amsterdam flowers, the mushroom emoji is the secret signal for magic mushrooms and the ‘dash’ emoji – which looks like a gust of air – is THC vapes.

‘Model pupil’ Jeni Larmour, 18, died in her student halls within hours of being dropped off for her first night at university in Newcastle in October 2020 An inquest into Ms Larmour’s death was adjourned in November 2020 until the conclusion of a criminal investigation into the incident

  1. Within just four text messages, a transaction can be arranged and drugs on their way to university accommodation, it has been claimed.
  2. There are also special offers being sent, with one text message promoting a ‘Friday menu’ and ‘deals available’.
  3. A few days later, the reporter was sent a ‘new bud menu’, with emojis for the different types of cannabis available, including a fruit, gorilla and dog to signal what varieties were on offer.
  4. It comes after Universities UK – which represents 140 universities – launched a taskforce to explore a new approach which moves away from disciplinary sanctions for drug possession, instead prioritising ‘harm reduction’.
  5. A spokesperson for Universities UK said: ‘The taskforce’s report, due to be published in June, will not be condoning the use of drugs or supporting decriminalisation, but will be developing a proactive and consistent approach to student safety and health.

Physics student Daniel Mervis, 23, (pictured) from Finchley in north London, died in October 2019 Daniel (pictured), a vegan champion weightlifter, was a passionate animal lover and described by friends as the ‘smartest, kindest person’

  • ‘Our priority is to see students succeed as drug use can harm their wellbeing, education and future careers.’
  • It comes after a number of students died while taking drugs at university.
  • An inquest heard that Jeni Larmour, 18, of Newtownhamilton, County Armagh, died from the combined effects of alcohol and ketamine just hours after arriving at Newcastle University in October 2020.
  • She had been in the company of her new student halls flatmate Kavir Kalliecharan, then 18 and from Leeds, who told the Newcastle inquest the drugs were Jeni’s and she suggested taking them, cutting the ketamine into lines.
  • Her family vowed to leave ‘no stone unturned’ in their efforts to get answers about the ‘articulate and accomplished’ architecture student’s death.
  • Daniel Mervis, 23, from Finchley in north, died in October 2019, after a ‘battle with drug misuse that began whilst studying at Oxford’s St John’s College’.
  • A coroner called for to overhaul its drugs policy after the death of the gifted physics student from an overdose.
  • Daniel, a vegan champion weightlifter who posted on social media regularly about his diet and routines, was a passionate animal lover and described by friends as the ‘smartest, kindest person’.
  • A Newcastle University spokesperson said: ‘We are not a drug-tolerant University: in line with other universities, we take a harm reduction approach with our new Student Drug Policy approved in 2021.
  • ‘Whenever we become aware that students are in possession of, or use, drugs, action is always taken.
  • ‘This action is proportionate and along a spectrum from support, safeguarding, informing police, disciplinary action, up to expulsion from accommodation and/ or the university and criminal prosecution.’
  • An Oxford University spokesperson said the university ‘has a clear policy on the presence and use of illegal drugs, which are detrimental to the welfare of the student community’.
  • They added: ‘The University and its colleges also recognise the importance of providing appropriate support for students needing help with drug misuse.
  • ‘This is available both at college-level and via the University’s Student Counselling Service, which provides a source of confidential counselling, and is made known to students when they first arrive in Oxford.
  • ‘During term-time, student-facing communications provide students with details of how to access the Student Welfare and Support Services available to them.’

: Dealers are using a menu of emojis to sell drugs to freshers

What are the flaps on a mushroom called?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Lactarius subdulcis fruit bodies with prominent adnate gills. The shape, colour, density and other properties (for instance, the gills here leak latex ) are important when identifying mushroom species. “False” gills of Craterellus tubaeformis In mycology, a lamella ( PL : lamellae ), or gill, is a papery hymenophore rib under the cap of some mushroom species, most often agarics, The gills are used by the mushrooms as a means of spore dispersal, and are important for species identification,

  1. The attachment of the gills to the stem is classified based on the shape of the gills when viewed from the side, while color, crowding and the shape of individual gills can also be important features.
  2. Additionally, gills can have distinctive microscopic or macroscopic features.
  3. For instance, Lactarius species typically seep latex from their gills.

It was originally believed that all gilled fungi were Agaricales, but as fungi were studied in more detail, some gilled species were demonstrated not to be. It is now clear that this is a case of convergent evolution (i.e. gill-like structures evolved separately) rather than being an anatomic feature that evolved only once.

  • The genera Russula and Lactarius of the Russulales,
  • Several genera in the Boletales, including Gomphidius and Chroogomphus as well as Tapinella atrotomentosa (which has been traditionally named Paxillus atrotomentosus ) and other species in that genus, the False chanterelle ( Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca ).
  • Such polypore-like fungi such as d aedaleopsis confragosa, Lenzites betulina and Gloeophyllum sepiarium,

Members of the two related genera of chanterelles, Cantharellus and Craterellus, have rudimentary lamellar structures which are sometimes referred to as “false gills”. They are distinguished from “true gills” because the structure of the fertile surface (” hymenium “) continues uninterrupted over the gill edge, so they are little more than folds, wrinkles or veins.

Is mushroom leather a thing?

Mushroom Leather Is More Than A Sustainable Alternative To Animal Skin Can mushroom leather change the way we perceive, wear and consume fashion? As one of the world’s most purchased products, animal leather is the key to an $80 billion industry. However, the creation of animal leather requires the raising of animals, associated CO2 emissions, and toxic chemicals.

The final material we call animal leather is heavily criticised by animal rights activists, environmentalists, and even fashion designers. Luckily, mushroom leather has the answer to all these problems and below you’ll see why. What is Mushroom Leather? Mushroom leather is a vegan-friendly material used as a sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative to animal leather.

Mushroom leather is made from mycelium, the vegetative part of a fungus. A fungus (or fungi-plural) is any member of the group of eukaryotic organisms. Why Are Penises Shaped The Way They Are Eukaryotic organisms include microorganisms such as moulds and yeasts, as well as mushrooms. Fungi have their own kingdom, different than the other life forms on this planet, such as plants and animals. For that, mushrooms have unique capabilities. The Uniqueness of Fungi Mushrooms are already known for their tremendous benefits for the immune system, protection against cancer and even slowing down the ageing process.

  1. But fungi’s unique characteristics take their utility beyond food, to spiritual realms and beyond: “Mushrooms bridge death and life, chaos and form, energy and substance.
  2. As our ancestors crossed continents, they ingested different mushrooms which led to an increase in the size of their brain, as well as their cognitive output,” said Paul Stamets, an American mycologist and author of the bestseller ‘Fantastic Fungi: How Mushrooms Can Heal, Shift Consciousness & Save the Planet’.

And more recently, there are certain types of fungi taking the world of fashion by storm. “Reishi, our first product, is a new category of material that is neither animal nor plastic. This type of mushroom leather is the perfect example of art, science, and advanced manufacturing blending to improve supply chains for fashion and luxury,” said Philip Ross, founder of MycoWorks, a San Francisco start-up.

  • Right now, in the fashion industry, mushrooms are seen as one of the most sustainable materials to work with.
  • Now, let’s see what mushroom fabric is, how it is made, and why the next generation of shoes and bags are going to be made of fungi! What is Mycelium? Mycelium is the network of filaments that form the underground thread-like structure of fungi.

It is the branching structure of mushrooms, made from billions of tiny cells. Why Are Penises Shaped The Way They Are

  • “The mushroom is a tiny little part belonging to this huge organism that lives underground, called ‘mycelium’,” Ross explains.
  • Mycelium grows in the ground, as tiny white threads, forming vast networks under the forest floor.
  • How Large Can a Mycelium Network Grow?

Well, let’s run a small comparison. When you think of the biggest organisms on Earth, the blue whale might come first to mind. Up to 30 meters long, blue whale weigh upward of 180 tonnes, making them larger than dinosaurs. However, the world record holder for the largest living organism on Earth is not the blue whale, but a fungus! More specifically, the largest known organism in the world is a honey fungus living in the Blue Mountains of Oregon.

  • The mycelium of this humongous organism occupies almost 2,400 acres (965 hectares) of soil, covering an area as big as 1,665 football fields.
  • The honey fungus gets its size from its ability to fuse into a single organism.
  • Mycelia from different individual honey fungus bodies meet and fuse to each other.

For that, the connecting fungi must be genetically identical. When the mycelia fuse to each other, it creates large fungal bodies. This, in turn, blends extensive networks of fungal ‘clones’ into a single individual,” said soil scientist Jesse Morrison, from Mississippi State University.

Apart from growing naturally, mycelium can be cultivated in almost any kind of agricultural waste, from sawdust to pistachio shells. In nature, mycelium already does many things that benefit the environment. However, not many people know if mushrooms remain beneficial to the environment, once turned into a leather-like material The answer is yes! How is Mushroom Leather Made? The idea of making leather-like material from mushrooms goes back to 2012.

At that time, product designers Philip Ross and Jonas Edvard started experimenting with homeware products made from mycelium. Shortly after, they discover the versatility of this organic material. “Mycelium can be used to make batteries, spaceships, and fashion.

  • What I am trying to say is that the use of mycelium is scarily endless,” said Ross at that time.
  • The process of making mushroom leather begins with selecting and moisturising the right substrate.
  • Substrates are materials that mushroom use as food and to grow on.
  • Most common substrates are wood chips, straw, corn, and any materials that the mushroom can attach to and grow.

Then, the substrate is dampened, put it into a bag and pasteurised. This process kills interfering bacteria, so the mycelium growing process is easier and quicker. How Long Does It Take to Grow Mushroom Leather? Why Are Penises Shaped The Way They Are Once the mycelium spawns, it is inserted into bags. In the bags, the fungi start colonising the compound. From this point on, the making of mycelium leather requires only time and little attention. The growing process takes between two to three weeks and depends on several factors:

  1. • Type of mushroom
  2. • Type of substrate used
  3. • Amount of sunlight
  4. • Level of humidity
  5. • Ventilation
  6. When the mass of mycelium reaches the desired size, it is thoroughly extracted from the bag and compressed to get the expected shape and size.
  7. Can You Make Different Types of Mushroom Fabric?

Right now, there are several ways to make mushroom leather. For example, during the compression procedure, the manufacturer can alter the material texture and colour. By adding dyes or changing the pressing form, the output can look and feel like any kind of animal leather, from cow to alligator, and python skin.

Finally, mushroom leather is dried and ready for use. Moreover, these techniques are enhanced and improved every day. How Sustainable is Mushroom Leather? The making process of mushroom leather fits in the spirit of the circular economy and it is fully sustainable. This natural fibre is biodegradable at the end of its life cycle.

Moreover, in this process, organic waste streams, such as agricultural waste, are valorised. Also, this type of leather alternative can reduce the need for industrial animal agriculture, the leading supplier of animal leather for fashion. One of the fascinating properties of mushroom leather comes from its positive environmental impact.

A positive impact that goes beyond replacing animal leather and synthetic leather Like solving the plastic pollution problem. Mushroom Leather is Closed-Loop Mushroom leather production is entirely closed-loop. Closed-loop manufacturing in fashion means that the used materials must come from post-consumer waste.

Them these products are recycled, repurposed, and converted into eco-friendly products. In the making of mushroom leather, corn cobs, wood chips, and straw are post-consumer waste. These discarded materials are mixed in with mushroom spawn to create mycelium, that later on is used to make vegan-friendly leather.

Moreover, the waste resulting from the making of mushroom leather can be reused as a smoking product in beekeeping or as organic crop fertiliser. Overall, mushroom leather is an environmentally friendly material because it can be grown and produced without any polluting substances. And, at the end of its life, the material is completely biodegradable and compostable.

Mushroom Leather is Beneficial for Human Skin Why Are Penises Shaped The Way They Are In the apparel industry, mushroom leather is light-weight and very flexible, which makes it practical for a wide range of products. Moreover, tests conducted by Zvnder, a German company specialised in mushroom leather accessories show that: “When in direct contact with the skin, mushroom leather shoes have improved athlete’s foot condition.

Even as watch straps, this material prevents skin irritation in people suffering from eczema.” Also, given its highly absorbent natural characteristic, mushroom leather can take in a lot of moisture. As such, shoes made of mushroom leather do not require harmful chemicals sprays to get rid of bad odours anymore.

Another decisive factor for human skin is the material’s unique capacity for holding a high amount of air. For that, the products made of this material are not only unusually light but also have an excellent insulating effect. Most Common Mushrooms to Make Leather From Right now, the most common type of mycelium used in mushroom leather comes from commercial Oyster mushrooms.

But, there are companies out there using particular types of mushrooms seeking to obtain unique leather attributes. One of these innovative materials made from mushrooms is MuSkin. MuSkin is made from Phellinus ellipsoideus, a big parasitic fungus that grows in the wild and attacks the trees in the subtropical forests.

Another big mushroom leather manufacturer is Bolt Threads. The company is trialling several types of fungi, and Mylo is their most popular leather alternative to date. The company is very outspoken about the benefits of replacing animal leather with its unique material.

“As disposable incomes rise around the globe, we won’t be able to meet the demand for meat and leather consumer goods by exploiting the animals on this planet. By comparison, the mycelia we grow for Mylo is produced in days, without the resource intensity of raising livestock,” said the company’s spokesman.

Indeed, the making of mushroom leather requires minimal resource, water, and electricity. There’s no need to raise livestock, associated greenhouse gases, material waste and so on. In comparison to synthetic leather made from fuel fossil-based fabrics such as polyurethane and PVC, mushroom leathers are natural fabrics made from mycelium.

  • Mushroom Leather Vs Animal Leather As a consumer, you must decide which material you prefer to wear.
  • To do so, you have to compare and understand the differences in processing, manufacturing, and benefits of one, over the other.
  • At first glance, both types of leather look similar.
  • However, these are two products remarkably different and we’ve put together 9 factors to consider before you make your choice: 1.

Creation of pollution The production of animal leather creates enormous amounts of pollution. A piece of leather ready to be sold goes through a long process of tanning which requires numerous dyes and chemicals. These unnecessary artificial chemicals are toxic to people and the environment. For example, one of the most common problem in tanneries is Chromium contamination. Chromium is a popular hardening agent used to create animal leather. Tanneries produce water and solid waste which contain Chromium. Eventually, this metal makes its way into the water, air, soil, and the food of nearby communities.

This chemical is known to cause liver failure, kidney damage, lung cancer, and premature dementia. It also makes the water undrinkable and it pollutes the marine life that is eventually used as food. Finally tanning animal leather harms the environment by filling the air with eye-burning fumes. Research shows that the air and the soil around the tanneries are so toxic, the places where grass, trees, flowers, and crops once grew is now replaced by acidic foam.

Although regulations have been put in place to stop pollution since 1986, tanneries continue to use toxic chemicals. Sadly, animal leather pollution does not stop there.2. The killing animals Since most leather is a by-product of the meat industry, we must take into account this aspect as well.

  • Raising animals to brutally slaughter and use their skin for fashion presents serious ecological and ethical issues.3.
  • Consumption of resources According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation, the meat industry alone uses roughly about 30 per cent of the world’s ice-free land to support the production of cattle.

It also uses one-third of the world’s fresh water, and accounts for nearly one-fifth of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. In comparison, mushroom leather does not require harmful chemicals, water, or energy expenditure.4. Ability to recycle and reuse Moreover, mushroom leather and its substrate can be reused again and again, as post-consumer waste.

However, besides resources depletion, recycling and pollution, there are other factors to consider when choosing between these two products.5. Time to manufacture For once, the time difference that it takes to make these products is enormous! It takes three years to raise a cattle to a decent size that would allow the grower to get one piece of usable leather.

Three Years! On the other hand, as mushrooms grow at an exponential rate, it takes only a couple of weeks for the fungi to consume its substrate completely and to turn it into a leather-like alternative. Instead of waiting for the material, you, have to keep up with it! 6.

Manufacturing flexibility Another significant factor in the advantage of mushroom leather is its superb manufacturing flexibility. You can turn its surface look into any shape, size, or animal skin you can think of. You can create different patterns, colours, and textures that regular leather would never be able to let you do.

“Fungi are very sensitive and will change their growth in relationship to how they’re being poked, moved, and so on. For example, if you put it in a cup, it would take the shape of the cup,” says Ross.7. Level of quality Another subject often debated is the quality and resistance of mushroom leather.

  1. The fragile look of mycelium might make you think that this leather can break apart like a piece of paper.
  2. However, there’s nothing to worry about the material ripping apart because several tests have shown the material to be as strong as deerskin! 8.
  3. Cost to make Finally, the last comparable factor is its price.

Right now, mushroom leather costs about the same as high-end animal leather. The price remains quite high because the amount produced remains low. However, companies mentioned above are already working to produce higher volumes and predict a drop in the manufacturing cost of mushroom leather to just $5 a square foot.

  1. 5 per square foot is cheap than any type of leather anywhere in the world.
  2. Moreover, a lower price than animal leather is key to making mushroom leather succeed in the future.9.
  3. Mushroom leather smells like.
  4. Oh, one more thing to consider, especially that we are in the fashion business here.
  5. How does mushroom leather smell? Well, before we start talking about the smell of mushroom leather, you have to know that the ‘nice’ leather smell comes from the chemicals used to make it.

Animal skin smells like meat. However, as animal leather is a human-made product, it is packed with chemicals and other ingredients to give it extra shine, flexibility, smell, and so on. So, before I got my hands on a few patches of mushroom leather, I always wondered how it would smell.

  1. Hard to describe the smell; it is not great but not bad either.
  2. To me, it has a natural smell, almost like the books at the library.
  3. One thing is for sure; it does not smell like animal leather.
  4. Moreover, knowing what it takes to give animal leather its ‘fresh odour’ that some people love so much, I prefer the smell of mushroom leather.

What’s Next for Mushroom Leather? If we take into consideration the above points, it is safe to say that mushroom leather has far more appeal to designers who choose to work with sustainable materials. And if you have not heard of luxury shoes made of mushroom leather, get ready as they’re coming soon.

Many high-end designers are already using mushroom leather in their products, and you can order yours right now. For example, Stella McCarney’s famous Falabella bag is made with Bolt Threads’ Mylo mushroom leather. Similarly, Nat-2 a German company known for their high-end sneakers uses sustainable materials and leather from the Tinder Fungus.

This is a rare mushroom that gives the products a ‘vintage look’. Conclusion The possibilities of what we can create with mushroom leather are endless. However, as mushroom leather is arguably still a new material, it needs time to gain reputation, acceptance, and mass consumption.

  • Another two main problems impacting the adoption of mushroom leather are: People’s preconceived idea that animal leather is the best out there.
  • The high cost associated with the making of this sustainable material.
  • Nevertheless, given the sustainable wave that’s sweeping the fashion industry right now, it’s not long before mushroom leather gains higher production volumes and lower manufacturing prices.

Soon, we should see trendy bags, biker jackets, high-heels and accessories from mushroom leather in shops from all over the world. Also, before we close the article, know that there are several animal leather alternatives similar to mushroom leathers, such as pineapple leather, apple leather and even cactus leather.

What is the ring on a mushroom called?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A ring can be seen on the stem of this Gymnopilus junonius mushroom. An annulus is the ring-like or collar-like structure sometimes found on the stipe of some species of mushrooms, The annulus represents the remnants of the partial veil, after it has ruptured to expose the gills or other spore-producing surface,