Asked By: Carl Simmons Date: created: Nov 10 2024

What stage of dementia is staring

Answered By: Alex Bailey Date: created: Nov 11 2024

Fourth-stage – In the fourth stage, people with dementia may completely shut out the outside world. They might sit in a chair or lie in bed staring straight into thin air, or they might have their eyes closed. They may not respond when someone walks into the room or speaks to them.

What is Dementia? – Public Article – (Discover the difference between dementia & Alzheimer’s disease; the many curable & incurable conditions resulting in symptoms of dementia; early signs; why there is hope; & how we can make a difference towards a positive life for both the people we support & ourselves.) 3 Powerful Myths about Dementia – Members article– (We dispel 3 powerful and harmful myths about dementia. Discover the one thing people with dementia & children do have in common; helpful tips to find out what they do like/need plus learn the 5 points critical to storing long term memories.) How to Help People with Dementia Improve – Public/Extended Members article – Jane Verity (Learn the first step to assisting a person with dementia to improve; how our focus determines the experience; discover how beliefs are maintained; learn how our brain operates a clever filtering system plus more on NLP.) The Nun Study – Public/Members article – Jane Verity (Read of Dr. David Snowdon’s amazing research findings showing that some of the participating nuns revealed brains riddled with the plaques & tangles of Alzheimer’s disease, yet showed no symptoms of dementia while alive.) How to Communicate with Someone who Can’t Speak – Public/Members article– Jane Verity (Learn 4 body language techniques to show people with dementia that you are really listening; learn strategies & effective questions to uncover unmet needs; learn question techniques to check on your guesses & 6 steps to being a good communicator.) How can Aromatherapy Help People with Dementia? – Members article – E. Joy Bowles BSc. (How the ‘sense of smell is non-verbal & can get through to emotions when words fail’; the use of smells can help orient people with dementia to time & space; tips for choosing & using the right oils to lessen anxiety, agitation & depression.) Gingko Biloba – Members article – Dr Ruth Cilento – (The many healing properties of Gingko Biloba; its positive effects on memory & learning abilities & for arresting symptoms of dementia.)

Why do people with dementia just stare?

4. They Might Be Bored – Is your friend with dementia staring zoning out and staring off into space? Sure, it might be because their ability to process information is decreased. However, it might also be that they need something other than Bingo to fill their time. Make sure they have something to do besides sit there.

Asked By: Jaden Murphy Date: created: Feb 09 2025

Why do the elderly just sit and stare

Answered By: Angel Edwards Date: created: Feb 12 2025

Drowsiness, Staring and Mental Lapses May Signal Alzheimer’s Disease – Fisher Center for Alzheimer’s Research Foundation March 24, 2010 March 24, 2010 Seniors who feel drowsy much of the time, or who have periods when they stare into space or their thinking seems illogical or disorganized, may be at increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease, a new study reports.

  1. The findings were published in Neurology, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.
  2. If you have these lapses, they don’t by themselves mean that you have Alzheimer’s,” said James Galvin, M.D., a Washington University neurologist at Barnes-Jewish Hospital and a senior author of the study.

“Such lapses do occur in healthy older adults. But our results suggest that they are something your doctor needs to consider if he or she is evaluating you for problems with thinking and memory.” “These mental lapses, or cognitive fluctuations, are common in a type of dementia called dementia with Lewy bodies, but researchers previously did not know how frequently they occurred in people with Alzheimer’s disease.

  1. The study involved 511 people with memory problems whose average age was 78.
  2. Researchers interviewed each participant and a family member, evaluated the participants for dementia and tested their memory and thinking skills.
  3. People with three or four of the following symptoms met the criteria for having mental lapses: * Feeling drowsy or lethargic most of the time, or several times per day, despite getting enough sleep the night before.

* Sleeping two or more hours before 7 p.m. * Having times when the person’s flow of ideas seems disorganized, unclear or not logical. * Staring into space for long periods. About one in eight, or 12 percent, of the participants had at least three of these symptoms, meeting the criteria for cognitive fluctuations.

Those with mental lapses were 4.6 times more likely to be diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. Of 216 of those diagnosed with very mild dementia, 25 had mental lapses; of the 295 with no dementia, only two had mental lapses. In addition, participants with mental lapses did worse on tests of memory and thinking than people without mental lapses.

“When older people are evaluated for problems with their thinking and memory, doctors should consider also assessing them for these mental lapses,” Dr. Galvin said. “We have some ideas about why the biology of dementia with Lewy bodies causes these mental lapses, but nothing comparable for Alzheimer’s.

It’s possible that some of the patients who were diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease in this study will go on to develop dementia with Lewy bodies, but at the time of the study, they weren’t showing any of the Lewy body dementia’s core features.” “Lewy body disease is a form of dementia that causes clumps of proteins known as Lewy bodies to form in brain cells.

It is less common than Alzheimer’s, but some people have features of both diseases, as well as other neurologic ailments like Parkinson’s disease. Pronounced mental fluctuations are a hallmark of Lewy body dementia, as are visual hallucinations. A doctor can help to distinguish between features of these diseases.

By, The Alzheimer’s Information Site. Reviewed by, Ph.D., Fisher Center for Alzheimer’s Research Foundation at The Rockefeller University. Source: Adriana Escandon, MD, Noor Al-Hammadi, Mb, ChB, MPH James E. Galvin, MD, “Effect of cognitive fluctuation on neuropsychological performance in aging and dementia.” Neurology, Vol.74, Jan.18, 2010; pages 210-217.

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Washington University School of Medicine, press office. : Drowsiness, Staring and Mental Lapses May Signal Alzheimer’s Disease – Fisher Center for Alzheimer’s Research Foundation

Asked By: Adam Price Date: created: Aug 30 2024

Do people with dementia stare a lot

Answered By: Zachary Hughes Date: created: Sep 01 2024

4. Staring With ‘Reduced Gaze’ and Trouble Reading – “Reduced gaze” is the clinical term for the dementia symptom that alters people’s ability to move their eyes normally. “We all move our eyes and track with them frequently,” says Rankin. But people showing early signs of dementia look like they’re staring a lot.

What do dementia eyes look like?

What does dementia vision look like? – In dementia, vision impairment can include a range of sight issues. A person’s vision will depend on their specific eye condition if they have one. Not all people with dementia will have the same vision issues. You can’t tell whether someone has dementia by looking in their eyes or at their face.

However, their facial expressions might seem inappropriate for certain situations. For example, a person with dementia might laugh in serious situations or cry without a discernible cause. They might also appear confused. You might also notice changes in their personality or mood. They might appear depressed, or be more frustrated or angry than usual.

This might be perceptible through their nonverbal body language, such as their facial expression or gestures. If you’re concerned that you or a loved one is experiencing cognitive decline, reach out to a doctor about getting screened for dementia. Although more research is needed on the link between dementia and visual impairment, some research has identified specific eye conditions associated with dementia.

Researchers in a 2021 study investigated whether visual impairments could contribute to the development of dementia. Researchers found that age-related macular degeneration when in combination with stroke, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and depression was linked to an increased risk of dementia.

Researchers also found that cataracts and diabetes-related eye disease were associated with a higher risk of dementia. However, it’s unclear whether these eye conditions caused dementia or vice versa, or whether a third mediating factor is at play. If you or a loved one has dementia, it’s worth speaking with an eye doctor regularly.

They can help detect and correct possible eye problems, which can improve your quality of life. Sometimes, vision changes might be mistaken for hallucinations in people with dementia. For example, a person with dementia and compromised depth perception might try to hold something that’s farther away from them than they think.

It can appear as if they’re grabbing at air, but they’re actually underestimating their distance from the object. Similarly, they might struggle to recognize a person because their eyesight is compromised, and mistakenly call them by another name. It may seem like they’re hallucinating, but they’re not.

That said, it is possible for someone with dementia to hallucinate. They might see, hear, smell, feel, or taste something that’s not actually there. If you think you or a loved one is experiencing hallucinations, talk with a doctor. If you’re not sure whether visual impairment may be playing a role, consider making an appointment with an eye doctor.

You can’t tell whether someone has dementia by looking in their eyes. However, vision loss commonly occurs among people with dementia. It’s not clear whether vision loss causes dementia or vice versa. It may be that both sight loss and dementia are more common among older adults.

Do dementia patients want attention?

Impact of the disease – Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias have a deep impact not only those who are diagnosed, but also on the people who are closest to them. Family members have to take on different responsibilities when a relative is diagnosed with dementia.

  1. Sons and daughters of a parent with dementia may become caregivers and husbands and wives of the person with dementia see their roles change.
  2. They often find themselves in the role of primary caregiver.
  3. As Alzheimer’s disease progresses, you or others in your family may find the changing roles tough to accept.

It may become harder when roles change in some ways, but not in others. When this happens, it can lead to some confusion about how to act. It sometimes takes a while to figure out just who will do what. The family member with dementia usually becomes the family’s centre of attention.

A Energy is focused on this person. This can lead to other family members, including spouses or other children, feeling neglected. They may become resentful because they feel they are not getting the attention they need. Some people have to take over everyday things, like chores, and they may feel burdened.

The result can be that they may withdraw, avoiding family activities, or in the case of married people, they may end up getting divorced. It is important to remember that different people react to the same situation in different ways. Some people will not be helpful at all and will put distance between them and the family.

Asked By: Rodrigo Parker Date: created: Dec 01 2023

What does a person with dementia think about

Answered By: Samuel Lopez Date: created: Dec 04 2023

People with dementia think about the same things that any human thinks about — emotions, relationships, daily life, tasks to accomplish, and more. However, dementia can change how you interact with the world because of its physical, mental, and emotional effects.

What do the final days of dementia look like?

Signs of the final stages of dementia include some of the following: Being unable to move around on one’s own. Being unable to speak or make oneself understood. Eating problems such as difficulty swallowing.

Does dementia cause a blank stare?

Confusion and delusions can be features of dementia such as Alzheimer disease or dementia due to other causes. A blank stare can accompany certain psychological conditions or can be present with some seizure disorders, Talk to your doctor any time you are experiencing worrisome symptoms.

    What not to say to a dementia patient?

    Editor’s note: This blog post originally appeared on Huffington Post Yesterday afternoon, I walked into the spacious room belonging to Mary, a woman with dementia who has few visitors and with whom I’ve volunteered to spend a little time every week. I greeted her, complimented her on her beautiful turquoise sweater, and shook her hand.

    • Then I sat down at her little table that was overflowing with books, photographs, the newspaper and other items she wants to keep close at hand.
    • I started off by picking up a small framed photo of Mary with her husband and three children – two sons and a daughter.
    • Tell me about your daughter,” I said, using an open-ended question because they have no right or wrong answers.

    That’s a tip I picked up from The Best Friends Approach to Alzheimer’s Care by Virginia Bell and David Troxell. “Oh, her name is Connie,” she told me. “She has four children – two boys and two girls.” She continued, giving me several details about Connie and her family.

    I then picked up a photograph of Mary and her twin sister, Bernice, and she told me about how they took piano lessons together when they were children. After a few minutes, I asked her if her daughter ever played a musical instrument. “I don’t have a daughter,” she said matter of factly. “Oh,” I countered, picking up the family photo again and holding it out for her to see.

    “You just told me you have a daughter. Here she is.” Mary’s face fell and she said very quietly, “I guess I do have a daughter.” I immediately felt sorry for her embarrassment and was disgusted with myself for having pointed out her mistake. I realized I’d just broken one of the cardinal rules for interacting with a person who has dementia.

    1. I’d just read it in The Best Friend’s Approach that very morning: “Let the person save face.” When relating to a person with Alzheimer’s, there are many guidelines to follow.
    2. I’m going to discuss five of the most basic ones here: 1) Don’t tell them they are wrong about something, 2) Don’t argue with them, 3) Don’t ask if they remember something, 4) Don’t remind them that their spouse, parent or other loved one is dead, and 5) Don’t bring up topics that may upset them.

    Don’t Tell Them They’re Wrong About Something : To let the person save face, it’s best not to contradict or correct them if they say something wrong. There’s no good reason to do that. If they’re alert enough, they’ll realize they made a mistake and feel bad about it.

    • Even if they don’t understand their error, correcting them may embarrass or be otherwise unpleasant for them.
    • Don’t Argue With the Person: It’s never a good idea to argue with a person who has dementia.
    • First of all, you can’t win.
    • And second, it will probably upset them or even make them angry.
    • I learned a long time ago, when caring for my beloved Romanian soul mate, Ed, the best thing to do is simply change the subject – preferably to something pleasant that will immediately catch their attention.

    That way, they’ll likely forget all about the disagreement. Don’t Ask if They Remember Something: When talking with a person who has Alzheimer’s, it’s so tempting to ask them if they remember some person or event. “What did you have for lunch?” “What did you do this morning?” “Do you remember that we had candy bars when I visited last week?” “This is David.

    Do you remember him?” Of course they don’t remember. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have a diagnosis of dementia. It could embarrass or frustrate them if they don’t remember. It’s better to say, “I remember that we had candy the last time I was here. It was delicious.” Don’t Remind the Person that a Loved One Is Dead : It’s not uncommon for people with dementia to believe their deceased spouse, parent or other loved one is still alive.

    They may be confused or feel hurt that the person doesn’t come to visit. If you inform them that the person is dead, they might not believe it and become angry with you. If they do believe you they’ll probably be very upset by the news. What’s more, they’re likely to soon forget what you said and go back to believing their loved one is still alive.

    An exception to this guideline is if they ask you if the person is gone. Then it’s wise to give them an honest answer, even if they will soon forget it, and then go on to some other topic. Don’t Bring up Other Topics That May Upset Them: There’s no reason to bring up topics you know may upset your loved one.

    If you don’t see eye-to eye on politics, for example, don’t even bring it up. It may just kindle an argument, which goes again the second guideline above. You won’t prevail and it’s just likely to cause them anger and/or frustration. So there you go. A few guidelines for visiting.

    What are the first signs of personality changes in dementia patients?

    Dementia and mood, personality or behaviour changes – Everyone becomes sad or moody from time to time. Someone with dementia can have rapid mood swings, for no apparent reason. They can become confused, suspicious or withdrawn. Some can become disinhibited or more outgoing.

    Asked By: Douglas Price Date: created: May 22 2024

    Do dementia patients obsess

    Answered By: Tyler Brooks Date: created: May 25 2024

    Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a disorder characterized by obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors. It’s not uncommon to see this challenging behavior in certain types of dementia such as frontotemporal dementia, Huntington’s disease, and progressive supranuclear palsy.

    Is looking after someone with dementia stressed?

    Alzheimer’s caregivers frequently report experiencing high levels of stress. It can be overwhelming to take care of a loved one with Alzheimer’s or other dementia, but too much stress can be harmful to both of you.

    What triggers dementia to get worse?

    1. Unhealthy Eating Habits – Overeating is an issue for seniors with dementia, especially those who consume a lot of junk food to handle the mental impact of the condition. Promote healthy eating habits, including a nutritious diet full of fruits, vegetables, fatty fish, and lean meats.

    Can you see dementia in the eyes?

    How Are Neurological Diseases Connected to the Eye? – Research shows that diseases and conditions of the brain can also affect the eyes because the optic nerve and retina are actually brain tissue that extends outside the brain case. Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, which are caused by damage to brain cells, both appear to have effects on the retina.

    How does a dementia patient see the world?

    How can dementia affect perception? Dementia can interrupt or slow this process down, which changes how a person understands the world around them. Damage to the eyes or parts of the brain may cause misperceptions, misidentifications, hallucinations, delusions and time-shifting.

    Asked By: Joseph Russell Date: created: May 07 2024

    What eye trick helps dementia

    Answered By: Gerld Hall Date: created: May 09 2024

    Moving your eyes from side to side can help improve the accuracy of your memory. That’s according to psychologists Andrew Parker and Neil Dagnall, who say the beneficial effect could be related to sideways eye movements increasing interactive neural activity across the front of the two brain hemispheres.

    1. One hundred and two participants listened to 150 words, organised into ten themes (e.g.
    2. Types of vehicle), read by a male voice.
    3. Next, 34 of these participants moved their eyes left and right in time with a horizontal target for thirty seconds ( saccadic eye movements ); 34 participants moved their eyes up and down in time with a vertical target; the remaining participants stared straight ahead, focussed on a stationary target.

    After the eye movements, all the participants listened to a mixture of words: 40 they’d heard before, 40 completely unrelated new words, and 10 words that were new but which matched one of the original themes. In each case the participants had to say which words they’d heard before, and which were new.

    The participants who’d performed sideways eye movements performed better in all respects than the others: they correctly recognised more of the old words as old, and more of the new words as new. Crucially, they were fooled less often by the new words whose meaning matched one of the original themes – that is they correctly recognised more of them as new.

    This is important because mistakenly identifying one of these ‘lures’ as an old word is taken as a laboratory measure of false memory. The performance of the participants who moved their eyes vertically, or who stared ahead, did not differ from each other.

    Asked By: Geoffrey Jenkins Date: created: Jun 25 2024

    What does Stage 7 dementia look like

    Answered By: Patrick Sanders Date: created: Jun 27 2024

    Stage seven is the final stage of the dementia progression. At this stage, most people will have no ability to speak or communicate. They will require assistance with most daily activities including walking, dressing, bathing, and toileting. This stage requires 24-hour care and assistance.

    What is Stage 4 dementia like?

    Dementia Stages in the Reisberg Scale –

    Stage 1 – No Cognitive Decline: During stage 1 there is no noticeable cognitive impairment. Stage 2 – Very Mild Cognitive Decline: A very mild decline will begin to be noticeable. A person in stage 2 may have slight problems with memory that may be attributed to aging. It is unlikely that dementia would be diagnosed at this stage. Stage 3 – Mild Cognitive Decline: Loved ones and health care providers might begin to notice a mild decline in cognitive functions, including trouble with focusing, working, or organizing. This stage usually occurs approximately 7 years before the onset of dementia. Stage 4 – Moderate Cognitive Decline: People with dementia in stage 4 will have obvious difficulty with problem-solving, remembering names and details, and may withdraw socially as new situations and places are challenging to them. A doctor will be able to diagnose dementia at this stage, which usually lasts about 2 years. Stage 5 – Moderately-Severe Cognitive Decline: During this stage of dementia, there are many noticeable declines in function, and the person will require some assistance with the activities of daily living. Memory is often quite impaired. Stage 6 – Severe Cognitive Decline: During this stage, the person will require assistance to complete most activities of daily living, and may begin experiencing difficulty with speech or incontinence. Personality changes, including agitation and delusions, are quite apparent. Stage 7 – Very Severe Cognitive Decline: In this stage of dementia, persons have lost the ability to walk and communicate, requiring assistance with all activities.

    Asked By: William Baker Date: created: Dec 08 2023

    At what stage of dementia does confabulation occur

    Answered By: Xavier Flores Date: created: Dec 10 2023

    No one’s memory is 100% percent accurate, but some people make many memory errors. They believe in the accuracy of these faulty memories and can be convincing when talking about them. This is what scientists call confabulation. Some brain conditions can cause these errors in memory.

    • Confabulations are usually autobiographical, involving people misremembering their own experiences.
    • Sometimes they place experiences in the wrong time or place.
    • They may wrongly recall other details, large or small.
    • Occasionally confabulations have little basis in reality.
    • Details can be drawn from movies, television, and overheard conversations.

    Of course, people with no brain disorders can have faulty memories. Normal mistakes in memory become confabulation when people remember false information in vivid detail, often claiming to relive the event. They may exhibit genuine emotions, such as grieving over a friend who has not died.

    1. Listeners often believe what they are hearing is true.
    2. Confabulation is not lying.
    3. Confabulation differs from other forms of falsehood.
    4. Confabulators have no reason to tell a lie and don’t realize that they’re not telling the truth.
    5. Their brains simply filled in some missing spots with false information.

    Some people have called this “honest lying”. Confabulations are not delusions, Both involve false beliefs, but confabulation almost always involves a memory, while delusions are less anchored in the real world. Delusions occur mostly in psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia,

    Confabulation is more common in brain disorders such as dementia, Confabulations can be either provoked or spontaneous. They’re provoked if they occur in response to a question. The person may feel compelled to answer even if they don’t know what to say. They’re spontaneous if they’re offered voluntarily.

    Spontaneous confabulations are usually less believable and might be fantastic or bizarre. Confabulation is caused by brain damage or poor brain function, but researchers are unsure which parts of the brain are at fault. The frontal lobe or the basal forebrain may be involved.

    Confabulation occurs with several brain disorders. These are some of the most common. Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, Confabulation was first studied by a Russian psychiatrist, Sergeievich Korsakoff. He noticed that his clients who overused alcohol often had faulty memories. He gave his name to a condition that occurs with an alcohol use problem,

    Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome is caused by a vitamin B1 deficiency, Alzheimer’s disease, Those with Alzheimer’s disease experience a range of symptoms. Delusions, such as believing that someone is stealing from them, are common. Provoked confabulations are common in early Alzheimer’s.

    • Spontaneous confabulations can become a serious problem if the person with Alzheimer’s acts on their mistaken beliefs.
    • Traumatic brain injury.
    • A blow to the head can cause problems in thinking and memory.
    • Confabulation can be a special problem for those with traumatic brain injury,
    • They may misreport events leading up to the injury or make mistakes about other important details.

    Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, Exposure to alcohol in the womb can cause a person to have a variety of brain problems, including confabulation. Often those with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder are suggestible and eager to please. These characteristics can make them likely to create false memories.

    Minimizing distractionsAvoiding leading questionsAllowing extra time for processingReducing stressUsing simple languageChecking to see if they understand

    Some confabulators can be taught how to monitor themselves. Memory aids can help. They can keep memory diaries so they don’t feel pressure to remember everything. For the self. Confabulation performs several functions for those who do it:

    It lets them make sense of their situation.It enhances their sense of self.It makes them relevant in the world.

    For family members. Dealing with confabulation can make family members frustrated, angry, or sad. They should remember that their relative is not being untruthful on purpose. A support system is vital for those who confabulate. They may give inaccurate information in a variety of situations.

    When do dementia patients start wandering?

    It’s common for a person living with dementia to wander or become lost or confused about their location, and it can happen at any stage of the disease.